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my question is:
Why can't we all just get along?

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

my question is:

Why can't we all just get along?

Now you're just being obtuse.

Silver Crusade

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

my question is:

Why can't we all just get along?

Because you ate the last slice of pizza.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm only human darn it and it was pizza!

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm only human darn it and it was pizza!

I must say the good fellow raises an excellent point.

Rysky wrote:
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Why is it when Paizo release something that somebody does not like they act like the world is coming to a end?

You can't use logic and facts to crowbar someone out of a place they emotionally wedged themselves into all on their own?

Similarly: Why does a highly-opinionated self-professed expert on myth & legends, an expert who has never written up or contributed anything to any publisher ever, feel so entitled to demand Paizo accede to his wishes while simultaneously attempting to rudely slap down anyone else with even a slightly-different opinion?

{deep breath} Sorry, that one has really been bugging me for a while now.


We definitely are not talking about me then. I've long gotten used to the fact that I am an audience of one. It is sheer luck when a publisher releases something that actually appeals to me.

There was another game, some years ago, I loved the setting, loved the rpg books, loved the novels, was ok with the wargame elements. Then the company went under, reorganized, etc. Then they started focusing on the wargame, and what little RPG and fiction was produced was geared to fans of the wargame (who never did, and likely never will play the RPG).
Based on their current model, I'm frankly amazed they ever produced material I was interested in.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm only human darn it and it was pizza!

you did what you had to. You're OK in my book.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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GreenDragon1133 wrote:

There was another game, some years ago, I loved the setting, loved the rpg books, loved the novels, was ok with the wargame elements. Then the company went under, reorganized, etc. Then they started focusing on the wargame, and what little RPG and fiction was produced was geared to fans of the wargame (who never did, and likely never will play the RPG).

Based on their current model, I'm frankly amazed they ever produced material I was interested in.

I don't think they ever went under, or I'd swear you were talking about Privateer Press...

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what kalindlara said just wasn't sure enough to say it^^

Kalindlara wrote:
GreenDragon1133 wrote:

There was another game, some years ago, I loved the setting, loved the rpg books, loved the novels, was ok with the wargame elements. Then the company went under, reorganized, etc. Then they started focusing on the wargame, and what little RPG and fiction was produced was geared to fans of the wargame (who never did, and likely never will play the RPG).

Based on their current model, I'm frankly amazed they ever produced material I was interested in.
I don't think they ever went under, or I'd swear you were talking about Privateer Press...

FASA. Makers of (the original )Star Trek RPG, Doctor Who RPG, Cyberpunk with Magic, and Battletech.

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Greeting Oh Beautiful and Wise Mistress Rysky,

I hope you are having a good Sunday.

So my friends and family are pressuring me to get Facebook account. I have always thought of it as a waste a time...

Do you use facebook? What is you opinion of it?

Silver Crusade

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Thankies ^w^

I iz, got a lot done around the house so that's a plus.

Eh, I don't have one, never saw a reason to as the people I'd interact with I already do so so having to go through FB just seems superfluous to me.

I do have a Tumblr though, lets me follow who I like.

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I find that Facebook and Tumblr are both useful for very different things...

Rysky, do you have any experience with online dating?

Silver Crusade

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Limeylongears wrote:

I find that Facebook and Tumblr are both useful for very different things...

Rysky, do you have any experience with online dating?

Nope. I barely have any experience with offline dating either.

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Greetings Great Mistress of Pleasure and Pain,

I hope you have a very fun Halloween. Oh as I called it as a kid 'Pumpkin Day'.

I did that with a bunch of other holidays as well...

Thanksgiving was 'Turkey Day'

Christmas was 'Tree day'

New Years was 'Ball Day'(because of the ball dropping)

Easter was ' Bunny Day'ah to be young again.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Shhhh! You'll scare him off! {scans skies with binoculars} I'm gonna catch The Great David S. Pumpkins as he flies through the air to pick the sincerest pumpkin spice-serving Starbucks.

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4 people marked this as a favorite.

You know one would think a Succubi would be a dating expert but with little more thought you realize succubi tend to skip over that part and get straight to the.. well anyways you get the idea.

Silver Crusade

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John Kretzer wrote:

Greetings Great Mistress of Pleasure and Pain,

I hope you have a very fun Halloween. Oh as I called it as a kid 'Pumpkin Day'.

I did that with a bunch of other holidays as well...

Thanksgiving was 'Turkey Day'

Christmas was 'Tree day'

New Years was 'Ball Day'(because of the ball dropping)

Easter was ' Bunny Day'ah to be young again.

I did, thankies :3

I still call Thanksgiving Turkey Day.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
You know one would think a Succubi would be a dating expert but with little more thought you realize succubi tend to skip over that part and get straight to the.. well anyways you get the idea.



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Does someone need to post in the SiaG thread to make with the happies?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Does someone need to post in the SiaG thread to make with the happies?

Thank you I was not aware of this thread I am hooked after first 5 posts.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Then my work is complete.

I mean, don't get me wrong: I'll still hang around these forums long after my glory days are over, until it's embarrassing for everyone, but juuuu~uuust awkward enough that they don't want to actually have to ask me to leave, because I've been here so long, but, you know, I'm just not getting the hint, even when they cough politely - a dozen or so times in a row - and offer to get my coat and hat and whatnot.

But at least I've done my job.

(Also, I've posted in that thread. Bwahahahahah~! Let it riiii~iiise~! RIIIII~IIIIISE~!)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Does someone need to post in the SiaG thread to make with the happies?
Thank you I was not aware of this thread I am hooked after first 5 posts.

You fool! You have become enmeshed in a trap from which you will have no desire to escape.

Just like the rest of us who now feed our Demonic Mistresses.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Then my work is complete.

I mean, don't get me wrong: I'll still hang around these forums long after my glory days are over, until it's embarrassing for everyone, but juuuu~uuust awkward enough that they don't want to actually have to ask me to leave, because I've been here so long, but, you know, I'm just not getting the hint, even when they cough politely - a dozen or so times in a row - and offer to get my coat and hat and whatnot.

But at least I've done my job.

(Also, I've posted in that thread. Bwahahahahah~! Let it riiii~iiise~! RIIIII~IIIIISE~!)

Let it rise, he says.

Hyuk hyuk hyuk.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have just applied to be the head of the RPG Department for next year's Tekkoshokon anime convention. Wish me luck.

Edit misspelled the name of the con. {embarrassed} Damn keyboard.

Silver Crusade

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John Napier 698 wrote:
I have just applied to be the head of the RPG Department for next year's Tekkosokon anime convention. Wish me luck.

I shall!

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Silver Crusade

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John Napier 698 wrote:

Anytime :3

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Rysky, why do penises in erotic art usually resemble mutant plantains or embryonic Tyranids?

Is it because uncircumcised dinks look more like rather tired salami, which is not exactly sexy?

Should this be in the 'Limey Answers All His Own Questions' thread?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

Rysky, why do penises in erotic art usually resemble mutant plantains or embryonic Tyranids?

Is it because uncircumcised dinks look more like rather tired salami, which is not exactly sexy?

Should this be in the 'Limey Answers All His Own Questions' thread?

I look at A LOOOOOOOOOT of erotic art, you're gonna have to be more specific.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Rysky, why do penises in erotic art usually resemble mutant plantains or embryonic Tyranids?

Is it because uncircumcised dinks look more like rather tired salami, which is not exactly sexy?

Should this be in the 'Limey Answers All His Own Questions' thread?

I look at A LOOOOOOOOOT of erotic art, you're gonna have to be more specific.

Specifically, all the erotic art that I seem to look at.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Rysky, why do penises in erotic art usually resemble mutant plantains or embryonic Tyranids?

Is it because uncircumcised dinks look more like rather tired salami, which is not exactly sexy?

Should this be in the 'Limey Answers All His Own Questions' thread?

I look at A LOOOOOOOOOT of erotic art, you're gonna have to be more specific.
Specifically, all the erotic art that I seem to look at.

If you don't care for it, perhaps you should look at different erotica? Or at least some by different artists.

Also, links please.

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I'm not saying I didn't like it, I was just observing.

Links to come.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

I'm not saying I didn't like it, I was just observing.

Links to come.

And hopefully the rest of us too!

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Rysky, has a PC at your table ever succumbed (die) from a disease?

Silver Crusade

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The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Rysky, has a PC at your table ever succumbed (die) from a disease?

Hmm, I did have half the party wipe on a Leukodaemon fight, so kinda-sorta?

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Yo Boss,

Kobold Cleaver has a real good deal going down HERE.

Should we convert the entire mayhem budget over to KC's Paizobucks?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Do it!

Wilkins says it's a terrible idea, but he's totally insane, so...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Rysky, has a PC at your table ever succumbed (die) from a disease?

Hmm, I did have half the party wipe on a Leukodaemon fight, so kinda-sorta?

Was it during Seven Days to the Grave?

Silver Crusade

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Dragoncat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Rysky, has a PC at your table ever succumbed (die) from a disease?

Hmm, I did have half the party wipe on a Leukodaemon fight, so kinda-sorta?
Was it during Seven Days to the Grave?

Ha! No, I played through that and we did okay (Paladin and Celestial Bloodrager in the party).

This was a home campaign, 4 Leukodaemons attacked the party (and nuked a bunch of the locals) as they were putting on a show just outside the city. They also, despite knowing that the Daemons were keeping an eye on them and had it in for them, decided to get their magical armor and weapons all upgraded at the same time.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Master Pugwampi wrote:

Yo Boss,

Kobold Cleaver has a real good deal going down HERE.

Should we convert the entire mayhem budget over to KC's Paizobucks?

... then we wouldn't have anything for the Mayhem budget. Do you need to go lie down Wumpums? Need a tummy wub?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Grrrr. >:( There should be a witch/succubus spell/hex that makes someone's naughty bits dry up and fall off.

Stay away from Blood of Beast thread...it is being assaulted by the prudish thought police.

Silver Crusade

Well since you told me about it...

Silver Crusade

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Poor, AA though, imma give him a hug.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

*hugs Amby and John for being awesome*

Also I love how they have no idea what they're talking about, evidenced by the fact that they keep touting Book of Vile "Deeds" as the evilest thing from 3.5, and not the Book of Exalted Deeds and the original "beloved" 3.5 Tome of Magic, both of which were dark and horrific as all f*$*.

Paimon the Dancer...


Rysky wrote:

*hugs Amby and John for being awesome*

Also I love how they have no idea what they're talking about, evidenced by the fact that they keep touting Book of Vile "Deeds" as the evilest thing from 3.5, and not the Book of Exalted Deeds and the original "beloved" 3.5 Tome of Magic, both of which were dark and horrific as all f+#&.

Paimon the Dancer...


Refresh my memory?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:

*hugs Amby and John for being awesome*

Also I love how they have no idea what they're talking about, evidenced by the fact that they keep touting Book of Vile "Deeds" as the evilest thing from 3.5, and not the Book of Exalted Deeds and the original "beloved" 3.5 Tome of Magic, both of which were dark and horrific as all f+#&.

Paimon the Dancer...


Refresh my memory?

Paimon was a dancer, obviously, who danced very well and was an excellent duelist who impressed a lady at a ball. Well one guy didn't like losing a duel at the ball so he and his buddies got together and chopped Paimon's hand off.

Paimon got a prosthetic and was still an excellent duelist and dancer. Well the fact that Paimon didn't just completely break down and kill himself after his ordeal pissed the douchebag nobles off even more so they chopped off all his limbs and attached blades to the stumps and watched him flop about before dying.

At the very next ball they went about like nothing happened until Paimon the Dancer materialized whirling and spinning and hopping about on his blades before disappearing.

The bastard nobles all died gruesome deaths soon afterwards.

Edit: found the actual text (I hope, it reads familiar, but I'll check my copy of ToM when I get home),

Legend wrote:

Most binders know the Dancer’s tragic story, although none can be certain of its origin. An infamous lothario, Paimon delighted in seducing noblewomen with his dancing and besting their suitors with his swordplay. He eventually crossed paths and swords with a particularly jealous and cruel fellow, sometimes identified as a human and other times as an elf. After Paimon had humiliated this nobleman in front of his peers on several occasions, the fellow enlisted some other aggrieved suitors to capture Paimon and cut off his sword hand. Paimon was not so easily defeated. When he recovered, he returned to court wearing a bejeweled golden hand that he could replace with a rapier blade. Exhibiting tremendous aplomb, Paimon again set his rivals on their heels, and he even fought and defeated the man who had wronged him. Paimon spared his adversary’s life only because he was interrupted by a request to dance by the object of both their affections. In response to this further humiliation, Paimon’s foe again had him captured, but this time the man’s thirst for revenge was insatiable. He and his cohorts cut off all of Paimon’s limbs and replaced them with sword blades, jeering at him all the while and daring him to return to court again. Then they left Paimon to die while they celebrated their victory.

At the next royal ball, Paimon’s foe and his co-conspirators smirked at every mention of their enemy’s name and winked at one another when others wondered aloud where the charming rake might be. Then a dark figure appeared among the dancers. Impossibly tall and shrouded head to foot in dark, diaphanous cloth, the wraithlike figure began to spin. Disturbed by its appearance, the other dancers moved away. When one of them spotted naked steel beneath the whirling cloth, the nobles began to flee the hall. Enraged that his party had been interrupted, Paimon’s enemy went up to the figure and tore away the cloth. For a moment, the tortured figure of Paimon stood before them with bloody blades for legs and arms. Someone screamed at the sight, and Paimon faded to nothing. Thinking they had seen the ghost of Paimon, the men immediately went to find their foe’s body and give it a proper burial, but it was gone. Instead, they found a trail of blood and the marks of sword thrusts in the ground. Apparently Paimon was alive but gone—banished by the scream of a woman.

Yeah...it has been a long time since I looked at that book...but if I remember right all the vestiges were particularly horrible.

Anyway...this fixed the thread...so all is good in Paizo World.

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