Samasboy1 |

Can a fairy be a cavalier?
How much of a pain would I be to be one?
Depends. A Galthain Huntmaster cavalier with an eagle is easy enough. A pixie riding a sparrow is harder.
Would it be worth it?
It's always worth playing the character that captures your imagination, even if its just a one shot. Just work with the DM and other players so everyone has fun.

Samasboy1 |

Cavalier only specifies certain specific animals as possible mounts, with the caveat DMs can allow others.
Since playing a diminutive fey is home game area anyway, there's no reason can't allow you to take a bird mount.
And the Huntmaster cavalier can have a bird companion.
Allowing the vanilla cavalier to have a bird mount would be no different from a rabbit or fox, in that they all require DM permission.
Bur if he said yes to playing a fairy, why would he deny you an appropriate mount?

Claxon |

Bird was his idea in the 1st place, Cause one of his concerns of having someone play a toon that small is they might be eaten by an eagle.
Please don't use the word toon. It's like a nail on a chalkboard to many of us.
Outside of that, wouldn't you think you would have a similar issue with gnomes or halfling druids having animal companions like tigers or bears? They are larger than their master.
The answer is no, because animal companions are loyal to you. How you represent why they are loyal is left up to you.

Samasboy1 |

Bird was his idea in the 1st place, Cause one of his concerns of having someone play a toon that small is they might be eaten by an eagle.
So your DM is cool with you playing a fairy, and he is fine for the mount to be a bird companion.....
What did you need us for?
What kind of fairy are you going to be?

Lekal |
No idea, this would be only the 3rd char I've rolled up. And as for post, better to get as much in put before venturing forth as possible. Like how would you govern the charges distance while flying, and would the mount have to make a fly check. If charge is only 30 meters then I'd potently a massive area to attack from, assuming I'm in a lager enough area.
And as for rolling the char up, do just do like a normal char, or do you have to follow the bestiary?
The DM was not worried about the companion but wild one coming at them when out side, cause even if he lets us roll em up, he'd still feel the need to to have something try and eat us.
Tho this idea did give him the idea for a new faction we could run in to in on the the campaigns a Squad of Fairy Cavaliers.