Blackpowder Witch |

Something just occurred to me. The Green Faith Marshal Inquisitor Archetype from the newish Heroes of the Wild splat is somewhat interesting since it seems to be tailored made to still be combinable with Sacred Huntsmaster for double treehugging flare. However using them both almost completely changes the identity of the class by loosing the bulk of Inquisitor's unique class features and could be considered to be a new class of it's own. They're no longer the Divine counterpart to Bard to go along with the Wizard/Cleric, Sorcerer/Oracle, Magus/Warpriest dynamic. They've switch sides to join the Nature Camp and became the Nature Bard to pair up with the Ranger, Hunter, and Druid. They get an Animal Companion, Hunter's fluff, Druid's Domain, Woodland Stride, and Bane becomes a variant of Ranger's Favored Enemy. All that would be left to convert this into a full alternate class would be to swap around some of it's spells.
Am I just blowing smoke here, or is anyone else seeing this?

EmberKin |

I like it. Seems like a very cool (Alt)class.
However Wild Step is such a crazy downgrade its not even funny. I mean really outside of Power of Nature (which doesnt even add to spells known just spell list) everything that GFW switches is a downgrade.
Agree'd. Love the fluff, but hate the crunch from Green Faith Marshal. Though getting the Eagle Domain may be worth it. Adding Fly shores up one of Inquisitor's greatest weaknesses. Also the Familiar Folio added some tricks that could be used with the Hawk familiar. For example giving it the Sage Archetype for a mini Bardic Knowledge or Mascot for more team synergy. Losing most of it's social steroids and Stalwart really is pretty damn painful.

Nathanael Love |

London Duke wrote:Agree'd. Love the fluff, but hate the crunch from Green Faith Marshal. Though getting the Eagle Domain may be worth it. Adding Fly shores up one of Inquisitor's greatest weaknesses. Also the Familiar Folio added some tricks that could be used with the Hawk familiar. For example giving it the Sage Archetype for a mini Bardic Knowledge or Mascot for more team synergy. Losing most of it's social steroids and Stalwart really is pretty damn painful.I like it. Seems like a very cool (Alt)class.
However Wild Step is such a crazy downgrade its not even funny. I mean really outside of Power of Nature (which doesnt even add to spells known just spell list) everything that GFW switches is a downgrade.
If I'm reading this right taking both archetypes if you took the Hawk familiar you'd get that plus an animal companion (who could use your teamwork feats). . .
That would let you set up the kind of characters from fiction with multiple loyal animal companions, right?

EmberKin |

If I'm reading this right taking both archetypes if you took the Hawk familiar you'd get that plus an animal companion (who could use your teamwork feats). . .
That would let you set up the kind of characters from fiction with multiple loyal animal companions, right?
Yes, you could get an Animal Companion plus an animal Familiar if you choose one of the Eagle/Crocodile/Monkey/Serpent/Frog Druid Domains. While not PFS legal, the Mauler Archetype lets your Familiar become a secondary combat pet. A small Inquisitor could also use a Mauler Hawk familiar as an airborne mount and let their regular animal companion as their main land mount.

Rawrsong |

Nathanael Love wrote:Yes, you could get an Animal Companion plus an animal Familiar if you choose one of the Eagle/Crocodile/Monkey/Serpent/Frog Druid Domains. While not PFS legal, the Mauler Archetype lets your Familiar become a secondary combat pet. A small Inquisitor could also use a Mauler Hawk familiar as an airborne mount and let their regular animal companion as their main land mount.If I'm reading this right taking both archetypes if you took the Hawk familiar you'd get that plus an animal companion (who could use your teamwork feats). . .
That would let you set up the kind of characters from fiction with multiple loyal animal companions, right?
I recently just finished up a mini-campaign using something like this combination to make a LvL 12 small Aasimar Inquisitor of the Eldest. To prevent combat getting cluttered with just my and my pets attack rolls, I talked my GM into letting me use the rules from Unchained for removing iterative attacks. All and all I had fun with the mounted archer build I came up with. We mostly just fluffed my mauler hawk's size changing off as it being a fey critter the Eldest sent me. With the pets and Animal Focus, I didn't really notice the lack of extra umph from Judgement but I was really missing Stalwart and the social boosts hat got swapped out and from Inquisitions/Infiltrator.

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While not PFS legal, the Mauler Archetype lets your Familiar become a secondary combat pet.
The Mauler is PFS legal, it is on pg 11.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio
Archetypes: all archetypes on pages 6–11 and 14 are legal for play,

EmberKin |

EmberKin wrote:While not PFS legal, the Mauler Archetype lets your Familiar become a secondary combat pet.The Mauler is PFS legal, it is on pg 11.
Additional Resources wrote:Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio
Archetypes: all archetypes on pages 6–11 and 14 are legal for play,
I meant Maulers combined with this build wasn't legal because in PFS you're only allowed 1 combat pet.

Nathanael Love |

I'm now playing a Green Faith Marshal with the Nature Domain and with the Druid Variant Multi Class from UC which will eventually let me net 3 pets (GF Marshal 1 at level, Cleric domain ability one at level -3, VMC Druid one that starts at level -6 then advances to level).
Building an entire pack of hyenas to help me out.

Physically Unfeasible |

You can get Heavy Armour without missing a feature with GFM, as it's the only Inquisitor archetype that trades Stalwart.
But it would seem slightly odd, flavour wise unless you really splashed out:
Be of druid faithWear non-druid armor
Also, the temptation to work from this combination as a homebrewed bard/inquisitor parallel is high.
Although, on the dynamics:
Wizard/Cleric/Druid; Bloodrager/Paladin/Ranger; Magus/Warpriest/Hunter Bard/Inquisitor/GFM,SH; Sorcerer/Oracle/????
Where does Shaman and Witch come in as well? The lack of a perfect line up is now bothering me, and that's before trying to cram in the occult lot.
I'm now playing a Green Faith Marshal with the Nature Domain and with the Druid Variant Multi Class from UC which will eventually let me net 3 pets (GF Marshal 1 at level, Cleric domain ability one at level -3, VMC Druid one that starts at level -6 then advances to level).
Please do tell on how it runs in the end! It sounds like fun. Though the VMC Druid starts at level -4, not 6.

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Secret Wizard wrote:You can get Heavy Armour without missing a feature with GFM, as it's the only Inquisitor archetype that trades Stalwart.But it would seem slightly odd, flavour wise unless you really splashed out:
Be of druid faith
Wear non-druid armor
It doesn't have to be. A dwarven GFM wearing stoneplate seems thematic and cool.

Nathanael Love |

Nathanael Love wrote:I'm now playing a Green Faith Marshal with the Nature Domain and with the Druid Variant Multi Class from UC which will eventually let me net 3 pets (GF Marshal 1 at level, Cleric domain ability one at level -3, VMC Druid one that starts at level -6 then advances to level).Please do tell on how it runs in the end! It sounds like fun. Though the VMC Druid starts at level -4, not 6.
Yeah, that's what I meant hah! I just remembered that it eventually switches to level as you progress. So far I am about to acquire my second next level so we will see if it works out as well as I am hoping.

Pixie, the Leng Queen |

Technically you have 1 pet.
All instances of an AC ability stacks together to determine the total effective druid level. Its much like a familiar, you can only have one unless you have an archetype that breaks thw rule like Packmaster.
The character's druid level. The druid's class levels stack with levels of any other classes that are entitled to an animal companion for the purpose of determining the companion's statistics.
So just get a super strong AC instead lol

M1k31 |
Except I have only one class. How can class levels of the same class stack with themselves?
magic....lets see... so that would make it what... like level 6 at level 4?
edit: where are you getting the level one pet? I'm only seeing the domain available to GFM... yet you said the domain netted you an animal at level 3.
Edit: nvm, that level one is from the other archetype.

Nathanael Love |

I would treat the AC stacking as the boon companion feat. The levels stack up to your character level. If you go over your character level, too bad.
Wellm, I cleared this with the GM for the game, the whole point was to build a character who had a pack of multiple companions.
Yes, it was one pet from VMC Druid, one from the Archetype, and one from the Animal Domain.

Quandary |

^ Sounds like you want Pack Lord Druid or Pack Master Hunter.
Honestly, with combining GFM w/ SH archetypes, the question is more what's the difference vs. Hunter? (that other Nature Bard)
Basically, it looks like the sole reason to go this way is if you prefer the Inquisitor base Spell List, everything else is worse?
And that is considering if you can't get the Inquisitor spells you want from a Domain ala Divine Hunter.
Honestly, if you're worshipping a Nature-themed Deity, I would expect Animal/Terrain Domains to be OK for VANILLA Inquisitors to begin with, so it's not adding that much in all honesty... Clearly a Divine Hunter should have no problem taking Animal/Terrain Domains as they certainly are a Nature-themed Class.
Wild Lore and Wild Step could certainly have been beefed up. Nature's Ally is fine.
Wild Lore could also include Wild Empathy and Hunter/Ranger Track bonus (or just also apply the WIS bonus to Survival). +Swift Tracker?
Wild Step is a weak trade for Stalwart... Adding Animal Focus seems legit.
You are also not getting Nature Training, i.e. qualification for Companion Feats, which you should.
Honestly I personally prefer the Inquisitor spell list, so should be prime candidate for this Archetype combo,
but without the minor upgrades, it just doesn't seem like remotely worth it...
Preferences aside, the Inq spell list is not so overall more better/powerful, so you shouldn't need to give up so much.
Giving up a little... OK, and I'm sure theres plenty of corner case builds/options that work better with Inq than Hunter.
It is funny with the profusion of Archetypes that end up mimicking other classes...
You have "Inquisitor in Hunter Drag" competing with "Hunter in Inquisitor/Cleric Drag".

M1k31 |
Honestly, with combining GFM w/ SH archetypes, the question is more what's the difference vs. Hunter? (that other Nature Bard)
Basically, it looks like the sole reason to go this way is if you prefer the Inquisitor base Spell List, everything else is worse?
And that is considering if you can't get the Inquisitor spells you want from a Domain ala Divine Hunter.Honestly, if you're worshipping a Nature-themed Deity, I would expect Animal/Terrain Domains to be OK for VANILLA Inquisitors to begin with, so it's not adding that much in all honesty... Clearly a Divine Hunter should have no problem taking Animal/Terrain Domains as they certainly are a Nature-themed Class....
I could still see it as a fun NPC archetype for a treehugger AP
Have a few Druids in some forest causing trouble with local villages and a certain logging interest(that hires you to sort out their problems) as the ultimate big bad, have them throw this archetype combo at the players as bounty hunters hunting the party, add grumpy rangers and hunters as local sheriffs/hermits and paladins with +1 merciful chainsaws as the lumberjacks union representatives, include encounters with wildlife to taste and you could have a pretty fun campaign.

Nathanael Love |

Going this way from the Inquisitor you are keeping (that hunter doesn't have as well i.e. Trak):
Cunning Initiative
Detect Alignment
Bane (and Greater)
Exploit Weakness
Personally, I did just Sacred Huntsmaster (not GFM) so I also kept Monster Lore, Stern Gaze, and Stalwart and did not gain the Trackless steps stuff.
This is why I love PF so much though, so many different options. . .

EmberKin |

Just wrapped up a short campaign with me playing a LN GFM/SH Inquisitor tag teaming with a NG Feral Hunter and a CN Lunar Oracle with a TN Sylvan Sorcerer added in for extra musty furbags. Trees were hugged, toes were stepped on, and those blight druids were repelled.
Seriously though, it was an interesting experience to be in a party full of druid substitutes in a brief campaign with an organization of evil druids as the BBE.

EmberKin |

The skillful caster who represents the laws of nature has existed before you fools took "nature" to refer only to the woodlands.
In fact, it exists as two entire classes, Alchemist and Investigator.
Hmm...I'd call them Science Bards. Great flexible chassis that opens up a lot of character varieties and wear multiple hats, but to me they fail at being lumped into the "Nature Bard" role due to not being able to cast divine spell. Preservationist, Horticulturist, Bramble Brewer do tack on some woodsy vibes. Admittedly a failure on my part is that I've always viewed them through the filter of Urbane, Victorian, or Noir type characters. Thinking on it now, both classes could easily be used to fulfill something like a "Hedge Witch", "Wiseman of the Woods", or "Perceptive Huntsman" fantasy right out of box.
Now that newish Fey Trickster Memserist has tossed it's hat into the ring as a contender for the one true Nature Bard. Baseline Mesmerist was already the Psychic Bard/Beguiler 2.0 but this archetype swaps it over to fey based nature flavor. It's a charisma based 3/4th divine caster using the Hunter's Druid/Ranger spell list. Still has some strong social options baked into it's class options. Instead of buffing the party like a standard bard, Fey Trickers are probably better off supporting the group by debuffing the enemies and going for battlefield control spells. Painful stare is nice, but seems to be lacking in combat steroids compared to Hunter and SH/GFM Inquisitor if that's what you want to focus on. Could go for Samsaran Shenanigans to steal some of the better Inquisitor or Paladin buffs spells, but just can't make up the difference in potential that Animal Focus, Animal Companion, Judgements, TeamWork Feats, or Bane provide.