Suit of Keys

D20Dragon's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Grand Lodge

Also bringing lvl8 druid (Halfling) and can re-level.

Grand Lodge

Hmmm, nevermind. The events are showing in the list but not on the summary at the top.

Grand Lodge

Mine are gone too.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah! Buddy system worked!

Now to build new PFS characters with dad (D6Veteran) this weekend :D

Grand Lodge

Tony Lindman wrote:

When you say "converting", are you thinking that you can take existing characters from a campaign, and make them into PFS characters? This is not allowed. All PFS characters must be built from level 1, using the rules in the Guide to Organized Play.

By converting he (my dad) means we're taking our favorite characters and re-generating them from scratch. We've been playing the beginner box.

Grand Lodge

Any idea what the problem is?

I have a kid's badge that was transferred to me from my dad.

Grand Lodge

Hi, I am new to this website and Paizocon. Yesterday I selected the events I wanted but my schedule says "(Schedule not currently available)".

Should I be concerned?