Questions about Iconic Character Art?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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4 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:

On the topic of Rivani, does that symbol on her brow stand for anything in particular, or just look cool?

It's a "Third Eye" Chakra. Usually associated with psychic abilities in the real - world Sanatana/Hindu tradition. It was part of the art description.

It kinda looks cool too. ;)

Dark Archive

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Happy 4th Wayne.

All this time Lamashtu had a Chakra? I kid.

In your mind's ear, do any of the Iconics have a theme song or set music?

Will you please upload the kineticist next! I'm dying here since Mike teased that I would like it on another thread.


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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Happy 4th Wayne.

All this time Lamashtu had a Chakra? I kid.

In your mind's ear, do any of the Iconics have a theme song or set music?

No, my mind's usually too focused on visuals to contemplate any aural aspects.

Thanks for the wishes. Hope you have a good weekend too. Though the 4th of July is just like any other day to us Brits. :)


DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
Will you please upload the kineticist next! I'm dying here since Mike teased that I would like it on another thread.

Erm, not my decision. I'm only a freelance artist and not a member of the Paizo design team.

Dark Archive

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Wayne, do you get more direction when making the art for an NPC of Golarion like Ameiko or Karzoug than the iconics? Or are you given equal freedom to come up with their looks?


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ulgulanoth wrote:
Wayne, do you get more direction when making the art for an NPC of Golarion like Ameiko or Karzoug than the iconics? Or are you given equal freedom to come up with their looks?

Yeah, I get a little bit more direction when designing NPCs.

They've often got elements specific to their character and the scenario that need including in the design.
Sometimes I'm allowed a degree of creative flexibility on a previously designed NPC and can create an updated version within certain parameters (Such as costume changes)Other times I need to depict things exactly as they've been illustrated previously in order to maintain continuity.

Dark Archive

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Wayne Reynolds wrote:
Hope you have a good weekend too. Though the 4th of July is just like any other day to us Brits. :)


Bit of Trivia.

It is attributed to England’s King George III, who supposedly wrote in his diary, “Nothing of importance happened today” on July 4. But if it sounds like a historical irony too good to be true, that’s because it is.

NPR discovered five years ago that George never even kept a diary and the myth stemmed from an actual diary entry of King Louis XVI of France from 1789.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
Hope you have a good weekend too. Though the 4th of July is just like any other day to us Brits. :)


Bit of Trivia.

It is attributed to England’s King George III, who supposedly wrote in his diary, “Nothing of importance happened today” on July 4. But if it sounds like a historical irony too good to be true, that’s because it is.

NPR discovered five years ago that George never even kept a diary and the myth stemmed from an actual diary entry of King Louis XVI of France from 1789.

Ha! Brilliant. :)

Dark Archive

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Could Lem do justice to that patriotic song?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Not on a flute. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:


Could Lem do justice to that patriotic song?

I'm more of a Billy Bragg or Jethro Tull type bard anyway.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Billy Bragg as a Pathfinder bard, wow, interesting idea.

So Lem, you have a half-brother, how does that feel?

Actually, Mr Reynolds, were you told about that "twist" in the brief?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Darrell Impey UK wrote:

Billy Bragg as a Pathfinder bard, wow, interesting idea.

So Lem, you have a half-brother, how does that feel?

Would have prefered someone nicer.

Dark Archive

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So back to questions about the Iconics art

1) Whats the story behind of Amiri's tusk things on her left gauntlet?
2) Does Alahazra have eye tattoos on both her hands?
3) Is Imrijka carrying a talisman of Sarenrae?
4) What did you base Lirianne of of?
5) What is up with Quinn's lantern?
6) What are those little tube things dangling near Enora's dagger?
7) Why is Kess carrying sticks?


Darrell Impey UK wrote:

Billy Bragg as a Pathfinder bard, wow, interesting idea.

So Lem, you have a half-brother, how does that feel?

Actually, Mr Reynolds, were you told about that "twist" in the brief?

I wasn't told of Meligaster's relationship to Lem. It's often the case that Iconic character backgrounds are created after I've submitted the art.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:

So back to questions about the Iconics art

1) Whats the story behind of Amiri's tusk things on her left gauntlet?
2) Does Alahazra have eye tattoos on both her hands?
3) Is Imrijka carrying a talisman of Sarenrae?
4) What did you base Lirianne of of?
5) What is up with Quinn's lantern?
6) What are those little tube things dangling near Enora's dagger?
7) Why is Kess carrying sticks?

1) It's kind of a spiked gauntlet made from tusks/horns.

2) It's not often I get to illustrate Alahazra. (I think I've only done 2 renditions of her.) But I'd illustrate her with eye tattoos on both hands, unless otherwise directed by the Paizo design team.
3) Yes. (Well spotted)
4) The art description mentioned that she's a kind of medieval gunfighter wearing a brimmed hat. I based a lot of the costume design on a hybrid of 18th century Europe and early 19th century American fashion. Then incorporated medieval armour into those aesthetics.
5) Quinn's lantern glows blue. You can summarise that it's probably not a normal lantern.
6) That would be her chatelaine. In RL - "a decorative belt hook or clasp worn at the waist with a series of chains suspended from it. Each chain is mounted with a useful household appendage such as scissors, thimble, watch, key, vinaigrette, household seal, etc" Enora's chatelaine clearly holds a dagger. Perhaps the other items are containers which unscrew to reveal items which would aid her magic?
7) Answered this one before in Kess's "Meet the Iconics" thread. They're marker sticks for marking out the corners of a makeshift arena or fight ring.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:

7) Why is Kess carrying sticks?

7) Answered this one before in Kess's "Meet the Iconics" thread. They're marker sticks for marking out the corners of a makeshift arena or fight ring.

You just know that if Lini runs into her she's going to want one for her collection.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi, I asked about the style behind Kyra and Sarenrae earlier and am wondering if you have a good reference for a 'Persian' style other than just the internet.


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pH unbalanced wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:

7) Why is Kess carrying sticks?

7) Answered this one before in Kess's "Meet the Iconics" thread. They're marker sticks for marking out the corners of a makeshift arena or fight ring.

You just know that if Lini runs into her she's going to want one for her collection.

Probably not.

Lini's sticks aren't just a random collection of twigs. They're individually marked divination sticks. Kess's marker posts have been used for a specific purpose and have been psychometrically imprinted to make them wholly unsuitable.
Plus, they're too big.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Seannoss wrote:
Hi, I asked about the style behind Kyra and Sarenrae earlier and am wondering if you have a good reference for a 'Persian' style other than just the internet.

(Kinda off - topic)

I have an extensive reference library of books, photographs and clippings relating to Persia and Persian objects throughout history. It has taken many years and a great deal of effort and research to collect this material. Much of it has some personal resonance and has been selected because of it's inspirational value to myself and my art.
Please understand that it is inappropriate for you to ask an artist to share their personal resources in this manner.

Visual information regarding Persian history can be found in a wide selection of books, museums and periodicals. It's all out there waiting for you to discover it for yourself.

Wayne Reynolds wrote:
DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
Will you please upload the kineticist next! I'm dying here since Mike teased that I would like it on another thread.
Erm, not my decision. I'm only a freelance artist and not a member of the Paizo design team.

They haven't made you an Honorary Paizo Staffer yet?

On topic: Is there any type of request that would make you go crazy and you would end up drawing dozens of pages of?

Dark Archive

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Love your stuff, and thanks for answering our questions!

Rivani has a few items floating around her, including an oil lamp and a crossbow with bolts.

What are the items on the left?

The item on the lower left looks like a sundial, pocket compass or wayfinder or something?

The blue sphere could be an incandescent blue sphere ioun stone, or just a blue pearl or something?

On a less questioning note, I love the iconic Medium's starknife. I'm not a fan of that weapon in general, but you made it look awesome with those thicker flared blades.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:

Love your stuff, and thanks for answering our questions!

Rivani has a few items floating around her, including an oil lamp and a crossbow with bolts.

What are the items on the left?

The item on the lower left looks like a sundial, pocket compass or wayfinder or something?

Wayne said on the previous page that it is indeed a wayfinder of some sort.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just a quick note:

Wayne your art is awesome and it's a big part of why so many people have come to love Pathfinder...

Thank you, and please keep doing what you've been doing! :)


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Gars DarkLover wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
Will you please upload the kineticist next! I'm dying here since Mike teased that I would like it on another thread.
Erm, not my decision. I'm only a freelance artist and not a member of the Paizo design team.

They haven't made you an Honorary Paizo Staffer yet?

On topic: Is there any type of request that would make you go crazy and you would end up drawing dozens of pages of?

There isn't really any one subject that I have difficulty depicting.

There can be occasions where an equipment design can be elusive - where a weapon shape, armour design or clothing pattern isn't quite working. These are the instances that involve a number of alternative sketch design until I get something that looks right. It can take a few pages of my sketchbook until I'm able to create the appropriate design.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:

Love your stuff, and thanks for answering our questions!

Rivani has a few items floating around her, including an oil lamp and a crossbow with bolts.

What are the items on the left?

The item on the lower left looks like a sundial, pocket compass or wayfinder or something?

The blue sphere could be an incandescent blue sphere ioun stone, or just a blue pearl or something?

On a less questioning note, I love the iconic Medium's starknife. I'm not a fan of that weapon in general, but you made it look awesome with those thicker flared blades.

Thanks Set. :)

One of the items on her left is indeed a wayfinder. The other is a magical stone/orb of some sort. It's not an Ioun Stone, as they float around the recipient's head on their own. This stone is being held by the Psychic.

I'm pleased that you like the design of the Star Knife. As far as I'm aware, there isn't a real-world historical counterpart to this weapon. (I'm not sure who created the RPG concept) I surmise that a starknife would have to be held in a diagonal plane, with the flat of the blades facing towards an opponent. I'd guess it'd be used in a side to side motion rather than a forward stabbing motion. Otherwise the wielder would increase the risk of cutting themselves. Probably great for disarming an opponent though.


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Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

Just a quick note:

Wayne your art is awesome and it's a big part of why so many people have come to love Pathfinder...

Thank you, and please keep doing what you've been doing! :)

Thanks very much for the kind words. I sincerely appreciate it.

I'll keep on trying in the hope that my future artwork will meet with your approval too. :)

Dark Archive

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Wayne Reynolds wrote:
One of the items on her left is indeed a wayfinder. The other is a magical stone/orb of some sort. It's not an Ioun Stone, as they float around the recipient's head on their own. This stone is being held by the Psychic.

Cool. The orb being something mysterious is probably even more thematic for an occult character than something as matter-of-fact as a specific magical item that's been around for many editions.

I love the different body types you've been using. I'm a big comic book fan, and back in 'the day' (40s to 80s) everyone pretty much had the exact same body type, the men were all broad-chested and lantern-jawed Charles Atlas wannabes, the ladies were all Marilyn, with wasp waists and improbable breasts, regardless of how athletic they were meant to be (or not be). I like how the Mesmerist has thin legs, suggesting a leaner-than-normal build, while the Occultist is heavy, and the Psychic has some 'child-bearing hips.' Very cool.

Your attention to detail is wonderful. It inspires me me revisit my own character designs to consider how the gear they carry can suggest information about them, a kind of 'visual storytelling.'

Dark Archive

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Having that we've seen the iconics already depicted in different costumes, is there any costumes for any of the iconics you'd like to paint them in? And if so who and what would they wear?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
Will you please upload the kineticist next! I'm dying here since Mike teased that I would like it on another thread.
Erm, not my decision. I'm only a freelance artist and not a member of the Paizo design team.

They haven't made you an Honorary Paizo Staffer yet?

On topic: Is there any type of request that would make you go crazy and you would end up drawing dozens of pages of?

There isn't really any one subject that I have difficulty depicting.

There can be occasions where an equipment design can be elusive - where a weapon shape, armour design or clothing pattern isn't quite working. These are the instances that involve a number of alternative sketch design until I get something that looks right. It can take a few pages of my sketchbook until I'm able to create the appropriate design.

Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant crazy as in; the subject interest and inspire you so much you go overboard, you end up drawing way more than neccessary?


7 people marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
Having that we've seen the iconics already depicted in different costumes, is there any costumes for any of the iconics you'd like to paint them in? And if so who and what would they wear?

I'd love to create sci-fi variants of the first 11 Iconics. That would be fun. :)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
Will you please upload the kineticist next! I'm dying here since Mike teased that I would like it on another thread.
Erm, not my decision. I'm only a freelance artist and not a member of the Paizo design team.

They haven't made you an Honorary Paizo Staffer yet?

On topic: Is there any type of request that would make you go crazy and you would end up drawing dozens of pages of?

There isn't really any one subject that I have difficulty depicting.

There can be occasions where an equipment design can be elusive - where a weapon shape, armour design or clothing pattern isn't quite working. These are the instances that involve a number of alternative sketch design until I get something that looks right. It can take a few pages of my sketchbook until I'm able to create the appropriate design.
Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant crazy as in; the subject interest and inspire you so much you go overboard, you end up drawing way more than neccessary?

Apologies for the misunderstanding.

I nearly always tend to go overboard whenever I create images or characters from a new race/culture. I'll spend a great deal of time working out visual aspects from the entire culture they belong to - not just what the character is wearing.
I'll often make multiple thumbnail sketches of costume, weapon and armour variants to create a definitive style that is specifically recognisable as belonging to that culture.
A good example is the Drow Elves from the cover of Inner Sea Races
I spent a lot of time working out the variations of how a culture of Drow elves living in a thorn forest would look different from their subterranean counterparts. I tried to introduce new elements (Such as spiky holly - leaf shapes) but at the same time retain some sort of visual racial aspects so that they weren't too dissimilar from regular Drow.
I hope it worked?

Community Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Having that we've seen the iconics already depicted in different costumes, is there any costumes for any of the iconics you'd like to paint them in? And if so who and what would they wear?
I'd love to create sci-fi variants of the first 11 Iconics. That would be fun. :)

I wholeheartedly endorse and approve this idea. :D


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wayne Reynolds wrote:

I'm pleased that you like the design of the Star Knife. As far as I'm aware, there isn't a real-world historical counterpart to this weapon. (I'm not sure who created the RPG concept) I surmise that a starknife would have to be held in a diagonal plane, with the flat of the blades facing towards an opponent. I'd guess it'd be used in a side to side motion rather than a forward stabbing motion. Otherwise the wielder would increase the risk of cutting themselves. Probably great for disarming an opponent though.

The closest I've seen is a "shuriken" that's actually made to maim (shuriken were mainly used for distraction - more of a feint in PFRPG) which was about 8 inches long per side. Because this weapon was also about 10 pounds of metal, it was thrown underhand, aiming for the knee or groin.

To anyone who has used throwing stars - it hit the same way, but was purposefully made heavier in the middle, so it dropped/fell out of the target after striking them. Hopefully giving the thrower first blood.

It looked like this but just about twice as big and made of metal.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Having that we've seen the iconics already depicted in different costumes, is there any costumes for any of the iconics you'd like to paint them in? And if so who and what would they wear?
I'd love to create sci-fi variants of the first 11 Iconics. That would be fun. :)




Sovereign Court

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James Jacobs wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Having that we've seen the iconics already depicted in different costumes, is there any costumes for any of the iconics you'd like to paint them in? And if so who and what would they wear?
I'd love to create sci-fi variants of the first 11 Iconics. That would be fun. :)




yes. ...... yessssssss.....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Having that we've seen the iconics already depicted in different costumes, is there any costumes for any of the iconics you'd like to paint them in? And if so who and what would they wear?
I'd love to create sci-fi variants of the first 11 Iconics. That would be fun. :)




And Shensen? And Nocticula?

To WAR: Has anyone asked you to draw a male Catfolk in the Bestiary 3 style?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gars DarkLover wrote:

To WAR: Has anyone asked you to draw a male Catfolk in the Bestiary 3 style?

I've illustrated many cat/human zoomorphic creatures in the past but never for Pathfinder. (Most of them have been for a popular Trading Card Game.)

Verdant Wheel

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I know Mr. Reynolds didn´t draw it, but there is a steampunk sci-fi Meirisiel in the Distant Worlds campaing setting book.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Having that we've seen the iconics already depicted in different costumes, is there any costumes for any of the iconics you'd like to paint them in? And if so who and what would they wear?
I'd love to create sci-fi variants of the first 11 Iconics. That would be fun. :)

I would really like to see the iconic alchemist sci-fied too!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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the xiao wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Having that we've seen the iconics already depicted in different costumes, is there any costumes for any of the iconics you'd like to paint them in? And if so who and what would they wear?
I'd love to create sci-fi variants of the first 11 Iconics. That would be fun. :)
I would really like to see the iconic alchemist sci-fied too!

One cybernetic 3rd arm, coming up for damiel...


Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
Hope you have a good weekend too. Though the 4th of July is just like any other day to us Brits. :)


Bit of Trivia.

It is attributed to England’s King George III, who supposedly wrote in his diary, “Nothing of importance happened today” on July 4. But if it sounds like a historical irony too good to be true, that’s because it is.

NPR discovered five years ago that George never even kept a diary and the myth stemmed from an actual diary entry of King Louis XVI of France from 1789.

If he actually had a diary, it's entry would probably been more in the line of "Oh, yet another bloody headache!" George was increasingly plagued by illnesses at several periods of his life, possibly due to the level of arsenic from either his medications, or possibly cosmetics of the time.

Sovereign Court


Reading these responses has been very interesting, seeing the level of detail and forethought that goes into producing the design for these characters.

Of the latest batch of Iconics, Estra (and Honaire) seem particularly interesting. Obviously, the two are dramatically different visually,, but I was wondering if you could expand a bit on some of the inspirations for each of their designs, especially any common elements or themes that might be overlooked.

Do you find "paired" characters like these any easier or harder to design than individuals? Or, perhaps to expand that question more broadly, which Iconics were easiest to develop a design for, and who was most challenging?


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dhenn wrote:


Reading these responses has been very interesting, seeing the level of detail and forethought that goes into producing the design for these characters.

Of the latest batch of Iconics, Estra (and Honaire) seem particularly interesting. Obviously, the two are dramatically different visually,, but I was wondering if you could expand a bit on some of the inspirations for each of their designs, especially any common elements or themes that might be overlooked.

Do you find "paired" characters like these any easier or harder to design than individuals? Or, perhaps to expand that question more broadly, which Iconics were easiest to develop a design for, and who was most challenging?

Hi Dhenn,

I illustrate fairly quickly, but I write fairly slowly. It takes a while for me to adequately translate my ideas into words. I hope to write about the design concepts behind the 6 new Iconics for Occult Adventures soon.
Some have more going on than others.

In answer to your last question.......
I guess I have more of an affinity towards combat - orientated characters. In general, they're the ones I find easier to design.
There were a number of the Iconics who had earlier versions that got changed.

Valeros - The earlier version was more armoured.
Seoni - I changed the pose and some costume details.
Imrijka - Major costume change. I recall that I had a lot of problems designing her.
Padrig (Balazar's Eidolon)The initial version was a bear. I'd not quite gotten my head around the Eidolon concept at that time.
Oloch - It took a while to get the balance right between priest and warrior. I sorted the costume problems out during the thumbnail sketch stage so there was only ever one final sketch of Oloch.
Shardra - Pose change and costume modification. There were design aspects to her that I wanted to implement but held back on. Out of all the Iconics, Shardra is the one that I'd go back and change the most. (Not that there's anything particularly wrong about the design. It's just one of those personal artistic desires to retrospectively modify one's own work)
Yoon - Yoon's final design was her third incarnation. It was the visual concept and not the costume design that made her a tricky Iconic to illustrate.

Dark Archive

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On the iconic Occultist (Mavaro), there seems to be a repeating theme of a missing left eye, both with the missing ruby on the face on the sword, and in the hole punched into the left eye socket of the face on the metal thingie hanging right above the sword.

Was there a specific thought behind that detail?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you very much for bringing us all this wonderful information, Wayne!

My questions were about Merisiel:

1. What is the stone in her forehead made out of?

2. Just what is up with her enormous eyes? I don't think I've seen any other depiction of a Pathfinder elf with such huge eyes!

3. Since she has white hair and a sort of pinkish/violet complexion, do you think that she has a bit of drow heritage in her?

Keep up the fantastic work!


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Set wrote:

On the iconic Occultist (Mavaro), there seems to be a repeating theme of a missing left eye, both with the missing ruby on the face on the sword, and in the hole punched into the left eye socket of the face on the metal thingie hanging right above the sword.

Was there a specific thought behind that detail?

The one-eyed entity depicted on the birchwood plaque bear does bear a striking resemblance to the stylised face on the hilt of Mavaro's sword.

Who is this entity?
What's the story behind the missing eye?
What would happen if the missing gem was ever replaced in the empty socket on that sword?

I don't have the answers to these questions. However, I sometimes depict aspects or items that have a definite visual connection without necessarily having a specific answer in mind.
(Rather like the sword from the cover of Ultimate Equipment which also appears on the cover of Mythic Adventures)
The idea is an attempt to fire the imagination by creating linked visual elements that intentionally make a perceptive viewer notice those connections.
It seems an like appropriate thing to do try enhance a game based on imagination in a high fantasy setting.

It's down to the Paizo design team whether they want to create a backstory behind these objects.
However, it would be perfectly acceptable for a player or GM adding these aspects into their own character or game adventures.


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Kazzadok wrote:

Thank you very much for bringing us all this wonderful information, Wayne!

My questions were about Merisiel:

1. What is the stone in her forehead made out of?

2. Just what is up with her enormous eyes? I don't think I've seen any other depiction of a Pathfinder elf with such huge eyes!

3. Since she has white hair and a sort of pinkish/violet complexion, do you think that she has a bit of drow heritage in her?

Keep up the fantastic work!

Thanks for your interest in my artwork Kazzadok.

Merisiel was the third Iconic character I created in the early days of Pathfinder.
At that point we pretty much had an entire game world to create with an opportunity to introduce unique visual elements that people would hopefully associate with the setting.

The stone on her forehead is made out of some sort of green mineral or crystal. I didn't have a specific material in mind. It could be emerald, jade or the polished shell of a dragon egg.

Merisiel was my initial rendition of a Pathfinder Elf - deliberately designed to be visually different from elves in other previous fantasy settings.
In addition, I wanted to make the distinction between humans and demi-humans more obvious. It's why she has such small delicate features, pale skin, white hair and large black - on - black eyes. She is physically thinner than normal human proportions with slightly elongated arms and legs.
Humans don't quite look this way - That's because she's not human. She's an elf. (Not a human with pointy ears. It goes deeper than that)

I used this methodology when designing all of the Pathfinder demi - humans. I felt that they needed to be distinctly different from regular human proportions that we're all so familiar with.

You picked up on the unusual size of Merisiel's eyes.
You were supposed to.

I'm hoping to be able to tap into something fundamentally primal in our collective perception of humanity and our reactions to that which is different.

Sovereign Court

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Wayne, I wonder if you'd ever like to take a shot at a brand new Tiamat depicted more along the lines of her ancient babylonian mythological roots and completely forgetting about her D&D five-headedness...

:) :) :)

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