Looking for an adventure set in a sanitarium / psych ward

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Anyone know of an adventure or mini adventure set in a sanitarium? Level doesn't matter. The group is just starting out so I can plan it for whenever. It could have undead, haunts, crazy humans, doesn't matter.
Any and all suggestions welcome

Thank you

Carrion Hill comes really close, not the whole thing is in the psych ward tho

Community Manager

Haunting of Harrowstone, perhaps.

Carrion Hill and Harrowstone were going to be my suggestions. Both are excellent adventures.

Any reason it needs to be a psych ward/sanitarium? Escape from Meenlock Prison ain't an asylum, but it is full of whackjobs.

There was an adventure printed called Hell's Heart, the third in the Victor St. Demain arc that began with Chimes of Midnight.

I THINK it was actually the first Dungeon printed after Paizo, unfortunately, lost control of the magazine. It was still a great adventure though!

You may have to 'file off the serial numbers' on some of the Eberron references, assuming you aren't playing in said campaign setting.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Part of the Rise of the Runelords adventure "The Skinsaw Murders" is set in a sanatorium.

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Years ago I wrote an adventure called Where Madness Dwells that is set in an asylum. It's a 3E adventure, but it is free.

Scarab Sages

There was a computer game called Sanitarium. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but you could refer to it for inspiration.

Liberty's Edge

Tears at Bitter Manor's second act takes place in a sanitarium. Really good, creepy module overall. It's a module intended to take characters from 5 to 7, and it's PFS sanctioned, if you care about that kind of thing.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DrSwordopolis wrote:
Tears at Bitter Manor's second act takes place in a sanitarium. Really good, creepy module overall. It's a module intended to take characters from 5 to 7, and it's PFS sanctioned, if you care about that kind of thing.

PFS sanctioning means of course, you only go up one level.

There was a 3.5 module put out by Goodman Games for levels 6-8 set in an asylum called "Cages of Delirium." http://www.goodman-games.com/5033preview.html

It should only take minor tweaks to convert it to Pathfinder and it's got good reviews.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
There was a computer game called Sanitarium. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but you could refer to it for inspiration.

I own this game and I love it.

Tom Knauss wrote:
Years ago I wrote an adventure called Where Madness Dwells that is set in an asylum. It's a 3E adventure, but it is free.

Can I just google it to find it? Hrm well I suppose there is one way to answer that.

Thanks everyone. I am going to look into these. Except Runelords, I ran that whole adventure. ^_^

Liberty's Edge

LazarX wrote:
DrSwordopolis wrote:
Tears at Bitter Manor's second act takes place in a sanitarium. Really good, creepy module overall. It's a module intended to take characters from 5 to 7, and it's PFS sanctioned, if you care about that kind of thing.
PFS sanctioning means of course, you only go up one level.

Two chronicles for that one, actually. (The more recent modules have had multiple chronicles, ever since they shifted to the new format.)

I have an old 3.5/Pathfinder Beta mashup adventure I wrote to use with my Curse of the Crimson throne Campaign way back. I can see if I can dig it up and update it. It did feature psionics though, but this can easily be changed.

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Where Madness Dwells is a d20 adventure set in an asylum, and available for free at Drivethrurpg.

Evocative City Sites: Bedlam Asylum (PFRPG) by Rite Publishing ($1.39)

DCC #34: Cage of Delirium seems to be a very interesting adventure for Ravenloft. It takes place in a haunted asylum, and judging from this review i think it features a ghostly villain.

You can use the plot from computer games to write something up, too. There is a sanitarium in Baldurs Gate 2 and another in Pillars of Eternity. I am sure you can find the story behind them on the web (plus a view of the layout).

I'll probably have my adventure ready and updated this weekend. I'll post a link in this thread and make a new thread in the homebrew section when It's finished.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Hi Aviel,

The Mires of Mourning, available here at Paizo sounds like it'd be right up your alley.

In Endzeitgeist's excellent (as usual) review that he posted here, he correctly pointed out its brevity, as it was essentially designed for con play and had to fit in the usual 4-5 hour time slot, but it gives many opportunities to expand and slow things down (if you want) or play it at the up-tempo pace used at cons (if you'd rather do that).

Anyway, the whole thing revolves around the still-active portions and in-ruins portions of Mourninghaven Sanitarium deep in the Creeping Mire, so I think you'd find it useful for what you're looking for.

Here's my Asylum adventure. I've used some stuff from the Gothic compendium but most of it should be easily replaced or ignored. The adventure was originally meant to be used as an interlude in my old Crimson Throne Campaign hence the references to Korvosa and Shoanti's,but it can easily be ignored or replaced with something else. I never got to play this adventure myself so I hope someone here might want to give it a try.

Mortagon wrote:
Here's my Asylum adventure. I've used some stuff from the Gothic compendium but most of it should be easily replaced or ignored. The adventure was originally meant to be used as an interlude in my old Crimson Throne Campaign hence the references to Korvosa and Shoanti's,but it can easily be ignored or replaced with something else. I never got to play this adventure myself so I hope someone here might want to give it a try.

I think I waited to long to try and get this. The link doesn't work. Sorry!

I am running the Crimson Throne module, we are on the last book. The asylum is for a different group, for when one of the members can't play.

James Jacobs has said that the Lovecraftian AP after Hell's Vengeance will begin in a sanatorium, with all the PCs amnesiacs.

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