Races you would like to see as pc races in pathfinder

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Dragon78 wrote:


-A monstrous humanoid race that you can create with a list of monster traits such as horns, claws, webbed feet, wings, tail, etc.

Perhaps a playable mongrelman race?

Sentient animated objects? That would be weird.

Kalindlara wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

These aren't new races, but I'd like to see Changelings and their mothers fleshed out a LOT more. They and their mothers have the potential for a fascinating backstory behind them, but it seems cut short by the way the descriptions were just thrown together: for them, not even matching their mothers' characteristics very well, and for their mothers, the original 3 (or 4) (and the Coven concept) being just imported from D&D 3.x with no updates (except for the stillborn Coven Hex and Accursed Sorcerer Bloodline), and then a bunch added in Bestiary 4(?) with no forethought into making them anything more than just new random monsters.

* * * * * * * *

Dragon78 wrote:

{. . .}

-A rabbit based race(small or medium) {. . .}

Now I've got this vision of Bugs Bunny . . . .

Definitely with you on changelings. ^_^

Why did you have to quote the whole thing just to answer the last part? Now my previous post has imploded in my head, and as a result I've got this picture stuck in my head of a Bugs Bunny Changeling . . . .

EDIT: FIRST PART not LAST PART. See, I told you it imploded in my head.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Pipefox wrote:
Sentient animated objects? That would be weird.

hello, i am rope.

RogueMortal wrote:

Aquatic races like shark- and squid-persons, not some undine or wereshark that aren't even naturaly aquatic.

12 underwater Pathfinder races (among other things).

If anyone is interested in playable true dragons, there is a currently live kickstarter for that.

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Bandw2 wrote:
Pipefox wrote:
Sentient animated objects? That would be weird.
hello, i am rope.

Hello Rope. I am Lamp.

I am Groot!

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I am Groot!

{wielding +3 esteem-bursting hatpin} Sadly, no, that can't be true. Everyone likes Groot.

We could use more races with swim, climb, and burrow speeds. It is interesting that we have more flying races then races with those other movement abilities.

Bandw2 wrote:
Pipefox wrote:
Sentient animated objects? That would be weird.
hello, i am rope.
Hello Rope. I am Lamp.

Exactly! Rope, Lamp, Frying Pan and the Lone Sock. They're diminutive, but they're plucky.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Bandw2 wrote:
Pipefox wrote:
Sentient animated objects? That would be weird.
hello, i am rope.

No you're knot.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Triphoppenskip wrote:
Bandw2 wrote:
Pipefox wrote:
Sentient animated objects? That would be weird.
hello, i am rope.
No you're knot.

He isn't? That's noose to me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pipefox wrote:
Rope, Lamp, Frying Pan and the Lone Sock. They're diminutive, but they're plucky.

They're called in to settle the dispute between Pot and Kettle by entering a dungeon to find evidence of who's family was the first to be called black.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

UnArcaneElection wrote:
These aren't new races, but I'd like to see Changelings and their mothers fleshed out a LOT more.

Might I recommend the Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Changelings

Dragon78 wrote:
-A playable Frankenstein's monster-like race.

Would something like the wyrwoods interest you? They are essentially a wood golem construct race that rose up against their creators to win their freedom. They will be available as part of the Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Compendium

Kerney wrote:
Fey touched.
Dragon78 wrote:
-A fey blooded race, like a fey version of Aasimar/tiefling.

Might I recommend the Half-Faerie Dragon race from the Book of Heroic Races Compendium.

Dragon78 wrote:
-plant based races.

Might I recommend the Seedling race from the Book of Heroic Races Compendium.

Kajehase wrote:
I'd like to see some bearfolk.

There is the Ursine race in the Book of Heroic Races Compendium that you might enjoy.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
We could use more races with swim, climb, and burrow speeds. It is interesting that we have more flying races then races with those other movement abilities.

The mass appeal of burrowing like a mole lags considerably behind that of soaring through the air like an eagle...or dragon.

Yes, but the only race that gets a burrow speed is the Trox and they are OP even by my standards.

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