Healing spells in a spellbook

Rules Questions

I've been wondering this for some time now. If a bard were to scribe a scroll of a cure spell is there any reason a magus or wizard could not copy it into their own book? Technically it would be an arcane version of the spell since it would come from a bard.
Obviously there are better things a wizard could spend their time doing than casting healing spells. Still, is there any reason this wouldn't work?

Grand Lodge

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Yes. The reason is it's not on their spell list.

Being an arcane spell does not make it a Sorcerer/Wizard spell or a Magus spell. I don't believe they could write the spell into their spell books, and even if they could, they certainly couldn't prepare or cast it.

Barring shenanagins such as Mystic Past Life or such, bit if you have those you don't need the bard in the first place.


Check out the Arcanist white mage archetype if you are looking for an arcane spellcaster with healing abilities.

Silver Crusade

There is always Infernal Healing...

Grand Lodge

Have you considered making a Healing Patron witch?

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

You see the gatekeeper to being able to cast as being in a Wizard spellbook, but it is actually being on your class spell list. Various ways can be used to add a spell to your spell list (Ring of Spell Knowledge).

A 10th Wizard with a Ring of Spell Knowledge Cure Light Wounds can copy a Bard scroll into his spellbook and memorize it as a prepared spell. Without the ring he can do neither task.

Jeff Merola wrote:
Yes. The reason is it's not on their spell list.

Okay, now that you point it out I feel that should have been obvious.

The only way you can legally get cure spells with a wizard is to be a Samsaran with the Mystic past life alternate racial trait.

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