Tim Felts's page
Organized Play Member. 65 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.
Congratulations!! This will make a great story to tell through the years!
Scribbling Rambler wrote: My only complaint so far is the improper spelling of armour, as is the case with many Paizo products. and what colour is that armour?!
cartmanbeck wrote: Only missing replies from two people, both of which said on the sheet that they only wanted one dice, so I'm going ahead with the order. I still need full mailing addresses from these three people:
Terrence Teng
Orbis Orboros
The total number of dice that people have requested (including myself and Myfly) comes to 47, so we'll likely be ordering 50 of them. The price to have them made will be $200 USD plus shipping to me, so please make sure to Paypal me the amount owed when it comes time, as this is a significant cost to eat upfront. I'm super excited to make this happen, though!
I wanted to thank you again for doing this! If you need the money upfront just let me know...I am sure others would send it as well...$8-$10 upfront per die is nothing compared to the larger sum you are fronting...
I can't view dropbox at work, but as long as the images seem agreeable to everyone else I would be in.
Sounds like ~$10 each ($7 per die plus shipping to cartmanbeck and shipping to us)...
Mad Jack Deacon wrote: At least we've gotten away from the idea of a color coded dice mechanic... Myfly has a passion for this game to say the least...lol...
While I don't agree with many of your ideas Myfly...I will admit if I were able to get a plunder die for $2-$3 I would probably buy it(Heck if I were at a convention and saw it I would probably spend up to $5...convention money isn't the same as real money...lol)...is it needed for the game...NO...but would it be kind of neat...Yes...
Myfly wrote: I would store only one original insert... Do you want to buy the old one? Lol...no thanks...I just don't see how your solution is any different than the suggestion to use 660 or 330 count boxes...you are going to be storing one original insert either way...
I bought a large card box (not sure the count)...it has all RotRL and all S&S as well as a few sets of dice and my pawns...I just put the original boxes in my basement for storage...
Myfly wrote: Alazar79 wrote: You do realize that the 3 card boxes will fit inside the PACG box without the original insert in the box. Actually if you use 2 660 count boxes and a 330 count box. All 7 of the expansion boxes will fit behind the 330 count box and if my math is right everything should fit, albeit possibly a little tight. Well, you have everything in the box .... And what do you do with the original insert?
Store it besides the original game box... So twice the volume!
Thats the problem... Doesn't your solution also leave you with this same problem? If Paizo releases a new insert for the box you still have the original insert to store...

Myfly wrote: When they would be colour coded, you would find faster e.g. the same d8 in your dice bag ;-) .... Colour coding is there a big advantage :-) I can see how colour coding would make it faster if ALL your dice are colour coded but I don't think that would make it THAT much faster...we are pretty quick at finding the right sized dice regardless of colour...
We each use our own dice when we play and I don't see all of us 'colour coding' our dice collection....plus dice are spontaneous purchases for us....there are some of us that if rolling poorly during an RPG they will buy a new set on the spot...and Iwe wouldn't be inclined to buy a 'rainbow set' of dice...we will pick what suits us that day...
I think it is pretty much a moot point now anyway (since Vic has put in his thoughts)...more power to you if you want to colour code your dice...I just think it is an uphill battle to get others to follow along since many of us are RPGers and we love our dice (multiple colours or shapes or sizes)

Myfly wrote: Tim Felts wrote:
I am sure it would cost Paizo money to 'colour code' the dice in the base set and this would either cut into their profits or need to be made up by the consumer...
The blue dice that came with the base set is not 'a waste of money'...dice are needed for the game so they are included...I just threw them in my dice bag with my other assorted dice I have...I use them quite often for this and the RPG...
If the dice are blue, red or grey doesnt make any cost difference. Dice are dice. Colour is colour.
You threw them in your dice bag ... That says everything.... :-) not used for game play as they are not colour coded ;-)
PS1: If you want to achieve greatness then dont ask for permission.
PS2: Innovations are habit breakers - get the dice coloured ;-) I think Andrew covered where the cost comes in so I won't touch that.
As far as throwing them in my dice bag...that means I use them...I pull out my dice bag when I play PFACG or play any RPG...if they are in my dice bag they are poured onto the table when I play games...if I need 2 d4's a d6 and a d10 I grab whichever I feel like grabbing...I might grab a blue d4 (from this set) a red d4 that I bought at GenCon a green d6 that I got who knows where and a d10 that came in my D&D or Pathfinder beginner box...
If they were colour coded they would get thrown into the same dice bag with the non-colour coded dice and used for PFACG or any RPG...
Myfly wrote: Why not introduce colour coded dice there. Everybody who is not willing to buy the optional dice set will get it automatically (with NO surcharge!) with the purchase of the base sets. After a few base sets you will have enough colour coded dice to play with.
The blue dice that came with RotR - I never used. They are all blue. No colour code :-(
So it is a waste of money to include single couloured dice in the base set.
I am sure it would cost Paizo money to 'colour code' the dice in the base set and this would either cut into their profits or need to be made up by the consumer...
The blue dice that came with the base set is not 'a waste of money'...dice are needed for the game so they are included...I just threw them in my dice bag with my other assorted dice I have...I use them quite often for this and the RPG...
Riff Conner wrote: Myfly wrote: least introduce a official colour code.... This is not interfering with anything.. It's interfering with thise of us who pick dice according to the colors WE like. I'm not switching my favorite dice for some clown-college rainbow set for extremely dubious mechanical purposes. This whole 'official colors' thing is frankly very silly. I agree with Riff...we buy dice that we like...having an 'official' color code is silly...I get have all of one die type being the same color for teaching purposes (I have seen many beginners get d8's and d10's mixed up just going by looks)...
I also don't care for the 'luck' mechanic of rolling a colored die to find out which die to roll to add to your check...completely changes the game.
WilliamD763 wrote: Mike Selinker wrote: Why do you guys think you should you be able to use all your resources regardless of consequences at the end of the game, when that applies to no other part of the game? I think it comes down to the mechanic of losing on time is a bit contrived and everyone knows exactly when they will get no more turns. So it seems strange to give consequences to just one of the players. In a six player game, there are 4 other players who can still do this. Seems to me the fix is to change it to :
If you cannot advance the blessings deck, immediately end your turn and ALL players must reset their hands.
This seems more like the correct way to address the issue of using all your resources at the end of the game.
I don't like the new FAQ ruling but I feel if the next player is going to be penalized, shouldn't everyone be penalized...the above seems more appropriate...

Theryon Stormrune wrote: Firedale2002 wrote: Someone could have used Cure on the previous turn. Why didn't they use it then?
As far as why don't they get their entire turn: it's because the rules say so. The game is over and they have to reset their hand. That's that. The party failed to achieve victory and that last person failed to heed the warning of the gods that their blessings were running out.
The player knew the end of the game was near and knew what the consequences would be if they played everything and didn't have enough cards to draw it back, so why should they NOT be penalized?
(The Cure was a for instance. Let's throw that out because there isn't one available.)
Actually, the rules were just changed. Someone wanted to avoid dying on their turn by advancing the blessings deck. Now it not only affects the person who's turn it is but the next. And they don't even get a turn! They get the effects of the turn end. The FAQ was created to stop that specific loophole but it seems to be creating another problem that was not originally in the rules.
Yes, this can be planned for and played against and hopefully these cases are at least somewhat rare.

Mike Selinker wrote: I'm curious how often "I die after someone else exhausts the blessings deck" would actually occur. As far as I can tell, it only happens like this:
T-1: The current player encounters the villain. The next player unloads her hand to help, but the villain is undefeated. The current player ends his turn.
T-0: The next player has fewer cards in hand than her hand size, and fewer cards in her deck than needed to draw up, and the blessings deck is empty.
Is that common? Because I can't say for sure that I've ever seen it happen. I'd be curious to find out if people have seen it happen a lot.
I wouldn't say it happens a lot but it did happen to us the last time we played...we had two Blessings left in the deck...the player before me flipped a blessing leaving one in the deck (for me to have a turn)...he was able to find the villain...my son who would follow me and not have a turn because there were not enough blessings left had no draw pile left but spent the cards he had in hand since even if we failed here he wouldn't have a turn...needless to say the villain was not defeated....I took my turn and couldn't find the villain...so my son by the new FAQ would have been killed...
Like I said, probably a rare case but it can and does come up...I am not sure how I feel about a person who doesn't even get a turn being penalized for trying to help...
Theryon Stormrune wrote: My wording covers that, though.
You don't address the advancing the blessings deck during a turn because that's not where the check for scenario end is. A turn still happens in its order. It is at the beginning of the turn that you check. See?
EDIT: So you'd want an additional:
If, during your turn, you advance the blessings deck and there are no cards remaining in it, you must reset your hand and end your turn immediately.
EDIT EDIT: I added the "reset your hand" so people wouldn't be able to avoid that prior to "end your turn immediately".
I agree, your wording covers it...
I think you, Hawkmoon, and I are all on the same page...If you go to advance the blessing deck at the beginning of your turn and there are no cards there, the turn does not happen and the scenario ends...
Theryon Stormrune wrote: I guess the better way to put it is:
Quote: If, at the start of your turn, when you need to advance the blessings deck but there are no cards remaining in it, the scenario ends immediately and your party of adventurers loses. That way you avoid the sticky mess of advancing the blessings deck during a player's turn. A turn has a start, a bunch of middle stuff, resetting your hand, and end.
I was trying to think of a similar wording...it just needs to state if it is during the 'Advance Blessing Deck' portion of the turn the scenario ends immediately and the party loses (no hand resetting, etc...). If it is at any other time (during someones turn), the turn ends (reset hand, etc...) then the party loses....

Theryon Stormrune wrote: Actually, what the rulebook says:
Rulebook pg 18 wrote: If, at any point, you need to advance the blessings deck but there are no cards remaining in it, the scenario ends immediately and your party of adventurers loses. But the problem was that someone came up with the idea that if a player sees they're going to die by resetting their hand, they advance the blessings deck to end the scenario immediately. That's what caused the FAQ entry:
New FAQ entry wrote: If, at any point, you need to advance the blessing deck but there are no cards remaining in it, immediately end the current turn; the scenario then ends and your party of adventurers loses. I can't believe the intent was to have the next player have any form of a turn. If so, the FAQ needs to be changed again. There have been PLENTY of times I've thrown everything I had to help someone else win on the last or second to last turn. And that meant I discarded all my weapons and/or armor in order to fill my hand with blessings, etc. that were needed for the endgame. It also meant that I'd die on my turn if I'd have one.
I have to believe the intent is that someone trying to advance the blessings deck to end the scenario immediately still has to end their turn.
I agree with Theryon...I think it is apparent what is intended with the FAQ and the next player shouldn't need to 'reset' their hand after a 'non-turn' because there were no blessings in the deck for them to even start their turn with...
I can see how the FAQ is written it could be incorrectly interpreted to mean that but I think we can all agree that is not what is intended.
I see that the first scenario has been reported for my GenCon play but the other four have not yet been reported...
Unfortunately this is the only one I didn't play at GenCon. My son and I just played it last week and were a bit perplexed as well.
How we eventually ruled it (whether correct or not) was that when you defeat the villain (by beating his combat check) he goes next to the scenario card. The only time he would get shuffled back in is if he were undefeated.
I can see both sides of the argument and truly don't know which way is intended...we went with this because in the rulebook (I don't have it on me right now so could be misquoting)...there are 'steps' listed...(I think in this order)....Temporary close, Encounter, if defeated close location, check if it escapes...
Since the one step checks if defeated this is when the scenario would trigger ---> villain is defeated, place next to scenario card...
I could be way off...
No NDA e-mail for me yet. However, Mike did add the scenarios to my downloads.
Thanks Mike!
First World Bard wrote: I asked Mike Brock; he says that there's a technical issue holding stuff up that is actively being worked on. Once that's fixed, emails will go out. Anyone in the know have any more recent information on this? I asked a local VL if he could get the scenarios for me while I wait for my NDA e-mail...he said he couldn't find them in his downloads...is it not available to him since he is a PFS VL and not a PFACG VL?! Is there a distinction?
Worse case scenario, I can purchase them tomorrow when they are released for sale....
mlvanbie wrote: My plan is to run four player S&S with the Character Add-On and just not put their decks back into the box when running the OP scenarios. That will suck out enough of the B/C cards to more or less work out. How many do you plan on having for OP? and depending on which OP classes get used vs. your S&S group this might cause some problems....
NOG the Demoralizer wrote: I had a player (Wes specifically) who pointed out a problem with the sessions screen.. The characters are defaulting to fighters, even if you go back in and change them to the correct class. I looked at mine as well, and they are back and forth between cleric and fighter.
Anyone else noticing this, and is there a way to get your characters to "stick" on the right class?
I have my Ranger in...but I did it not long after GenCon so maybe it was functioning then...
Yeah, we've never used the playmat ability either...I think for a one time use a recharge may have been a more appropriate option as well.
Theryon Stormrune wrote: Tim Felts wrote: Since the shirt question was asked (which I feel should carry over into the Card Guild)....What of the playmat ability? Is that legal for organized play?
Tim So you're doing the playmat for the "folio" paragraph? If someone uses ANY Ultra-Pro character playmat, I'd say yes. (Since most characters are not represented in OP as playmats.) I was thinking for the 'discard and draw' ability once per scenario...since that is the benefit that is printed with the playmats...
Since the shirt question was asked (which I feel should carry over into the Card Guild)....What of the playmat ability? Is that legal for organized play?

Hawkmoon269 wrote: So, in PFS-RPG the chronicle sheet is the official record too, right? So how often does someone actually "audit" a player's sheets to confirm that they character they are bringing to the table is legit? It seem like, especially later on, that would be a lot of work, looking through 15 adventures.
Because, they could change the sheet to include a space to record any of your class deck cards that were banished during play or not kept in your deck when rebuilding (if you somehow had more than needed amount of that type). But would anyone really still be looking through all the sheets to verify that?
I mean, I really hope no one feels the need to cheat at a cooperative game (emphasis on both words there), but does it happen enough if PFS-RPG that auditing is done regularly?
(I've never played PFS in RPG or PACG form yet, and I've only glanced at the chronicle sheets, so I have no idea how most of this works.)
I have only PLAYED a handful of PFS games but have GMed several handfuls...I have never been audited as a player and have never audited as a GM...
I know everyone doesn't think the way I do, but I play these games to have fun with others and don't see the need or desire to 'falsify' anything on the characters...most of the fun is 'winning' as a group and doing it fairly...
* I know that you don't 'win' at an RPG...it just a joke we use amongst our group when non-gamers ask what we play and they occasionally ask if we won...Some of them are even in on the joke now and still ask any way...

nondeskript wrote: Theryon Stormrune wrote: Actually, the chronicle sheet keeps track of your progress through the adventures. And the chronicle sheet can track if your deck is legal by the upgrades you've recorded. It, however, doesn't track the cards banished. It doesn't actually track your cards, though. If Merisiel takes a Spyglass but later decides she would rather have a Helpful Haversack, there is nothing to prevent the player from switching them out between games. This isn't legal, but looking at the Chronicle sheet it will look legal. I suspect that if there is a problem with players cheating in their deck builds next season may require card list sheets in addition to chronicle sheets. Yeah, at GenCon I started with writing what specific card I upgraded...it wasn't until later someone pointed out you just need to put the type and level...I see nothing wrong with having to write the specific card that way if audits are done they will be a bit more accurate and will stop people from subbing in different cards of same type and level...However, it still won't catch when cards were banished and someone decides to build that card back in their deck without another upgrade...
Mike and Tanis, I sent you both e-mails...
Theryon Stormrune wrote: Tim, have you tried contacting your Venture Captain yet? That is usually the best way to start the process of pursuing becoming a VO for PACG. If there is no response from he/she, then talking to Mike Brock. But I'd start with the VC here. I sent an e-mail to the Ohio VC (from that list) on August 26th stating that I was interested in running for my area and using my personal S&S set but I never received a response....
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragnmoon wrote: Tanis O'Connor wrote: I'd love to have you working with us, Tim and Dragnmoon. Can you email me directly at tanis.oconnor@paizo.com? Email sent Tanis. Tanis - I sent you an e-mail as well...I noticed on Michael Brock's list of new OP VL's there is not one for Ohio. What would this take? I may be willing to step up if it will help get games going in Ohio (and more importantly at the stores I play/run).

Dragnmoon wrote: It more then then just that.
I would want to prep the decks before I go
Have the Scenario Sheets printed out and pre filled before I go
None of this I want to do at the store, I am very much into making Sure I am ready before I go. I don't want to be surprised by any special rules for the scenario or anything prior to getting there. I want to make sure I understand any special situations or rules before game day actual starts so I can answer questions on the spot with little delay.
I guess since I am already playing at a retail location we don't really need the "incentive" and the month delay is just an inconvenience.
I am also a control freak and not having this stuff in my control drives me bat nuts.
Most likely what will end up happening is we are not actually going to start org play until the general release and always be a month behind.
Edit: In general Or local store does not control any game day stuff they leave it up to all volunteers except for MtG tournaments.
I am in a very similar situation as you are. I run PFS at two different stores on occasion, but it is purely set up and organized by me. I tried to e-mail the local VO or VC (not sure which) but haven't received any response.
I am thinking I will probably just be a month behind as well once the scenarios are released for us to download....
First World Bard wrote: JUN10R wrote:
Just my 2 cents on some strategy, but the first round or two...TOUGH!
Well, for the first round, everyone can start at the Lonely Island, and "fan out" to the shark islands, if that's what they want to do, since if I remember correctly, the scenario was one Lonely Island and a whole bunch of shark islands. That's what we did as well...all start on Lonely Island then move one at a time to the same Shark Island and hope we can close it before someone has to 'start on it'....
Definitely a SHARKNADO though!!!
Unfortunately my son and I didn't get to play the last scenario yet so we are patiently waiting for its release...(we were able to pick up all the character decks though!!)
UndeadMitch wrote: It currently has the Skull and Shackles base set and Character Add-On deck in my Subscriptions, but I was charged for and picked those two both up at Gencon as part of my subscription already. I just want to make sure I don't get charged for them twice.
Also, I wasn't able to pick up my subscription at Gencon until Sunday, and only got two of the promos that I was supposed to. I got Goblin Keelaulin' and Goblin Weidling, but not the others. I was told that I would get them in the mail, but don't see them on the list of stuff in my subscription.
I also picked up at GenCon and I am showing the same as you (still in my subscriptions). I picked up on Thursday and was told they only had those two promos. I am also missing the other promos on my subscription page...sounds like it might be universal.
I play the game with my son who is now 15 but was 14 when we started playing the Card Game. He has not had any problems with the complexity or strategy needed to play. However, he has been playing Pathfinder since he was 11-12 and before that we played D&D 4E. I think it really depends on what past gaming experience they have....
Just a quick note: Christmas and New Years EVE are Wednesdays this year...
My son and I are both signed up for four events at GenCon...It is kind of a 'no brainer' if you plan on getting the decks and are going to be at GenCon since I am sure the decks will retail for more than the $8 that playing in four events costs...plus the fun of playing the events!!
I see the same thing as well, but like Yoshua, I can still read them. Some of the text is just a bit darker and slightly smudged...
No easy route...you still need to make whatever check, banish whatever card, etc... in order to close the location.
The character that is there is not 'stuck'...they are free to move, however, the location being open allows the Villain to run and hide there like any other open location!
What type of card holders are those? It looks like it has a spot in the center to lay the stack and a slot on either side to stand them. Is that correct? Do sleeved cards fit in them?
Flat the Impaler wrote: Most of the time I play solo with 3 characters, but I haven't tried with 4. That works great for me, although I do sometimes forget to activate certain character powers.
I wouldn't say it take much more time this way. There's bit of upkeep with setting down and picking up different character hands, but its negligible.
Why do you bother setting down and picking up the different characters hands? Just play with them face-up on the table (Heck, we typically play with our hands face-up even when not playing solo....that way we can guilt people into playing their blessings on us...lol)

Cheez wrote: We played Brigadoom at lunch today. That suggested deck worked like a dream. This is what I ultimately went with...
Weapon: Light Crossbow (as favored card)
Spells: Cure Light Wounds x2, Force Missile, Detect Magic
Items: Amulet of Life, Thieves Tools
Allies: Crow, Sage x2
Blessings: BOG x5
Because Lem almost always has a blessing in her 6-card hand (especially with two cure spells), that light crossbow does quite well. I only needed to use that attack spell once.
Highly recommend this starting deck and Valeros and Lem are a wicked tag team.
Thanks again for all the advice, guys.
Side Note: Tim - Mike S. confirmed you gotta roll the check otherwise, you would be using a house rule.
Guess I will have to change my deck for Lem then...I was going off of Vic's ruling, but if Mike said it then I'm not really sure which is considered the official...lol...
Can someone post a link? I will try to find the post from Vic.
PS - Don't call Lem a her...I heard he gets upset!
Here is the thread with Vic's ruling
Link 1
I think I found a thread that Mike S. was a part of and it sounds like he now agrees that it is optional (I think he posted contrary on BGG but later found he was answering the wrong question)
Link 2
Fromper wrote: Given the ruling that you can't intentionally fail a recharge check, so he can't just cycle his Cure spell at will, you might want a second Cure. Detect Magic would be my next choice. Levitate is a waste with so few characters. But I agree that two attack spells should be enough. When was it ruled that you had to attempt the recharge check? I thought Vic ruled that under recharge it said 'may' so it was optional?
Yes, you still need to follow the 'When Closing' text...the only automatic close at the current time is defeating the Villain at the location.
I haven't looked through all the weapons yet so wasn't sure if it was all reach weapons or all 'trip' weapons. Thought maybe it was trip to represent you tripping them and getting an attack of opportunity as they stood back up?! (Just some RPG fluff to go with the mechanics of the card game)
I would steer away from when you take damage in excess to your hand taking it from the character deck since that is one of the advantages of small hand size and you just lost that advantage by doing this.
Maybe half of all excess is taken from the character deck and discarded (I think discarding would be better than burying because discarded cards can be healed whereas buried cards can't...and again having to bury only hurts the small hand sizes and they should be the hardier characters)...
SO if you have 2 cards in your hand and take a whopping 6 damage you would discard your 2 cards then discards 2 more from your deck (6-2 = 4 divided by 2 = 2)
NariusV wrote: Only thing I would question is playing 2 BotG for one check.
Rules pp. 11, Play cards that affect the check
"Each player may play no more than one of each card type"
However, immediately after that under Use a Characters' Powers
"Players may use any powers that apply to the check"
I wonder in this case if you are given an exception to the former rule, and can burn two BotG's, or if you have to make a choice between Discarding to either add an extra die, or activate the character power.
I feel like some clarification on this would be nice.
My understanding is that the second BotG is not being used as a BotG. It is merely being used as a discard. It could have been ANY card in the hand but just happened to be a BotG. In this case it is not a 'typed' card so does not break the one of each type rule.
The funny thing is I have a d10 with a printed '10' instead of '0' and when we first used it everyone sort of looked at it funny and someone commented 'oh thats a 10'. We are so used to seeing a '0' the '10' made us stop and think...We have been playing games so longer I never considered the '0' throwing people off that hasn't been exposed to d10's.