
BlackDragonWizard's page

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I played an awakened wolf ranger several years back and my DM was totally cool with the idea when I suggested it. If the character idea can mesh well with the game then I see no reason why not.

Off the top of my head I know that grey renders will sometimes 'adopt' weaker creatures. Perhaps one could take a liking to your players and help them out in exchange for food.

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How many shops could afford to buy something that expensive anyway?

Jeff Merola wrote:
Yes. The reason is it's not on their spell list.

Okay, now that you point it out I feel that should have been obvious.

I've been wondering this for some time now. If a bard were to scribe a scroll of a cure spell is there any reason a magus or wizard could not copy it into their own book? Technically it would be an arcane version of the spell since it would come from a bard.
Obviously there are better things a wizard could spend their time doing than casting healing spells. Still, is there any reason this wouldn't work?

A lot of outsiders have the ability to summon monsters. Your character could charm or dominate the summons, unless they too are the same sort of outsider race with the same immunities.

These are some really good ideas. I don't own Ultimate Campaign but now I think I'll be picking it up soon. Having his cohort run the guild sounds like a fair trade off for making a little extra and getting some discounted items. Thanks!

Sorry if this topic has alread been discussed before. I have a PC in my game who wants to take Leadership and use his followers to create a thieves guild in the city. I think the initial idea is interesting but then he went on to say 'I can leave the city, go adventuring, get loot and come back and have bags of gold waiting for me from the guild'.
I know Leadership is a controversial feat anyway, the problem is I've already allowed another PC to take it. His followers are the crew to a ship that he bought, he pays them standard wages, supplies them, etc. I'd feel sort of lousy saying no since I allowed another character the same feat.
I like the idea of the thieves guild but not as an endless supply of gold that isn't earned during play.
Has anyone else used Leadership for a guild in this way and if so how did you handle it?