Sandslice |

No, because the "one card per type per check" rule also applies to powers. You can use a power once for each triggering event.
In this case, the check against the monster is the triggering event, so you can recharge one Divine or Ranged card to get +1d4 Magic/Divine for that check. If the monster has sequential checks (eg, Thurl and Inhaz,) you can do one for each check.

Sandslice |

The triggering event for that is defeating a monster on your turn, so each time you defeat a monster on your turn, you get a roll to see if you get another explore.
If this results in having multiple explores at the same time, you can still only use one (a general rule.)
Editing to be clear. This is a sample sequence.
1. I explore, defeat a monster, roll for another explore. I roll a 5 and get it.
2. I explore (using the power), defeat two monsters, get two rolls. I roll a 4 and 5 and get "both."
3. I explore (using the power again,) find and obtain a weapon.
4. I don't have the second explore from step 2; if I wish to continue my turn, I have to pay for an explore using one of my boons.

Hawkmoon269 |

To clarify a bit:
If a power says it may be used when something happens, you may use it every time that happens. Otherwise, a specific card’s power may only be used once per check or step.
Each player may activate any power no more than once during each step, other than cards that can be used each time something particular happens.
Remember that each player may not play more than 1 card of each type or use any 1 power more than once during each check, other than cards that can be used each time something particular happens.
So it isn't simply because the card limit applies to powers. Powers are specifically called out as only being usable once per step of the turn/encounter or per check (in case you aren't in an encounter).
Thus, Imrijka can only add 1d4 once per check. And she can only activate her exploring power as many times as that happens, since it is a power that may be used when a specific thing happens. Though remember, you can't bank multiple explorations. So, if on your turn, you explore and encounter a monster and that monster makes you summon and encounter another monster, even if you defeat both you only get to explore once.

Sandslice |

Sandslice wrote:Well, if it's your turn. You don't necessarily have to be in an explore step; effects like Detect Demon allow you to have encounters outside of an explore step.Yes you can have encounters outside of the explore step but I'm pretty sure you can only explore inside the explore step.
That is the case. What I meant by that is that you can gain the explore from an encounter outside the explore step. Using it (which you can only do on your turn) causes you to enter the explore step / sequence.

Hawkmoon269 |

Thanks for helping me clear that up. The 1d4 seems a bit poor then really. I'm struggling with a lot of Imrijka's combat checks.
Keep 2 things in mind.
1.) It works on any check to defeat a monster, not just combat checks.
2.) The traits it adds are pretty key too. It gives you the Magic trait. That helps her defeat all kinds of monsters that would otherwise be undefeated.
And if you upgrade to to "reveal" it is even better.

jones314 |

zeroth_hour wrote:I see where I'm mis-describing this --- I'm understanding "explore step" as "during your exploration" (as opposed to during the main phase of your turn.)Actually, you can't even use any explores you gain outside your explore phase.
Look at elcoderdude's link.
Just to be clear, if Imrijka at the start of her turn has to summon and encounter a monster and she defeats said monster, she can't gain a free explore because she's not in her exploration step. Only monsters defeated during her exploration step give her the chance for a free explore. It's true you can sometimes have encounters outside the exploration step that look like exploring but are not. But Imrijka's power says "explore again," not "encounter the next card at your location."

Sandslice |

Sandslice wrote:Just to be clear, if Imrijka at the start of her turn has to summon and encounter a monster and she defeats said monster, she can't gain a free explore because she's not in her exploration step.zeroth_hour wrote:I see where I'm mis-describing this --- I'm understanding "explore step" as "during your exploration" (as opposed to during the main phase of your turn.)Actually, you can't even use any explores you gain outside your explore phase.
Look at elcoderdude's link.
Actually, she gains it. She can't use it because she has two (the gained one, and the first explore of the turn) and can't use both --- and using one is using the first and therefore entering the main/explore phase of the turn. I don't think the distinction is ever useful, but saying she can't gain it outside of the main/explore phase is adding text to the card. :)

Vogrin Winterborn |

Chimpy wrote:Thanks for helping me clear that up. The 1d4 seems a bit poor then really. I'm struggling with a lot of Imrijka's combat checks.Keep 2 things in mind.
1.) It works on any check to defeat a monster, not just combat checks.
2.) The traits it adds are pretty key too. It gives you the Magic trait. That helps her defeat all kinds of monsters that would otherwise be undefeated.
And if you upgrade to to "reveal" it is even better.
Actually, it's better than that. It does not add a d4 for any check to DEFEAT a monster, it's added to ANY check against a monster.
That Con/Fort check before you act? Add a d4 to it.
That Knowledge check to get +5 on your check to defeat? Add a d4 to it.
That Dex check to avoid being moved to a different location? Yep, add a d4 to it.
This power makes Imjirika a great generalist - whatever checks the monster has, you have a shot of passing it. Combine it with Steal Soul (another d4 on all your checks) and maybe Arushalae's Gift, and you can be confident on things that you're not normally any good at.

Vogrin Winterborn |

Okay, Rebel. If and when we do Wrath, you're going to have to help me see how Imrijka is awesome. I was burned by her mediocre combat before, but I'm determined to make her work.
Strength based bows are her weapon of choice, but don't be afraid to go for melee weapons - she's only 1 point worse with them, and a good "discard to reroll" polearm is a nice insurance policy. She is very flexible that way - she can acquire and use pretty much any weapon in the game.
Her mysterious disc is also great insurance, if you have that set of cards.

Zenarius |

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:Okay, Rebel. If and when we do Wrath, you're going to have to help me see how Imrijka is awesome. I was burned by her mediocre combat before, but I'm determined to make her work.Strength based bows are her weapon of choice, but don't be afraid to go for melee weapons - she's only 1 point worse with them, and a good "discard to reroll" polearm is a nice insurance policy. She is very flexible that way - she can acquire and use pretty much any weapon in the game.
Her mysterious disc is also great insurance, if you have that set of cards.
Compound bow, marksman bow, glaive
Spells : flames of faithful, cure (one will do) and steal soul (as have most recommended threads).
Items: disk, fortune arrow, archer bracers
Blessings : Shelyn (awesome with her wisdom based skills)
Generally you'll need the best combat weapon you can find, then spam her primary ability to fight and get more explores. If you go cold iron, the examine power is amazing.