Because you're the GM

Forum Games

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You can allow Ghouls to access the memories of the brains they eat like the TV show IZombie, because you're the GM!

That would be awesome, yes.

Scarab Sages

You can allow water elementalists a chance to temporarily gain free metamagic when their spellbooks get wet, and fire elementalists likewise when their spellbooks get singed, because you're the GM!

Glad this is taking off.
You can let casters give dead they animated one simple command they follow till they get a new one because you're the GM!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You can crack open the skull of one of your players and devour his brains as his friends look on in horror because you're the GM!

Am I doing this right?

TPK via secret dice rolls behind a screen, yes you can, because you're the DM!

Shadow Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

You may claim Prima Nocta, because you're the GM!

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You insist that at least one pie will be ordered with Stuffed Crust, because you are the DM

Shadow Lodge

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GoatToucher wrote:

You can crack open the skull of one of your players and devour his brains as his friends look on in horror because you're the GM!

Am I doing this right?

Yes, because you're the GM.

Scarab Sages

Instead of contemporary dice, you can require the game be played with actual knucklebones, because you're the DM!

You can instruct your players to replace their interpersonal roleplay with interpretive dance because you're the DM!

GoatToucher wrote:
You can instruct your players to replace their interpersonal roleplay with interpretive dance because you're the DM!

Or just tell them that today we are going to play

Teenagers from Outer Space

Complete with 5th hour being nothing but interpretive dance class!

Because your the DM!

Or you can be both the GM and the DM at the same time because you're the boss guy!

Scarab Sages

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You can make your players track their gold pieces by way of an equivalent number of actual grains of salt, because you're the DM!

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You can throw your players into a sack one by one and beat them with a broom handle until you get tired because you are a violent sociopath who is also the DM!

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You can hit the party with a no-save hours-long duration Hold Person to listen to you recite your Dragon poetry, Because You're the GM!

You can run a campaign setting with space elves and their pet giant hamsters fighting against abberant horrors and hippo men for galactic supremacy Because You're the GM!

Scarab Sages

You can obliterate the entire campaign world to make way for a hyperspace bypass, Because You're the DM!

You can crashland the entire fleet of ships prepped for final assault on earth against the reapers on Golarion and have players fight against biotic half dragon krogans BECAUSE YOU'RE THE GM!

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Trigger Loaded wrote:
You can hit the party with a no-save hours-long duration Hold Person to listen to you recite your Dragon poetry, Because You're the GM!

Or even Vogon Poetry BECAUSE YOU ARE THE GM!!!!!!

You can have mind flayers try to force humans to kill themselves BECAUSE YOU ARE THE GM!

You can make up random stuff, refuse to ever explain it, let other players guess how it happened, pick the best one and say "Yep" and have them back for more like a Boss....
because your the DM

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You can set an entire Adventure Path to a scene-by-scene all-Weird Al Yankovic soundtrack, Because You're the DM!

You can create a musetouched aasimar white-haired witch/techslinger with mythic racial heritage (Halfling Jinx) and Mythic Eldritch Heritage (Void-Touched) because you are the GM

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You can make statistics for Dr. Seuss' menagerie of creatures and sic them on the PCs, Because You're the DM!

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You can start the characters in a campaign naked, bound and locked in a cell, BECAUSE YOU'RE THE GM!!!

Sissyl wrote:
You can start the characters in a campaign naked, bound and locked in a cell, BECAUSE YOU'RE THE GM!!!

Somewhere there was an official DnD adventure path where that happened, but I cannot remember what is was called right now.

You can say RAI means summoned creatures can do non combat labor for hours instead of rounds BECAUSE YOU'RE THE GM!!!!!
You don't have to let players razz you for not bolding the title quote, BECAUSE YOU'RE THE GM!!!!!

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You can give your archlich mastermind big bad of the campaign the voice of Skeletor, BECAUSE YOU'RE THE GM!

What I'm saying, is you can keep having mutants get bigger, generation after generation, if you want, because you're the GM!

You can handwave prerequisite feats, because you're the GM!

You can have a major badguy who thinks he can live forever by kissing unicorns, because you're the GM!


You can reward players who make you laugh or otherwise entertain you because you are the GM.

You can invoke the "Rule of Cool" because you are the GM.

You can have any enemy somehow not only survive but escape the party because you are the GM.

Scarab Sages

You can have your players brew potions using the alchemy system from The Legend of Kyrandia, Book II: The Hand of Fate, Because You're the DM!

You can scour the internet for free games and modules and claim it's a home-brew AP, with no contradictions..... because your the DM!

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Because, in soviet russia campaign setting, THE GM IS YOU

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You can fight the party using angry birds BECAUSE YOUR THE DM!
*Love this thread*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You can base an entire module on an episode of Scoobie Doo because you're the GM!

You can use 2d3 in place of 1d6 all the time.... because your the DM

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You can curse your whole party to only speak in rhyme, it will only apply to them..
Because your the DM

You can say goblin babies are evil from birth, or that they aren't. Because you're the GM.

You can say that Andoran is poorly-run and overly sympathetic to Chaotic fiends, because you're the GM.

You can set the PCs up against encounters they can't beat, because you're the GM.

You can give the PCs reduced WBL, because you're the GM.

Sovereign Court

You can celebrate your birthday every day BECAUSE YOU'RE THE GM!

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You can phone up Jack Chick and invite him to your game claiming it's a Bible study meeting, Because You're the DM!

Liberty's Edge

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You can create a world where adventurers are treated with a combination of pity, loathing, and fear because you're the GM!

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You can make stats for a Grimace monster and design a Hamburglar Rogue Archetype, Because You're the DM!

You can run a gladitorial campaign, and base every plotline off ten year old WWE plots, Because You're The GM!

You can punish AoZK for forgetting to bold it BECAUSE YOU ARE THE GM

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You don't have to bold it if device won't let you, BECAUSE YOU'RE THE GM!

You can laugh at inferior devices BECUASE YOU ARE THE GM

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