VampByDay |
Okay, so I've made a character for PFS, and it seems really solid. However, there's one minor hiccup that's really hindering this character.
Concept: Kitsune Swashbuckler 5/urban Barbarian 6
Str: 8, Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int:12, Wis:10. Chr: 15
(Character is currently swashbuckler 2)
The problem is that 8 Str. See, the original idea was fencing grace+Urban rage=Really high to hit, damage and AC by skyrocketing my Dex. The problem is that if I want to have, say Celestial armor, I NEED some way to increase my carrying capacity. Originally, I was under the misguided thought that muleback cords were chest slot items, but that appears not to be the case.
Option 1:
Heavyload belt gives me continous ant haul
Con: takes up my belt slot so I can't get a belt of dex +2/+4
Option 2:
Muleback cords
Con: Takes up my shoulder slot so that I can't get a cloak of resistance (see my rants on other boards about why all Pathfinder characters are essentially 'forced' to get cloaks of resistances unless you are a paladin/monk.)
Option 3: Get 1/2/3 flawed amber spindle ioun stones, muleback cords, and a belt of dex.
Instead of costing 9000 for a +3 cloak of resistance, they cost 18000, and it's 6000 instead of 1000 for +1 bonus. On top of my planned celestial armor, and +1 furious adamantine rapier, that's a lot of money that I don't know if I'll have.
TimD |
If you've not yet played as a 2nd level character (or want to pick up the Extra Traits feat) the Muscle of the Society trait might help- it lets you consider your strength +2 higher for carrying capacity.
Also, a handy haversack is only 2,000gp - not sure what else you're carrying that's adding to your weight and if you could just keep it in there.
Arutema |
I faced a similar problem on my Undine swashbuckler. My ultimate solution was to wear no armor and carry around a wand of mage armor to UMD with the dangerously curious trait. It's not quite as good as real armor, but it has no ACP, weighs nothing, and applies to those pesky incorporeal critters.
Can you share the character's stats as they are now? This will help if it's too late for a level 1 rebuild.
VampByDay |
If you've not yet played as a 2nd level character (or want to pick up the Extra Traits feat) the Muscle of the Society trait might help- it lets you consider your strength +2 higher for carrying capacity.
Also, a handy haversack is only 2,000gp - not sure what else you're carrying that's adding to your weight and if you could just keep it in there.
Max carrying capacity for 8 str: 26 lbs
Celestial armor: 20 lbs
Rapier: 2 lbs
Handy Haversack 5 lbs
=27 lbs: Ooops, medium load. This doesn't count keeping daggers/shortbow/some form of ranged weaponry on my person.
I faced a similar problem on my Undine swashbuckler. My ultimate solution was to wear no armor and carry around a wand of mage armor to UMD with the dangerously curious trait. It's not quite as good as real armor, but it has no ACP, weighs nothing, and applies to those pesky incorporeal critters.
Can you share the character's stats as they are now? This will help if it's too late for a level 1 rebuild.
I don't have my sheet in front of me. I haven't played a lvl 2 scenario yet, so here is what I remember.
Traits: Reactionary, dangerously curious
Current gear: Rapier, Dagger x2, masterwork backpack (+ some minor gear), Mithral chain shirt, belt pouch with some alchemical stuff (holy water, acid, etc.)
Boon: (I forget what it is called, I got a boon that gives me endure elements (heat) and +1 to saves vs. disease and the nauseating effects of swarms.)
Level 2 Inspired blade swashbuckler: (Weapon finesse-rapier, weapon focus-rapier from class) and slashing grace feat.
dwayne germaine |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
I would think that the simplest solution is the most obvious one.
Have more strength.
You don't NEED a 18 dex. Yeah it's great, but you do need to be able to carry the armor, weapons and gear that you are going to use. Start with 17 Dex and put the points into strength. Then at 4th level you can bump the dex up to 18 and you are golden
The Fox |
Get rid of Reactionary and take the Muscle of the Society trait that Tim suggested. You will (presumably) have Combat Reflexes, so it won't be terrible if you don't go first in the round.
Also, as a swashbuckler, you won't need to use your shoulder slot for a cloak, at least not at low levels. Starting at 2nd level, you get to add your Cha bonus to saving throws 3/day. (My swashbuckler has never run out of this ability, nor has she failed a saving throw yet.) That opens up the possibility of the muleback cords for you.
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
thistledown |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Get a masterwork backpack (treat Str as 1 higher for purposes of light load carrying capacity) and put a handy haversack in it.
For that matter, nothing says the masterwork backpack can't be empty (except RAI, obviously).
At 8 strength, that won't help. The strength bonus from 8 to 9 gives you less than the 4 pounds which the backpack weighs.
To the suggestions for Ant Haul - close, but you can do better. Get scrolls or wands of Communal Ant Haul, and apply it all to yourself. Higher required caster level, so more hours of duration.
Fomsie |
Have you considered the pathfinder pouch? It's sort of like a handy haversack in smaller increments: each is only a pound, and carries as much as a backpack.
I second the notion on the Pathfinder Pouch, it costs 1000gp, weighs only a pound and can carry 10 pounds, but additionally it doesn't radiate as magic, so it is nifty for those scenarios where you might need to sneak something in. I find them especially useful on Small sized characters because that carrying capacity becomes far more efficient with the reduced weight of their personal gear (doesn't help with rope and the like, obviously) but a great way to carry spare weapons.
TimD |
Level 2 Inspired blade swashbuckler: (Weapon finesse-rapier, weapon focus-rapier from class) and slashing grace feat.
Slashing Grace doesn't work with a rapier. Fortunately, there's Fencing Grace and you've not yet played as a 2nd level character.
Your post made me sufficiently curious to see what I had planned for my low-STR swashbuckler... and a burdenless buckler may be the answer you are looking for as well...
I'd also recommend a Porter vanity if you have the proper book.
thaX |
I have a Sylph (Repega Keeya) that has a low strength. She bought a Donkey to carry her extra stuff. It has become the target of many puns and jokes throughout her career. When she was going away from the merchant with her new donkey, she heard him say, while shaking his head, "poor little bugger." She thought he was saying the donkey's name...
WiseWolfOfYoitsu |
Everything I would say, has already been said...Pathfinder Pouches, Handy Haversack, Wands of Ant Haul, Muleback Cords. All great options.
Cloak of Resistance is over-rated. I've retired a Fighter/Hunter with a +1 Cloak, which if I recall gave him a Will save of +5... I took him to Hard-Mode Waking Rune, and somehow made all his Will saves.
grandpoobah |
You also need to think about how this character will play at low levels. That celestial armor is nice, but it isn't coming into play until the end.
You'll be either using Mage Armor, a mithril shirt, or elven chainmail or mithril breastplate along the way (all of which weigh less than the celestial armor).
Consider the Burdenless armor enhancement (4000gp to increase your load by 50%)
Also, you only get 2 stat bumps in PFS (4th and 8th), so having a single odd stat (CHR) doesn't really help you. Dwayne's comment is likely the best choice: Start with a 17 DEX (that saves you 3 points you can put back into STR). STR damage (SHADOWS) are a real threat to someone like you...
Combine a net 11 STR with a masterwork backpack and a wand of ant haul and you should be OK for most of your levels.
My swashbuckler has a 17 DEX and a 13 STR (but that was so I could take power attack). I have her use a wand of ant haul and a mwk backpack to get around encumbrance issues (until I can afford a handy haversack).
And if you're committed to your 8 STR... buy an Ioun stone of +2 STR, or make your belt +2 DEX/CON/STR (instead of +4 DEX).