Brellic |

I posted comments on the following topics during the round one playtest:
1. Intimidate should be a class skill for all Vigilantes. The reaction here was overwhelming and it was an easy fix. Probably just an oversight in the first place. Either way, 100% satisfied.
2. Warlocks should have some ability to cast in armor. The Caster's Defense talent takes care of this nicely, and doesn't feel like too much of a 'tax' since Combat Casting is an ability that an armored warlock would probably want anyway.
3. Silent Dispatch sets a terrible, terrible, rules precedent. We debated extensively whether or not a stealthy one-shot take down was 'combat' (and hence DC -10 to hear). Then someone pointed out that the description of the Perception skill doesn't mention 'combat', it says "Hear the sound of battle" and I don't think anyone would consider a stealthy takedown to be 'battle'. In any case, I'm actually not too worried: I talked this over with my group and we unanimously agreed to throw out this rule if it made the final cut.
4. Various issues with Mystic Bolt. The rules clarification is very welcome. Now that it functions like a light weapon that rapidly pops in and out of existence, it is much easier to tell which feats/modifiers apply to it an which one's don't.
Now only one two major issues remain:
By limiting it to a single damage type (and the warlock certainly does NOT have spare talents to take Mystic Bolt multiple times) the ability becomes useless depressingly often. Especially as the Vigilante starts building a reputation ("And remember, the Caustic Avenger is patrolling the streets, so keep your potions of Protection From Acid handy.") The damage should either be untyped, or they should be able to swap damage types at will.
The damage still seems low (and actually had its bonus damage nerfed 75% between the 1st and 2nd playtest). If you could use Power Attack or Deadly Aim with it, that would be one thing (but it's a light weapon and a touch attack, so those options are out). Being able to get the Vigilante's dex or int bonus to damage would work as well (is there is some way to do this that I've missed?). Arcane Striker is something, but 2d6+6 (1d6+3 base, +3 arcane strike, +1d6 arcane striker) at 12th level is pretty darn weak. Those touch attacks will probably hit, but unlike weapon attacks you still need to worry about SR.

Brellic |

Just a note, you no longer need to worry about SR.
Ah, you are correct. Supernatural vs spell-like. So that's good.
I'm still worried that mystic bolts would be essentially useless against a lot of the higher level-creatures you'd fight (or anything with even low-level protection spells) due to them being limited to a specific energy type.

Tuyena |

Tuyena wrote:Just a note, you no longer need to worry about SR.Ah, you are correct. Supernatural vs spell-like. So that's good.
I'm still worried that mystic bolts would be essentially useless against a lot of the higher level-creatures you'd fight (or anything with even low-level protection spells) due to them being limited to a specific energy type.
It still will be, just saying not because of spell resistance.
Take a look at my Warlock Mystic Bolt and Spell Progression thread.

Gisher |

Brellic wrote:Tuyena wrote:Just a note, you no longer need to worry about SR.Ah, you are correct. Supernatural vs spell-like. So that's good.
I'm still worried that mystic bolts would be essentially useless against a lot of the higher level-creatures you'd fight (or anything with even low-level protection spells) due to them being limited to a specific energy type.
It still will be, just saying not because of spell resistance.
Take a look at my Warlock Mystic Bolt and Spell Progression thread.

Zwordsman |
I've went through a lot of the feats and classes, (not traits but I generally dont play with them much )
I've not really seen anyway to boost mystic bolt other than the arcanestriker's stuff, and PBS' +1.
It's very much the "spam shooting" style of DBZ.
There might be a feat in the book that lets you "cluster shot" with mystic bolts though.
Currently resistance is a pretty strong problem. Which dosn't happen too much to generic humanoids (sans spell enhancments which are a thing) but if your in a monster heavy game everything has something

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Or certain classes just bone you, a 10th level Warlock v a 10th level Archer Inquisitor is a sad sad faceroll. AS A CLASS they can simply turn on Fast Healing and Energy Resistence. They dont even need to specifically prepare for the Warlock. Then the Warlock dies the next round. Any humanoid or monster can be an inquisitor.