Way of the Wicked book two - Call forth Darkness, Two more villains, level 7 recruitment.


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Grand Lodge

Duh, nevermind... I can see you already have a Wizard; let me think about this for a bit.

Dex: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Con: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
INT: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Wis: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Eh, not really what I had in mind for my Oracle, might just go with a 25 pb.


Keres Miyaro Level 7
Female kitsune oracle (spirit guide) 7 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 106, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 192)
LE Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception -1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 52 (7d8+14)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d4-2)
Oracle (Spirit Guide) Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +12)
3rd (5/day)—cure serious wounds, fear (DC 18), haste, locate object, prayer
2nd (7/day)—cure moderate wounds, hideous laughter (DC 17), invisibility, page-bound epiphany, tongues, undetectable alignment (DC 17)
1st (8/day)—bless, charm person (DC 16), color spray (DC 16), cure light wounds, grease, identify, magic missile, speak with animals
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, guidance, light, resistance, stabilize
Mystery Juju
S spirit magic spell; Spirit Lore Wandering Spirit
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 8, Cha 20
Base Atk +5; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Extend Spell, Improved Initiative, Realistic Likeness[ARG], Toughness
Traits keeper of the veil, reactionary
Skills Bluff +16, Diplomacy +15, Disguise +16, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (local) +13, Knowledge (nature) +13, Knowledge (planes) +13, Knowledge (religion) +13
Languages Aklo, Common, Senzar, Sylvan, Thassilonian
SQ bonded spirit, bonded spirit hex (arcane enlightenment), change shape, fast shifter, gregarious, interaction bonus, monstrous insight, oracle's curse (legalistic), revelation (ensnare the soul), spirit (), vow to self
Other Gear 150 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Enlightenment (Su) Add Charisma bonus wizard spells to your spells known list.
Bonded Spirit Gain a wandering spirit each day.
Change Shape (Su) Assume a single human form.
Ensnare the Soul (Su) Your charm person or dominate person creatures look undead, & are slow to act if not directed.
Extend Spell Spell duration lasts twice as normal. +1 Level.
Fast Shifter (Su) Using your racial change shape ability is a move action instead of a standard action
Gregarious (Ex) Successful Diplomacy check causes target to take a –2 penalty vs further CHA skills for 24 hr.
Interaction Bonus +3 bonus to one-on-one Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.
Legalistic The shackles of Hell impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also imbue you with remarkable guile. Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your ob
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Monstrous Insight (8/day) (Su) As a standard action, attempt know check to ID monster and gain +2 to att & AC vs. that foe.
Realistic Likeness Change shape can mimic individuals you've met, gain a +10 bonus to Disguise to impersonate.
Vow to Self (1/day) +4 morale bonus to one role to keep a promise.


Keres Miyaro had always been an outsider among her kind, from birth, she had been cursed by the power of Asmodeus , as well as having a deep and disturbing connection to the Spirit World, allowing her to not only see them, but to also have some degree of control over them. This creepy and unsettling behaviour essentially led to Keres being abandoned when she was very young, but fortunately the self-reliant female kitsune became very adept at surviving.

To begin with, Keres stuck to simple stealing, wandering the streets, before making off with an item here and there from an open shop, relying on her change of form to evade pursuit. As she grew more older, and her physical attractiveness grew, Keres adopted more complicated crimes. Due to her innate ability to change form to look like next to anyone, Keres was a very adapt spy and information broker, creating files on many high ranking families so she could change into a loved one, a secret lover, a son or daughter, whoever her target trusted implicitly. In short order, Keres graduated to part time assassin, enjoying the thrill of the chase and the seduction, but the personal dislike of putting herself at the scene of the crime, as well as the overt reliance of a physical attack led her to seek alternative ways of creating money. Fraud therefore, as well as blackmail, became her tried and true, as she often took the form of an auctioneer or highly regarded salesman, offered a product, received the income, and then switched forms around the next corner, leaving the victim utterly confused when he had come up to pick up his “product”, and discover the person he had been dealing with had been an imposter.

With easy access to money as well as the virtual undetectable nature of the crimes, granted Keres the freedom to study her own interests. While she got a thrill out of committing the crimes, it was merely a method to survive, a way to earn the basics, food, shelter and cash, while her real interests took priority. As a master of spirits, Keres was consumed in her desire to access the Spirit World. She saw it as a world full of energy, that, if harnessed, could propel a spell caster into the ranks of the great. Such an idea was currently entirely theoretical, so Keres listed it as a long term goal, and in the short term contented herself in studying the spirit of creatures, curious with terms such as the “human spirit”, something that apparently existed within living bodies as well as the undead versions that were so well known. Keres theorized that it was possible to control the latent spirits within a living body, in a similar fashion to how Clerics could command and control undead spirits, however firstly she needed to actually find and locate where such a spirit might lie…which meant test subjects.

Using her influence, her money and her talents, Keres was able to employ several people to obtain (unwilling) test subjects for her to conduct her personal studies. Occasionally, Keres was able to obtain some on her own, simply by taking the form of a loved one and walking her target into an ambush, but she disliked putting herself within the thick of things, and frequently relied more and more on her acquaintances. Indirectly, this would lead to her downfall.

It was a job that started off like many others, with Keres taking the form of a daughter of a powerful political figure, and had taken herself hostage, masquerading as the daughter while a hired accomplice threatened the life of the “daughter”. The job would have gone off without a hitch had the real daughter not made an unscheduled visit, which had effectively threw the game away. It was an unforgivable lapse in judgment, and as she was taken away, Keres privately blamed her acquaintances, the girl’s tail not alerting Keres that she was close. Secondly, Keres blamed herself, her crimes had gotten far too elaborate in order to avoid detection, and she loathed that the law enforcement had pressured her into pushing the boundaries as to what was advised or ill advised.


In Kitsune form, Keres stands out due to her white coat, something she loathes that she cannot change, and thus does not revert to her Kitsune form often. In her human form, she generally takes the look of an extremely attractive human female with deep blue eyes fair skin, and long dark hair. Obviously however, she can take the form of any individual she has encountered, and will frequently change on the fly to easily avoid detection, as well for her own personal preference, disliking staying in one "look" for too long.


Keres is a very manipulative and deceptive individual. Exceptionally skilled at mixing untruths with truths, while throwing half truths around to disorientate someone, she excels at gaining whatever she wants from her targets (usually money or information) before evading retaliation with slippery ease. Keres is crafty, but has a weaknesses for surfaces, and loves variety, best noted by her willingness to change forms for the hell of it. Her ease in social situations paired with the avid curiosity of a researcher is a potent combination, which lends Keres large degrees of self confidence and charm, although due to the shadowy criminal nature of her work lends her to be slightly distrustful of others, especially due to her recent imprisonment.

Motivations and Reasons for the overthrow of Good:

Keres is primarily driven by her research, her crimes were merely a method for her to both finance her research while enjoying the essentials of life. In later times, she relied on her connections to find her research subjects, although this wasn't entirely necessary.

Her reasons for the overthrow are twofold. Firstly, and most importantly, under the current regime its nearly impossible for her to gain access to the hidden, forbidden and sacred texts that she really needs for her research (which is unfortunately difficult for her to infiltrate), as well as for her to gain a ready flow of test subjects for her to use. Secondly, she has a personal dislike toward the current law enforcement for effectively ruining the life she had built up in Talingarde, and seeks to implement a small bit of revenge.

Lantern Lodge

Foible - Str 8
Dex: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Con: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Int: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Focus - Wis 18
Cha: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Nope, that is hideous enough I am just going to take a 25 point build.

Lantern Lodge

Kitara Moonshadow:
Kitara Moonshadow
Female aasimar druid (urban druid) 7 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 101, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 84)
NE Medium outsider (native)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +3 shield)
hp 45 (7d8+7)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +9; +2 bonus vs. divinations and enchantment effects
Resist fire 10
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 fire-forged steel scimitar +8 (1d6+3/18-20)
Druid (Urban Druid) Spells Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +11)
. . 4th—wall of fire[D]
. . 3rd—fireball[D] (DC 18)
. . 2nd—flaming sphere[D] (DC 17)
. . 1st—burning hands[D] (DC 16)
. . 0 (at will)—spark[APG] (DC 14)
. . D Domain spell; Domain Fire (Arson domain subdomain)
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 18
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Cosmopolitan[APG], Elemental Focus[APG], Leadership, Voice Of The Sibyl[UM]
Traits innocent, natural-born leader
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Bluff +18, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +7, Handle Animal +17, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (local) +13, Knowledge (nobility) +13, Perception +14, Sense Motive +14, Survival +16
Languages Celestial, Common, Druidic, Elven, Infernal, Sylvan
SQ a thousand faces, call fire, fire-forged steel, lorekeeper, nature bond (Arson domain), nature sense, resist temptation, wild empathy +11
Combat Gear caltrops; Other Gear +1 dragonhide breastplate, +1 dragonhide heavy steel shield, +1 fire-forged steel scimitar, circlet of persuasion, handy haversack, sleeves of many garments, spectacles of understanding, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, chalk, courtier's outfit, disguise kit, ear trumpet, fake footprint shoes, flint and steel, holly and mistletoe, jewelry, jewelry, jewelry, jewelry, mess kit, noble's outfit (2), pot, signet ring (6), skeleton key, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wrist sheath, heavy horse (combat trained), bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day), feed (per day), riding saddle, saddlebags, 965 gp
Special Abilities
A Thousand Faces (At will) (Su) Can change your appearance at will while in your normal form, as alter self.
Call Fire (7/day, DC 17) (Su) As a standard action, create line of fire from existing flame to self dealing 1d4 dam (Ref neg).
Circlet of persuasion +3 competence bonus to CHA-based checks (skills already included).
Druid (Urban Druid) Domain (Arson) You express your devotion by setting the world ablaze.
Elemental Focus (Fire) +1 DC to spells that deal damage of the chosen energy.
Energy Resistance, Fire (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Fire-Forged Steel Dwarves stumbled across the secret of crafting fire-forged steel in an effort to make forge-friendly tools. It didn’t take them long to adapt its unique properties to arms and armor. Fire-forged steel channels heat in one direction to protect its w
Innocent If making a Bluff check to tell a believable/unlikely lie, the target always wants to believe you.
Leadership (Base Score 12) You attract loyal companions and devoted followers.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Natural-Born Leader Your cohorts, followers, and summoned creatures gain +1 vs. Mind-affecting effects, +1 Leadership score if you have the Leadership feat.
Resist Temptation (Ex) +2 save vs. enchantment and divination
Skeleton key Use a +10 Disable Device for one try to open a lock.
Sleeves of many garments Transform current clothes into any non-magical new form.
Spectacles of understanding Translate written languages. +5 to Linguistics to identify forgeries & can do so untrained.
Voice of the Sibyl Gain bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Perform (oratory) checks
Wild Empathy +11 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.


Horse, heavy (combat trained)
Heavy horse (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, 177)
N Large animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +2 natural, -1 size)
hp 19 (2d8+10)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d4+5), 2 hooves +0 (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +7; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Run
Attack, Combat Riding, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel
Skills Acrobatics +4 (+8 to jump with a running start, +12 to jump), Perception +8
SQ combat riding
Other Gear bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day) (2), feed (per day) (5), riding saddle, saddlebags
Special Abilities
Combat Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider into combat.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Run Run 5x your speed in light/medium armor or 4x speed in heavy armor and keep Dex when running.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.

Kitara was a rather funloving and carefree child. Born with a touch of the celestial to her features, she was a rather good girl all things considered. She spent much of her time living with her family near a newly established Mitran monestary, Her family farmers and ranchers were quite in tune with the land, and kept good relations with a nearby circle of druids. When she started to grow older, she spent some time studying at the feet of some of the circle, learning about many things in nature. She particularly took to the Loremaster Twinleaf. He told her of wonders, life before civilization, and how the natural world had wonders all over. She spent much time learning and training with the druids.

When the Mitran's learned of the druidic circle nearby, they began to pressure them. Soon they started to try and force them from the forest, accusing them of blasphemy against Mitra. It did not take long, and soon after the Mitran's were leading forays into the woods, and eventually put the druid's glade to the torch, burning them for heresy. Kitara, who was in the glade at the time, feared for her life, and cried out for safety. Her spirit's call reached out, and bonded with the flames about her, and she vowed from that day forward to put to the flame all followers of Mitra, and the civilization that had taken everything that mattered to her.

Kitara seeks to destroy all of those that took the lives of her friends and her mentor. She seeks to visit upon them nature's wrath, and her very tight bond with fire and flame that she formed in that moment has been her weapon. Her skill to blend into any enviornment, to take other forms and shapes of men and women, and her liquid golden voice she uses as a means to ingratiate herself to her enemies and others, and size them up before putting them all to the torch.

Kitara is a rather mercurial woman. No one has seen in a very long time her planetouched natural form, most often now taking the form of a firey red haired elven woman, her hair matching the reddish hide of her dragonhide shield and breastplate. Her eyes seem to smolder slightly, as if their very gaze could set unwary flammables alight. The name she takes in this form is Solana Everflame.

She has many personalities, and various different names and identities, often adapting some of them so that she can mix and mingle into the various cities and other places that the group might go.

Kitara is a patient woman, her voice cool, though there is always a sultry almost smoky edge to her words.

Note: Alignment is listed as NE, will change to LE. Mainly that way so that herolab doesn't throw a fit at me. Any questions or concerns feel free to ask. I have a general idea for the character, but am perfectly willing to adapt her capabilities and or her power in order to fit in better with the party.

BTW, if the group decides not to go with psionics, let me know. I have a couple other ideas I can whip up.

Ashe wrote:
With Anti Paladin and touch of corruption if I go Dhampir would you allow swift action healing like a normal paladin? Some GM's let it play this way so thought I would ask. Thanks.

I don’t see why not. However your chances of getting selected will be greatly reduced, if you are choosing this race only to combine abilities, without a good history to back it up.

bigrig107 wrote:
How do you feel about the Fiendish Vessel Archetype?

That’s a cool one. As bonus, I allow you choose if taking human class as well, not only Tiefiling.

Calinthas Aldimay wrote:

Any roles in particular that need to be filled? I had an Elven Necromancer that made it most of the way through the 2nd module before the game died... would love to run that character again. You can find her here: Caladwhen Aldimae

Anyone that can provide some kind of support is most welcome. As I DM, I don’t play by the ‘no-healing’ in combat rule. If you don’t heal somehow, you end up dead. :)

Calinthas Aldimay wrote:
Duh, nevermind... I can see you already have a Wizard; let me think about this for a bit.

Agrippa is a devilbinder, a necromancer is a complete history altogether. But yeah, I would not chose another wizard as my first choice.

Philo Pharynx wrote:
BTW, if the group decides not to go with psionics, let me know. I have a couple other ideas I can whip up.

It’ll take time to gather the group opinion about this, so I’ll handwave the result: No Psionics.

Here is a sum up of applications and Interest Dots.

Complete/Almost complete applications:

  • Male Human Antipaladin – Lord Cedric Barca{Ashe}Cool pic
  • Female Half-Elf Antipaladin/Rogue – Kana Cherryblossom{Hayato Ken}
  • Female Kitsune Oracle of Juju – Keres Miyaro{ginganinja}
  • Female aasimar Druid – Kitara Moonshadow{thestrongangel}


  • Nohwear
  • Mowque
  • Fighting Chicken
  • Philo Pharynx
  • Javell DeLeon
  • bigrig107
  • Tanner Nielsen
  • the_Hound
  • MordredofFairy
  • Tirion Jörðhár
  • Chad Newman
  • French Wolf
  • Tazo
  • Dan E
  • Calinthas Aldimay

  • I have a question, is it ok to hold off on spending my 17K wealth until I can be sure if I made the cut? Since I'm a divine caster, I would prefer spending some of my wealth on specific scrolls or magical items that rest of the party might need. I am aware that we are "evil", but this doesn't limit opportunities to work together for the greater good, and I'm sure that everyone has an opinion as to what they feel the group needs.

    @Ganjaninja How would you fit Keres into the story as it is going right now? How do you think Keres would fit in with the other three members of the Ninth Knot?

    Firstly, reading through the gameplay thread, Keres would probably fit in fairly easily with the Ninth Knot. Eldred Crofter for instance, shares many of the same characteristics that Keres herself prizes high, while someone she can certainly appreciate someone such as Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's attempts to create a network of sorts with his Vile Leadership - something Keres herself used to employ before her incarceration. Keres is exceptionally capable and resourceful, she is very much a survivor, so while it might take some getting used to working with people every bit her equal, the respect she would have for their talents or current achievements would lead to a productive environment.

    Of course, I'm not expecting it to be entirely smooth sailing. Keres would be (unless I'm mistaken), the only female of the group, which opens up a few different perspectives. Furthermore, I noted a few cases at the rather casual disposal of prisoners. Keres doesn't actually have a problem with this, she just expects the use of an occasional prisoner for her own research, so I imagine she would negotiate that at some stage.

    As far as fitting her into the story, I had a few idea's. Firstly, Keres herself had an active information network, so its not entirely unreasonable that she put two and two together and put herself in the general area. Its possible that Thorn himself sent Keres to make sure that his commands were being carried out correctly or so on. Ideally speaking, Keres should have some awareness of the defences, otherwise she promptly walks into a Hydra or something and gets eaten (being an unperceptive individual). This means that she must have some prior knowledge from somewhere or someone, and decided to assist for her own purposes. Keres could even have been inspired by your own prison breakout, and attempted the same to prove that she was just as capable as you all were.

    ginganinja wrote:
    I have a question, is it ok to hold off on spending my 17K wealth until I can be sure if I made the cut? Since I'm a divine caster, I would prefer spending some of my wealth on specific scrolls or magical items that rest of the party might need. I am aware that we are "evil", but this doesn't limit opportunities to work together for the greater good, and I'm sure that everyone has an opinion as to what they feel the group needs.

    It´s written in the players guide and also the reason why it´s only LE^^

    When i´m estimating right what´s in the later books, one can only get through with a good cooperating party.
    Also since 3 of the 4 finished characters are female and two will be picked i think, chances are you´re not the only female character.

    The History of Cedric Barca:

    Lord Cedric is a direct descendent of King Jaraud Barca. The line of Barca was thought to have been destroyed, but Cedric’s Grandfather had managed to escape during the purge. He found solace in the Savage North. There he plotted for how he would get back at house Darius. He had a son. His name was William. He raised young William to be strong and proud. He passed the teachings of Asmodeus to him as he would one day do to his son. William was able to return from the savage north. He was not in exile as his father as he was not known. He aided in the plotting of his father. The two tried to make moves, but without the aid of their family name their words fell on deaf ears.

    William fell in love and too had a son. He named his son Cedric. He raised Cedric as his father raised himself. He taught the boy of House Barca and their great lineage. He taught him of House Darius and what they had done to King Jaraud and to the temples of Asmodeus. Cedric used these teachings and became a loyal servant to the dark prince. For his loyalty he was given divine power. He took up the sword but did so through subterfuge and subtlety. He has spent years planning how he could strike at House Darius, but thus far has made small moves. Fate has a funny way or working out though. It seems a Bugbear army was able to sack Ballentyne and has now invaded the north. He has been contacted by a beautiful woman asking him to meet her master Cardinal Thorne. He now sits before the Cardinal and has heard what he has to say. With this he has decided to take up arms with this man as he has the same passion for seeing house Darius fall.

    I stuck with human over Dhampire. So everyting is ready to go with Cedric. Thanks again. I played in the game with Kana Cheryblosem. I was Cole Warpriest of Asmodeus. For what it's worth I can say she was a reliable and good poster.

    Lol thx Ashe, can say the same about you!

    My concept is a cleric with the Unholy Barrister archetype, ostensibly a lay-priest of Mitra who is an advocate at the eccelestical courts in the capital.

    This character would make extensive use of the abilities from that archetype, including the Devil's Pact feat, which provides channel healing / spell sharing and other bonuses but only to those who swear loyalty to Asmodeus and with the rather severe drawback of not being able to raise dead PCs who have taken advantage without a wish/miracle.

    That is fine from my side (I was thinking the Devil's Pact could reflect a contract the character had already made with a Contract Demon for the grant of unholy clerical powers and charisma) so if I die I die but thought I'd ask if that would be OK given the possible effect on others. This character would be an existing subordinate / agent to the Cardinal.

    I'd probably hold off from a full equipment buy as well.

    Here is the submission for Tanner Nielsen. His character sheet is complete.

    Dieter Stolzdorf
    LE Human Male Investigator (Empiricist) 7


    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 150lb

    You see a clean-shaven man with coal-black hair cropped short and slicked down with fragrant oils. His eyes are the color of the sky, with small flecks of silver near the iris. His skin is very pale and tight against his skin, with years of scholarly pursuit evident in his angular features. He is dressed in a tight-fitting courtier's outfit - a black and white-trimmed three-quarter length coat, with breeches, vest, and gloves. He is tall and lanky, with a wiry frame and straight posture.


    No one would ever call Dieter a friendly person. Or nice, or caring, or warm, or anything of that sort. He has a tendency of scaring children who cross his path and a disconcerting disregard for people around him. Professional? Of course. Competent? Very much. Meticulous? Sometimes tediously so. But never friendly. It is difficult to know whether or not Dieter cares for or approves any person or thing in particular - most of the time he is quick to recognize faults, especially his own, and is terse with praise. He is the sort of person you want tackling a tough project, but would never invite to a dinner party. Not that it would have bothered him, of course.


    Dieter comes from a house of minor nobility - filled with honorable generals and governors, talented musicians and painters, and pious clerics and saints. But he's never met any of them. Dieter was born of a dalliance between a daughter of the family and a merchant prince visiting from a distant land to broker a trade agreement. The merchant seduced the young woman, and nine months later it was discovered that he was not what he seemed. Dieter was born with blue eyes, black hair, and pale white skin - in stark contrast to the honey blonde hair and green eyes of the family. He was a bastard, and the house patriarchs may have been willing to accept an illegitimate child from a third daughter as kin and a trusted retainer, but his mother was betrothed to the scion of another noble house. Needless to say, he did not resemble the fiance. The pregnancy was hushed, the mother was whisked away on 'vacation', and Dieter was taken to a remote village on the frontier.

    Unwilling to simply abandon the child, the family placed Dieter with a local widow looking for a boy to help her on her farm. She gave him his name, and swore to never reveal his true heritage. Dieter grew strong and hale, working the land and helping the woman tend to her stocks. She was the only mother he knew, and they grew to love each other.

    But the lad knew no love or friendship from the other villagers. They scorned him, shaming him for his mysterious parentage. The old woman nurtured his inquisitive nature, and allowed him free access to her library. He poured himself into the study of natural philosophy, history, religion, politics, and every aspect of human behavior he could find. From time to time he questioned why an old crone in wilderlands would have such a trove of knowledge, but he chose to ignore the obvious signs. The villagers did not, and became fearful for the strange lights and sounds that emanated from their home at night. Over the years the criticism grew, until several villagers accused the old woman of witchcraft. In a fervor of righteous piety, she was dragged before a court and summarily found guilty of congress with Asmodeus. She was burned at the stake by a mob in the village square, while Dieter watched from the nearby forest. He was too quick for them to catch, but not too quick to save her from their wrath. His anger and rage boiled over, and that night he crept into the home of the village mayor and strangled him in his sleep. He made the old man stare him in the eyes as he died, to see his rage and to know the depths of his hatred. Next was the sheriff, whose fat wife joined him when his gurgling woke her. Last was the priest of Mitra, who stood silent and did not lift a finger to stop the mob - his thin, old neck snapped like a reed before he could fall asleep forever.

    He fled, eventually making his way to the capital and falling into the criminal underworld. His prodigious strength, intelligence, and ruthlessness earned him a reputation as a leader of men. Establishing a front as a successful businessman, he dabbles in a variety of illicit dealings including smuggling, drug manufacturing, and extortion. Recently, an associate introduced him to the worship of Asmodeus. The theology of rulership and strength appealed to the young man, who adopted its teachings with fervent stride.


    Dieter views the current sociopolitical environment of Talingarde as a slowly rotting corpse that does not yet realize it is dead. The stifling religious zealotry and burdensome government are a pox on the land - one that needs to be lanced, excised, and burned clean. He is not an evil man in the sense that he seeks out depravity, but he is cold, calculating, and ruthless. He sees the overthrow of the monarchy and the church of Mitra as a goal so worthy and of such paramount importance that no method or means is off the table. He makes no secret of this intent in his prayers to Asmodeus, believing that the dark god will be able to usher in an era of order and peace, even if it is also harsh and unforgiving.

    If he were to learn of a group of firebrands seeking to destroy the State and Church... he would be very inclined to seek an alliance.


    The investigator makes for a wonderful jack-of-all-trades class, and some lucky dice-rolling during character creation has enabled this character to have many strengths to bring to the party with relatively few weaknesses. While he is a decent combatant, his real strength is in buffing and utilities.

    He will be a skirmisher, using his +1 inspired longspear (+10 attack, 1d8+12/20x3) to harry from the flanks and rear. As a move action, he can activate Studied Combat for an additional +3 attack and +2d6+3 damage.

    Bluff (lying) +16
    Diplomacy +16
    Intimidate +16
    Sense Motive +16

    Acrobatics +13
    Disable Device +18 (+3 spotting traps)
    Perception +16
    Stealth +13

    Craft (alchemy) +23
    Knowledge (arcana) +14
    Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10
    Knowledge (engineering) +10
    Knowledge (geography) +10
    Knowledge (history) +10
    Knowledge (local) +13
    Knowledge (nature) +13
    Knowledge (nobility) +10
    Knowledge (planes) +10
    Knowledge (religion) +10
    Linguistics +10
    Use Magic Device +16

    Alchemy and potions for everyone!

    Here's my entry. I went with a 25 Point Buy, and will present my Oracle 3 / Antipaladin 4. Jirara Randzier. A few things were rewritten for clarification, but is valid in Hero Lab (sans the whole CE for Antipaladin deal) and by RAW. She is primarily a melee combat support when fights do break out, but has enough going in her skills to function outside of combat for extended periods (particularly when being scary). She isn't min-maxed at all, but I thought the character would be too good to pass up submitting though.


    Jirara Randzier
    Female human oracle 3/antipaladin 4
    LE Medium humanoid (human)
    Init +1; Senses Perception +4
    AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor, +1 Dex)
    hp 56 (7 HD; 3d8+4d10+14)
    Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +13
    Immune disease
    Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
    Melee malice (+1 cruel greatsword) +4/-1 (2d6+2/19-20) or
    . . scimitar +3/-2 (1d6+1/18-20) or
    . . gauntlet (from armor) +3/-2 (1d3+1) or
    Special Attacks channel negative energy 3/day (antipaladin, DC 16, 2d6), channel positive energy 5/day (oracle, DC 15, 2d6), smite good
    Antipaladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
    . . At will・detect good
    Oracle Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
    . . 1st (6/day)・bless, burning disarm (DC 15), burning hands (DC 15), cure light wounds, detect undead, sun metal[UC] (DC 15)
    . . 0 (at will)・create water, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic
    . . Mystery Life
    Antipaladin Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
    . . 1st・doom (DC 15)
    Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18
    Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 18
    Feats Eclectic, Selective Channeling, Shake It Off, Vital Strike, Word Of Healing
    Traits caretaker, fiendish confidence
    Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Bluff +8, Climb -3, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +10, Escape Artist -3, Handle Animal +8, Heal +14, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +4, Perception +4, Ride +1, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +1, Survival +8, Swim -3, Use Magic Device +6
    Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Elven, Infernal
    SQ aura of cowardice, aura of evil, channel negative energy, cruelty (cruelty [fatigued]), oracle's curse (blackened), revelations (healing hands, channel), touch of corruption, unholy resilience
    Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds (2); Other Gear desecrated plate (+1 dastard unholy reliquary full plate), malice (+1 cruel greatsword), scimitar, heavyload belt, bedroll, belt pouch, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text, masterwork backpack, mess kit, pot, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), 79 gp
    Special Abilities
    Antipaladin Channel Negative Energy 2d6 (3/day, DC 16) (Su): Jirara can use her newfound powers and purpose to channel evil energy.
    Aura of Cowardice (Su): Jirara has a practiced presence, and a family legacy that backs it up. Enemies within 10 ft. of her are not immune to fear and take -4 on their saves against fear effects.
    Aura of Evil (Ex): Jirara radiates an Aura of Evil with a power equal to her Antipaladin level.
    Blackened (Oracle Curse): Jirara's hands and forearms are burned beyond any recoverable means thanks to her flaming hatred, and she takes a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls for it, but gains special fire based spells.
    Cruelty (Fatigued, DC 16) (Su): When Jirara uses her Touch of Corruption ability, she may also make her target fatigued.
    Detect Good (At Will) (Sp): Jirara can cast Detect Good at any time, as if using the spell.
    Healing Hands (Ex): Jirara's past in Mitra's church, helping her father with duties, gave her knowledge that still remains useful. She gets +4 on her Heal skill checks, and lets her treat twice as many people with it. She may also give herself long-term care if needed.
    Immunity to Disease: Jirara is immune to diseases (a blessing beyond any in her eyes).
    Oracle Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (5/day, DC 15) (Su): Jirara's past training remains something she can use, albeit for new purposes in Asmodeus, letting her channel positive energy to heal her allies when called to do so.
    Selective Channeling: Jirara has learned to forcefully exclude targets from the area of her Channel Energy abilities.
    Shake It Off: Jirara gains +1 to all of her saving throws per adjacent ally that also has Shake It Off.
    Smite Good (2/day) (Su):Jirara can mark a "good" target, receiving +4 to hit, +4 to damage, and a +4 deflection bonus to AC against the marked target.
    Touch of Corruption (2d6, 6/day) (Su): Jirara can inflict 2d6 damage, 6/day, with a touch.
    Unholy Resilience (Su): Jirara gains her Charisma Bonus as a bonus to all saving throws.
    Vital Strike: Jirara can focus her might into a single, powerful strike, letting her roll her weapon's damage dice twice.
    Word of Healing: Jirara corrupts the normal Paladin's use of words, letting her use Touch of Corruption out to 30 feet away as a standard action. She does not provoke attacks of opportunity while doing so, but must be able to speak and have a free hand. The target takes half the amount of damage they would have received if she had touched them, but become affected by her cruelties as normal.


    ???: "Wow, that was quite impressive! You're just like your father was at your age!"

    ???: "Just keep up your training. Your father was much like you at your age."

    ???: "She's just like her father when he was young! It's amazing!"

    "I am NOT as good as my daddy was! I am BETTER than he was!"

    Jirara opened her eyes and stabbed her blade into a log beside her. While it served well for practice, it was also a place of venting. She slowly pulled her blade out of the log as she pushed her pigtails to the side. She chose the style because it was different, rebellious in her eyes, new. She also wore the style because her father always wore a ponytail, and always styled her hair into a ponytail as well. How she hated it.

    When he turned to worshiping Mitra, he brought her to the church as well, and all she can remember of it was hearing things like, "Oh, she looks so much like you!", and "She'll be as good as her father someday!". He always did extremely well at everything he tried, and the church group she was a part of did nothing but praise him. She couldn't match his prowess in any way, and was always compared to him in an inferior manner. How she hated it.

    When her father died, he died a local legend. A legend that she was never able to escape. No matter how good she did, everyone always praised her father for his upbringing of her. When she went to bury her father beside her mother, with the church elders in her community, when testimonies were given, praise to her father. Even in the concessions and events afterwards, it was always about how her father had raised her well. How she hated it.

    The hate within her became quite profound at this point, and the effects of it began manifesting themselves physically on her person as her hands and arms became engulfed in a flame that left them disfigured and permanently burned. When the church elders saw this, they deemed her blessed of the sun god, and praised her father for bearing a child whom they feel was blessed by their god. How she hated it all the more so.

    When it became too much, she jumped ship. Having completely cursed and forsaken Mitra and her church, Jirara set off to be her own person. Someone whom couldn't be compared to her father. Someone who would be recognized for her own feats. She decided to pursue a path as a Paladin to Asmodeus, oblivious to what that would entail. Giving more of herself to committing deeds in his name, she became quite corrupted in spirit, and her selfish and cold exterior formed as she let bitterness from her past begin to consume her.

    While this was made easy thanks to her own skill in the blade and in a corrupted version of the magic she used to use in Mitra's name, (to the fact that those who compared her to her father rightly did so, for she almost outperformed and outdid anyone of any similar standing to her), his legacy still got brought before her on a daily basis, especially given her younger age. Jirara could not escape it, no matter how skilled she became. It was when called by Cardinal Adrastus Thorn, that she saw an opportunity to further bring her name into the spotlight, and perhaps to find allies that would not reference her father, and recognize her for her own talents.

    "Hmph, Asmodeus! I know you hear me at least! Those haughty followers of Mitra! Completely disregarding accomplishments in favor of playing favorites! How they disgust me!"

    She continued after a short pause.

    "I've committed myself to you; I ask only you give me favor in the Cardinal's eye so I can fulfill your asking of me! And should he decline me and my extensive prowess, send me then where you need me to be!"

    Following this declaration, she smiled and returned to her tent. Donning her armor, a new and unnatural thing she started wearing once she left Mitra's church and became a Paladin to Asmodeus. She made sure she packed everything neatly, and continued on her way to meet the Cardinal.

    Upon arriving where needed, she followed Tiadora when prompted, to be escorted to see the Cardinal. When he finished his proposition, she could only smile and make the swear. Bringing ruin to those who ignored her talents? Why not? They had to recognize her then, when they crawled at her feet, apologizing for their ignorance and requesting a mercy that could not be granted!


    "Hmph! My daddy wasn't that great! I mean, he was good, but I will outshine him! You'll see! He was always a fanatical follower of that dumb Mitra. I mean, they were so blind, that they couldn't see me for who I was! It was always comparing me to my father that made me get fed up and leave.

    Of course, Asmodeus' disciplines at first seemed just as bad, but the more I looked into it, the more I saw something cool, a way to distance myself from his legacy. I could be someone individual! Someone whom would be remembered for what she did, without compare!

    Compared to that dumb Oracle of Mitra stuff, being a Paladin has been a refreshing change, and something for sure my father would not have wanted. Finally, I can be different! Also, the perks of following such a cool God are amazing and without number! I can't even, like, explain it at all! It makes it all the more fun to do things his way too!

    In short, I do what I do because I enjoy being respected and recognized for my talents, regardless of who or what I grew up with, and not disregarded because of paltry favoritism of Mitra's followers. Seriously, that group is like, completely messed up!

    Oh, and I'd one day like to see that miserable little church group get blotted out. They're bugs, ugh! If I can make that happen, should Asmodeus wish it, then that'd absolutely make my day! Hee hee!"


    Jirara describes herself as snide and critical, usually speaking to others in cold and harsh tones. She'll often say things in a manner opposite of how she truly feels about the issue, bitterness sometimes clouding her judgement. She does, however, have a bit of a soft side that shows when she opens to others on a deeper level (more prevalent when her Lawful side shows it's face).

    Her father's legendary and perfect legacy left Jirara with quite a bit of an inferiority complex. Secretly, she does aspire to be like her father, but if only to prove to others that she can exceed his efforts tenfold. She places massive importance in her appearance, regularly investing in various accessories and products to look as good as she can (especially when her armor and weapons generally give her away as not entirely wholesome, not to mention the massive burn scarring on her hands and arms that she tries to hide).

    She tries to use her "sweet side" and "cute looks" for her benefit quite often, and this trait has only grown more pronounced as she progresses down the path most would call "evil". She is often the most critical, yet cute, person in any party.


    Without her helmet on, Jirara sports two immediately recognizable pigtails (that she tucks under her armor in a braid when she dons the helm), and her hair is black. Her armor itself leaves nothing to be seen of her skin, but when she is out of it, she is mostly fair and smooth, sans her hands and arms that are completely burned to the point that she shouldn't still have them (it just isn't possible). Her eyes are brown and red in equal parts as well.

    She's not the tallest, but not the shortest, and is all around quite middling, if athletic, for women her age. Her armor is black full plate, designed with intimidation in mind, and has quite a few spikes present. Her sword is also black, with a stripe of gray down the center of it. It looks quite ominous. Her chestplate has a faintly glowing symbol as well, indicative of its use as an unholy symbol.

    EDIT: Formatting and spelling issues.

    @Bigben Why an Oracle of Life coupled with Antipaladin...those two don't seem to jive well together from a fluff perspective.

    @TannerNielsen How would you fit Dieter into the story as it is going right now? How do you think Dieter would fit in with the other three members of the Ninth Knot?

    @DanE I'm interested to see what you come up with!

    @Ashe How would you fit Cedric into the story as it is going right now? How do you think Cedric would fit in with the other three members of the Ninth Knot?

    Lantern Lodge

    Couple of clarifications, seeing on how I saw a couple of things that are odd on my post up of the character crunch.

    1) Apparently that was the save file that I had done before I bought some miscellaneous magical healing supplies and mundane healing supplies. I it still registers over 900gp and I am planning on picking up a few things that way.

    2) I had not noticed this until I looked things over to make sure it was right, her strength score is actually two higher than her real score, due to the effects of the MoMF alter self ability. It is showing her having the +2 strength for the normal elven form. So she should only have 12 str.

    3) I have noticed HCA asking this of other characters, so I thought I would answer it for my character. Her main vein of learning as a younger child was in a druidic circle, and had events not taken place as they had, she might have turned out into a rather well adjusted non evil person.

    The purging of the circle of druids that she loved put a deep thirst for vengence in her heart, and so she seeks to put the Mitran's to the same fires that they put her beloved circle to. Along the way, as is the way of many characters seeking revenge, she took to her particular method of revenge and has gone from seeing it as a task to reveling in it.

    Something that she does keenly enjoy is blending into the crowd of the Mitran believers, being able to move freely inside their society and gather information relatively undetected. She is not afraid to use her innocent self which she puts on like a dress to try and convince or encourage people into certain courses of action in order to get what she wants. She does keenly enjoy the pleasures of society, and is willing to allow herself to indulge in them, whilst at the same time gathering the information needed to be able to take action to hinder, hamper and cripple cities, setting them up in a way so that she can then put them to the torch.

    Once she becomes aware of the situation that the knot is in, things I could see her doing to assist them include:

    - Posing as various patrons, utilizing funds in order to hire out the adventurers in town to do quests that distract them from investigating the Horn. Also under this, coordinating with some of the other members, to lead the adventurers into traps and ambushes. Being able to gather intelligence on what their powers and capabilities are so that the rest of the party has the time to prepare for them. Can go into more detail if you like.

    - Step into the role of playing the noble, working in tandem with Eldred. She would work to try and lubricate the upper classes of society where Eldred seems to have a strong affinity with working with various "underground" organizations. The strength here is several things, not limited to her ability to physically pose as any noble male or female, her quite decent knowledge of local and noble matters, and her very strong vocal skills.

    - Using her natural talents to coax wildlife and other creatures into service so that she can augment the forces of the knot with more creatures of a beast or magical beast bent.

    - When all else fails, burn it to the ground.

    - Have not selected her spells that she normally loads up, but she does also have a decent access to nature's healing abilities, which would certainly benefit the group. Perhaps not as valuable as a cleric or an oracle, but useful to a point.

    Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa wrote:
    @Bigben Why an Oracle of Life coupled with Antipaladin...those two don't seem to jive well together from a fluff perspective.

    Because her father and her early life cultivated in powers related to her standing in Mitra's church. She had healing powers and a keen mind with regards to health (of course, overshadowed heavily by her father's Clerical skills), since she stayed true to Mitra's tenants. She also was practiced in fire magic, since she gave reverance (however slight) towards the sun god, and had this prodigal skill honed by her local church elders.

    When she first made the change in her heart to completely forsake Mitra's church, that was when her hate manifested in a curse from Mitra that the elders were blind to (they only saw a marking from their god that proved she was a real deal, and that it resulted from her father's upbringing).

    When she did ditch the church after her father's death, she decided to completely separate herself from it, and took up being a Paladin, since it was different from her father's occupation. Her hate towards Mitra also drew her to begin following Asmodeus as well, meaning she became an Antipaladin.

    However, just because she became an Antipaladin, she still has her past training and granted powers from her time in Mitra's church. She just uses these for a different association now, one that most would call "evil". So it makes sense because of her backstory, and that is why she has both the classes.

    She hates Mitra's church with a passion, and would wish nothing further than smushing them under her boots, which came about as a result from turning from Lawful Neutral to Lawful Evil (as her hate grew, she slowly twisted from Neutral Good to Lawful Neutral, then to Lawful Evil right around the time she got cursed, which itself also further pushed her to defect and forsake the church).

    That's the fluff perspective anyways. I hope it makes sense.

    @Bigben Ok thanks for explaining!

    Playing table top game tonight, will get back to you with Cedric tomorrow.

    BigBenClockTower wrote:

    However, just because she became an Antipaladin, she still has her past training and granted powers from her time in Mitra's church. She just uses these for a different association now, one that most would call "evil". So it makes sense because of her backstory, and that is why she has both the classes.

    Do you think you'd advance her in just antipaladin from here on or continue picking up levels in both classes?

    thestrongangel wrote:

    3) I have noticed HCA asking this of other characters, so I thought I would answer it for my character....<bunch of cool stuff>...

    So she’s not an asmodeus worshipper per se? Do you think her motive of personal revenge is strong enough to warrant her working for a cult of devil worshippers or do you see her as someone who has maybe bitten off more than she was prepared for? Mechanically, how do you see her playing out – as a caster first or a wild shaping melee beast, or something else?

    @ Ashe and Tanner: Deiter and Cedric both give me an “arrogant aristocrat” vibe, which Agrippa is already delivering us in spades :> How do you think these characters would interact with him, and how would they differentiate themselves from him?

    Question to all applicants: Why would Cardinal Thorne send YOUR character to join the ninth knot? What does he see in your character that makes him choose you over just another warm body that’s good with a sword or wand?

    Sorry if it seems that Agrippa and I are being extra picky, but we’re both loving the game that DM AKU is running and want to continue the fabulous story telling that is going on within. That and hopefully nix the need for further recruiting for awhile.

    Got pretty busy this week and I don't think that I'm going to have time to design a character, so I'm going to regretfully withdraw my interest. Good luck to all the applicants!

    Alright, rolling up a Hellknight Signifier with some sort of support cohort.
    Maybe a transmuter-ish guy to buff the Signifier and the rest of the party?


    Str-1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
    Dex-1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
    Con-1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
    Wis- 18
    Cha-1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

    Wow, those are some good rolls!
    Pity about Strength. Will have to buff that up some.

    Lantern Lodge

    So she’s not an asmodeus worshipper per se? Do you think her motive of personal revenge is strong enough to warrant her working for a cult of devil worshippers or do you see her as someone who has maybe bitten off more than she was prepared for? Mechanically, how do you see her playing out – as a caster first or a wild shaping melee beast, or something else?

    Actually no, and if offered would probably vehemently refuse. That said, she is not dumb, and knows that the vengeance she seeks is going to require allies and she would see the Knot's goals aligning with her own. Kitara, or as you guys will be introduced to her Solana, is not without her many foibles. But she knows that to get what she wants, she is going to have to join up with those that can help her bring it about, though she might not have the stomach for some of the more gruesome deeds that the inner circle of the knot undertake, she tries to counter balance that with her wit, skill, power and individuality.

    In combat, I see her as primarily a spellcaster. Arson being her domain, and Urban druid replacing summoning with domain spells as her spontaneous casting, in theory every spell she has is another fire spell.

    She will most likely be a supportive character in nature inside combat, be it healing, crowd control, fire support (pun semi intended) or what not. She actually doesn't get access to normal wild shaping till level 8, in favor for her at will unlimited alter self shapeshifting.

    Reasons Cardinal Thorne would send Solana to join the knot, I can think of three right off.

    1) Voice - the group has a good leader, sage, and dirty deed skilled operative. What they sorely lack right now is a mouthpiece. Someone that can articulate their desires in such a way that it can sway the hearts and minds of those that might be swayed. Also consider that with each town that exists, there are more likely than not underground elements such to exist that might wish to undermine and overthrow the Mitrans as well, and she has the capacity to battle in the political arena like no other in the group.

    2) General - Not only is she the "girl on fire", but she also has taken this quest of hers rather personally. She has been forging herself every since the incident in the circle glade to visit this vengence, and is forging herself into a commander of armies. She even has her own organization that she is putting together, one that she has been recruiting for to try and enact her vengence. Something that it seems that the 9kt does not have is someone that can rally the troops as it were, and take the field with them in order to bring about victory, rather than just seeing them as disposable pawns. Also, I think that the Cardinal could see the wisdom in providing a face to the people that might not at first be able to stomach the idea of pledging themselves directly to those who are devout followers of the Father of Lies. This also gives them an opening to show the benevolence of the Father of Lies versus the oppressive nature of the Mitrans.

    5) No three sir... Medicus/Counselor - being able to heal, and also to counsel and help provide a voice to the minions and also to the various contacts the group has. Functionarily a diplomat. Sometimes, a kind face and an open ear is what is needed to truly see the problems that might lie under the surface. And as cool as the current cast are, and I may be off a little, but the impression that I get from reading some of the gameplay from the current leg of the game is that they are not the strongest in the area of people skills?

    Sorry if it seems that Agrippa and I are being extra picky, but we’re both loving the game that DM AKU is running and want to continue the fabulous story telling that is going on within.

    You don't sound picky, just exceptionally interested / involved with the game. Don't worry, more input is appreciated!

    Question to all applicants: Why would Cardinal Thorne send YOUR character to join the ninth knot? What does he see in your character that makes him choose you over just another warm body that’s good with a sword or wand?

    In the case of Keres, its potentially because shes one of the best infiltrators in the business. As I see it, the Knot is not yet powerful enough to challenge openly so working behind the scenes and remaining undetected is key. Keres has an exceptionally unique skillset, allowing her to enter some of the most heavily guarded areas with ease. You need access to a barracks? You kill a guard and Keres takes his place and everything runs smoothly aside from the fact you now have an inside man. You need to scout a building? Well, Keres just walks right in and right back out with no-one any the wiser. I could go on, but you get the idea. Its the fact that Keres can infiltrate so easily while still having magic that gives her large amounts of versatility and flexibility. Shes a worshiper of Asmodeus, shes invested into seeing the current status quo change, and shes an experienced infiltrator, why wouldn't he want someone like that on his side?

    More questions please, this is fun!

    @Johan - I can see where you are coming from. Dieter is far from an arrogant aristocrat. Not so much immoral as amoral, he stands as an inquisitive, apathetic observer most of the time, assessing people and situations while throwing out morality and the concept of gray areas as contaminating factors. Driven by what we would call a strong streak of social Darwinism, Dieter takes great pleasure in determining whether the will and/or strength of one person or party is capable of overpowering those of another and genuinely respects people of strong will and unshakable conviction, but cares little to nothing for human lives that are affected or even lost as a consequence of the conflicts that arise.

    The Church and State of Talingarde is the opposite of this. They take the sweat from a man's brow and give it to the most undeserving and mewling. They promote inefficiency and call it charity. By supporting the poor, they victimize the successful. To Dieter, Asmodeus is more moral than Mitra - Asmodeus demands tribute, but Mitra steals from you with a smile and teaches you are bad if you disagree.

    @Heinrich - Reading through the gameplay thread, it appears that the Ninth Knot is still trying to break the silver seal binding the plague demon. The Cardinal mentions that previous knots have failed in this task, which means it is likely that other knots operating in Talingarde are experiencing casualties on dangerous missions. Since the Ninth Knot is now in a position where they will need additional assistance... perhaps Dieter is already a member of another knot. He has successfully served Cardinal Thorn for several months, but the latest mission his knot was assigned proved disastrous. Several members were killed, leaving them with partial strength and utility. Cardinal Thorn decides to dissolve the knot and shuffle the members into other knots. Dieter is assigned to join the Ninth Knot and assist them in their task. Why Dieter? Because Dieter is a very capable manager. His goal will be to help the Ninth Knot increase community penetration, recruitment of agents, and acquisition of mission-critical resources. He is also a team player, and while devoted to the cause of Hell, helps bring stability and peace to the teams he works with.

    Personality wise, there will be some good dramatic tension with the party. As I mentioned, Dieter is not immoral, just amoral. He will likely disapprove of unrestrained violence and slaughter. Why? Because you are killing prospective subjects and able-bodied workers. That is why. Dead men do not bake bread or shingle roofs. He will likely want to incorporate contingencies upon contingencies and disagree with more hot-blooded members. A quick decision is typically a bad decision. Intuition is another word for 'making things up and hoping for the best.'

    I can see Heinrich and Dieter butting heads, since they will be tied for the highest Intelligence scores in the party. They are both used to being the smartest people in the room. Luckily, their very different skill sets should be enough to set them apart, and hopefully they develop a relationship similar to friendly academic rivals.

    For the rest of the party, Dieter will strive to be the quiet word whispered in the ear. Pointing out potential problems, helping to plan, stepping in to humbly assist when his skills are needed. He is not interested in ruling. He wants to be Hell's steward.

    TLDR: Mr. House from Fallout New Vegas mixed with an evil executive assistant.

    Johan Hale wrote:

    Sorry if it seems that Agrippa and I are being extra picky, but we’re both loving the game that DM AKU is running and want to continue the fabulous story telling that is going on within. That and hopefully nix the need for further recruiting for awhile.

    Perfectly understandable. You might want to cast a look on peoples other characters and profiles. Might help your decision.

    I for my part had a small incision in posting because i had to move house unanticipatedly last month, but am searching for a long-term great roleplaying group here.

    Johan Hale wrote:

    Question to all applicants: Why would Cardinal Thorne send YOUR character to join the ninth knot? What does he see in your character that makes him choose you over just another warm body that’s good with a sword or wand?

    Why would Cardinal Thorne send Kana Cherryblossom? A good question!

    Kana might say ask himself, but that wouldn´t be a wise decision probably. Lest he could think you question his decisions!
    Kana herself would probably smile at you, run one hand through her hair and fumble her spear with the other while asking: What do you think? Can you imagine the reasions? Anything special on your mind there?
    Informed people behind the curtains would probably tell you that it´s probably to do with her reputation about being an anti-knight. Faithful, loyal and devoted to Asmodeus and the cause as well as her fellow campaigners. Knowing her place, bowing in respect to the stronger, but also showing weak minded spirits and souls where they belong. Where the knights of Mitra are honest, plain and simple, Kana is spiteful, clever and intricate. Her flexibility and versatility makes her the right tool for many jobs. Additionaly she learned when to swallow her pride and when to unleash it´s full anger.
    She also lives the principles of Asmodeus, who loves negotiations and contracts, especially those that give one of the parties a distinct, hidden advantage over the other. Asmodeus expects and appreciates flattery, but its never fooled by it, seeing it as a negotiation tactic, as well as a duty those in inferior positions owe their betters. Kana tries to live up to that and is ready to strike when negotiations fail or a contract needs to be called.
    She might be fooled be an experienced flatterer sometimes though, a weakness the Cardinal loves and that he thinks gives him power over her.
    After all, he spend long hours whispering things in her ear during dark rituals...

    Here is a sum up of applications and Interest Dots.

    Complete/Almost complete applications:

  • Male Human Antipaladin – Lord Cedric Barca{Ashe}Cool pic
  • Female Half-Elf Antipaladin/Rogue – Kana Cherryblossom{Hayato Ken}
  • Female Kitsune Oracle of Juju – Keres Miyaro{ginganinja}
  • Female aasimar Druid – Kitara Moonshadow{thestrongangel}
  • Human Male Investigator – Dieter Stolzdorf { Tanner Nielsen}
  • Female human oracle of life/antipaladin – Jirara Randzier {BigBenClockTower}


  • Nohwear
  • Mowque
  • Fighting Chicken
  • Philo Pharynx
  • Javell DeLeon
  • bigrig107
  • the_Hound
  • MordredofFairy
  • Tirion Jörðhár
  • Chad Newman
  • French Wolf
  • Tazo
  • Dan E
  • Calinthas Aldimay

  • Johan Hale wrote:
    BigBenClockTower wrote:
    However, just because she became an Antipaladin, she still has her past training and granted powers from her time in Mitra's church. She just uses these for a different association now, one that most would call "evil". So it makes sense because of her backstory, and that is why she has both the classes.
    Do you think you'd advance her in just antipaladin from here on or continue picking up levels in both classes?

    Initial plan was to advance solely in antipaladin; she would loathe having any further connection with her father's legacy and thus chances to be compared to him. However, if she can be compelled to further her advancement and study in that area (since using it for her current tasks means it is technically different and its own thing), I can see her taking further oracle levels.

    Assuming nothing ICly changes her character and development drastically, the most oracle centric setup for her will probably finish endgame at oracle 8 / antipaladin 12. I more likely see something closer to an oracle 4 / antipaladin 16, or an oracle 6 / antipaladin 14 however.

    As is my usual thing though, I prefer to roleplay the character's advancement, so she'll sort of vary based on what happens to her in the campaign. I find that it creates a more whole and realistic character, and lets me and others avoid any dramatic powergaming scenarios.

    So, to answer your question, the plan right now is strictly antipaladin levels, with potentially extra oracle levels at some point if the situations demand it.

    I hope this answers your question.

    EDIT: Just noticed the extra question!

    Why would Cardinal Thorne send Jirara to join the ninth knot? What does he see in her that makes him choose her over just another warm body that’s good with a sword or wand?

    I'd answer that with the very fact that, as she despises Mitra's church at a default, she would be very easy to win over, since the goals are aligned, and Jirara can be quite lawful at times. This means she will more likely work towards their goals, and will be quite loyal to Asmodeus' interests.

    Secondly, her reputation (thanks to her father's sheer talent) probably preceded her. Despite feeling inferior, she still remains head and shoulders above many others when it comes to a personal skill set, making her a well-rounded individual that brings versatility to the table.

    Third, her past as an Oracle in Mitra's church also means she has some potential access to information about the religion and those connected to it that would otherwise be unobtainable. She also likely can put her former training to use in missions against the sun god, and turn her skills with caretaking and fire spewing into assets that anyone can appreciate.

    Additionally, her drive to outdo her father and the legacy he had makes her a very driven and focused individual. Chances are, he'd have probably heard about this, and a trait like that usually means that the individual is diligent and thorough, which are rare qualities in many people, who may simply hack and slash their way without really considering alternate angles and solutions.

    These would be the big four I can see as being prevalent reasons for sending her a summons. Hope it helps!

    @Heinrich: Cedirc would come into the story with his follower and try and help slow things down in the town. You have bested a few good guys trying to sack the horn. I would take up the guise of one and head back to town to speak of the horors of the horn and how all were cut down but me. In the end mitra proved to be by my side and I triumphed. My followers would help to spread the rumor that those doing evil in the horn are no more. The thing still shoots the ghostly flame to the sky but that will pass in time. I could even take it as far as meeting up with any others that come to do us harm and offering my services as a guide. My fiendish Lion would lie in wait for a servant to deliver a note. It would bring this note and then the group would have a time when we would show up and an ambush could be planned. This would only work once of course. I would also provide a shift to pray for the ritual. In combat I would aid as a front line fighter able to smike the biggest do gooder and free up Johan and Eldred to deal with the pesky Clerics and other magic support classes.

    I would mostly fit in as a face for the group as you all have a Cha of 8. I wouldn't try to take charge as I know the tenets of the contract and we are all as one. None better than the others. I would just be able to do things in town that may be harder for you guys given your sunny disposition. Again I offer front line support and tanking ability. WIth my Daze cruelty I can possible try and keep one persone locked down depending on whats going on in the fight.

    @Johan: Though Cedric was rasied to know his rightfull place and has and elogant tounge when needed he is not a nobel. He has lived in exile his whole life with his birthright taken from him. He is driven by hate and anger to see the house of Darrius fall. His elegant tounge is reserved for the time when he needs it. Among loyal friend and followers of the Dark Prince he speaks as a man consumed with ambition. He wishes to see Asmodeus was and cleasne this land with fire. He knows he can't achieve his goals alone. He does want the crown, but it again is because it has been driven into him that it is his to take. He would hold those that help him get this to great position and honor. They would be his brothers and sisters. His family.

    Why Cardinal Thorne picked me: He knows the 9th has lost any ability to keep things smooth in town. They have no one with social panache at the moment. He worries the town will keep sending threats to dirupt the ritual and as more people go missing more threats will come. Cedric also has a name that has drawn followers to his cause and he will bolster the 9th with their support. Also because of his drive and ambition the Cardinal thinks Cedric is easy to controll, with the right promise of power he would do anything to see the land burn.

    Hope that helps guys: On posting I know the pains of recruiting again and again. I am in 7 games at the moment and three of them have had multiple rerecruitments. Three of them are over 2 years, 1 almost a year and the other 2 are a few monts in. I have been brought in games before and I can catch up quick. I post multiple times a day M-F and check in on the weekends when not away. Thanks for the consideration and happy gaming if I don't get picked.

    This is Dan E's submission, Sebastian Mayer, Unholy Barrister. Background is below. Basic crunch is in the profile. Further drafting on personality and description still to come but this is the guts of it. This character has already entered into a Devil's Pact and presumably also some version of the Pact of Thorns. I see him as an existing member of another Knot (one with more of a cell-like structure) who has been re-assigned.


    Sebastian Mayer (born Seb Maier) grew up dirt poor in an unremarkable farming village in central Tallingarde. A slight, shy boy with little aptitude or interest in farming and with no family lands or wealth to speak of, he was unpopular and kept to himself.

    What he did possess was a first-class, deeply intuitive, mind and the boy was fortunate enough to be given the only opportunity someone of his social class could hope for in terms of formal education, one provided by the local church of Mitra.

    Sebastian took to religious schooling with relish and so impressed his teachers (if not his fellow students who thought him priggish and dull) that he was marked for advanced studies with a view to joining the clergy. After years of toil and prayer, Sebastian's most fervent wish was to join Mitra's priesthood and be blessed with a small portion of His divine power.

    His studies proceeded but all attempts to channel actual clerical power fell flat. Worse than that. While few priests ever manage to cast an actual spell, virtually all manage to feel at least a small part of a divine connection with the Shining Lord. For all his efforts Sebastian felt nothing and in truth it was that failure, that rejection, which birthed the seed of resentment that led him on the path to Damnation.

    The increasingly desperate young acolyte purchased reliquaries, poultices and potions, he tried pilgrimages to some of the most holy places in Tallingarde. And he prayed, over and over. For nothing.

    When his studies ended, Sebastian was in considerable debt from his efforts. Although he stood near the top of his class academically, his palatable choices were few given his lack of patronage and few friends. And there was no way he would have willingly elected to take up a posting at a mud hole like his home village.

    He set his sights on the gleaming white city of Matharyn, on becoming an Advocate in the ecclesiastical courts where the greatest minds and speakers of the Church lived and argued, philosophy, history, all of the tenets of the faith. Although Sebastian's posting was to a department, few other than the most zealous wanted, the Department of Prosecution Against Heresy. Diligent, meticulous and effective, Sebastian rose quickly through the ranks there although he was acutely aware he lacked the natural talent for oratory that was his pathway to the higher echelons of the Church.

    Although actual cases of prohibited magic were rare, Sebastian's duties required him to study banned teachings and materials to work effectively with the inquisitors and it was a revelation when he realised that Asmodeus' creed of the strong and smart ruling over the weak and stupid made more sense than the soft teachings of Mitra. All too aware of the penalties involved, he proceeded slowly and carefully with his newer studies.

    He never found out what it was that brought him to the attention of the Contract Devil, Dalziel. But at the devil's first appearance amidst a cloud of sparks and brimstone, Sebastian knew that he would accept the outsider's deal. It was just a question of extracting the right terms.
    Power and charisma were the devil's side of the bargain. Sebastian accepted them gleefully.

    For years he was the only worshipper of Asmodeus still alive on the island, as far as he knew. So it was a surprise when he was teleported directly from his chambers to meet the great Cardinal Thorne and be inducted into one of his Knots.

    Above all things Sebastian is a pragmatist. He accepted his place as a subordinate gracefully enough and if he watches his Master constantly for signs of weakness that is only what the Prince of Hell teaches.

    At Thorne's direction he began taking a more active role as a cultist, creating a network of informers and dupes, sending information and making the occasional (and extraordinarily careful) conversion.

    Thorne's support was helpful (the cost of daily non-detection spells not being cheap). But it was Sebastian who acquired access to the records of all prisoners being sent to Branderscar and passed these on to Thorne.

    And now it seems Thorne has another task for him. He will serve as instructed but by his true Master he is no pawn to be sacrificed for the Cardinal's ambitions!

    @Ashe Just so you would know, we do have a party "face" its our conman Eldred who does a majority of the talking (Especially to the criminal element and lowlifes we have encountered)However, there would be room for someone who was better at "fancy talking" since the last encounter we had with a member of the nobility went very poorly. Specifically, the Baron Vandemir who defacto rules Farholde. IIRC he is also a member of House Barca, or at least a relative. You might want to build some sort of attachment there. Johan and Eldred are commoners while Agrippa is a nobleman (and lets everyone know it) Also, Don't go spouting that "we are all one, none above the other" in front of Agrippa. He doesn't necessarily agree and neither would Grumblejack (our ogre cohort)=)

    @Everyone We don't operate like a "standard" adventuring party. We don't have a "face" that is the only one rolling social skills. Each of us has our niche when it comes to social encounters and noncombat encounters. Example: Agrippa jealously hoards arcane knowledge, even to his own detriment. He also is the researcher and tends to keep his own counsel. He doesn't associate much with the other members of the Knot outside of their shared mission to restore the Horn and Vetra Kali (and before that to destroy Balentyne). Johan on the other hand is our "Leader" and he is a brutal, efficient man who has little to say and is all about action. Johan is methodical and not subtle, ever. His social niche is leading us and managing our resources effectively. Eldred is our smooth talking conman with underworld contacts. His social/noncombat niche has been the closest you could describe as "face" although each of us has taken that turn since we all have different objectives and personal goals.

    TL/DR: Find a niche, we don't need a "face" character we need a roleplayer.

    Dark Archive

    So how would a noble son swashbuckling his way through life, when words and threats are not enough, fare with your group?

    (Also, I am terribly sorry that I don't write anymore, but I'm currently on my phone because my network has technical difficulties.)

    @Heinrich, thats somewhat better. I didn't want to seem like the guy barging in just becasue I has a diplomacy score and can talks good :) But yeah I would like to be the mouthpiece of the Cardinal. The one sent to keep you on track if you will. You have had losses. Perhaps it is b/c of poor leadership perhaps not who knows what the Cardinal thinks. If things went poorly with the Baron I would be there to smooth things over but it would be something else the Cardinal would be holding over you for failing to maintain the Barons support. I think it would be fun for the Baron to know a decenant of Jaraud is alive and seeking the throne. He may even be threatened by it but willing to work to show support even if it is to betray us later. My niche would be my fight for power and need for acknowledgment. Being an exile has created and hole that can not be filled no matter how many Mitran's are slain. He is still loyal to a fault and would not betray those he works closly with but the fun of trying to earn your trust through RP sounds good especially if you think he is the Cardinals puppet.

    I am Hadran This is my favorite game right now. It started with me and one other, he quit then it was me for a bit then we added another, he too had to quit and then we added two more. There is a fair amount of combat at the start as it was my backstory that the attack happened and the GM wanted to play it out, but it gives some of my RP ability, but he is just one character style. Hope to get a chance to play with you guys.

    Lantern Lodge


    I can understand that. Had a chance last night to read through the current gameplay thread from the boat ride till now.

    I forsee the dynamic for Kitara if she is accepted to be a rather unique one with the knot. She certainly is not a follower of Asmodeus, and if she were to convert would most likely impede or outright violate her natural bonds and oaths. That said, their goals do align when it comes to Mitra and the purging of their order and their kingdom from the nation.

    I suppose the best way that I could describe it is that each character in the group has their own sphere of influence, their path to power. HCA is through arcane pursuits, Johan being an inquisitor of Asmodeus, Eldred almost starting to look like he is making himself into the Kingpin as it were. Kitara is a charismatic, natural born leader. She has honed and developed her ability to speak the words and take the appearance needed to resonate with people across boundaries, and draw them into her own cause.

    If anything, Kitara's strength is her ability to be the right person that the situation demands. Every villain is going to be different, and the nature of villains being what they are often times they don't sit down at the end of the day and chat over tea or ale.

    Flash of insight here: If this were the marvel universe, and the 9kt was the Brotherhood of Mutants, then Kitara would be Mystique.

    Grand Lodge

    Still interested, just been far from a computer the last day or so. Got an idea in mind for a Cleric actually.

    Are we still allowing applicants, if so I would rather enjoy trying this particular one.

    I am leaning bard, male Kitsune or Tiefling. Focus/Foilable. Possibly demagogue for the archetype, I rather like how it goes with the particular styling of the series.
    Charisma 18
    Wisdom 8
    Str: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
    Dex: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
    Con: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
    Int: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

    Interesting roll, kinda wish I could switch the str and dex but otherwise an interesting bard all the same.

    Focus: Dex, Foil: Str.

    Con: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
    Int: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
    Wis: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
    Cha: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

    Geez... That roll, I'll just go with the 25-Point.

    Being an Inspired Blade Swashbuckler, D'Arwit (The name of the character) Would focus solely on Dex, Cha and Int.
    Taking Fencing grace would mean that he is able to follow on damage in combat.
    Seeing as I am no complete Wiz on knowing Geography of the game, I might need some help to pin-point where there might be a reasonable explanation where D'Arwit is from but other than that I have a pretty good grasp of how to build him in the crunch and how to build the fluff to make him a proper Character.

    Small Back story:
    D'Arwit being a son born in the shadow of his brothers, became shrewd and twisted for power while trying his hardest to remain friends with those he could use. Or cut down and dispose of those who proved to be of no use.
    Grasping at every opportunity for power, might be a solid way of getting to the top, but it is also hard to get every trace swept under the carpet... His scheming was discovered by his father and the rest of his brothers. Cutting down one of his 3 brothers and injuring the others, The oldest Brother, Benjan, and his father had to take drastic measures to not sully the family name.

    Exile or death.
    Those were the choices.

    Guaril the Gypsy


    Quick with a verse, quick with a curse.
    Guaril was a traveler, spending his days tricking others out of their coin and
    spending his nights charming his ways into a warm and cozy bed free of charge.
    His words and his voice were his favored choice of weapons. He spent his better part of his youth
    on a caravan, traveling from city to city never settling in. He would always leave before his welcome was
    overstayed but he began to grow bored of his lavish relaxed style of living. He began to spend more of his
    time in the inns, inciting the local against their government. It was doing this that he was finally caught
    and had to pay for his "crime". It was this that struck a chord with the man, getting caught. He became
    angry and vengeful against the government that be. It was here that he chose to get even, it was here
    that he began the riots.


    He's got a chip on his shoulder when it comes to getting caught, he hates it with a passion. Be it a
    scorned lover, an upset husband over their lover's choice in bed fellows, or getting caught inciting the


    A bit of a dreamer, a bit of a schemer. He enjoys coming up with creative ways to get out of doing the
    work himself. He hates getting his own hands dirty so even if it means using magic to do it, he would
    do so to avoid doing it himself. He doesn't care much for alcohol, despite the amount of time he has
    spent in taverns. He will try to talk his way out of everything, from a bill for the night to picking up
    the body and dumping it in the river. Is he evil, is he self centered...perhaps a bit on both.

    Party Role:

    He would be mostly a face, a bit of combat but mostly support as far as that concerns. He can do a bit of
    healing but his main focus would be helping others do their thing.


    Class Bard/Demagogue Kitsune Male Level 7
    NE Medium Humanoid
    Int +2, Senses low light vision: Perception -1
    Str 13, Dex 14, Con 15
    Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 20

    Ac 12/Touch12/Flat10
    HP 6d8+22
    Fort 4/Ref 7/Will 4

    Speed 30 ft
    Melee bite +6 (1d4+1)
    Bard Spells
    Lvl 3 2/day Cure Serious, Prehensile Pilfer
    Lvl 2 4/day Allegro, Bladed Dash, Heroism, Invisibility
    Lvl 1 6/day Animate Rope, Chord of Shards, Cure Light Wounds, Discern Next of Kin, Solid Note
    Lvl 0 At will Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Spark

    Special Abilities
    Avid Reader (Knowledge Local) Take 10 always on selected Knowledge
    Bardic Knowledge +3
    Bardic Performance 21/day
    Bardic Performance Countersong
    Bardic Performance Distraction
    Bardic Performance Fascinate (3 targets, DC 18)
    Bardic Performance Gather Crowd
    Bardic Performance Incite Violence (DC 18)
    Bardic Performance Inspire Competence +3
    Change Shape Kitsune
    Famous +2 (City to be Determined)
    Low light Vision
    Vengeful (Trait)+1 damage to last creature that damaged you
    Versatile Performance Singing Bluff/Sense Motive
    Veratile Performance Wind Instrument Diplomancy/Handle Animals
    Well Versed +4 save


    Lingering Performance
    Weapon Finesses

    Belt of Dex +2
    Headband of Cha +2
    Ring of Prot +1
    Cloak oF Resistance +1
    Masterwork Ironwood Scorpion Whip
    +2 Mithral Chain Shirt

    All of these were added after the stats and such so do not reflect correctly. I'll adjust later.

    Heinrich said wrote:
    It's more that they are coming in with a character instead of looking at the gameplay thread and then making a character that fits the existing campaign.....
    Dm Aku said wrote:

    How to get chosen: I’ll consult the current players over the app and see what they think it would be best for the party. From the current setup, we have a Inquisitor in fullplate, the urban ranger focused in ranged combat and acting as party scout and rogue, and lastly the mage, partial battlefield controller, wannabe devilbinder.
    I’ve already talked with them, and they don’t want any competition in party roles. That means: Inquisitors, Rangers, mages have less change of being selected. Of course that if you have a strong concept, this may change.

    Bit difficult walking on that line^^

    On the one hand you have your roles and parts and don´t want anyone in there, what also sounds mechanically, what excludes quite some options.
    A 19 pages thread along with a campaign journal is also a good read!
    I read part of it, but not all.
    Out of my experience it´s better not to have a 100% decided character when coming into an existing group. There will always be something over seen or forgotten that then contradicts somehow. Having the personality well developed and knowing how to react and roleplay is certainly best.
    Then just "grow in" and develop a certain niche that fits fine.
    "Face" doesn´t mean to be the speaker of all or the group in my eyes, rather being good at talking skills, what in some ways seems to be bit of a niche.

    Mh i´m getting the impression that my original character concept would have fit very nicely within this group! I changed that because of the "how to get (not) chosen" speech of the GM. Might reconsider that!
    It´s quite the challenge^^

    I am sure I may have optimized a bit here and there, I hope that I don't seem to be a min/maxer in this situation with this character.
    A bit about myself as a player.
    I can and sometimes do post multiple times a day, I do my best not to step on others toes and/or try to take the limelight from others.
    I hope that while my profile(s) do not show much in the way of past experience, sadly I haven't tried much online, I have played quite of bit of different games over the years.
    I like to be creative with my posts and such. Stunts are fun to try and pull off and I think they add a lot to the game other then just, I attack, I smash.

    As far as the Leadership for my character, it would be split between work between the shadows and the up front. Though if someone else has the background work handled I will gladly take the rough and violent approach as I dragged that into my background.
    As for an actual cohort, it would probably be a thug of some type. I'm leaning Barbarian, they are crass but easy to control.
    His ideas will be wild and zanzy but won't always be the wisest.
    His followers will probably take a hit for that at times. I plan on doing mostly crowd control with my character. I doubt I will be working on the damage side of things (The whip probably shows that well). If there are any questions or any suggestions, I am more then open to them as I enjoying learning and broadening my horizons as a player.
    Woops missed a feat, Weapon Focus (Whip) is in there too.

    Wow! I'm blown away by the thought and preparation thats going into these applications! 72 hours ago I was reading through this thread and thinking..."meh." Now I'm like: "Can we recruit them all?!?"

    You all are not making this an easy decision. There's enough awesome RP material here for an enterprising GM to start up a fresh WOTW game!

    Slight adjustment, Bladed blur changed with Blood Biography. More interesting. Plus with the idea of a whip as my main weapon...don't see bladed blur being useful.

    Here is a sum up of applications and Interest Dots.

    Complete/Almost complete applications:

  • Male Human Antipaladin – Lord Cedric Barca {Ashe}
  • Female Half-Elf Antipaladin/Rogue – Kana Cherryblossom {Hayato Ken}
  • Female Kitsune Oracle of Juju – Keres Miyaro {ginganinja}
  • Female aasimar Druid – Kitara Moonshadow {thestrongangel}
  • Human Male Investigator – Dieter Stolzdorf { Tanner Nielsen}
  • Female human oracle of life/antipaladin – Jirara Randzier {BigBenClockTower}
  • Male Human Cleric - Sebastian Mayer {Dan E}
  • Male Kitsune Bard – Guaril {Vincent Fleming}


  • Nohwear
  • Mowque
  • Fighting Chicken
  • Philo Pharynx
  • Javell DeLeon
  • bigrig107
  • the_Hound
  • MordredofFairy
  • Tirion Jörðhár
  • Chad Newman
  • French Wolf
  • Tazo
  • Calinthas Aldimay
  • Nick P. L.

    For all those still interested, you'll have 24 hours to submit a character or make any modification.

  • Ah forgive me, I did not see that some of the players had posed questions to us.
    @Johan Hale, your question about why he would've been chosen. Guaril knows how to work a crowd, be it in combat or out. He is good at manipulating others to do things they might not normally do and knows when to step back and assist those better suited to the task at hand.
    @Agrippa, I now feel bad having used the word face. Would he get along with the others...so long as they don't interfere with his own plans to turn the government on its head, I don't see there being an issue. The leader who doesn't speak much might cause him some concern and a lot of consideration when broaching him but otherwise I see no real problem. His niche would be inciting riots and using his followers to do his dirty work. I am not a 100% on how he would react in every situation yet but I have a good idea.


    I’ll post some feedbacks now, and the other later when I get home.

    Also, I see that most of you didn’t take into consideration my requirements about source book, when talking about traits, because most of the traits selected are not in the Paizo PRD site. Remember that d20pfsrd is not being considered, but paizo.com/prd.


    You listed as traits: Chosen of Iomedae and Eyes and Ears of the City

    For the first trait, even if we consider the d20pfsrd version, it isn’t fitting for an Asmodeus dedicated baby be able to cast light. What would you suggest to replace it?

    For the second one, it states you served in the militia in some great city, but your background makes it feels as if Cedric had been hidden away from anything that might have drawn attention to him, joining an organization included. What’s your thoughts about it?

    Also, I liked you described in your background your choice of skills, even if I think that Stealth is more fitting than UMD in that case.

    Hayato Ken:

    In your background you mentioned being sent to Brandescar, I gather you are using this from a previous recruitment. In this version of the world, only the Ninth Knot escaped the place, not before killing almost everyone inside.

    And since you did not go to Brandescar, how would you modify the fluffly in the crime trait you picked up? And what would you have done to maybe, bring attention to yourself, from the cardinal or the Knot. (I’m not sure yet how I’ll integrate the new players into the game)


    What’s Keres Mystery and Curse? From your background I think it’s Juju and Haunted, but I’m not sure. You stated in your statistics as Legalistic, but there was nothing in your background to confirm/endorse that choice.

    You didn’t post your purchased gear, but why drop the STR to 7? That’ll seriously hinder you character to anything that involves physical contact.

    Also, Reactionary states you were often bullied when children and there’s nothing in your background that mentions anything of sorts.

    Keeper of the veil trait is a good one, since you can ‘change your form’ even if it’s not magically, and it makes sense with the character.

    DM Aku:

    What’s Keres Mystery and Curse? From your background I think it’s Juju and Haunted, but I’m not sure. You stated in your statistics as Legalistic, but there was nothing in your background to confirm/endorse that choice.

    It says in the Crunch that its Juju mystery, (its just under my 0 level slots). Curse is also listed as Legalistic, listed in the backstory as being "cursed" by Asmodeus. Unfortunately, researching the Legalistic curse didn't really provide much inspiration for how the curse actually manifests/reveals itself (some others have visual cues) so I merely left it at that. Hmm, its possible I could play up a demonic taint further back in the line which promptly manifests itself in the shape of a curse. Worth also noting that Keres herself doesn't see it as a curse, merely a sign of favour from Asmodeus.

    You didn’t post your purchased gear, but why drop the STR to 7? That’ll seriously hinder you character to anything that involves physical contact.

    Firstly, as I stated earlier in the thread, I prefered to hold off on initial gear until I could be certain as to what consumables the party would like. As for the strength, its really emphasising her personal dislike of mixing things up in close combat. I don't mind raising it to 8 or 9, but it really shouldn't be 10 or higher, mostly because she kept the enforcing, the physical crimes or actions delegated to others, while she handled plotting, planning, infiltration and so on. I kinda want to put emphasis on sticking to the shadows, physical contact that requires a fair bit of strength isn't really something she utilized. Again, don't mind shifting position on this, but I'd still like to keep this idea.

    Also, Reactionary states you were often bullied when children and there’s nothing in your background that mentions anything of sorts.

    No worries, there was a mention early on in the backstory that she was quickly an outsider due to her curse and weird connection to the spirit world. I can elaborate on this if you like, since in the pursuit of brevity I only skimmed her early, early history. Alternatively, I could just pick an entirely different trait, heck, I could get by with just the single trait, its just mostly flavor anyway.

    Anything else, be it further analysis, criticism, discussion, questions or whatever, don't hesitate to let me know. Its ANZAC day tomorrow, but I'll make sure I make an effort to answer anything if someone posts something.

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