it did briefly show up as 7pm for me than switched back to noon a few minutes later.
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And the fixes have been pushed by the tech team! We're good to go for Open Registration at noon (Pacific time) today! Thank you again so much from everyone here at the Paizo office for your patience.
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Woot! Thanks Chris, Sara, Gary, and all the other coders who worked on fixing this!
<crosses fingers>
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I feel like Clark griswald in Christmas vacation.... Drum roll please........
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And may the odds be ever in your favor.
Question: when I add the Specials to my schedule, it lets me do it, but says that there are currently 0 people signed up. This doesn't seem right. Is the system counting registrants? I'd hate for people to think they've signed up for an open slot only to discover there isn't actually a slot open.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I seem to be unable to remove an event i mistakenly selected (Friday, May
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Grand Ballroom Season of the Righteous Adventure 1 Continuing Scenarios ), keeping me from selected what i wanted to do in that timeslot (Adventure 1 Scenario A)
I seem to not be able to add to my schedule. It says refresh to see changes, but no change occurs.
Swords and Wizardry Late Night Mayhem on Saturday night is what I'm trying to get into.
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There also seems to have been a bit of carry-over from when the Specials were lottery events - they showed up on my schedule as if I had won them in the lottery, but when I paged down to the event itself, I had to click 'Add to my schedule' to get it to take.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Fixed, needed to refresh immediately after
I've added items to my Schedule that are open registration, and the page shows as on my schedule when I refresh, but the event still shows the Current # at zero.
How do we know if... well, if everything worked? :)
Yes, refreshing should fix it. It's possible that there's some weirdness due to some server turbulence we experienced right at noon. Waiting on the official word from tech.
All signed up!
Honestly to those complaining - it really wasn't a big deal. Paizo staff kept us posted and we had to wait less than a 24 hours.
There are plenty of seats!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Welcome to PaizoCon is not sticking to my schedule, though other events seem to be working okay so far
The server impact from folks getting into their schedule is considerable. On the plus side, we love that everyone is this excited about the convention (we certainly are!), but on the downside it's making the servers cry a bit. Be patient, things will get more responsive as the initial wave breaks.
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Yeah! Buddy system worked!
Now to build new PFS characters with dad (D6Veteran) this weekend :D
I see the Specials listed as if they were lottery winnings, too. I guess I'd better go add them as regular events, then reload until they look normal.
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
You might want to make sure it's marking off spots. All open registration events report 0 attendees to me even after refreshes.
Otherwise all functions worked great.
Requests started returning about 10 minutes in. I was able to get scheduled pretty quickly once my daughter go in to.
Although I did notice that spots are not being marked off. Maybe that's because it's pulling from cache to show those numbers.
KarlBob wrote: I see the Specials listed as if they were lottery winnings, too. I guess I'd better go add them as regular events, then reload until they look normal. I ran into the same thing (asked question about it above) and responded just as you are. Seemed to work okay, as it shows up on my summary schedule at the top and says 'On your schedule' on the individual event listing.
I noticed a couple of Lottery Events where the number of current attendees exceeds the max number of attendees.
Expedition to Playtest Mountain (Friday Morning) Max: 8 Current: 9
Midgard: Gravebinder's Daughter (Friday Afternoon) Max: 6 Current: 8
I don't know if that's an issue or something that was expected/intended. And there may be others.
Ditto on the lack of count changes. It appears I'm signed up, but still showing full open slots on selected events.
We're looking into the counts issue right now, more when we have data. Problem slipped in via another fix right before the roll. Will be pushing a fix when we have it straightened out.
So I was able to sign up for The Hidden Tomb of Aka Bakar, but still can't sign up for Late Night Mayhem on Saturday.
TOZ, that overlaps with you volunteering for the special sunday night.
Ok, I'm a little concerned. I was able to sign up for the events I wanted, but most of the events are showing 0 sign-ups, despite being listed in my schedule after clicking. Is that a bug? Does this mean some people may be kicked off an event that doesn't show how many are actually in it? Or could it be a problem from my end? I'm hoping it's just a little issue with my computer's view.
There is no special on Saturday night, that's the banquet, right?
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I can now confirm that today's results are different than the results that were briefly visible yesterday afternoon. That's fine with me; fair is fair, and a re-roll was the only way to make it fair. Just be aware that what you may have seen yesterday has probably changed today.
Im showing being signed up for Welcome to PaizoCon, even though I did not sign up for it.
If I go to it in the list, it gives me the option to Sign up for the event, not to drop it.
This is preventing me from signing up for events during that time. :-/
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I'm still not seeing any PFS games other than morning sessions, for the most part. Will there be pick-up Society games at the convention?
Yeah I derped and forgot there was a Late Night Mayhem on Saturday too.
I get the red 'refresh page to view updated schedule' but not the green 'Added to Schedule' notice.
Leigh A wrote: I'm still not seeing any PFS games other than morning sessions, for the most part. Will there be pick-up Society games at the convention? I'm sure there will be pick-up Society games. I've read about a Warhorn page being set up to display some of them, but I don't know the address.
KarlBob wrote: Leigh A wrote: I'm still not seeing any PFS games other than morning sessions, for the most part. Will there be pick-up Society games at the convention? I'm sure there will be pick-up Society games. I've read about a Warhorn page being set up to display some of them, but I don't know the address. Got you covered.
Contact me or Majuba if you want stuff added.
Khelreddin wrote: EDIT: TOZ, you should have posted that with a Ninja TOZ avatar! As you wish.
Here is the Warhorn link for pre- and post- con games. It's not yet set up for games during the Con, but Majuba had offered to make it available for that.
EDIT: TOZ, you should have posted that with a Ninja TOZ avatar!
When you propose or accept a trade, what happens if the time-slot you're receiving is already filled with another event? Does it not allow the trade? Does it automatically remove you from your previous event?
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Additionally, if you are a GM and want to add a PFS game on the PaizoCon online schedule so people can register for it along with their other events, we can add that up to May 11th. Just email me at Mike Brock has told me that he is happy to add any of these middle slot games run by community members to the event reporting for the Paizo PFS games.
I might take you up on that, if I don't tag along with the wife to her Swords and Wizardy game. :)
I just noticed: The PFS events do not appear to be ticking up on the current seats filled. All of them are still showing as "0" for current attendees. Even the ones I've signed up for.
Yeah, looks like we're not alone in seeing that. I just noticed Cort Odekirk's message about checking on it. Hopefully it will be solved and my bf and I will have the slots we picked. *crosses fingers*
TriOmegaNinja wrote: Khelreddin wrote: EDIT: TOZ, you should have posted that with a Ninja TOZ avatar! As you wish.
You're giving Sara Marie some serious customer service competition!
I filled my schedule but now it's suddenly cleared. Do I need to sign up again or is it a display issue?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
yep ... seems like all the non-lottery disappeared. Hmmm, don't want to add again, but don't want to leave everything not selected.
RyanH wrote: yep ... seems like all the non-lottery disappeared. The gremlins are strong this year.
WTF? Half my events are gone from the list.
Still showing on the list at the item.
Feral wrote: I filled my schedule but now it's suddenly cleared. Do I need to sign up again or is it a display issue? It looks like it's just a display bug. If you go back to your individual events you're still signed up (the remove button appears).
I couldn't get the event with Obsidian Entertainment to work on Sunday afternoon. Ended up scheduling a PFACG instead.
Other than that, my schedule is set. I even won a seat for a retired scenario. I'm completely stoked about that.
EDIT: Also seeing my schedule is missing stuff. I still show it as registered once I began searching for my registered events.
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Seems to have some back. They appear to be working on session counts.
I would HATE coding with all these people looking over my shoulder. Bad people. :)
I have 3 items showing up on my schedule, but each event I had signed up for still has me signed up lol. Sooo crazy today....