Monks with non-monk weapon


I have a beautiful figure of a monk wielding a bardich, which I would like to use. I am not after an optimal build - just a fun one. Are there any cool things I can do with non-monk weapons like a bardich, like for instance mix an attack with that with an unarmed attack when I flurry?

The stats I rolled are:


Try running him as a sohei. The sohei archetype can get Weapon Training with polearms and flurry with them, making this a great option.

A nifty build would be one with a lot of maneuvers, as reach makes them much more viable, as does using a weapon. Unfortunately you can't "mix" your attacks because a reach weapon, well, engages at distance, while unarmed strikes don't. However, they are a nice option to have if an enemy gets inside that reach and do not require you to drop the bardiche.

Dabbler wrote:

Try running him as a sohei. The sohei archetype can get Weapon Training with polearms and flurry with them, making this a great option.

A nifty build would be one with a lot of maneuvers, as reach makes them much more viable, as does using a weapon. Unfortunately you can't "mix" your attacks because a reach weapon, well, engages at distance, while unarmed strikes don't. However, they are a nice option to have if an enemy gets inside that reach and do not require you to drop the bardiche.

They look good - where do I find them?

Here. The sourcebook is Ultimate Combat.



From Ultimate Combat.

Another option is going more normal monk taking Martial weapon prof(bardiche) and using the bardiche to get AOOs from all the guys that hope to close with you in melee. 17 goes in str, 15 in wis, 13 in con, 12 in dex, if yo ho versatile human you Can get +2 on both str and wis.
Level 1 is weapon prof bardiche and combat reflexes.
Level 2 is improved trip
Level 3 pummeling style.
It is not perfect but it is good fun with flurry in your own turn and AOOs in the bad guys.

Scarab Sages

If you switch bardiche to glaive, you can dip a level of crusader cleric of Shelyn to pick us crusaders flurry to flurry with the glaive. Sohei is good, but this lets you choose a different archetype.

Shadow Lodge

Dabbler wrote:
Unfortunately you can't "mix" your attacks because a reach weapon, well, engages at distance, while unarmed strikes don't.

Sure you can. You can attack an opponent with a reach weapon, 5ft step closer, and then use UAS, or the reverse.

You can also attack one opponent who is 10ft away with the reach weapon while attacking another adjacent opponent with UAS. This is particularly handy if you're focusing your attention on one foe at either longer or closer range when another provokes an AoO. I'm playing a character who frequently closes to UAS range with her primary target while using a reach weapon to control the surrounding area.

Also would work well with Whirlwind attack, which would let you attack all adjacent enemies with UAS and all enemies 10ft away with the reach weapon.

Cap. Darling wrote:

Another option is going more normal monk taking Martial weapon prof(bardiche) and using the bardiche to get AOOs from all the guys that hope to close with you in melee. 17 goes in str, 15 in wis, 13 in con, 12 in dex, if yo ho versatile human you Can get +2 on both str and wis.

Level 1 is weapon prof bardiche and combat reflexes.
Level 2 is improved trip
Level 3 pummeling style.
It is not perfect but it is good fun with flurry in your own turn and AOOs in the bad guys.

I like this idea better actually. I want the 17 in dex, partly for AC, partly for flavour, and it ties in nicely with this build by giving me extra attacks of opportunity.

Also, although the archetype is nice, my group tends to just stick with what we have in the books in front of us. Its easier that way, so sticking with pure core rule book monk would be easier from that perspective.

So, looks like i will be building an AoO build.

Another option,
Sacred Fist (Warpriest archtype) with a reach weapon (Deity favored weapon).

* with the feats Crusaders Flurry and Weapon Focus

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