My only complaint currently

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

And that's a good sign by the way, if you've ever worked with Australians you will know we are not shy about complaining, (We call it whinging) but I digress.

My only complaint is that the recharge text doesn't 'pop out' of the card now that the recharge section was removed. If you just bolded say Divine 8 that would be such a help. I continually teach this game and newcomers almost ALWAYS miss this text and I have to remind them. And for those of us with eyes that are aging (ie. me) this would also be incredibly useful to quickly pick out the number I am looking for

I've said before, I do miss the aesthetic niceness of the layout box. Bolding the recharge would be a nice way to make it pop.

Just become pro like me and memorize it


I too must admit I miss that old recharge box. I understand why they did it, since it takes up a whole line to just say "Recharge". And I'm guessing we won't see it changed in Wrath since that is probably on the way to the printer if not already being printed.

My wife, who is much more casual about the game than I am and doesn't tend to play the spell casters, often misses the recharge check on items and other non-spell cards, since they don't come up very often for non-spell casters and nothing calls them out to her attention.

I wouldn't mind seeing a box that, instead of being "Recharge" was labeled "After Playing" or "When Played" or something more universal like that.

But this is a minor thing. Doesn't come anywhere close to having a major impact on play. My only complaint is that there isn't some feature in the game that freezes time for the people playing to allow them to play more games. I'm really hoping we see that at some point.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
My only complaint is that there isn't some feature in the game that freezes time for the people playing to allow them to play more games. I'm really hoping we see that at some point.

Wasn't there a special stopwatch that let you do that? Pretty sure I saw that somewhere ...

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I too must admit I miss that old recharge box. I understand why they did it, since it takes up a whole line to just say "Recharge". And I'm guessing we won't see it changed in Wrath since that is probably on the way to the printer if not already being printed.

We did it because we kept getting asked when you recharge. Which was a clear indicator that maybe we shouldn't use so much shorthand.

jones314 wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
My only complaint is that there isn't some feature in the game that freezes time for the people playing to allow them to play more games. I'm really hoping we see that at some point.
Wasn't there a special stopwatch that let you do that? Pretty sure I saw that somewhere ...

I have no clue what you are talking about.

Mike Selinker wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I too must admit I miss that old recharge box. I understand why they did it, since it takes up a whole line to just say "Recharge". And I'm guessing we won't see it changed in Wrath since that is probably on the way to the printer if not already being printed.
We did it because we kept getting asked when you recharge. Which was a clear indicator that maybe we shouldn't use so much shorthand.


Was bolding the check ever considered?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Not really. Seems unlikely.

Sovereign Court

It seems to me the biggest problem is that people got used to it standing out. I don't see this being a problem for people starting with S&S.

I don't think that recharge needs to stand out other than for that reason. We read the entirety of other cards, do we not? Read your cards and everything will be fine.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here's my relatively newbie two cents:

I started with S&S and did appreciate how completely the cards described what do with them after activating their power(s). I never had trouble reading the whole card because honestly, I would get excited by the large second paragraph and initially think it was some cool power, until I got more familiar with the cards. Cure's instructions were particularly helpful because it's a fairly complicated sequence of events and it's important to play it right. Now that I'm familiar with them I just quickly scan the recharge paragraph for the skill and number and I don't think it takes too long. But maybe bolding it would be nice.

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Alright, I've got another complaint now. This one has been brewing for a while, since about adventure deck 1 of Skull and Shackles, but tonight I finally just had it. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I just couldn't take it anymore. There are just too many good cards in Skull and Shackles. When I rebuilt my decks tonight, I had to make some tough decisions on allies and items. I didn't want to see that monkey go, but I had to do it. It was the toughest rebuild I've ever been through. I was emotionally exhausted for about 2 minutes afterwards. Not to even mention the spells that Oloch couldn't keep. And he is the only spell caster in the group!!! Why did you have to make so many awesome cards that I would have to make such tough choices? Why? Why? Why?!!! Now I'm going to have to play through the adventure path like 3 or 4 more times to experience all the awesomeness.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Alright, I've got another complaint now. This one has been brewing for a while, since about adventure deck 1 of Skull and Shackles, but tonight I finally just had it. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I just couldn't take it anymore. There are just too many good cards in Skull and Shackles. When I rebuilt my decks tonight, I had to make some tough decisions on allies and items. I didn't want to see that monkey go, but I had to do it. It was the toughest rebuild I've ever been through. I was emotionally exhausted for about 2 minutes afterwards. Not to even mention the spells that Oloch couldn't keep. And he is the only spell caster in the group!!! Why did you have to make so many awesome cards that I would have to make such tough choices? Why? Why? Why?!!! Now I'm going to have to play through the adventure path like 3 or 4 more times to experience all the awesomeness.


What really gets me is that Helpful Haversack is in this set and not RotR. There are great items from the get go in S&S - so now that I finally have the perfect filler card for that category, I don't want to take it! It's so frustrating!

Andrew L Klein wrote:

It seems to me the biggest problem is that people got used to it standing out. I don't see this being a problem for people starting with S&S.

I don't think that recharge needs to stand out other than for that reason. We read the entirety of other cards, do we not? Read your cards and everything will be fine.

Not really, Andrew. The recharge happens after the action as it were. So often the card is laying on the table or often in my case, laying in front of somebody else as I remind them (I'm often a teacher of games here)

I just thought it would be useful if that check were bolded, but obviously the logical progression is that any check in the body of text on a card should be bolded.

I am surprised that this wasn't considered to be honest.Just a player aid of course, storm in a teacup.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products.

Webster was a thing.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products.

Please know what you're talking about before you try to correct others...

Thank you.

Aerros wrote:
Scribbling Rambler wrote:
My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products.

Please know what your talking about before you try to correct others...

Thank you.


I think he was just being sarcastic about the Canadian/British spelling of "armor."

bbKabag wrote:
Aerros wrote:
Scribbling Rambler wrote:
My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products.

Please know what your talking about before you try to correct others...

Thank you.


I think he was just being sarcastic about the Canadian/British spelling of "armor."

lol That's what I get for rushing.

Grand Lodge

Aerros wrote:
bbKabag wrote:
Aerros wrote:
Scribbling Rambler wrote:
My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products.

Please know what your talking about before you try to correct others...

Thank you.


I think he was just being sarcastic about the Canadian/British spelling of "armor."

lol That's what I get for rushing.


bbKabag has the right idea. I guess I should have included a smiley or something.
It's a way I've been annoying the Paizonians for years - I remember talking to Jason Bulmahn about all of the typos in the preview of the Core Rulebook at PaizoCon almost 6 years ago.
I would tell you his reply, but it wouldn't pass the censoring filters.


We in the commonwealth cherish our U's

Troymk1 wrote:
We in the commonwealth cherish our U's

And your dyslexic r and e?

Grand Lodge

jones314 wrote:
Troymk1 wrote:
We in the commonwealth cherish our U's
And your dyslexic r and e?

I'm unsure what you refre to...

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Scribbling Rambler wrote:
jones314 wrote:
Troymk1 wrote:
We in the commonwealth cherish our U's
And your dyslexic r and e?
I'm unsure what you refre to...

Shouldn't that be "unsuer" ?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mike Selinker wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I too must admit I miss that old recharge box. I understand why they did it, since it takes up a whole line to just say "Recharge". And I'm guessing we won't see it changed in Wrath since that is probably on the way to the printer if not already being printed.
We did it because we kept getting asked when you recharge. Which was a clear indicator that maybe we shouldn't use so much shorthand.
Andrew L Klein wrote:

It seems to me the biggest problem is that people got used to it standing out. I don't see this being a problem for people starting with S&S.

I don't think that recharge needs to stand out other than for that reason. We read the entirety of other cards, do we not? Read your cards and everything will be fine.

I have a friend that started with S&S who never remembers the recharge mechanic. Now granted he has a habit of not fully reading the cards, but he reads "Discard to..." and does so. Without realizing that there is a way for him to not discard at the end of the block.

For the three of us who started with Rise, we just miss the separate block because it made it easier to find the recharge mechanic.

Liberty's Edge

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products.

and what colour is that armour?!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tim Felts wrote:
Scribbling Rambler wrote:
My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products.
and what colour is that armour?!

Bluue and Puurple.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Just an aside that I like it that in the Pathfinder RPG, the Colour out of Space creature was allowed to keep its British u.

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