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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Actually no, when you have this many aliases, a good memory is all that's needed. :-)

It does help how they organize your personal page, i'm a big fan. :-)

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Here's the one from Wes.


Silver Crusade

captain yesterday wrote:

Actually no, when you have this many aliases, a good memory is all that's needed. :-)

It does help how they organize your personal page, i'm a big fan. :-)


2 people marked this as a favorite.

They really need to market this image as a latex halloween mask.

Silver Crusade

... no...

Aw, c'mon, we can put 'em right next to the Book of Eibon specials on aisle three...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Rysky wrote:
mechaPoet wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Mistress Rysky,

I am reporting punishment due to me bringing up Football in the Blame Cosmo thread.

Good stool.

Please step into my office so that you may learn the correct meaning of wide receiver.

Can you also explain what a tight end is?
My parking spot.
This is one of those questions that I love/hate because I had about a bajillion comebacks going through my head and had to pick just one XD

Should have picked something else, Boss.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
mechaPoet wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Mistress Rysky,

I am reporting punishment due to me bringing up Football in the Blame Cosmo thread.

Good stool.

Please step into my office so that you may learn the correct meaning of wide receiver.

Can you also explain what a tight end is?

Does it involve a deep snapper going backfield in a punt formation?

NB: I don't know what any of those words actually mean.

Silver Crusade

Limeylongears wrote:
mechaPoet wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Mistress Rysky,

I am reporting punishment due to me bringing up Football in the Blame Cosmo thread.

Good stool.

Please step into my office so that you may learn the correct meaning of wide receiver.

Can you also explain what a tight end is?

Does it involve a deep snapper going backfield in a punt formation?

NB: I don't know what any of those words actually mean.

Hmm, I will investigate.

Silver Crusade

Master Pugwampi wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Rysky wrote:
mechaPoet wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Mistress Rysky,

I am reporting punishment due to me bringing up Football in the Blame Cosmo thread.

Good stool.

Please step into my office so that you may learn the correct meaning of wide receiver.

Can you also explain what a tight end is?
My parking spot.
This is one of those questions that I love/hate because I had about a bajillion comebacks going through my head and had to pick just one XD

Should have picked something else, Boss.


"Wumpums new apartment"? :3

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
mechaPoet wrote:
Can you also explain what a tight end is?
"Wumpums new apartment"? :3

It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.


Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Rysky wrote:
mechaPoet wrote:
Can you also explain what a tight end is?
"Wumpums new apartment"? :3

It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.


Beyond likely. George ate my last landlord.

And he was delicious!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

{hides in fear outside the apartment}

Mr Furley, why do you look more or less exactly like this morning's bus driver?

Is it a Conspriracey?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No conspiracy. I also look nothing like the suave and urbane deputy.

Or that dangerously roguish Apple Dumpling Gang leader.

Or that handsome weredolphin fellow.

{nervously} Nothing at all. Are you on the loco-weed, Jack? Hitting too much sauce down at the Regal Beagle?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

{trapdoors Furley into the dull, non-naughty wing of the dungeon} Hey, no slapfighting with Mr. Roper down there, or I'll turn the firehose on you two.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
{trapdoors Furley into the dull, non-naughty wing of the dungeon} Hey, no slapfighting with Mr. Roper down there, or I'll turn the firehose on you two.

Heh. Good one.


Ummm...Hunt? Isn't it pitch black down there? And isn't Mr. Roper an actual roper?

2 people marked this as a favorite.


"It's a beayootiful day in the Executioner's Hood"

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Rysky, can you make clear the difference between "cool" evil and "douche" evil for the unenlightened?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Rysky, can you make clear the difference between "cool" evil and "douche" evil for the unenlightened?

Eh, maybe? It kinda falls under similar viewing like porn "I'll know it when I see it."

An example I like using is Ramsey Bolton from Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire (douche) as opposed to Ragnar from Vikings (cool).

It's like the difference between 'Stupid Evil' and 'Intelligent Evil', I'd say.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

{hugs Rysky and anyone else who wants one}

Silver Crusade

Dragoncat wrote:
It's like the difference between 'Stupid Evil' and 'Intelligent Evil', I'd say.

Ehhhh, kinda.

Silver Crusade

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
{hugs Rysky and anyone else who wants one}

*hugs Hunt and anyone else who wants one*

Can i have one?

I'll finally have my 2 weeks vacation after wednesday.

Silver Crusade

The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Can i have one?

I'll finally have my 2 weeks vacation after wednesday.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

James doesn't want to answer sex questions anymore, presumably because now that Pathfinder's mainstream the Sparrows'll raise a fuss if they see anything too edgy. You're not a Paizo representative, though, and seem open-minded...

Let's say one were to date one of Pathfinder's sex deities, with all that implies. How, in more detail than terse answers (though not inappropriate-for-the-boards explicit), would a time of passion with the following go?

1. Arshea

2. Lymnieris

3. Calistria

4. Nocticula

5. Socothbenoth

6. Belial

7. Zepar

5 people marked this as a favorite.

EDIT: to finish the link list...

I'm not Rysky, but... I've got answers!

... so there!

First, urls to make them easy to look up for those that don't know them...

1) Arshea
2) Lymnieris
3) Calistria
4) Nocticula
5) Socothbenoth
6) Belial
7) Zepar

"1-7: Sexily"

Oh! "Not terse"... right... uh...

My Answers! Rysky gets to look only after she's made hers!:

First, just to be clear, I'm pretty sure they'd all have a pretty strict non-exclusivity clause (or at least they'd never stick to it - some might make one, with the express intent to make you break it, or just so they could; but see the entry below).

1) Arshea
Probably a really genuinely fun time, engaging in the freedom of revelry and delight, but with clear boundaries based on comfort and what is personally pleasant - focusing on those things that have always been a desire, but have otherwise been repressed or forbidden (presupposing it doesn't devolve into petty, harmful, or unpleasant territory - for either party).

Effectively, Arshea is about the freedom of the individual to express themselves as beautiful, but she also recognizes that individuality isn't the most important thing: sexuality is a communal affair, and the importance of the partner's concerns and desires are equal in weight. Either way, I'd imagine the divine equivalent of makeovers - probably not exactly makeup (thought possibly), but with things like blemishes being removed, physical exercise and work routines being emphasized for sculpting the body into beautiful forms, and so on. Now, that may seem far afield from "times of passion" but I think it's important to note: with Arshea, I suspect that her drive toward that physical beauty and strength will also increase endurance, which will, in turn, increase both spontaneity, drive, and and fun - in effect, it'll just keep getting better with her, until you hit your absolute physical (and emotional) peak, with delightful physical activities and alluring displays (most often I think of dancing) turning into more passionate ones. I tend to go back and forth between the infamous concepts of Latin lovers/dancers, Veela/belly dancing/veil dances, ballet, and dervishes (with more suggestive attire).

I would strongly suspect that if you've ever wanted to do it, they would be down for it, so long as it's done with care, beauty, and with genuine respect (and liberty) for those it's done with.

2) Lymnieris
Lymnieris, I think, would be very romantic, but highly ritualized.

I suspect that there'd likely be a temporal contract - a specified period of planned review to ensure that the two of you talk (not that he'd refuse you before, but just to make sure that you definitely sit down and discuss important things, like how the relationship is going) and periodic vows of renewal, as it were, of your continued interest (with "opt out" options, if your differences grew too large... though I suspect he could make things interesting enough that you wouldn't want to).

He'd probably have everything planned out in advance, and work to continually make things pleasant, romantic, and consistent, but also have periodic delightful surprises (to keep things fresh), and would likely be an extremely selfless lover.

Frankly, I suspect that of any of those on this list, Lymnieris would be the best for a "first time" as he'd find exactly what it was you wanted, and work to provide exactly that thing in the way you needed it.

... that said, Lymnieris, doesn't particularly seem like the "dating" sort, really, over all. At least not, hm, casually, I suppose, is the best word. I suspect that he is, in the end, a consummate professional - absolutely devoted and truly caring about you, yes, but ultimately aware that his role in your life is a temporary one, in which he prepares you for your next great journey.

Lymnieris will spend your time together teaching you how to fall in love - not just with him, but with whomever it is that you will one day be with; and, just as importantly, will teach you how to help another fall in love with you. More importantly than that, though, Lymnieris will teach you how to love: love whoever it is that is placed in your life, and how to serve them as their devoted one (and have that unity from them in return) and how to have one life with them. He will do this through his physical passion, but will also use this time as a point of discourse - teaching and talking while pleasuring and massaging and caressing (as he does when he is not doing the latter three things).

And then he will give you a kiss and a fond farewell.

3) Calistria
Calistria will be the most wild and terrible and awesome and awful and terrific and amazing and emotional ride of your life... and you may just survive it: either way, you'll love it.

She is petty, egotistical, vain, and demanding; but she'll more than make up for it with the times she does favor you. Of course, she'll also purposefully drive you mad with jealousy, just so you'll go nuts and in a lover's rage pour out your passion on her, but if you take it too far, she'll return the favor. Of course, if you don't take it far enough, the next time you're together, she'll also return the favor, and inform you that you better not finish... or else.

She'll demand you try every style and form there is - including the ones you're slightly uncomfortable with, but you secretly want - on her, on others while she watches, and watch while others try them on her. Then you try them on her again. When you're too exhausted to go on, she'll make you keep running at full power, and help you keep going, until she's satisfied - and she will be satisfied (though you might not be sometimes... but oh, sometimes... sometimes you will be).

And most of all? You'll love it. You'll be slapped, whipped, belittled, insulted, and sent away (maybe even literally), and you'll come crawling back (also perhaps literally) for more because she's the most incredible thing that's ever happened to you, and you can't possibly breathe without her in your life right now, and may you please, please just pleasure her this one more time.

And she'll see you're serious and she'll love you for it, and take you back... this time. Or maybe she won't because she's tired of you. (But she probably will, unless you've been completely intolerable to her, recently.)

And then, one day, a bit too early for your age, your time will be up, but you won't care, because daggum, you'll have lived the most full life a person can have lived. Yeah, the near-constant surge of emotion and physical demands pretty much ruined your health and sanity, but it was worth it.

... and then she'll take you into her embrace again, but differently, this time.

EDIT: Not entirely a bad song for Calistria...

4) Nocticula

You'll have approximately a number of rounds of pure awesome equal to your hit dice (barring some really expensive magical items (which, mind, would be worth it, but would not be long on your person, as they would be taken from you to use for her nefarious purposes).

With careful application of magic, however, it could be quite possible to get a very mutually satisfying experience. With even more careful application* (and, perhaps, the careful use some toys or something) could allow for definitively "personal interactions" of a sort, that could allow for the satisfaction of both parties. Could well be quite a surprise for a creature like her, who's probably rarely had such a lover able to make such feats happen.

* the lesser one

(If you could possess the golem somehow, that might be better, though I don't know a spell or effect that actually lets you do that, directly.)

In any event, you'd likely die with either a really big smile on your face or shock at the sudden-yet-inevitable betrayal...

5) Socothbenoth

Well, I'm uncomfortable. Basically, he's just the worst.

Whatever you don't want, he'd do to you. Whatever you used to want, he'd make it unfun - that makes it more fun for him. Whatever you used to hate, he'd make it a kink so that you need it.

You'd basically be a prisoner, and he'd do the things you hate.

After he broke you enough, you'd be like a CE version of the Kuthonites, totally willing to tow the Socothbenoth line, and desperately in need of his spite and hatred and disgusting vileness, because he's broken you (or you're dead).

Unless you're someone that he feels he needs for some other purpose (including keeping himself alive and/or making a large number of other people unhappy, and/or similar goals), in which case he'll be great to you... right up until that sudden-yet-inevitable betrayal...

But he'll still push you towards ever-greater depravity, and prey upon your pride to take advantage of you, tempting you into dangerous and stupid things so that he can gain more power and influence over you.

It's also possible that he has a specific plan for you, and he'll seem perfectly wonderful, but slowly introduce stuff (probably unknowingly, deceitfully) into your relationship, until eventually you end up a broken wreck that can't function without those very specific kinks - and maybe worthless for anything except those. Of course, most races would die of old age, eventually, to be replaced with fresh young toys to break.

I hate him so daggum much.

6) Belial
Belial would court you, and be the perfect gentleman.

You would love him, become devoted to him, and wed him.

And then, in his bed, he would corrupt and betray you. Slowly, he would introduce things that you would find weird, but tolerable, because he's pretty much the most amazing and attentive lover ever. And, frankly, the sex would continue to be amazing, and would even be heightened by his suggested "additions" (whatever they were).

Slowly, whether by asking permission, (or by deception, such as by slipping things into your drink before hand), he'd add ever-greater things into your intimate relationship.

Frankly, if you weren't before, you'd become molded into a sexual maniac, ready to obey his every whim and insane with zeal for this diabolic force of corruption. Perhaps you'd be horrified by the truth of what you've become, or perhaps you'd roll with it, or perhaps you'd never realize; perhaps he reveals his true nature, or perhaps you'd known it all along.

Either way, he'd wait until he's more or less bored by you and you're incredibly comfortable, before you started noticing the distance. The fire would fade - the fun times would go away. The desire would remain, of course, but he, himself, would be busy, or there would be work, or something. Either way, he'd be cheating on you, courting the next great "love of his life" and getting ready to dump you like yesterday's news. And eventually he'd do exactly that, when he was finished with you and no longer found you interesting.

Of course, by that point, you're a nymphomaniac addicted to sex, drugs, and whatever else he wanted you to be addicted to - the perfect vessel for his desires of the time. And you'd be left pining for that "perfect gentleman" (or whatever it was you were looking for - that's what you'd think he once was) that he once seemed to be.

He is sleazy and disgusting and awful.

7) Zepar
Zepar is more or less like the worst parts of Belial and Socothbenoth.

You don't get a choice in the matter, he molds you into the form he wants, and makes you into the perfect target of his "affections" - whatever disgusting thing he wants, whether you want it or not, you will be stuck with it by the time he's done (and either want it or not, depending on his desires for molding you).

I didn't think it was possible to hate someone more than Socothbenoth, and I'm still not sure I do, but I hate him, and want him to be utterly eradicated from existence. Forever.

EDIT: For the record, the reason I added these is because about half of them are actually kind of sort of half-relevant to some of the games that we've run, after a fashion - pretty much the goods and Belial (though, technically, Belial was never really directly involved; it was his daughter, Fierna).

Further musings edited into spoiler for after Rysky's own answers:
Realizing Nocticula's "problem" was... surprising. Heh. Shouldn't have been. Hm. Could be a significant part of a certain upcoming AP... helping use elements from Calistrian and/or Arshean teachings as, hm, "aids" to help "push" her over that CE boundary... hm... hm...

2 people marked this as a favorite.


I am saving this.

You are everyone's best friend now.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Nobody ever wants to know what I'm into.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ardad Lili wrote:

Nobody ever wants to know what I'm into.


As a male humanoid... no, no I DON'T. *shudder*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ardad Lili wrote:

Nobody ever wants to know what I'm into.


Dang, I knew I forgot someone. (And femdom's one of my things, too.)

Tacticslion, I know you've already done so much, but could you help out here?

Also, Paizo, could you let him edit his post so it's nice and comprehensive? Pleeeeease?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AlgaeNymph wrote:

James doesn't want to answer sex questions anymore, presumably because now that Pathfinder's mainstream the Sparrows'll raise a fuss if they see anything too edgy. You're not a Paizo representative, though, and seem open-minded...

Let's say one were to date one of Pathfinder's sex deities, with all that implies. How, in more detail than terse answers (though not inappropriate-for-the-boards explicit), would a time of passion with the following go?

1. Arshea

2. Lymnieris

3. Calistria

4. Nocticula

5. Socothbenoth

6. Belial

7. Zepar

Hmm, even before Paizo went "mainstream" I don't think he would have answered in a way you liked either.

1) More emphasis on the sensual than the raw (though there's still plenty of that), with plenty of softtalk and compliments and slowly switching and experimenting and exploring everything about each other.

2) Cuddles! Very vanilla but long lasting, focusing on each other and the passion rather than going hot and heavy. Then more cuddles!

3) Teasing, but probably not as much foreplay. Acts are all over the place, from milquetoast to hardcore, not as a progressions but just to keep each other from getting used to one thing.

4) We'd f+*& each other senseless. We'd be raw, exhausted, sore, and bruised most likely, the pleasure starting to slip into pain from too much, over use. We'd be insensate wrecks afterwards.

5) F&+* him with a spear lubed with holy water while I take a cold iron cheese grater to his jewels -_-

6) Pretty much everything, there damn well better be tentacles involved (I actually don't know a whole lot about any of the Archdevils, sorry)

7) Same as Socothbenoth, but with a silver cheese grater -_-

8) I'd probably end up tied up and used by her friends, so assuming a good thing this would be lot's of fun, with me still being used after I've already passed my limit, with Ardad just over in the corner getting off on watching the whole scene play out.

Sorry if this wasn't quite what you wanted.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

EDIT: to finish the link list...

I'm not Rysky, but... I've got answers!

... so there!

First, urls to make them easy to look up for those that don't know them...

1) Arshea
2) Lymnieris
3) Calistria
4) Nocticula
5) Socothbenoth
6) Belial
7) Zepar

"1-7: Sexily"

Oh! "Not terse"... right... uh...

** spoiler omitted **...


I like Tactic's responses better.

Except for Soco and Zepar, I like my type of passion there.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ardad Lili wrote:

Nobody ever wants to know what I'm into.


Was I close?

Ardad Lili wrote:

Nobody ever wants to know what I'm into.


Eh, I did, but in our campaign you ended working for the side of Angel* anyway, so my answers might be hopelessly skewed...

(But I might look into it. I was going to mention her, but I figured you hadn't on purpose, since your gone into Zepar territory - *shudder* - but if you like, I'll do a write up. Paizo will definitely not allow me to edit things together, though. That's said, I may be able to do a "complete" one. To avoid too much repetition, I'll probably add Ardad Lilly's here, and anyone else's you think of, then do a "complete" version elsewhere - unless Rysky would just prefer Inpost 'em all elsewhere. It's your thread, after all!)

* this is a pun, not a typo

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nah, you're fine Tactics :3

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So GM or player?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
So GM or player?


I don't enjoy GMing, and I'm horrible at it. The Shattered Star game I started up fell apart because I just couldn't do it, and I had the most wonderful players you could ask for.

Rysky wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
So GM or player?


I don't enjoy GMing, and I'm horrible at it. The Shattered Star game I started up fell apart because I just couldn't do it, and I had the most wonderful players you could ask for.

Do you mean to say Hunt, myself, and Reinhold got smashed up for NOTHING?!?!?


That's OK. It's not everyone's cup of tea.

Come to think of it though...I haven't seen Reinhold around since....

I just had a rough run in Darkest Dungeon... got a bunch of food for the town, but I lost my Antiquarian in the process. :(

I'm feeling exhausted...

Silver Crusade

Dragoncat wrote:

I just had a rough run in Darkest Dungeon... got a bunch of food for the town, but I lost my Antiquarian in the process. :(

I'm feeling exhausted...

Aww, poor Anti :(

Everything was going just fine until the Collector showed up... then the wheels came off not long after.

Tea and crumpets?

And how often as Arueshaelae fantasized about *ahem* "redeeming" you?

Silver Crusade

Dragoncat wrote:
Everything was going just fine until the Collector showed up... then the wheels came off not long after.

I hate that awesomely designed bastard and his ghost backup dancers.

Silver Crusade

The Doomkitten wrote:

Tea and crumpets?

And how often as Arueshaelae fantasized about *ahem* "redeeming" you?

Sure (never had crumpets).

What's there to redeem? Though I hope she still has the Dakimakura of me...

So which Paizo developer do you think is the best one to ask about rakshasa lore in Pathfinder?

Silver Crusade

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
So which Paizo developer do you think is the best one to ask about rakshasa lore in Pathfinder?

Hmmm, good question.

I would say either Crystal or Jessica concerning their recent works with Garundi (I Might be misremembering who wrote the Distant Shores article).

Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:
Everything was going just fine until the Collector showed up... then the wheels came off not long after.
I hate that awesomely designed bastard and his ghost backup dancers.

Yeah, especially when your Hellion decides to miss just about every attack directed at its minions...

The whole thing made me blow my Resolve check--turned me Hopeless by the end of it.

I'm feeling better now.

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