Dungeon Rumors. (Help me brainstorm)

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The Dungeon Fortune's Folly has kept adventurers at bay for three years, tales of the dangers in its depths has been told and retold to travelers and treasure hunters seeking gold and glory. You are a resident or adventurer that has heard or witnessed first hand the terrors within this accursed place. When asked by others, what tales or truths do you tell to those seeking this critical information?

The Exchange

More information please, what exactly is in the dungeon.

Generic stuff like
"In the dungeons below the ground lies a pot of gold"
"The road is hard, but the rewards are great, for only the chosen one can wield the holy blade"

Death awaits you with nasty sharp pointy teeth!

"Yar laddie/lassy, be wary of the winking lights. They lead to safety in the darkness. When I lost me axe on a tumble down into those cavernous depths, they showed me the way."

There will be cake.

Watch out for the beast of aaaaaaaarrrrrgghhh

They say that the goblins fear to tread near the watch beast

There is no dungeon

It was looted years ago by the local warlord

"Fortune's Folly is said to have many exits but only one entrance, most who have survived are invariably teleported to the nearby mountains, some even claim to have found themselves in limbo or worse, one known liar told me he fell into a river while running from a bunch of bugbears and held his breath all the way to a lake some miles south of the dungeon."


It's a long, dark, cave that leads down about a thousand yards... and comes out on the other side of the mountain. From there it's a day's walk to the river, and a boat will be by to take you to the ocean. From there you can go wherever you'd like. Nobody will come looking for you. Nobody who goes down there ever comes back... because they don't want to, that's why they left in the first place.

Scavion wrote:
"Yar laddie/lassy, be wary of the winking lights. They lead to safety in the darkness. When I lost me axe on a tumble down into those cavernous depths, they showed me the way."

Sounds like fun.

Silver Crusade

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"They say the complex was made by a stone smith gone mad, with endless corridors that lead nowhere, staircases to bare walls, and secret doors that lead only to small useless antechambers. Supposedly he built it to keep Death from finding him, and to this day, Death wanders the halls seeking for its architect and any other he might stumble across."

"My grandfather said there was a chamber filled with a platinum piece for every mortal sin committed by the people in the town above, but that taking them meant you took on their punishment too."

"People claim that the Dungeon goes into you when you go into it and never truly let's you go. My grandfather refuses to open any door himself anymore, for fear he'll find it opening into another dark sepulcherian corridor."

"Supposedly down three sublevels there's a huge door with a puzzle on it and a warning reading: Only the intelligent can open this door, but the wise know to leave it shut."

"100 years ago the place was a hidey hole for the evilest, most infamous villain to ever step foot within a 1,000 miles of this place, Mthfaroixaitzhian the Unpronounceable and his crew of murderous cutthroats. It's said they had a copper for there for each person they killed and that made them the richest lot in 5 counties, that's how many people they killed. Of course about 99 years ago some adventuring types came through, killed them all, and took all their loot. Now the place is mostly where the local teens go to hide things in different kinds of holes, if you get what I'm saying."

Spook205 wrote:

"They say the complex was made by a stone smith gone mad, with endless corridors that lead nowhere, staircases to bare walls, and secret doors that lead only to small useless antechambers. Supposedly he built it to keep Death from finding him, and to this day, Death wanders the halls seeking for its architect and any other he might stumble across."

"My grandfather said there was a chamber filled with a platinum piece for every mortal sin committed by the people in the town above, but that taking them meant you took on their punishment too."

"People claim that the Dungeon goes into you when you go into it and never truly let's you go. My grandfather refuses to open any door himself anymore, for fear he'll find it opening into another dark sepulcherian corridor."

"Supposedly down three sublevels there's a huge door with a puzzle on it and a warning reading: Only the intelligent can open this door, but the wise know to leave it shut."

The Spook strikes again!

" i'v seen the sole surviver of the 'blue Falcons' when he stambeled back to town,his cloths were torn to shreads. scars all over his body and his face..i will never forget his face! his eyes were moving back and forth,never stopping.he kept looking ovre his shoulder,under the tables..he even picked up the welcome rug before going into the tavren,circuling around it mind you.
he jumed if anyone would turn to him,cowering in his place if they spoke loader then a whisper.for a long time he wouldn't speak, just kept looking around,like a trapepd animal. it was only missfurtune that the barmaid had dropped that pitcher.he went white from the sound of the crash,he mumbeled something then colepsed and died. but i was close enough to hear his whisper: 'and she said it was cute,so we kept it..' "

Shaper wrote:
The Dungeon Fortune's Folly has kept adventurers at bay for three years, tales of the dangers in its depths has been told and retold to travelers and treasure hunters seeking gold and glory. You are a resident or adventurer that has heard or witnessed first hand the terrors within this accursed place. When asked by others, what tales or truths do you tell to those seeking this critical information?

"When you get to the room with statues be on guard, the next creature you see might be your last. Those statues are made of people...people!"

"Fear the duck that quacks after midnight. His resonance can break your bones and gnaw your flesh. Strike only when the goat turns red."

You guys are on fire!


"Somewhere in there, there's a door that leads into a natural cave passage. After about three hundred yards, the cave starts getting warm and humid, and the walls start getting soft and damp. It's the gullet of a beast the liked of which you or I can't even imagine, and if it ever starts moving under that mountain..."

chaoseffect wrote:
"100 years ago the place was a hidey hole for the evilest, most infamous villain to ever step foot within a 1,000 miles of this place, Mthfaroixaitzhian the Unpronounceable and his crew of murderous cutthroats. It's said they had a copper for there for each person they killed and that made them the richest lot in 5 counties, that's how many people they killed. Of course about 99 years ago some adventuring types came through, killed them all, and took all their loot. Now the place is mostly where the local teens go to hide things in different kinds of holes, if you get what I'm saying."

Heh heh yeah... I don't get it.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"'Fortune's Folly?' I thought that was a card game...."

"Neither dwarf nor giant holds death on the inside."

"The goal of the place is to DIE. Understand?"

"If you're really going in there...could you please find my son?"

"Yeah, my crew and I tried going in there once. Everyone told us we needed to 'ring the largest gong thrice' - but there weren't any gongs!"

"Be prepared to eat the flesh of your own kind if'n ye wish to survive down thar...."

"My advice? Take an umbrella."

"The worst thing you'll find in there is bad poetry - don't say I didn't warn you!"

"They say that any who'd enter the place must build their own staircase. Can you imagine? Who builds a dungeon without a staircase???"

"I've been there. The only thing that saved me was my keen ear for music."

"Guess what? There's no treasure there! NONE! No gems, no magic lamps, no enchanted weapons of yore, not one copper coin! Funny thing is, a lot of adventurers have been down there, and they all said it was the most rewarding adventure they'd ever had...."

"Don't blink."

"They say your dreams come true down there. I don't mean you get to see your grandparents again, or you become king, or you find an end to war...I mean your dreams come true."

"I wouldn't go down there if I was you. Bad things happen to folks who go down there, because most folks don't belong down there, y'see? Even if they come back out alive and well, they don't stay that way. Y'see? Take my friendly warning, friends, and don't be going anyplace you oughtn't."

"Yeah, I've been down there. WHY DO YOU THINK I DRINK?!??"

"It's just an abandoned granary, really. I've been down there, we all have, the legend's all gossip. Nothing special. *chuckle* It's just a way for our little town to make money off gawkers."

"Ja, it's a good place for young bloods to test their mettle. I highly recommend you give it your best, and wish you the best of luck. One thing you must know, of course: Copper weapons! Only copper weapons will do down there, my friend!"

"A boon, almost a pilgrimage, to we necromancers, it is. Make you fine practitioners of the dark arts; go there and reap the rewards!"

"...that damned crossword puzzle!..."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Fortune's Folly? Well of course I heard of it ye skeevy twits! Whereanow do ye s'pose I got this? *gestures to the scarred stump of a left hand fitted with a hook* Did ye's think I lost it to some tickin croc or some such?

*Takes a deep, bracing draft or brandy*

3 leagues deep down the gullet of a dead xorn, that's where I first met the Folly. Oh thar's plenty a ways in lads, and don't let none fools ye. Fortune's Folly is only the name o' the whole kit n' caboodle. Me and mine that day, we was after the gem o' Tycorrak at the heart o' Stoneygut's Den.

The way I hears it told the whole o' the place were afflicted with the 99 curses earned by the dread warlord Thruynn. The tyrant were so hated and loathed that e'en after heapin all 99 curses on him e'en the gods could na' kill 'em so's they buried him down, deep in the earth. O'er time some came to rob him, some ta' worship in blasphemy and some jest ta get in outta the cold.

Anyways that day we was after the gem. A wizard named Tycorrak had harnessed the souls o' barbarians he'd tricked and turned these into gems ta keep the great xorn he'd summoned fed. So long as'n the beast had a morsel he and he alone could descend through it's gullet and down, into the depths. There he kept the bones and blood o' his victims and through cruel magics the old necromancer did make 'em his slaves.

*another draft, and a blood-shot gaze of fear regards the assembled crowd*

No stories and tavern tales prepared us fer what were down there. The xorn yer see, the old frog-squeezer'd tried to dismiss it but the creature would na leave for it weren't no simple stony thing no more. The Folly'd changed it, just like it changes e'erone sooner 'r later. The beast was made flesh by the place and filled with fiendish powers so's the creature tricked old Tycorrak down the gullet one last time and there it held 'im for days. The wizard and xorn was both kilt in the final fight but as a cruel twist the Folly turned 'em both ta stone.

In the depths below we found not a vault or parlor but a charnel crypt o' the worst horror! The blood he'd kept were used ta fuel great cysts on the walls; veins o' dark ichor flowed through the mortar! We'd heard tales o' skeletons and the shambling dead but na like this... na like this...

*the narrator's face grows cold and pallid even as his gaze stares through the embers in the hearth*

They... ate... the flesh, all flesh. And by the gods, somethin' had been feedin' em'. Not whole meals, jest the scraps anow. Jest enuff that they was hungry.

It weren't no simple ghouls what we found down there. They's had no eyes, jest slits fer a nose and twin sets o' teeth, one insides the other. They was hunched brutes these things, clothed in rags and stinking, rotten flesh o' their own barely holdin in the twisted up muscle we cud sees between the stitches. They was the barbarians y'see, from an age past, carved up and cobbled t'gether and given unholy power that the gods willing I'll only see again in me nightmares!

*Suddenly he's fevered, crazed; his good hand snakes out to one of your shoulders*

Don't ye go thar, none o' you! Fergets Stoneygut's, fergets the Folly! Swears t' me anow that ye'll stay the hells out! When I says it changes ye I weren't bein' flip lads!

*he rises, wrenching off the hook from the stump. Beneath is a sickening blackened maw of dead flesh and biting teeth from inside which another set darts out and snaps at the air before the faces of the crowd*


*Before his last words are shouted out the grizzled old man has turned the gruesome necrotic thing on himself. Even as you rise against the horror the hapless narrator is consuming his own entrails with the gnawing stump of his left hand*

Me and two friends once got close to the entrance with the ranger we had back then, all of a sudden he started to talk gibberish, screaming at things that weren't there in a languish so gruesome I've never heard anything like it. We had to knock him out to drag him back to the village. He seemed to have calmed down so we left him at his house.
Didn't see him the next day, or the day after that when we went to check on him it looked like he had tried to skin himself, died before he could pull the last bits of his back. How he got that far I've got no idea.
Less then a week later one of my friend was complaining about an ich in the back of his skull. When I look back on it he was looking off, feverish, skittish... I jokingly said "than you have to scratch it" before I could stop him he had put an arrow through his eye.
The other friend just.. just disappeared. One day he didn't show up for work, the next day he was still no where to be seen. The third day we went to his house, everything was locked, doors, windows everything. So we break open the door, the hairs on my neck rose when I entered, and he's just not there. There's a half finished meal on the table and puddles of candles that has burned out. And apart from that nothing.

Or: Do you know mad Gary? He wasn't always mad, go ask him. I don't even want to talk about that place.

"Theres a treasure there, I saw it meself actually. But the water. What could make water move like that? The golden sheen was tempting, but I saw the bones too, polished clean white, so I thought better off it."

Silver Crusade

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"Don't go down there. But if you absolutely have to go down there, make sure there's an even number of you. Nobody's ever left if they went down there with an uneven amount of people. Except for one group. They went down with five people, and came out with six. Except I heard the sixth wasn't precisely a person."

"Don't drink anything down there if you can avoid it. There's a seal on the first staircase landing that supposedly warns that 'The Old Man' will sail out on the tongues of the foolhardy. My grandfather saw it."

"I don't know why everyone's so frightened of the place. Its only dangerous to the living. Not folks like you and me, heh? Heh heh heh heh..."

"You're the only group going down there now. If you see something humanoid, its..its not. Either kill it or run away. Don't bring them up."

"Supposedly, twenty years back, a nobleman led his group down into the Folly. They had a love for the best things life had to offer. Supposedly the nob even brought his solid gold table settings with him. Worth a fortune! ...you don't want to know about what he's supposedly eating off of them down there now though..."

"Don't worry too much about if you see some faceless thing the size of a halfling following you. It's just curious. But for the love of all the gods, don't talk to it."

Inspired by spook205:
My uncle went there once, with a party. He was the only one to return, after months. For a long time he didn't seem to recognize any of us and kept on muttering "don't talk to them, don't talk to them". He would put his fingers in his ears and scream when we came up from behind and talked to him.
He got a lot better, but then, one day he walked of, saying he had to speak to some-one. We assumed it was someone in the village but he never came back. The ranger tracked him to the entrance of the dungeon.

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