Legends of Tomorrow


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Not advance the plot?!
The whole secret-compartment-what-did-future-flash-say is a huuuuge development!

Dark Archive

Thomas Seitz wrote:
Well it didn't advance the plot all that much, Joel. But yes it did do the steel intro pretty well. Vixen was kind of a known quantity to me.

I don't know if it's a 'need to save effects money' thing, or something else, but this Vixen seems to go to gorilla, a lot. Her grand-daughter was all eagles and chameleons and rhinos and cheetahs, as well. I wonder if she doesn't know that the totem can do things other than gorilla-strength, or if the show is just saving money for now, and not whipping out all her tricks in her first outing. (Since she's not going to be in just one episode, and doesn't have to show off all her toys right this second before she goes back in the box.)

It would be kind of neat if she learned some new tricks, with this crew, like 'What have I been doing with this gorilla crap? Strength of a blue whale! BOOM! Also, mantis shrimp punch! And box jellyfish toxin, because I hate you that much and I'm sticking to a nautical theme...'

Liberty's Edge

I think they have just shown the gorilla animation more often. She has definitely used other animal effects. I'd have to rewatch to identify them all, but I recall a few instances of cheetah sprinting and one elephant charge. Some times they just have a sound effect, like a cat snarling, to indicate what she is doing.

Dal Selpher wrote:

Not advance the plot?!

The whole secret-compartment-what-did-future-flash-say is a huuuuge development!

That's just a one off/future shocker thing to come later on. I'm not saying it's unimportant but so far we've yet to see, say, any one else from the Legion of Doom.

Steel got superpowers, Vixen joined the team, Ray's Atom suit was destroyed, Firestorm found a message from future Barry in a hidden room, and Mick got a ninja star.

That's actually quite a bit of plot for a single episode.


It's something that filled a hour. I'm not sure I'd call it full plot advancement.

Yeah, that episode could have totally been skipped. Nobody ever would have called the following plot holes:

1. Steel randomly being both fully recovered and developing super powers.
2. Atom suit randomly disappearing.
3. Stein and Jefferson randomly knowing about a message from future Barry.

Norman Osborne wrote:

Yeah, that episode could have totally been skipped. Nobody ever would have called the following plot holes:

1. Steel randomly being both fully recovered and developing super powers.
2. Atom suit randomly disappearing.
3. Stein and Jefferson randomly knowing about a message from future Barry.


4. Vixen randomly joining the team.

Yeah no plot to see hear.

Okay maybe the plot of the episode did not have much to do with the over all plot of the seris...however

There was alot of character development stuff this episode that will effect the over all plot.

Fine. I concede if only because 1 and 2 do make things interesting. I guess.

So we got zombies. Lots of zombies. In Mississippi, Civil War era.

It wasn't the most plot filled episode, but it had some character resonance for me in terms of seeing Jax dealing with his ancestral past.

Plus you know, zombies.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I thought this episode was a bit of a snooze fest overall. I liked Jax's scenes, and thought the end with Ray being given Captain Cold's gun was an interesting move. I'm not sure why he can't start building new armor though.


Maybe because it cost him lots of money and they don't want to have to go rob 2099 to get the parts cheaper maybe? I dunno.

Liberty's Edge

I'm hoping giving the cold gun to Ray was more about inspiring him than giving him something to do. The ship has all kinds of futuristic energy weapons on it - some probably more effective that cutting edge 21st century tech. The fact that Ray hasn't already found something on the ship to weaponize seems silly.

I just wish they would get more creative with the cold gun instead of just shoot lasers i mean surely there is more you can do with a gun that freezes things on impact.

Also I know the CG is expensive but id like to see more use out of firestorm and get some transmuting action going on.


I'd think we ALL would like to see Firestorm up his game some, given he can transmute stuff instead of just fly around and blow stuff up/set stuff on fire.

As for Ray...I guess we'll see how it goes as the season progresses. I also hope he drops the cold gun in favor of more shrink powers.

maybe the cold gun is cheaper to animate then the shrinking? Yeah i think it will be temporary at most for this season.

Liberty's Edge

The cold gun is definitely cheaper to animate than shrinking and flying around - especially since the cold gun doesn't seem to do much freezing since the first couple episodes. Colored 'lasers' are super affordable.

Feral is probably right. I still wish they'd do more transmuting though...

That couldn't be that expensive right just have someone in a green suit quickly replace on thing with another.

Vid, well it shouldn't since I'm 99.999% certain Firestorm can only transmute non-living matter.

Dark Archive

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Vid, well it shouldn't since I'm 99.999% certain Firestorm can only transmute non-living matter.

I *think* he means have a concealed stage-hand replace the 'transmuted' object with the new object all stealthy-like.

Another way to cheapen the effect's cost would be to obscure it with a bright light (like how they hide the naughty bits in the autopsy room in NCIS) or some CGI fire (or some real fire superimposed over the item being transmuted in post).

They probably saved some money getting rid of the Atom suit, but then added it back with the CGI for the Steel look. I love me some Commander Steel, but they could have tried a little harder if they wanted someone with powers that didn't cost as much, like perhaps Hourman (who never even used his powers...).

Unfortunately, Steel seems to be much like Firestorm and the Atom, in that he'll never use his powers when it would make sense for him to do so (with the built in excuse that he has trouble 'getting hard,' unlike Firestorm and the Atom, who are just idiots).


It does seem that way they can't seem to get FX to work right...

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

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Gonna pop in here... I'm thinking Legends Season 2 is shaping up to be what I hoped the series would be from Season 1. The cast is starting to gel together in a far more cohesive way, both team and actor wise.

Admittedly, I think a lot of the appeal in this season is the idea of the 'Legion of Doom' aspect. I adore Matt Letscher as the Reverse Flash, and I'm excited to see where his plot is heading.

That being said, SUPER excited for this week's episode, apparently involving both the Reverse Flash AND Dahrk based on the trailer.

Anyone seen the movie 400 Days? Cast includes Caity Lotz, Brandon Routh and Tom Cavanaugh. It was on SyFy earlier today, but was already an hour into the movie when I stumbled across it, so I didn't try watching the rest.


Saw it. Didn't like it. Too much Dane Cook for my taste.

Mick and Ray remain my favorite pairing in the show. There's a wonderful odd couple balance between the two and I'm really looking forward to see how they develop and play off one another now that Mick has outright asked Ray to be his friend in that gruff, Mick kind of way.


Agreed. I think Mick's influence on Ray will be grounding him more towards accepting that things change.

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

Just want to say, last night's episode and the whole 'seeding the Legion of Doom' arc... that's going to keep me watching for quite some time!

I'm quite pleased with this season so far. A bit annoyed that Jacks had to be told again that changing the past was a bad idea (you'd think they saw enough of that under Rip), but more Dahrk and Thawne is good.

Legion time sphere!

Agreed with Thurston and Bjorn, Darkh and Thawne starting up their full time partnership is pretty awesome.

What I thought was a DUMB movie came from Sara. Now she's basically ensured that Darkh will try to change the outcome in his favor.

Will that lead to him not killing Laurel? I don't think so.

I do think it might lead to him trying to kill Oliver though.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Thomas Seitz wrote:

Agreed with Thurston and Bjorn, Darkh and Thawne starting up their full time partnership is pretty awesome.

What I thought was a DUMB movie came from Sara. Now she's basically ensured that Darkh will try to change the outcome in his favor.

Will that lead to him not killing Laurel? I don't think so.

I do think it might lead to him trying to kill Oliver though.

I don't think it was DUMB, but did think it was probably unwise. She didn't say, the Arrow/Green Arrow/Oliver would stop him, just that he would be stopped. Sure he'll try to change things, but under normal circumstances he would just wind up second guessing himself and probably just be less effective. The only way he could really change things to work out better for him would be with time travel/knowledge of the future, which she didn't know him to have, and it's not unreasonable to think he wouldn't have access to that. It's not exactly a common power, now is she familiar with the Flash/speedsters being able to time travel.

It was still unwise, since she knew he did have some long life span, and experience enough to probably always find a way to do something dangerous, but only to the viewer was it DUMB because we knew he would work with Reverse Flash.


Maybe so but I still think even without the Reverse Flash/Eobard involved, telling someone they fail only ensures they try harder NOT to.

But who knows...

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

I'm OK with these decisions, as long as there's some lasting consequence to them.

Given the comic book nature of the universe, I'm also OK with basically 'resetting' certain plot elements once in awhile. Anything that keeps Neal McDonough an Matt Nable in the DC TV franchises is A-OK with me.

Well Matt sure. Not sure about Neal since I keep wanting Dum Dum to come back to visit in the future Thurston.

I love all the CW superhero shows EXCEPT LoT. I find it the most boring show of them all and I watch it because I hate to "break up the set" of the four shows offered. But it's sometimes so difficult for me to sit down and watch it that I wait two or three weeks before I'm able to force myself to do it.

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I'm looking forward to the big crossover thing they have coming. At a guess I'm thinking Barry's future message is about the Dominators, prompting the Legends to try and head off the Invasion ahead of time, and causing Barry to do a quick dimension hop to grab Supergirl

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I guess we'll see when Supergirl starts on the 28th with Barry apparently popping in.


I never saw ANY of the first season but this second season is MUCH better. Hell I barely had to worry about shoving my brain through a blender to make it feel like it made sense.

Greylurker wrote:
I'm looking forward to the big crossover thing they have coming. At a guess I'm thinking Barry's future message is about the Dominators, prompting the Legends to try and head off the Invasion ahead of time, and causing Barry to do a quick dimension hop to grab Supergirl

That's an interesting idea. I'll have to mull this one over.

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Honestly it appears that the message doesn't have as huge an implications as what Flashpoint did to....like everything.

Well everything outside of Supergirl anyway.

I suggest go reading the summaries for this show's crossover, Arrow's and Flash's to see how it all mixes in.

In this week's episode, Steel (who referred to himself as the "Man of...") was shown to be faster than a speeding bullet (well, okay, but fast enough to get in front of it as the gun was being fired) and more powerful than a locomotive.

Someone find that man a tall building.


I can't wait until Steel meets Supergirl and she's like "Say! My Cousin's also called the Man of Steel!"

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And then she turns to Ray Palmer and remarks, "Say, you look a little like him!"


I think they'll ignore that since they already have one other Superman in her show.

I've been enjoying the season so far. It's mostly goofy fun, and while a bit stupid it's dumb in the "Action movie don't think too hard" fun adventure show way rather than the wall banging stupidity of Barry "Dumbest Man Alive" Allen and almost cyclical character "development" track of Arrow.

I like all of the shows, but while the highs are generally not as high in LoT I think the lows are definitely not as anger inducing as the other two (haven't caught up on Supergirl yet, so no comment) since the two (three if Hawkman counts as a person) most infuriatingly horrible characters in the line-up are gone (may they burn in hell). If Snart rejoins the team at some point, this series might become my favorite of the bunch.


I think Snart is staying off the team until someone decides to mess with the timelines.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


I think Snart is staying off the team until someone decides to mess with the timelines.

Although Snart IS suppose to somehow become part of the Legion of Doom...


I think that's Snart pre-Captain Cold. Possibly.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:


I think that's Snart pre-Captain Cold. Possibly.

Pre-Captain Cold Snart wouldn't be worth much... I DO think it'll be pre-Legends version though. Probably somewhere between his first and second Flash appearance would be perfect.

Probably but we'll see when Legends resumes its usual time hopping after the crossover.

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