
The Grand Vizier's page

6 posts. Alias of Nerdtothe3rd.


I will look into the Shaman, I do like Witch hexes so that might be really fun.

They can be used by Players with GM permission. If the GM is playing a higher powered game they may allow it. I have seen some use the Advanced template or at least a version to help off set someone with poor dice rolls.

Basically just confirm its cool

Incase the link stopped I rolled 16,16,16,17,17,17

Tell me more, I know little to nothing of the Shaman

Yeah I know I can do anything with stats this good.
16 being the lowest can go anywhere. I honestly considered doing Elan shenanigans to get a +3 to all mental stats to get 20s to all mental stats. But I am not sure what to do beyond that.

A reincarnated Druid might be fun given the 16 base stats.

I also considered Arcanist putting the 17s in Int, Cha, and Dex and the 16s into the rest.

Ok so my group we roll for stats, my DM does not mind digital version so long as we provide proof of our roll and no editing done.

That was done a few minutes ago, with one of my fellow players confirming that I did not edit the numbers just cropped out the tabs.

With those stats, what would be best to play really. If you had those rolls what class would you pick and why?