Star Wars: The Force Awakens


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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Krensky wrote:
And yet armor was quite popular with Jedi before the Ruusan Reformation.


There's always one. I am literally, respectfully face palming.

My issue with the Ruusan Reformation was it was introduced in the Star Wars timeline in order to explain several differences between the Old Republic as presented in the comics, and the Republic which appeared in the Prequel Trilogy which by definition was canon.

In brief, the Ruusan Reformation in which the Republic is reorganized following the already established defeat of the Sith a thousand years prior to the films at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan was invented by writers to give an alternate explanation of a SINGLE line Supreme Chancellor Palpatine made.

Some of it is jarring, and some of it could have been much better thought out, almost all of it was unnecessary.

gah, it was such a throw away line I didn't even remember it. On the other hand, I don't remember my Jedi in Kotor running around in armour either.

Sovereign Court

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Black Dougal wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Krensky wrote:
And yet armor was quite popular with Jedi before the Ruusan Reformation.


There's always one. I am literally, respectfully face palming.

My issue with the Ruusan Reformation was it was introduced in the Star Wars timeline in order to explain several differences between the Old Republic as presented in the comics, and the Republic which appeared in the Prequel Trilogy which by definition was canon.

In brief, the Ruusan Reformation in which the Republic is reorganized following the already established defeat of the Sith a thousand years prior to the films at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan was invented by writers to give an alternate explanation of a SINGLE line Supreme Chancellor Palpatine made.

Some of it is jarring, and some of it could have been much better thought out, almost all of it was unnecessary.

gah, it was such a throw away line I didn't even remember it. On the other hand, I don't remember my Jedi in Kotor running around in armour either.

KOTOR 2 though...

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Doomed Hero wrote:

A few things I can't quite wrap my head around:

1) The riot baton. It's awesome, but why the hell would it be needed? If storm troopers wanted to quell riots or take prisoners, why wouldn't they just use the Stun setting on their blasters? Remember those weird blue circle-waves they knocked out Leia with in the first few minutes of A New Hope? They all have those. We've never seen them use them since. "Oh, dude's got a g%*+*@n lightsaber! Better stay the hell away and switch to blue-ring knockouty wave." Nope. "Dude's got a g+!#!$n lightsaber! Better hit him with my twirly stick."

For a brutal regime like the Empire or First Order, there may well be a difference in preferred tools for capturing high value targets safely and making an impression on lower value targets without just killing them

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Spoilery but roflmto funny

Dark Archive

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The Force Awakens to the tune of $32.1 Million in China.

And since its Chinese we all know they will need more later.

I'm part Asian, in the by laws on the forum I am allowed to make Chinese food puns right?

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I'm part Asian, in the by laws on the forum I am allowed to make Chinese food puns right?

Works for me grass smoker grasshopper.

Liberty's Edge

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Hama wrote:
Black Dougal wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Krensky wrote:
And yet armor was quite popular with Jedi before the Ruusan Reformation.


There's always one. I am literally, respectfully face palming.

My issue with the Ruusan Reformation was it was introduced in the Star Wars timeline in order to explain several differences between the Old Republic as presented in the comics, and the Republic which appeared in the Prequel Trilogy which by definition was canon.

In brief, the Ruusan Reformation in which the Republic is reorganized following the already established defeat of the Sith a thousand years prior to the films at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan was invented by writers to give an alternate explanation of a SINGLE line Supreme Chancellor Palpatine made.

Some of it is jarring, and some of it could have been much better thought out, almost all of it was unnecessary.

gah, it was such a throw away line I didn't even remember it. On the other hand, I don't remember my Jedi in Kotor running around in armour either.
KOTOR 2 though...

And ToR, especially back when they had strong visual styles to the classes.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Doomed Hero wrote:

A few things I can't quite wrap my head around:

1) The riot baton. It's awesome, but why the hell would it be needed? If storm troopers wanted to quell riots or take prisoners, why wouldn't they just use the Stun setting on their blasters? Remember those weird blue circle-waves they knocked out Leia with in the first few minutes of A New Hope? They all have those. We've never seen them use them since. "Oh, dude's got a g@*~&~n lightsaber! Better stay the hell away and switch to blue-ring knockouty wave." Nope. "Dude's got a g+~%!$n lightsaber! Better hit him with my twirly stick."

2) Starkiller Base. Lets assume the second shot had worked just like the first one did. Now what? The sun (i.e. their ammunition) is gone. Were they just going to slowly tractor-beam the planet behind a few dozen star destroyers toward the next star? Does the planet have some kind of hyperdrive? How fast can it make the Kessel Run?

3) The New Order's complete tactical stupidity. So you have a fully armed and operational super-battle station. You are about to fire it and paint the biggest target in history on your planet-base. Wouldn't having a dress parade of all your military forces right on top of the main gun be a really bad idea? What are all those troops supposed to do when the Resistance armada comes out of hyperspace with guns blazing? Why the hell wouldn't they get absolutely everyone they could off-planet? Maybe even to the next planet over, waiting? In ships? Imagine five or six star destroyers hiding behind a nearby planet and about a 1000 TIE fighters ready to flank the Resistance fleet? Why didn't this happen? Why was the New Order caught with their pants down when they were the ones who picked the fight? Does Snoke have brain damage from whatever gave him all the scars on his head?

1) I can explain why they don't use the Stun Setting against Lightsaber wielders. Near the end of Season 5 of Clone Wars, the Clone troopers attempt to use that setting against a Jedi. The blue rings don't deflect, but if struck by a light saber do dissipate harmlessly.

Now, as to why they would carry shields and Stun Batons? Because it looks rad as hell. It's a movie, be cool.

2) Presumably there was a plan to move the Star Killer Base through space, but it was destroyed before it could be used. So, it was never brought up, because it wasn't relevant at all to the plot. Aka: Nothing stops you from filling in the blank spaces with your imagination. It's a movie, be cool.

3) Blowing up the Republic, and destroying the Resistance were supposed to be a HUGE propaganda coup for the First Order. On top of that they truly believed their Invincible Super Weapon was Invincible. You know, like people thought the Titanic was Unsinkable. They had a planetary Shield that would block anything moving slower than Light Speed, which means that someone would have to travel through hyperspace to get below the shield. NOBODY IS CRAZY ENOUGH TO DO THAT, THE ODDS AGAINST IT ARE... Well, they are very high. Essentially they weren't counting on Han Solo to do a plan so crazy that it just might work. All of this was in the movie though. These soldiers, were supposed to witness the dawn of a New Empire. Instead, they mostly got blown up on the very superweapon they thought would destroy all their enemies.
Now, I don't know if you remember a plucky band of Rebels from A New Hope, who managed to blow up what the Empire assumed was an Invincible superweapon, probably staffed by millions of Storm Troopers. But that did not spell the end of the Empire, in fact the Empire got so mad it Struck Back. So, presumably the First Order, which is a fairly powerful political entity in the Galaxy will do the same because the New Republic just lost the Senate, and will likely be scrambling. However the leadership of the Empire seems to be entirely in tact.

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The First Order lost a lot of resources with the destruction of the latest superweapon, but that isn't anywhere near as much as the Republic lost with the destruction of multiple planets.

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Doomed Hero wrote:

A few things I can't quite wrap my head around:

1) The riot baton. It's awesome, but why the hell would it be needed? If storm troopers wanted to quell riots or take prisoners, why wouldn't they just use the Stun setting on their blasters? Remember those weird blue circle-waves they knocked out Leia with in the first few minutes of A New Hope? They all have those. We've never seen them use them since. "Oh, dude's got a g!&@%+n lightsaber! Better stay the hell away and switch to blue-ring knockouty wave." Nope. "Dude's got a g*+!#@n lightsaber! Better hit him with my twirly stick."

2) Starkiller Base. Lets assume the second shot had worked just like the first one did. Now what? The sun (i.e. their ammunition) is gone. Were they just going to slowly tractor-beam the planet behind a few dozen star destroyers toward the next star? Does the planet have some kind of hyperdrive? How fast can it make the Kessel Run?

1) Remember... anyone you stun unconscious, you have to carry. It's a mistake to make many assumptions based on how little we saw of the baton. Did it tase people? did it knock them out? was the charge just to repel other energy weapons? Or did it just let you hurt and disable people without completely incapacitating them, then letting them walk themselves to their cell?

2) an important thing that people keep forgetting... Starkiller DESTROYS MULTIPLE Planets with each shot!!! Nuclear missles by contrast destroy 'cities'... This destroys PLANETS.

It's really an awesome 'endgame' weapon. In shot one, they wipe out the republic... in shot two, they wipe out the resistance.

What do they NEED it for after that? Certainly the Death Star was able to fly around from planet to planet... maybe Starkiller could too. I don't know. Seems unlikely. A better reality is that it's the nuclear option. Once you use it, you write it of. With no sun they hop on a ship and go to the next planet base.

There's nothing to say that they ever planned on using it AFTER they destroyed all their enemies.

A better point is that it's REALLY impractical. On one level, it's a ridiculous amount cash to build... and on the other, every planet they destroy is a waste of resources they could be using. It's a very chaotic/scorched earth policy going on. They really aren't GAINING anything by destroying planets.

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This movie is just a total rip off of John Carter. Come up with something original guys.

Dark Archive

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Child of the Hydra wrote:
This movie is just a total rip off

Says the man named after 2/5 'ths of Tiamat.


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Wait, there are people who saw John Carter?

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Grey Lensman wrote:
Wait, there are people who saw John Carter?

Hell yeah.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

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Grey Lensman wrote:
Wait, there are people who saw John Carter?

I quite liked it, but that's another thread.

Dark Archive

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Star Wars

Return of the Jedi

JJ Abrams TCA conference today wrote:
“I will say that it seems preposterous and wrong that the main character of the movie is not well represented in what is clearly a huge piece of the Star Wars world in terms of merchandising.” ... “it doesn’t quite make sense why she wouldn’t be there. She’s somewhat important in the story.”

For insight, here's a basic breakdown on what toys are being made right now.

Boy, I sure did enjoy that movie starring BB-8 and Kylo Ren.

Did someone already threaten lawsuits or something? That link only gets me a blank page.

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Huh. Maybe the tweet got deleted? Or I just mucked up the link somehow. Let me check.

Here's one link that might work.

Here's another (the tweet is in the article).

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That is a little easier. But I'm not surprised that The On-Screen Villain (With The Badass Costume!) and The Adorable Mascot seem to have the most stuff. One of the commenters asked if Darth Maul had the most toys when The Phantom Menace was marketed and consensus seems to be yes. Rey does seem to have more toys than either Poe or Finn as well.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Tie ins are out of control

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I can't help but wonder about the accuracy of the data...

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


I preferred the Defender myself.

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Kryzbyn wrote:


I preferred the Defender myself.

I remember the Tie Fighter game, and if it is possible for a thing to be a Mary Sue, the defender is probably it. I've played games with cheat codes that seemed less unfair than that thing.

Scarab Sages

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Grey Lensman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:


I preferred the Defender myself.

I remember the Tie Fighter game, and if it is possible for a thing to be a Mary Sue, the defender is probably it. I've played games with cheat codes that seemed less unfair than that thing.

It's still weaker than a B-wing. If you really want OP, fly the missile boat.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Heaven forbid the Empire get a fighter with shields and a hyper drive...

TIE D was quick though!

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Kryzbyn wrote:

Heaven forbid the Empire get a fighter with shields and a hyper drive...

TIE D was quick though!

More like it felt like it was the best at everything at the same time - like taking a modern jet back to the 'jets are new tech' era and playing against those.

But it's no longer canon now.

Dark Archive

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The Force Awakens has made $52.6 million in a mere two days in China. The movie’s Saturday and Sunday grosses have set single-day records for those two days of the week, meaning that the film is already off to a great start in the Middle Kingdom.

In North America, The Force Awakens has protected its title as the Number 1 movie against The Revenant which came up to the number 2 spot.

I bet Leo is a little chaffed at being number 2 once in his life.

Dark Archive

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
General Hux‘s father was a highly placed official in the Imperial Academy of old. Hux’s experiences in warfare are entirely theoretical. He is considered a man of science and technology, skeptical on Kylo Ren’s mystics. Hux continues to use the stormtrooper training regimen pioneered by his father.

We like to conduct The Tests early in the life cycle

Dark Archive

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Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun wrote:
We like to conduct The Tests early in the life cycle

As it speeds up the retention of important skills useful to The Empire

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Grey Lensman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:


I preferred the Defender myself.

I remember the Tie Fighter game, and if it is possible for a thing to be a Mary Sue, the defender is probably it. I've played games with cheat codes that seemed less unfair than that thing.

love shooting them down in my y wing.

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I always found it easier to ram things in a Y-wing than actually shoot them.

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Lemmy wrote:
I can't help but wonder about the accuracy of the data...

Agreed. I know that when I bought 3.75 figures for the nephews, the only two I could grab was Rey and Kylo. (Kylo was REALLY hard to get a hold off so I snapped him up.) The only other 'new' character was Rey so I begrudgingly bought her. I looked all over for a finn... but never did find him before Christmas.

Rey however was everywhere.

This reminds me of the crying that everyone did about how there were no Black Widow figures during the Avengers 2 movie... Where as, I already owned A marvel universe one... the avengers light up base one... the Scarlet johanson one... 3 of the Avenger's assembled ones.. Not even counting the multipacks that she was a part of.

If people wanted to find a 3.75 Black Widow... JUST LOOK AROUND. They were shelf warming all over the place. There were HUNDREDS of them on a simple Ebay search.

Just because someone SAYS a character isn't getting represented... doesn't mean they AREN'T... just look around and make your own deductions.

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Hoo boy. You know, right after writing a certain post responding to a lot of stuff, I went outside to put the chickens up. And I thought. And I thought, "You know, KC," because I was thinking to myself, "this is one thread I don't think I want to get locked."

There's a lot to say on the issue of gendered toys, but I'm going to spare this thread The Talk. It won't end well otherwise. We all know it won't. So though it was a hard will save to make...

*Deletes post*

...this is probably for the best.

This is a tenuous ceasefire, by the way. I can't promise I'll be able to resist if others try to keep the argument going. But really, it'd be best for this thread if we just didn't.

Liberty's Edge

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Agreed KC. I think conversation about Rey appearing or not in games etc. is best moved to its own thread if necessay. I'd also submit that the discussions about which ship in a video game is best should be taken elsewhere as well.

Let's get back to talking about the movie ...

Sovereign Court

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I never understood grown people who bought toys and kept them in their wrappers.

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phantom1592 wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
I can't help but wonder about the accuracy of the data...

Agreed. I know that when I bought 3.75 figures for the nephews, the only two I could grab was Rey and Kylo. (Kylo was REALLY hard to get a hold off so I snapped him up.) The only other 'new' character was Rey so I begrudgingly bought her. I looked all over for a finn... but never did find him before Christmas.

Rey however was everywhere.

This reminds me of the crying that everyone did about how there were no Black Widow figures during the Avengers 2 movie... Where as, I already owned A marvel universe one... the avengers light up base one... the Scarlet johanson one... 3 of the Avenger's assembled ones.. Not even counting the multipacks that she was a part of.

If people wanted to find a 3.75 Black Widow... JUST LOOK AROUND. They were shelf warming all over the place. There were HUNDREDS of them on a simple Ebay search.

Just because someone SAYS a character isn't getting represented... doesn't mean they AREN'T... just look around and make your own deductions.

I think you are getting your movies confused - she wasn't very well represented in toys in avengers 1, not 2 iirc. And I think it was a specific type of toy, the dress-up one. Which was already facing problems because she (at the time) had a pair of guns as a iconic weapons. This is of course, assuming I am remembering things right.

Freehold DM wrote:
phantom1592 wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
I can't help but wonder about the accuracy of the data...

Agreed. I know that when I bought 3.75 figures for the nephews, the only two I could grab was Rey and Kylo. (Kylo was REALLY hard to get a hold off so I snapped him up.) The only other 'new' character was Rey so I begrudgingly bought her. I looked all over for a finn... but never did find him before Christmas.

Rey however was everywhere.

This reminds me of the crying that everyone did about how there were no Black Widow figures during the Avengers 2 movie... Where as, I already owned A marvel universe one... the avengers light up base one... the Scarlet johanson one... 3 of the Avenger's assembled ones.. Not even counting the multipacks that she was a part of.

If people wanted to find a 3.75 Black Widow... JUST LOOK AROUND. They were shelf warming all over the place. There were HUNDREDS of them on a simple Ebay search.

Just because someone SAYS a character isn't getting represented... doesn't mean they AREN'T... just look around and make your own deductions.

I think you are getting your movies confused - she wasn't very well represented in toys in avengers 1, not 2 iirc. And I think it was a specific type of toy, the dress-up one. Which was already facing problems because she (at the time) had a pair of guns as a iconic weapons. This is of course, assuming I am remembering things right.

I know one of the big outcries for the Avengers 2 toys was that the playset for the big motorcycle chase scene had Cap but not Black Widow, even though that was her big scene in the movie.

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phantom1592 wrote:

Add in that 1) Jedi DO exist again. Luke had a training facility and was training jedi for how long? 30 years have passed since ROTJ, are we to assume that NOBODY ever graduated from his school?

Unless Episode 8 shows otherwise I'll have to assume that Luke was a complete failure as a Jedi teacher, otherwise it would have been one of his students instead of Rey facing him on that mountain.

And that's the real downer about Seven. It undid the happy ending for all of the main characters of 4-6, as it seems the past three decades have been miserable for just about everyone, Luke failed at his school, (although setting it in an ancient Dark Side temple might have been his first greatest mistake), Solo failed in his marriage, lost his ship for over three decades, and the very New Republic that Leia helped found, turned on her. and Chewbacca will never be able to redeem his life-debt.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hama wrote:
I never understood grown people who bought toys and kept them in their wrappers.

as opposed to grown people who buy toys, take them out and SMASH them together in EPIC COSMIC BATTLES!

*whistles innocently*

Liberty's Edge

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
phantom1592 wrote:

Add in that 1) Jedi DO exist again. Luke had a training facility and was training jedi for how long? 30 years have passed since ROTJ, are we to assume that NOBODY ever graduated from his school?

Unless Episode 8 shows otherwise I'll have to assume that Luke was a complete failure as a Jedi teacher, otherwise it would have been one of his students instead of Rey facing him on that mountain.

And that's the real downer about Seven. It undid the happy ending for all of the main characters of 4-6, as it seems the past three decades have been miserable for just about everyone, Luke failed at his school, (although setting it in an ancient Dark Side temple might have been his first greatest mistake), Solo failed in his marriage, lost his ship for over three decades, and the very New Republic that Leia helped found, turned on her. and Chewbacca will never be able to redeem his life-debt.

There's nothing to suggest Luke located his school in an ancient Dark Side temple. I don't think the movie ever says where it was located in fact. The movie DOES mention that after the events of Return of the Jedi, Luke left in search of ancient Jedi temples, though no reason was given.

There's also no reason to think he failed as a teacher. It's very possible that Ben's/Kylo Ren's betrayal happened to Luke's first 'class' as it were. It actually sounds like Luke established his school and then, only a few years in, Ben/Kylo was seduced by the dark side and, along with his Knights of Ren, slaughtered all of the students (or all but one, since it's quite likely someone managed to get one young student in particular away in time ...) . That would also explain why there are no new young jedi who graduated from the school ...

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Marc Radle wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
phantom1592 wrote:

Add in that 1) Jedi DO exist again. Luke had a training facility and was training jedi for how long? 30 years have passed since ROTJ, are we to assume that NOBODY ever graduated from his school?

Unless Episode 8 shows otherwise I'll have to assume that Luke was a complete failure as a Jedi teacher, otherwise it would have been one of his students instead of Rey facing him on that mountain.

And that's the real downer about Seven. It undid the happy ending for all of the main characters of 4-6, as it seems the past three decades have been miserable for just about everyone, Luke failed at his school, (although setting it in an ancient Dark Side temple might have been his first greatest mistake), Solo failed in his marriage, lost his ship for over three decades, and the very New Republic that Leia helped found, turned on her. and Chewbacca will never be able to redeem his life-debt.

There's nothing to suggest Luke located his school in an ancient Dark Side temple. I don't think the movie ever says where it was located in fact. The movie DOES mention that after the events of Return of the Jedi, Luke left in search of ancient Jedi temples, though no reason was given.

There's also no reason to think he failed as a teacher. It's very possible that Ben's/Kylo Ren's betrayal happened to Luke's firs 'class' as it were. It actually sounds like Luke established his school and then, only a few years in, Ben's/Kylo was seduced by the dark side and, along with his Knights of Ren, slaughtered all (or almost all?) of the students. That would also explain why there are no new young jedi who graduated from the school ...

There is no evidence of even one active Jedi from Luke's school, if there was, they'd have been at the Resistance when they were needed, they'd be confronting our young Vader wannabe and his master. It seems very clear that Luke is considered once again the last fully realised Jedi.

Jedi training is a process of decades, so it's very unlikely that there was more than one generation under Luke's tutelage.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I think you are getting your movies confused - she wasn't very well represented in toys in avengers 1, not 2 iirc. And I think it was a specific type of toy, the dress-up one. Which was already facing problems because she (at the time) had a pair of guns as a iconic weapons. This is of course, assuming I am remembering things right.

I remember that happening in Avengers 1 I really didn't see many BW merchandises at the time...

But it really doesn't seem to be the case with TFA. When I bought toys for my nephew and niece, I could see Kylo Ren and Rey everywhere! Finn and Poe were harder to find, but they were there.

People are way too eager to shout accusations of bigotry these days...

Sovereign Court

Well to be honest that was always how I saw things progressing.

Lemmy wrote:

People are way too eager to shout accusations of bigotry these days...

Just as equally there are other people who will shout about how bigotry doesn't exist and has never existed and will never exist.

This isn't the thread for that discussion though.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:

There is no evidence of even one active Jedi from Luke's school, if there was, they'd have been at the Resistance when they were needed, they'd be confronting our young Vader wannabe and his master. It seems very clear that Luke is considered once again the last fully realised Jedi.

Like Yoda and Obi-wan?

I'm not saying there ARE Jedi around... it's very real possibility there aren't. But they could also be part of this search to find Luke or be off world on another mission... or just staying out of wars like Jedi are supposed to do...

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:

Jedi training is a process of decades, so it's very unlikely that there was more than one generation under Luke's tutelage.

Except for Luke... who was trained in a matter of weeks. Honestly, that was one of the things that bugged me about the OT and made me REALLY enjoy TPM. We used to joke around that Luke was a very poor Jedi. He trained for a couple weeks... left his training... Came back just as his master was dying.

Yoda SAID he was a jedi knight, but then died immediately afterwards. Soooooo it always had a 'Ehhhh close enough' kind of promotion.

However NONE of that ever gave him the right to call himself a 'Jedi MASTER'.. He was entirely unprepared for that kind of responsibility or training. He was a knight by loophole and depending on the storyline found a few holocrons... which is esstentially leading a univereity by watching an old video of a teacher.

The idea that he failed utterly?? Not an awesome decision to go with, but REALLY easy to believe.

Scarab Sages

It's been confirmed as canon that Kylo Ren killed all the other students at Luke's school when he took his name. If there are other Jedi around, they were not trained by him.

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Realistically, I think that Kylo and Rey are so awesome at the Force because Abrams felt like he needed to "ramp up" the awesome for the new trilogy. That said, it's fun to imagine in-universe reasons. Like, maybe they're so good because there are only three Force users in the universe, so the Force works that much better for them. In Episode IV, you have Luke, and Vader, and Yoda, and the Emperor all running around doing stuff, so it was that much weaker -- they had a smaller piece of the pie. And in the prequels, Jedi get slaughtered easily because there were so many of them!

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The power of any given force user is a product of the inverse of the total number of force users?

No one told me balancing the force was balancing an equation? I'm just a guy with a glowy stick!

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