David Heiss |
I'm planning to start a new Pathfinder campaign in NYC (specifically Sunnyside). Campaign runs on Saturday afternoons, twice a month, at my place. I already have 3 players, would like 1-3 more. Looking for serious, mature players only (but please don't take that to mean the game is taken too seriously). This will be an urban campaign and is based off of an Adventure Path, although it will be heavily modified. Good balance of RP and action, with a focus on telling a larger story and having fun. I've been DMing for almost 25 years now, so this ain't my first rodeo. If you're interested, please email me at david.heiss@gmail.com.


hello yes im a ageless dice roller looking for players to join in on our pf campaigns here in nyc we have a small group and we run games on the weekends and alternate DM's from time to time lately a few people moved outta town and we lost a few players.if you are willing to play or run games for us that would be awesome we are highly motivated to meet and greet fellow dice rollers and tell stories. email if interested magnumboys7@gmail.com