Interesting Exotic Weapons?


Dark Archive

I'm playing a Mother's Fang Cavalier in PFS, and on creation they are proficient in one Exotic Melee Weapon and one Exotic Ranged Weapon of their choice.

That said, as a mounted Cavalier my Weapon of Choice is already a Lance with a Longsword as backup, and my Ranged Weapon of choice is a Composite Longbow.

All the decent alternatives seem to be banned (Butcher's Axe, Orc Hornbow, Fauchard, etc.). The Falcata provides negligible more damage, and frankly I'd prefer the Longsword for flavor reasons.

Are there any Exotic Weapons then, that have interesting utility uses? For ranged I'm going with a Heavy Crank Crossbow, to be able to pull myself up cliff/rock faces, drag down flying enemies, or pull distant things closer.

For Melee, is there anything useful like that? Maybe something good for breaking down doors or something along those lines? I am looking for PFS legal gear.

If you prefer longsword flavor, you could always go for a bastard sword.

Dark Archive

BadBird wrote:
If you prefer longsword flavor, you could always go for a bastard sword.

That's what I'm thinking now, yeah. Unless there is anything interesting I don't know about.

The estoc is pretty good, and looks to be PFS legal.

Though it looks like none of the new weapons in Adventurer's Armory 2 are legal, so it may be that they just haven't gotten to that book yet. So there may be hope for some of those yet.

Dark Archive

Uhmm, the Fauchard is legal (although the Orc Hornbow and Butchering Axe are not).Archives of Nethys hasn't updated the legality of Adventurer's Armory 2 yet, and in the additional resources the book lost its name along the way. But you can still find it on that page by searching for the Butchering Axe (as it is named as illegal). Most stuff from that book is PFS legal.

Dark Archive

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As for interesting weapons, since you seem to look for utility besides the fact it is a weapon, there is the Orc Stormram for bashing in doors. Or the Dwarven Boulderhelmet that increases your AC for Crit confirmation with +2 (does take the geadslot, though). Fauchard is good for Crit-fishing. A Slaver's Crossbow is for ranged tripping, but its ammunition is very expensive (and can't be made durable). Stormshaft Javalins are consumable javalins with Thunderstones inside, which could be used to deafen enemy spellcasters you can't/don't want to get close to.

There could be more, but I'm on my phone now, and searching during typing is something this thing doesn't want to do.

Injection Spear is neat. Longspear without reach, but contains up to 5 doses of liquid that is delivered with each successfull attack. As liquid is pretty much everything you can imagine, you can do funny stuff with it, from poisoning Groups of enemies to drugging them with no save ability damage and I guess also buffing allies with potions/extracts for a Little bit of damage?

I'm not familiar with pfs, but a quick Google said it is listed as pfs legal.

Dark Archive

Mr. Bonkers wrote:

As for interesting weapons, since you seem to look for utility besides the fact it is a weapon, there is the Orc Stormram for bashing in doors. Or the Dwarven Boulderhelmet that increases your AC for Crit confirmation with +2 (does take the geadslot, though). Fauchard is good for Crit-fishing. A Slaver's Crossbow is for ranged tripping, but its ammunition is very expensive (and can't be made durable). Stormshaft Javalins are consumable javalins with Thunderstones inside, which could be used to deafen enemy spellcasters you can't/don't want to get close to.

There could be more, but I'm on my phone now, and searching during typing is something this thing doesn't want to do.

Not sure why I thought the Fauchard was illegal, ignore that. What's the Orc Stormram? I found the regular Orc Ram but it doesn't have anything about breaking doors.

Dark Archive

Rögna wrote:
Not sure why I thought the Fauchard was illegal, ignore that. What's the Orc Stormram? I found the regular Orc Ram but it doesn't have anything about breaking doors.

Sorry, this seems to be my bad. I thought the exotic weapon had the same properties as the regular Portable Ram... But it doesn't, it just bullrushes when you crit. On a positive note, you can carry a portable ram to help break doors, and still have your exotic proficiency for something else.

Dark Archive

The Mancatcher and the Heavy Wrist Launcher might also be interesting choices. The latter one can also be filled Tangleshot Bolts or other type of alchemical ammunition, which could give you some tactical options.

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