Interesting monsters with class levels - villain / monster npc ideas

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So what have you come up with?
1. Cyclops is just awesome with a lot if things.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You may have missed it, but Paizo just put out a whole book based on this idea, the Monstrous Codex.

I really want to throw a Mimic with levels in Monk at my players some day.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

With Iron Gods ending, I've spent the last week or so playing around with an idea for "Continuing the Campaign" if the PCs don't make an effort to coopt/rehabilitate/take over the Technic League. If they ignore the organization, then someone else will take over:


Abrax-Vul, NE Male serpentfolk magus (hexcrafter) 7/cleric (separatist; Abraxas; Magic and Serpent domains; variant channeling - poison) 3/mystic theurge 6
Cybertech: cybernetic arm w/implanted +1 distance sonic pistol (+3 w/greater magic weapon, cast as magus), cybernetic legs, dermal plating mark III, frenzychip
Gear as an 18th-level PC

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Choker with barbarian and rogue levels and the Spring Attack feat chain and a loose interpretation of the Spring Attack feat that lets it move and full attack and move again. **evil grin**

But this seems less amazing after playing 5th Edition where everyone can do that....

Scarab Sages

A stone giant with levels in Far Strike Monk. Flurry of Boulders anyone?

Liberty's Edge

Tarrasque with Sorcerer 20.

Because it's not terrifying enough.

Shadow Giant Monk or Brawler, they get level drain on every hit!

Or make them two-weapon fighters with kukris, it gets scary pretty quickly.

Snorb wrote:

Tarrasque with Sorcerer 20.

Because it's not terrifying enough.

I was going to say Tarrasque with Synthesist Summoner--the PC's beat the colossal eidolon, crack it open, and then the real fight begins.....

Silver Crusade

Vampiric Dragon sorcerer, with nice obscene DCs.

Although the breath weapon gets plastered since the dragon loses its mighty con.

Mite with levels in Witch. They have a vermin familiar. With the Familiar Folio options its a Mauler and Medium size. With Vermin Empathy she's got a small horde of other vermin exactly the same. There's no way to target the familiar.

Mites in general. Throw in some levels in Slayer; they're a rogue/ranger combo riding amid a pack of giant spiders. Tack on levels in oracle since they've got decent Wis; with the Nature mystery they've got a bonded mount.

The nice thing about all this verminy goodness is that the mite gets to use their Move action on worthwhile stuff like reloading their poisoned bolts in their crossbow. In the meantime most vermin have a Climb speed and some even have Fly. These things can be anywhere on the battlefield, make their attacks and then chill while your low to mid level fighter tries to figure out how to unload all that melee damage he has.

Finally, vermin empathy technically works on swarms. That's right... SWARMS....

Scarab Sages

An Ethereal Filcher (remember them? Another awesome toy Wizards of the Coast apparently won't share?) with Rogue levels. Remember, they can shift between the Ethereal and Material Planes at will (more or less), and have 4 good picture every one of those arms holding a dagger, and with the know-how to perform Sneak Attacks.

Brownie with levels in Wizard/Witch/Sorcerer is fun. Improved Familiar will get you another brownie and Leadership should net a whole bunch more. Just try to target in that mess.

Vampire Nymph Sorcerer who trades her racial druid casting for racial sorcerer casting, slower progression, but far nastier threat when she can ressurect the fallen spirits of nature to fight alongside her eternally youthful and perpetually adorable self

Gelatinous Cube Swashbuckler

pugwampi witch focused on the save or suck hexes (obviously needs better stats).

Heck, a coven of these little buggers.

Scarab Sages

Gibbering Mouther Bard

Minotaur barbarian is obvious but still a favorite.

An awakened animal can make for some pretty hilarious combinations. Grizzly bear wizard comes to mind but bear Druid is probably better.

Incorporeal undead (like a shadow) with levels in master summoner capitalizes on a lot of strengths.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Dragon barbarian! Rage and increase breath weapon DC. Might need that Moment of Clarity rage power....

Maralith arcane trickster? Greater invisiblity + tons of swords = sneak attack Cuisinart. Or ninja and Vanishing Trick. Or both...

But I think lower level examples are more fun. I just need to think of some....

Have a Sorc7/DD4 vampire in my game. PCs unfortunately didn't pursue his storyline, so they never encountered him.

Tacking antipaladin levels onto things can be a lot of fun. Keep a close eye on the CR of the resulting monsters. Since antipaladin levels don't count as a key class for anything, if you go based off of those results you can occasionally end up with some stuff that's way too powerful for the CR.

Redcaps are a fun choice for it. The succubus is a particularly absurd option thanks to the super high charisma.

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It's not so much a monster, so much as an oddity item.. but it's a critter.

A short backstory, I had a VERY paranoid rogue. Virtually every round, turn, room, bend, or five foot step, he would roll perception. Out of sheer boredom of this, I simply responded "You see a rock."

Everytime he rolled and there was nothing to see, i'd simply tell him "You see a rock."

He became suspicious, and leery. "Is this the same rock?"

"You can't tell."
He whips out a wand of Detect Magic.
"Is it a magic rock?"
"You can't tell."

A few hours later. "You see a rock."
"Is it the same rock?"
Now he's completely weirded out that he's being stalked by this tiny rock.

This is enough to freak out just about any player by itself, but he was a good sport and one of my better players. I decided, on the fly, that it was a tiny, amorphous metal-based critter with the ability to imbue metal items with the properties of other metals or low level enchants that it has touched before.

Suffice to say, he was thrilled to have a new pet rock.

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