
Fernando Bassini's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 14 posts (15 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

Al fin despues de un tiempo prudencial los aventureros estamos listos para salir a la carrera, porque solo tememos 3 cosas: La tormenta en el mar, la noche sin luna y la ira del hombre paciente.

Dark Archive

Eventoooooo, todos listos para jugar de la mano de Baianoooooo????

Dark Archive 2/5


Dark Archive 2/5

Felicidades, Bienvenido!!

Dark Archive 2/5


Dark Archive 2/5

Terrible news, my condolences to the family and friends.

Dark Archive 2/5

We played the weekend, like us

Dark Archive 2/5

I think I was not very clear. I refer to a Contrado follower for limited time . As an explorer as a guide, for example.

Dark Archive 2/5

Hi folks have a question, how they treat the followers of a character in Pathfinder Society? the same way that regular adventure?

Dark Archive 2/5

Sounds great, want to have it now.

Dark Archive 2/5

Thank you all for your words, I hope to do well

Dark Archive 2/5

Thanks neighbor, when we grow up a little organize something between countries.

Dark Archive 2/5

Well we hope to achieve as much as possible to spread the game in my country and grow every day more.

Dark Archive 2/5

Thank you all