Gish build advice


I'm making a gish build for a pathfinder game starting at level 1. I'm not sure if i should do a monk2/scorer8/eldritch knight 10 or a eldritch scion magus. The monk would have the sensei and sohei archetypes and the bloodline would be empyreal. The eldritch scion magus would have the arcane bloodline. Which one would be better if the rest of the party is a rouge and an oracle.

The Monk build doesn't work, it doesn't have proficiency in martial weapons.

I'd just go Magus.

Sohei gives the monk martial proficiency. People commenting without knowing.

Play the magus. I think the EK build would be better for a game starting at mid to high level, but from level 4 to 7 the magus is so much better it isn't funny.

Sohei/Empyreal is an interesting combo, but without early entry into EK you're waiting a long time for it to come together. Even if you're using flurry of blows, you're still looking at dropping 3BAB before you even begin Eldritch Knight, and you have to wait until level 6 before you can become a Gargoyle, and/or cast Heroism.

In part it depends on what you're trying to do, and how soon you want to be able to do it. A Dragon Disciple has some serious advantages over an EK if you just want a magic-supported basher. A while ago I wasted a lot of down-time at work looking for a *non-magus* gish combo that could be a solid smasher with a small but reasonably effective magic niche, and ended up with a Barbarian/ Fey+Draconic Sorcerer/ Dragon Disciple/ (Eldritch Knight)? That seemed like it could work out pretty nicely.

Fey-Blooded Warrior if you're interested.

My advice, make sure to pick one that will work for the entire game. What I mean is, the monk2 sorcerer8 EK10 takes a long time to get to lv20. How will your leveling up be as you go? Starting monk and making the move to sorcerer? Starting sorcerer and going monk? Are you doing melee combat or casting for the first few levels? How long will it be between levels? Are you going to be stuck in the bad spots of getting to EK for months or a few hours?

For these above I feel the generic magus is better. Between the two you listed I don't know how they'd play and when they'll be good so I'm not sure which is better for you. From the sounds of your teammate you're either in an easy campaign with low optimizers, or you're REALLY needing to be the martial force of the party. In the latter case the magus is probably better, for the first it's less important.

think ill go with magus then because the main reason i wanted a gish instead of a sorcerer is because we needed a melee combatant

though the fey blooded warrior sounds intresting

I'd recommend DD. Going Barb or/sorcerer or Bloodrager or bloodrager/sorcerer into it can give you good melee and some spells and other neat things. I feel magus are good for going Nova a few attacks a day, and barb/bloodragers are good all the fight.

thanks for the dragon disciple advice. Was originally going to do that but couldn't figure out how to pull it off.

Another option is Bloodrager/Scarred Witchdoctor into Eldritch Knight. Bloodragers have a feat that lets them cast any spell while raging, not just bloodrager spells, and scarred witchdoctors cast from CON. You can make pretty fun barbarian/spellcaster from that.

like the idea it gets rid of your mad while increasing survive ability. The only draw back is the smaller spell list. Probably will do that or the dragon disciple build.

Grand Lodge

I've never had an issue with magus at all. It is a very nice class with several good options and ways to build. One of the greatest features is Casting while in armor.

If you want higher spellcasting progression you can always do Fighter/Diviner wizard early entry to prestige.

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

I've never had an issue with magus at all. It is a very nice class with several good options and ways to build. One of the greatest features is Casting while in armor.

If you want higher spellcasting progression you can always do Fighter/Diviner wizard early entry to prestige.

No you can't do that anymore. They just released a FAQ that makes it so SLA no longer count for pre-reqs anymore.

There are ways to create all kinds of different gish - the question is what concept you're trying to fulfill.

The Magus is at it's best as a scimitar wielder using dexterity; a Dawnflower Dervish Bard can do the same thing differently - and be absurdly powerful if Aasimar. Dragon Disciple is great for any kind of strength-based character, not least because of the free natural armor.

On the divine side an Elf or Half-Elf Oracle can easily pick up arcane spells and powers, and end up looking very arcane while using awesome cleric buffing - there are both strength and dexterity based Ancient Lorekeeper Oracles that make outstanding gishes. Even a Paladin can be made kind of gishy with the Unsanctioned Knowledge trait.

Grand Lodge

Wasn't aware of the FAQ until now. Sometimes im a week or two behind on those. It really sucks no more early entry into classes like EK and MT.

probably going to do the witch doctor build because I have no melee party members and the con as my main stat should help make up for 9 levels with a d6 hit die.

For bloodrager, take the bloodline familiar option, it's superior to just about every first level bloodline ability. You can set it up so you can get amplified rage with your familiar even (valet archetype+cast rage on him), which is going to be ridiculous.

You can also grab an extra bonus feat instead of fast movement if you want, using blood conduit.

Dark Archive

Cannot find the FAQ. Can you link it Chess Pwn?

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