Need ideas for a Succubi character


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So I have a Succubi who works in my school library. She's not Evil anymore, but she's not good either (Chaotic Neutral right now)

Basically part of the overall story is that she had spent hundreds of years going through events that eventually led to her leaving the evil alignment. She's had time to gain a few extra levels over the standard Succubus HD. While she's agreed to work for the school she has made a magically binding oath to never use her energy drain ability on any students or faculty or their associated families (Intruders are free game. Tasty, free game.) She's lost her Summon Babau ability when she abandoned hell, but she did gain Disguise Self as an at will spell-like ability.

But the way I'm running her I have decided that succubi actually need sexual energy in order to survive. So... she's been 'sipping' off the sexual tension given off by pretty much all of the teenagers in the school. There's no lack of gawking and books left on laps when she's around, so she's been making due literally off the atmosphere.

Overall, I like the story behind her and the fact that the students have managed to learn about her history in chunks. But I'm at a loss as to what I should do with those 4 levels.

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Cha-based class? Oracle, sorcerer, Daring Champion cavalier, something else. The sorcerer bloodline could reflect her changing nature if you're into that.

Shadow Lodge

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+1 for the Cha-based Class.
Bard (arch-type: archivist APG) would make sense, for having moved into the library.
What did she do before the school, and more importantly, how did she go about doing it? Big, bold, "guns blazing" or staying hidden, "pulling strings".

As for the Disguise Self ability, you do know that they already have Change Shape (Small/medium Humanoid, Alter Self)?
Alter Self is a much better disguise, in that you become it, (aka, it feels real because it is real), but you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), (aka you "aren't" a demon etc any more).

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Inquisitor Thrace wrote:

+1 for the Cha-based Class.

Bard (arch-type: archivist APG) would make sense, for having moved into the library.
What did she do before the school, and more importantly, how did she go about doing it? Big, bold, "guns blazing" or staying hidden, "pulling strings".

As for the Disguise Self ability, you do know that they already have Change Shape (Small/medium Humanoid, Alter Self)?
Alter Self is a much better disguise, in that you become it, (aka, it feels real because it is real), but you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), (aka you "aren't" a demon etc any more).

Huh... I somehow missed that in their writeup on the SRD. Sorry. I guess she can just do without the summon Babau SLA.

As for what she did before the school. She spent much of her time with the wizard that had helped her escape from that life and helped minimalize the retaliation for bailing on her demon lord. After he finally died, she spent a decade setting his affairs in order and then ended up not knowing what to do with her freedom or life and came to the school her friend had once attended AND taught at. The headmistress could not find a 'class' she could teach that would be both appropriate and safe for the students, but was willing to put her to work in the library.

She knows enough about magic to be able to do her job and understand the subjects the students would be going through. I've left her 'activities' somewhat generic because I haven't settled on her class during the years after she left hell.

I agree that a class that uses her charisma would be best. Sorcerer would be nice. I like the idea of an archivist bard too.

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Another thought. Given her time as a librarian, instead of the disguise self SLA, give her comprehend languages, read magic, detect magic, and maybe a few other useful lower-level spells as SLAs.

For classes: sorcerer or bard. As a twist, maybe a magician archetype bard. She's in a school, maybe she's learning magic? If a sorcerer, arcane archetype fits flavor-wise.

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If she isn't a magic user (instead being magical) my suggestions would be:

Ninja -- Charisma based with pseudo-magic
Swashbuckler -- Charisma based charmed life and some bonus damage

I think the Ninja works better personally, the ability to vanish seems to fit in my opinion and a bit of sneak attack damage doesn't hurt her either. She could take minor magic as well for some spell-like abilities.

An couple of archaeologist bard levels would be good on her too, especially if she has a few traits. This would offer up the cantrips others are recommending too (as well as a couple of utility spells and a rogue trick).

What traits are you speaking of?

Archeologist bard would be my recommendation, unless you want to do something crazy like use her SLAs to possibly enter a prestige class (I don't know if you qualify for one, but it's an idea).

A note on her Change Shape ability, however: change shape, unlike Alter Self, doesn't actually alter the succubus' abilities - it uses Alter Self for the basic chassis of the rules, but alters the specifics; even then, however, I don't think you lose your basic abilities:

From the links:


Change Shape (Su)

A creature with this special quality has the ability to assume the appearance of a specific creature or type of creature (usually a humanoid), but retains most of its own physical qualities. A creature cannot change shape to a form more than one size category smaller or larger than its original form. This ability functions as a polymorph spell, the type of which is listed in the creature’s description, but the creature does not adjust its ability scores (although it gains any other abilities of the creature it mimics). Unless otherwise stated, it can remain in an alternate form indefinitely. Some creatures, such as lycanthropes, can transform into unique forms with special modifiers and abilities. These creatures do adjust their ability scores, as noted in their descriptions.

Format: change shape (wolf, beast shape I); Location: SQ, and in Special Abilities for creatures with a unique listing.


When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, and swim 30 feet.

Small creature: If the form you take is that of a Small humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Dexterity.

Medium creature: If the form you take is that of a Medium humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength.

Nothing in their about losing anything - it looks like it's all gain. Bear in mind, however, that the succubus (due to Change Shape) does not gain the modifiers to her ability scores.

I suppose it could be up for interpretation, but that's how it seems to run in PF. (Though please feel free to correct me, if I'm wrong!)

QUASI-EDIT: the polymorph rules seem to contradict me.


Polymorph: a polymorph spell transforms your physical body to take on the shape of another creature. While these spells make you appear to be the creature, granting you a +10 bonus on Disguise skill checks, they do not grant you all of the abilities and powers of the creature. Each polymorph spell allows you to assume the form of a creature of a specific type, granting you a number of bonuses to your ability scores and a bonus to your natural armor. In addition, each polymorph spell can grant you a number of other benefits, including movement types, resistances, and senses. If the form you choose grants these benefits, or a greater ability of the same type, you gain the listed benefit. If the form grants a lesser ability of the same type, you gain the lesser ability instead. Your base speed changes to match that of the form you assume. If the form grants a swim or burrow speed, you maintain the ability to breathe if you are swimming or burrowing. The DC for any of these abilities equals your DC for the polymorph spell used to change you into that form.

In addition to these benefits, you gain any of the natural attacks of the base creature, including proficiency in those attacks. These attacks are based on your base attack bonus, modified by your Strength or Dexterity as appropriate, and use your Strength modifier for determining damage bonuses.

If a polymorph spell causes you to change size, apply the size modifiers appropriately, changing your armor class, attack bonus, Combat Maneuver Bonus, and Stealth skill modifiers. Your ability scores are not modified by this change unless noted by the spell.

Unless otherwise noted, polymorph spells cannot be used to change into specific individuals. Although many of the fine details can be controlled, your appearance is always that of a generic member of that creature's type. Polymorph spells cannot be used to assume the form of a creature with a template or an advanced version of a creature.

When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body. Items that provide constant bonuses and do not need to be activated continue to function while melded in this way (with the exception of armor and shield bonuses, which cease to function). Items that require activation cannot be used while you maintain that form. While in such a form, you cannot cast any spells that require material components (unless you have the Eschew Materials or Natural Spell feat), and can only cast spells with somatic or verbal components if the form you choose has the capability to make such movements or speak, such as a dragon. Other polymorph spells might be subject to this restriction as well, if they change you into a form that is unlike your original form (subject to GM discretion). If your new form does not cause your equipment to meld into your form, the equipment resizes to match your new size.

While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form. You also lose any class features that depend upon form, but those that allow you to add features (such as sorcerers that can grow claws) still function. While most of these should be obvious, the GM is the final arbiter of what abilities depend on form and are lost when a new form is assumed. Your new form might restore a number of these abilities if they are possessed by the new form.

You can only be affected by one polymorph spell at a time. If a new polymorph spell is cast on you (or you activate a polymorph effect, such as wild shape), you can decide whether or not to allow it to affect you, taking the place of the old spell. In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph spell.

If a polymorph spell is cast on a creature that is smaller than Small or larger than Medium, first adjust its ability scores to one of these two sizes using the following table before applying the bonuses granted by the polymorph spell.

That... is really weird, actually.

That means she loses Energy Drain, Profane Gift... and Change Shape (cue recursive "but it can't!" arguments) - I'm presuming the GM arbitration is the only thing that keeps that working. She'd keep her spell-likes, though, so that's something.

There's an argument that she'd lose skills and saves ("lose class features that depend on that form" - she is now a humanoid instead of an outsider), buuuuuuuuuuuuuut... meh.

It also states that such things "should be obvious" but I find it both counter-intuitive and unobvious entirely. Racial modifiers to skill? If those are lost then she becomes worse about convincing you that she's not a succubus than if she was... a succubus (a loss of 8 to bluff). Telepathy? Hm.

She can definitely "grandfather in" darkvision, just by choosing the correct racial combination (probably something with drow heritage elf, to avoid the tusky side of the half-orc and increase general teen interest by broader appeal), but... meh. Not liking that myself. It's especially weird since, unlike 3.5, you don't just become the creature (instead you have a specially defined list you choose from). Weeeeeeiiiiiiiiirrrrrd. Not a fan.

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Fate's Favored primarily.

Fate's Favored increases any luck bonus you receive by 1. Since the archaeologist gives a luck bonus with this trait that would be increase.

If she also had a Jingasa of the fortunate Soldier it too would benefit. A luck stone for when she didn't have her own luck going and she would be +2 to saves, ac, skills and ability checks all the time. This would eat up 25,000 gp of wealth, with a +1 sword and a mithril chain shirt that would put her at about 8th level PC wealth (a bit over double what she should have as a 'heroic' NPC).

For feats I recommend:
Lingering performance
arcane strike
Exotic weapon proficiency (dueling sword)
Weapon finesse
Weapon focus(dueling sword)
slashing grace

That gives her dex to damage (if you drop her NPC monster with class levels boost here and her +1 from 4 levels that means she would have a Dex of 22 giving her +6 to hit and damage), arcane strike to damage (based on her caster level with her spell like abilities meaning +4 to damage), and her luck bonus to damage (+2) meaning she should be getting around +13 to damage with a +1 magical sword.

If you gave her one more level she would have +3 bonus on her archaeologist luck ability.

@Tacticslion -- polymorph doesn't change your type just your form. So while she will have the form of a humanoid she would still be an outsider so wouldn't lose any HD/BAB and I would argue that change shape is not form dependent (since it changes your form it can't be predicated on you having that form -- such an argument doesn't make sense).

Edit there was a thread in the rules forum about the lich recently that covered this. It is likely she wouldn't lose her energy drain.

Basically polymorph spells are magical Iron Man suits.

Except it says:

While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form.

... which is the weird bit, and not something I ever realized.

If you're not changing creature types, why are you losing your Su abilities?

That's what I'm getting at: it's inconsistent and then says "it should be obvious"...?

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Could we do something effective with her natural claw attacks?

Either that or perhaps a whip. (Since apparently a riding crop is too... erotic? for the students to see her toting around)

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Abraham spalding wrote:

Fate's Favored primarily.

Fate's Favored increases any luck bonus you receive by 1. Since the archaeologist gives a luck bonus with this trait that would be increase.

If she also had a Jingasa of the fortunate Soldier it too would benefit. A luck stone for when she didn't have her own luck going and she would be +2 to saves, ac, skills and ability checks all the time. This would eat up 25,000 gp of wealth, with a +1 sword and a mithril chain shirt that would put her at about 8th level PC wealth (a bit over double what she should have as a 'heroic' NPC).

For feats I recommend:
Lingering performance
arcane strike
Exotic weapon proficiency (dueling sword)
Weapon finesse
Weapon focus(dueling sword)
slashing grace

That gives her dex to damage (if you drop her NPC monster with class levels boost here and her +1 from 4 levels that means she would have a Dex of 22 giving her +6 to hit and damage), arcane strike to damage (based on her caster level with her spell like abilities meaning +4 to damage), and her luck bonus to damage (+2) meaning she should be getting around +13 to damage with a +1 magical sword.

If you gave her one more level she would have +3 bonus on her archaeologist luck ability.

@Tacticslion -- polymorph doesn't change your type just your form. So while she will have the form of a humanoid she would still be an outsider so wouldn't lose any HD/BAB and I would argue that change shape is not form dependent (since it changes your form it can't be predicated on you having that form -- such an argument doesn't make sense).

Edit there was a thread in the rules forum about the lich recently that covered this. It is likely she wouldn't lose her energy drain.

Basically polymorph spells are magical Iron Man suits.

Why dueling sword over a rapier with fencing grace? It gets similar results, but you need one less feat (exotic weapon proficiency).

Oh, and thinking about trait- a trick I like is to grab armor expert and a mithral breastplate. Combined, they bring your ACP down to 0, which means you do not experience any penalties just because you aren't proficient in medium armor. And since mithral lets armor act like it is 1 step lower for most other purposes, you cans till cast spells as a bard.

Not sure if that is completely appropriate for an incognito succubus though. But it seems like a fairly solid trick overall.

Breath weapons are (SU) form based (as is unnatural aura, some poisons, natural invisibility, see in darkness, Curse of Lycanthropy, damage reduction, and some diseases).

In my opinion the following (SU) traits are not form based:
Demon Lord Traits
Change Shape (if your shape is mutable then the ability to mute it cannot be based on that form. It's a logical contradiction)
Mythic abilities (if you are mythic it's not based on your body but on the fact you are mythic)

Arguable (to me):
Whirlwind (the ability to change form again, but if it's based on you being wind then it's debatable)
Ability/Energy Drain

lemeres wrote:
Why dueling sword over a rapier with fencing grace? It gets similar results, but you need one less feat (exotic weapon proficiency).

Because I didn't realize the feat existed. No other reason.

As to the armor -- only costs. Getting a breastplate makes some sense if you can afford to get it to +1 glamored that would work fine -- doing so would increase the character to 35,000~ish gp instead of 27,000~ish gp.

Oh, another issue- arcane strike has a small degree of conflict with the archaeologist archetype. With lingering performance, you only need to activate it 1/3 rounds, but that still means that you can only use arcane strike every 2/3 of the time.

Having it on a fixed schedule (since you don't want to lose your save and skill bonuses) can put you in a pinch. Maybe you need a buff or a dominate in one of your precious 2 rounds. Maybe you can only find a safe opportunity to attack during the round you need to renew luck.

While arcane strike is great, you might want to consider if there isn't an equally great feat you could take that is good all the time and doesn't put crunch on your tactics. At the very least, grab riving strike so you can debuff while using arcane strike (maybe have a minion or two with a nasty spell to take the opening you make). Not saying that she has minions NOW (this was for a risen demon, right?), but hey, she might have had them in the past. At the very least, if this NPC aids the party in the fight, they will appreciate the -2 debuff to saves vs. spells on the enemies.

Well... a different thought would be to use the rapier, then burn the rogue talent on a feat and instead get:

Amateur investigator
Studied Combatant
Improved Studied Combatant

This would burn a move action (ouch) but allow you to get a +4 insight bonus to hit and to damage for your intelligence modifier number of rounds.

1 per target per 24 hours
3 feats (ouch!)
limited inspiration

Other benefits:
Inspiration which has out of combat uses.

Also shows she's a thinker.

I'm taking it from the OPs description that she out of the 'regular combat' cycle for the time being (granted that's not to say she wasn't in it before or might not be again).

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Sorry Rungok, I missed this bit in there:

rungok wrote:

Could we do something effective with her natural claw attacks?

Either that or perhaps a whip. (Since apparently a riding crop is too... erotic? for the students to see her toting around)

Instead of rapier she can use a whip -- it's finesse-able and slashing grace works with it, she'll already be proficient. You might want to look into whip mastery.

She qualifies for it.

For levels in investigator(sleuth) might be something she likes as well. swashbuckler would mix well with that too.

Abraham spalding wrote:

I'm taking it from the OPs description that she out of the 'regular combat' cycle for the time being (granted that's not to say she wasn't in it before or might not be again).

Correctamundo. She's only had to use her abilities once since the game started, and that was for an intimidate check against a cluster of voyeuristic freshmen to convince them that trying to spy into a girls bedroom was a bad, bad idea. :P Even then that was handled using her natural powers.

I would think her to be not hardcore combat, but she has been in the combat cycle a few times since she was far more muscle than her wizard friend was when things suddenly got messy.

Additionally, she could get dragged into combat again in the near future. (The players are planning to take a 'field trip' and I've got a kidnapping plot in the works. It all depends on if they get her as their chaperon.)

Abraham spalding wrote:

Sorry Rungok, I missed this bit in there:

rungok wrote:

Could we do something effective with her natural claw attacks?

Either that or perhaps a whip. (Since apparently a riding crop is too... erotic? for the students to see her toting around)

Instead of rapier she can use a whip -- it's finesse-able and slashing grace works with it, she'll already be proficient. You might want to look into whip mastery.

She qualifies for it.

For levels in investigator(sleuth) might be something she likes as well. swashbuckler would mix well with that too.

True, just trade out EWP for whip mastery, and you can just use the same archaeologist build you first suggested

Personally, I'd take the concept in another direction: Cleric.

Religion could be a powerful motivator for turning away from Evil, and as an ordained priestess she might be considered "trustworthy" enough to be let loose in a school full of teenagers.

For bard spells I would consider:
0th level
Detect Magic
Read Magic

1st level
Touch of Gracelessness (for those natural attacks -- negative level, hurt and lose dex? Nasty!)
Unnatural Lust (duh)
Saving Finale (ditch the performance to save herself? Yes please)

2nd level
Gallant Inspiration
Silk to steel (that's right she killed you with her head scarf)

Whip of Spiders

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Barbarian. You WILL return the books on time, and you WILL keep quiet in the library!!!

VRMH wrote:

Personally, I'd take the concept in another direction: Cleric.

Religion could be a powerful motivator for turning away from Evil, and as an ordained priestess she might be considered "trustworthy" enough to be let loose in a school full of teenagers.

is there a particular archetype that would work well in a library situation for cleric?

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rungok wrote:
VRMH wrote:

Personally, I'd take the concept in another direction: Cleric.

Religion could be a powerful motivator for turning away from Evil, and as an ordained priestess she might be considered "trustworthy" enough to be let loose in a school full of teenagers.

is there a particular archetype that would work well in a library situation for cleric?

Evangelist works well for a buffing type. Theologian and Scroll Scholar makes sense as well. Following Nethys would make some sense for her too.

Oracle could be nice too for 'divine not religious' -- heck maybe she's on her way to her own accession!

How has no one mentioned that is super gross to have a game in which a creepy librarian is perving over children?

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Feeding on the latent sexual tension between, not perving over. :-)

Abraham spalding wrote:
rungok wrote:
VRMH wrote:

Personally, I'd take the concept in another direction: Cleric.

Religion could be a powerful motivator for turning away from Evil, and as an ordained priestess she might be considered "trustworthy" enough to be let loose in a school full of teenagers.

is there a particular archetype that would work well in a library situation for cleric?

Evangelist works well for a buffing type. Theologian and Scroll Scholar makes sense as well. Following Nethys would make some sense for her too.

Oracle could be nice too for 'divine not religious' -- heck maybe she's on her way to her own accession!

I would be a bit wary of Nethys, since he tends to be about getting magical power, and he is not to particular if you do good or evil with it.

Unless you have compelling story reasons. With the '100's of years of events that lead her to lose the evil subtype' bit, I think I could work with something Nethys focused.

Here is an example: The school founder was a worshipper of Nethys. He wished to build up the educational system to support more wizards. He decided to bind an outsider as a guardian and overseer for the school.

The succubus was a 'strong deserve to take everything' type. So when she was beaten by the founder, she begrudgingly accepted her lot. Bound to protect the students, she has taken the path of redemption not out of a sudden moment of clarity, but due to centuries of banality. Unable to indulge, she was weaned off of evil by sheer boredom of paperwork and dewey decimal system, basically. I suppose there were long stretches of introspection in there too, but really- she just lost her edge, her fire of sin is doused.

How is that for a backstory? Well, most likely there is already an existing backstory, but I just like spit balling ideas like that.

How about Ghenshau?

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She have 8 hit dice without casting. That calls for Swordsage! Everything's better with a level of swordsage. Or in PF succubus case, Warlord.
She can also teach fencing without any levels. +8 BAB, 17 dex, weapon finesse, combat reflexes.
She also has telepathy, detect thoughts and tongues, she can be secretary or psychologist.


rungok wrote:
Abraham spalding wrote:

I'm taking it from the OPs description that she out of the 'regular combat' cycle for the time being (granted that's not to say she wasn't in it before or might not be again).

Correctamundo. She's only had to use her abilities once since the game started, and that was for an intimidate check against a cluster of voyeuristic freshmen to convince them that trying to spy into a girls bedroom was a bad, bad idea. :P Even then that was handled using her natural powers.

I would think her to be not hardcore combat, but she has been in the combat cycle a few times since she was far more muscle than her wizard friend was when things suddenly got messy.

Additionally, she could get dragged into combat again in the near future. (The players are planning to take a 'field trip' and I've got a kidnapping plot in the works. It all depends on if they get her as their chaperon.)


Alternatively, Eldritch Scion magus is charima-based and gishy. Casts like a bard though, which is kinda weak.

For a weapon, the whip is for "atmosphere," the merciful whip-dagger is for business. Although 4 levels of fighter would let her get the entire whip tree including grapple with whip...

And of course, as a chaotic neutral librarian with a hunger for tasty intruders, she would be well-served by quietly dropping a few rumors of "secret treasure maps, hidden away in the college library."

Grand Lodge

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I recommend the arcanist class.

Since she is lightly Cha based and lived with a wizard for decades then it would make sense she acts like a sorcerer but can prepare what spells she needs. Maybe she learned it in the library or maybe somewhere else.

Swashbuckler is a trap option. Daring Champion cavalier is a good Cha/Dex archetype that actually functions.

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Lore Oracle could be good and mesh well with the library. Her curse (Whatever you choose) could be flavored as her penalty for leaving hell to persue knowledge/truth/japanese-manga-school-girls.

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Ughbash wrote:
Lore Oracle could be good and mesh well with the library. Her curse (Whatever you choose) could be flavored as her penalty for leaving hell to persue knowledge/truth/japanese-manga-school-girls.

I think the Abyss would be fine with succubi studying school girls. Studying them very closely. Encouraging blossoming friendships between them.

Oh my, this library has so many alcoves that just so happen to be out of view (but have secret place to spy on). Perfect for 'study sessions.'

...what? She literally lives off of sexual tension. Making sure to 'misplace' anatomy and art reference text books throughout the library is a case of pure self interest. And that kind of detail can serve as a fun little easter egg for the party if they make a perception check after learning of this character's true nature. Always good for a little 'oh, I SEE!' moment.

This kind of thing serves well to fulfill any lingering chaotic instincts to corrupt innocence. A little bit of rebellion in very controlled doses.

I'd suggest alchemist or investigator, reflecting a succubus that's moving away from being an actual sex demon to embrace more scholarly pursuits - but not full-on "nerd mode" like being a wizard or arcanist would entail =P

An investigator with the infusions discovery would be a decent support person.

I guess, is she being written up for concept or is she being written up as something the players eventually have to fight? You have a lot more way leeway if it's the former.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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I just REALLY want to know more about this campaign now...

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lemeres wrote:
Ughbash wrote:
Lore Oracle could be good and mesh well with the library. Her curse (Whatever you choose) could be flavored as her penalty for leaving hell to persue knowledge/truth/japanese-manga-school-girls.

I think the Abyss would be fine with succubi studying school girls. Studying them very closely. Encouraging blossoming friendships between them.

Oh my, this library has so many alcoves that just so happen to be out of view (but have secret place to spy on). Perfect for 'study sessions.'

...what? She literally lives off of sexual tension. Making sure to 'misplace' anatomy and art reference text books throughout the library is a case of pure self interest. And that kind of detail can serve as a fun little easter egg for the party if they make a perception check after learning of this character's true nature. Always good for a little 'oh, I SEE!' moment.

This kind of thing serves well to fulfill any lingering chaotic instincts to corrupt innocence. A little bit of rebellion in very controlled doses.

One of the players was in the group of boys who were trying to spy on her. Interestingly, after he found out she was a succubi he refused to confirm the rumors, but kept hitting on her.

And yeah, her 'chosen' human guise dresses very conservatively for her tastes (She wears a white button up blouse with ribbon and a knee length black skirt and sensible heels for a job on her feet, as per the school dress code... but maybe her heels are a bit higher than they're supposed to and her skirt a bit shorter, and those shirt buttons have such a hard time staying put...) True, the library *does* have all those nooks and crannies. And oh my, someone keeps misplacing all those anatomy books! :P

She's also entirely *not* against using her change shape to help indirectly... encourage students to come back to the library to study.

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Zhangar wrote:

I'd suggest alchemist or investigator, reflecting a succubus that's moving away from being an actual sex demon to embrace more scholarly pursuits - but not full-on "nerd mode" like being a wizard or arcanist would entail =P

An investigator with the infusions discovery would be a decent support person.

I guess, is she being written up for concept or is she being written up as something the players eventually have to fight? You have a lot more way leeway if it's the former.

The character is a part of the supporting cast for the school, Most of the faculty are around level 10-12. They won't be fighting her unless something goes horrifically, catastrophically wrong. However she may step in to protect her students if something happens in the library she's responsible for. Also she doesn't like stuff killing/harming her sources of food/amusement.

Kalindlara wrote:
I just REALLY want to know more about this campaign now...

It's a campaign I'm running on Wednesdays at my house called "My Life at Magic High."

Everyone plays a character who can perform at least one arcane spell (racial SLA's are acceptible) and go through their first four years at the Echo Mirage Academy of the Arts. I've made other posts about it helping break things down, but basically the players only 'level up' when they graduate to the next year. They're also all playing teens for their races.

The campaign has been great to use tropes from anime and tv shows like saved by the bell. Also, I have to do very little to add drama to the game since it seems that being a teenager in high school intrinsically means they're made of drama and the players have made all the drama the game needs without my guidance. :)

It also helps they've managed to make the pathfinder equivalent of 'The Breakfast Club' without me having to say anything.

I'd love to see a campaign journal/set-up for this!

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I don't have a campaign journal of what I was doing behind the scenes, but a couple of my players have been writing up 'in character' letters home to their families.

They're really interesting looks at their perspective of things.

Well, "Journal", "Set-up" - really whatever notes you have. This sounds intriguing.

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Yeah I could pull something together after I get home from work tonight.

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Will there be grappling involved?

On reflection, I think Magus or bard make the most sense since they do the gish thing and they like books/knowledge skills.

Could go bladebound and with the whip... Which could be used as an explanation for her change. It could have been of an alignment that forced her to change alignments.

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robert best 549 wrote:
Could go bladebound and with the whip... Which could be used as an explanation for her change. It could have been of an alignment that forced her to change alignments.

That's a possible idea!

Oooh! Or maybe the bladebound whip could *BE* her evil deposited into a physical object so it couldn't directly influence her. Black blades are mysterious, are they not?

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Hmm, I'd suggest (or second the suggestions of, in some cases): an archivist bard, an order of the tome daring champion cavalier, a ninja, an oracle of lore, or a seeker (Pathfinder Society Field Guide) sorcerer. The latter is less thematic for a librarian, but could perhaps reflect whatever occurred to cause her to cease being evil...perhaps she was touched by celestial powers, making her a celestial sorcerer? Or alternatively, maybe she worked out a way to 'burn' her own evil by casting spells as an abyssal sorcerer, and has to regularly expend all her spells by the end of the day to keep down her unwholesome urges? Perhaps she even made a pact with a powerful fey or elemental, effectively trading some of her own abyssal essence for fey or elemental power? Well, there's plenty of possibilities...

rungok wrote:
robert best 549 wrote:
Could go bladebound and with the whip... Which could be used as an explanation for her change. It could have been of an alignment that forced her to change alignments.

That's a possible idea!

Oooh! Or maybe the bladebound whip could *BE* her evil deposited into a physical object so it couldn't directly influence her. Black blades are mysterious, are they not?

Love that idea.

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VRMH wrote:
Will there be grappling involved?

I'm roleplaying the succubi teacher and I approve of this thread. Whole-heartedly.

Edit: I love all the ideas that have been offered! This is fantastic.

Now I have a better idea of what would work, but now I'm struck with indecision over the really great options you all recommended!

(Speaking of grappling, would a grapple based thing be possible?) :P

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