New VL in Canary Islands

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 4/5

It is a pleasure to present the new VL Canary Islands

Hector Magro

He enjoys playing characters with a very quirky personality that only rivals his physical description.

Hector has done much for the Pathfinders in Gran Canaria and has recruited many explorers.

Today continues its work and this appointment is more than deserved

Welcome Hector, although a year ago to deserve this rank

The Exchange

Congratulations Hector, you deserve it. I know you spend most of your free time to the Society and you do a great work.

I hope we can play again together soon!

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane


Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Florida—Orlando

Welcome to the crew!

Dark Archive 2/5


Silver Crusade 2/5

Congratulations Héctor and welcome a board of this great and amazing ship!!

Bienvenido crack!! Espero que con tu nombramiento Guillermo esté algo más tranquilo y la cosa vaya a más!!

Grand Lodge 5/5


Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

Ole, otro mas que se sube al barco. Felicidades...

Grand Lodge 2/5

Congratulations, great people in the Cannaries.

Felicidades Héctor, seguro que ahora será más fácil y mejor! ;)

5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Spain—Madrid

Marc Garcia wrote:

Congratulations, great people in the Cannaries.

Felicidades Héctor, seguro que ahora será más fácil y mejor! ;)


Ahora ya si que el viaje a las islas es un si o si

Scarab Sages 2/5

Muchas felicidades crack.

It's always a pleasure see how our spanish pathfinder family grows up

Sczarni 2/5

Hi everyone! gracia señores seguiremos dando caña mientras se pueda y el curro me deje

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