How old is Count Varian Jeggare?


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From the various pathfinder tales (mostly Prince of Wolves and Queen of Thorns) i get the immpression that he was either alive when Aroden died or when the house of Thrune rose into the chelaxian throne. If he was alive when Aroden died then he is more than 100 years old (more like 120 if he was 10 when Aroden died), if he was alive when house Thrune took power then that makes him ~85 years old (again assuming he was 10 when house Thrune took power).
Which one do you think is the better estimate?

Silver Crusade

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As far as I can work out he is at least 90 years old so was likely around at the time of the civil war

Where he was and who he supported ask Dave

Dark Archive Contributor

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As the next novel opens, Varian is 99 years old.

Thank you Dave for clearing this up for me.

So he was not alive when Aroden died but was certainly alive during the civil war, although that makes him too young to take any serious part in the civil war (also he was most likely in Korvosa studying in the Academae during that time).

Dark Archive Contributor

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Varian was in his mid-30s and already a military veteran by the time the Thrunes took power.

I don't want to venture too far into spoiler land, but if and when you reread the books, you might pick up some more small clues to his as-yet-unrevealed story during the time of the civil war.

It's entirely possible that these details will be important to a future novel.

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I would love to read about Varian's involvement in the chelaxian civil war (and the chelaxian civil war in general).

Something doesn't add up, it's been 75* years since house Thrune took the throne, since Varian is 99 years old that means that when the Thrunes took the throne he was 24**. Although it isn't very young by human standards and could be given a command*** at that age he isn't a human, he is a half elf, wasn't this taken into account by whoever granted him a command OR did i something wrong with the dates and/or my math?

I am rereading the books (currently finishing Prince of Wolves) but i don't remember any clues about fighting in the civil war, i remember bits here and there about him serving in the chelaxian army but i had thought that this was after the house of Thrune had risen to power, did i misread the clues or did he served in the army before and after the regime change?

*house Thrune took the throne at 4640 AR and now it's 4715 AR, so 75 years ago

**older than i thought before (i hadn't done the math and i was eyeballing the years from memory)

***i assume that due to his noble birth he didn't serve as a simple soldier but as a minor officer (if not a major officer)

Dark Archive Contributor

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You're right, and I'm arithmetically challenged. When I subtracted 14 from 40 I somehow got 36 instead of 26.

That previous reply should have read "mid-20s," and you're right to think junior officer.

Dark Archive Contributor

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Of course, now that you've made me look back at my secret timeline, I see I have to adjust my 14 to a 15.

This is why I ended up in English instead of Physics.

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I can't be sure about the exact number (24 vs 25 vs 26) because i don't know if your upcoming pathfinder tale will take place at 4714 AR or 4715 AR, also since i don't know the exact months (of birth and the start of the next tale etc.) but i don't think that this specific numbers are needed, i just wanted to know his age because i thought that he was alive when Age of Lost Omens started.

Dark Archive

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Dave Gross wrote:

As the next novel opens, Varian is 99 years old.

How far along are you with that novel?

I hope Varian celebrates his 100th birthday somewhere in these pages! ;-)

Can we expect it in 2015?

Silver Crusade

I assume that due to his noble birth he didn't serve as a simple soldier but as a minor officer (if not a major officer)

As l understand it House Jeggere is one of the most important houses within the Empire so it is likely he may have held a higher position. After all he was trained by one of the most famous swords masters and military training is standard for the noble classes (A lot of the British army officers that are trained in sandhurst goes to public schools for instance)

Also House Jeggare l am sure would use its influence at need and failing that there is always bribery

Of note during the revolutionary wars it was possible to "buy" commissions so that is why sometimes you had utter idiots in charge

Dark Archive Contributor

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Marco Massoudi wrote:
Dave Gross wrote:

As the next novel opens, Varian is 99 years old.

How far along are you with that novel?

I hope Varian celebrates his 100th birthday somewhere in these pages! ;-)

Can we expect it in 2015?

It is done. You will see it this summer, but further details will come from James Sutter when the propitious planets are aligned.

And yes, the birthday is unlike any he has ever had.

Silver Crusade

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Dave Gross wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Dave Gross wrote:

As the next novel opens, Varian is 99 years old.

How far along are you with that novel?

I hope Varian celebrates his 100th birthday somewhere in these pages! ;-)

Can we expect it in 2015?

It is done. You will see it this summer, but further details will come from James Sutter when the propitious planets are aligned.

And yes, the birthday is unlike any he has ever had.

Radovan takes him to a bordello?

Dark Archive Contributor

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Javin Swifthand wrote:

I assume that due to his noble birth he didn't serve as a simple soldier but as a minor officer (if not a major officer)

As l understand it House Jeggere is one of the most important houses within the Empire so it is likely he may have held a higher position. After all he was trained by one of the most famous swords masters and military training is standard for the noble classes (A lot of the British army officers that are trained in sandhurst goes to public schools for instance)

Also House Jeggare l am sure would use its influence at need and failing that there is always bribery

Of note during the revolutionary wars it was possible to "buy" commissions so that is why sometimes you had utter idiots in charge

While nothing's official until it comes time to tell that story, I'm thinking many of the same things you are thinking. But note that it was decades later when Varian met the "famous" instructor. Doubtless he had others before then, considering the events at Lepidstadt University (mentioned in Prince of Wolves at much later at Korvosa (in "The Fencing Master").

Dark Archive

Dave Gross wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Dave Gross wrote:

As the next novel opens, Varian is 99 years old.

How far along are you with that novel?

I hope Varian celebrates his 100th birthday somewhere in these pages! ;-)

Can we expect it in 2015?

It is done. You will see it this summer, but further details will come from James Sutter when the propitious planets are aligned.

And yes, the birthday is unlike any he has ever had.

Best news of the year!!! :-)

I expected it around August 2015 and even made an entry in my calendar titled "Mistress of Hell" expecting it to take place in Cheliax around the time of the "Hell´s Rebels" AP. ;-)

June would also be a possibility... *grins*

I hope we will see a Varian and Radovan Minimates 2-pack somewhere in the near future - 2 other novel characters that came later than yours got them made(Isiem from PT9:Nightglass and PT23:Nightblade & Elyana from PT3:Plague of Shadows and PT17:Stalking the Beast) which i find not very fair.
They are cool but not as cool as yours.

Silver Crusade

Radovan takes him to a bordello?

Well temples of Calistra are well Everywhere....

And their "comfort woman" if someone was uncharitable they could be said to certainly "soothe your fevered brow" for the correct remuneration (negotiable)

Javin happens to have to work with a "comfort man"

He has the morals of a alley cat and will basically have sex with anyone (or anything)

Javin personally believes the character is question boasts to much about his conquests the "equipment" he uses to ply his trade requires a microscope and tweezers to be seen
And in all likelihood he has to pay his customers to "attend their needs" ;-)

Dark Archive Contributor

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If only I could correct typos on that last post. This is what comes of cats making themselves at home on the desk.

Silver Crusade

Dave Gross wrote:
If only I could correct typos on that last post. This is what comes of cats making themselves at home on the desk.

A friend of mine recently bought a new laptop with a touch sensitive screen

Her cat had great fun with it when the cat found out she could play with the icons on the main screen!

Dark Archive Contributor

I have a couple of silly apps on the iPad to entice the cats with fish and stuff. They aren't having any of that, but they love to saunter around my keyboard when I'm typing.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dave Gross wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Dave Gross wrote:

As the next novel opens, Varian is 99 years old.

How far along are you with that novel?

I hope Varian celebrates his 100th birthday somewhere in these pages! ;-)

Can we expect it in 2015?

It is done. You will see it this summer, but further details will come from James Sutter when the propitious planets are aligned.

And yes, the birthday is unlike any he has ever had.

James Sutter wrote:

"You've really done your homework!

Dave's new novel will indeed come out in June, but it comes with some SUPER EXCITING news that we're not ready to talk about yet, hence the lack of an official announcement yet. I hope to be able to reveal all in the next month or two. In the meantime, please stay tuned! :)"

This is great, i will buy it no matter what it is (minimates or Pathfinder Battles is my guess) as gift for my 40th birthday to myself. ;-)

Dark Archive Contributor

Marco Massoudi wrote:

James Sutter wrote:

"You've really done your homework!

Dave's new novel will indeed come out in June, but it comes with some SUPER EXCITING news that we're not ready to talk about yet, hence the lack of an official announcement yet. I hope to be able to reveal all in the next month or two. In the meantime, please stay tuned! :)"

This is great, i will buy it no matter what it is (minimates or Pathfinder Battles is my guess) as gift for my 40th birthday to myself. ;-)

By the way, Marco, thanks for those nice reviews of the first three books. They made my day when they popped up.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sort of an unrelated question, but how do you pronounce 'Jeggare'? In my head I always have it as Jegg-air, but I could see it as Jegg-ah-ray.

And I absolutely adore all of the fiction involving the Count and Radovan. I know you've had discussions with fans before concerning classes for your characters and to throw a little of my own input, especially with the advanced classes out, I feel as though (with his recent revelation) Varian could perhaps be an Arcanist, while Radovan would be a Slayer with a level or two of monk (or brawler!).

Anyway, thank you for writing this great fiction and I really look forward to more of your work!

Silver Crusade

The Wiki mentions Count Jeggare as level 6 wizard and Radovan as a rogue 5/monk 2


IN the last book chronilogically it seems with the help of Jelana (a thuvian sorceress )
He has begun to realise that he is in actual fact a sorcerer himself

So perhaps it now means "Bye riffle scrolls take centre stage Count Jeggare's mind library" which I think I can say is NOT a weapon to the trifled with

Javin Swifthand wrote:

The Wiki mentions Count Jeggare as level 6 wizard and Radovan as a rogue 5/monk 2


IN the last book chronilogically it seems with the help of Jelana (a thuvian sorceress )
It has been to realise that he is in actual fact a sorcerer himself

So it seems bye riffle scrolls take centre stage Count Jeggare's mind library which I think I can say is NOT a weapon to the trifled with

Which is why I recommended Arcanist. If Varian were built as an actual PC in a longstanding campaign, it seems he would have begun as a wizard with the nauseated curveball. And now he's retraining into a Sorcerer, I suppose? In addition to the fact he's not too shabby with a rapier, so he might even have a fighter level. The Wiki draws from the Inner Sea Magic book which has rules for both the Riffle scrolls and lists Varian's level there.

Arcanist draws together aspects of both Sorcerer and Wizard into one class, which in my opinion makes the most sense for him now, concerning his sorcerous revelation.

As for Radovan, he's been shown to be a particularly skilled combatant with his knife, and he now has those monk moves. To me, he's always felt far more durable and dangerous than what rogue presents - more in your face than hiding in shadows. While messing around with stats can make a beefy sort of rogue, I feel like the higher BAB, HD, and some class abilities of the slayer better match his style and personality.

Dark Archive Contributor

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Nargemn wrote:

Sort of an unrelated question, but how do you pronounce 'Jeggare'? In my head I always have it as Jegg-air, but I could see it as Jegg-ah-ray.

And I absolutely adore all of the fiction involving the Count and Radovan. I know you've had discussions with fans before concerning classes for your characters and to throw a little of my own input, especially with the advanced classes out, I feel as though (with his recent revelation) Varian could perhaps be an Arcanist, while Radovan would be a Slayer with a level or two of monk (or brawler!).

Anyway, thank you for writing this great fiction and I really look forward to more of your work!

When James Sutter asked me this question a few years back, I said the answer depends on whether you're an upper-class Chelaxian (zhe-GAHR), a lower-class Chelaxian (zhe-GAHR-eh), or a foreigner (jeg-AIR).

At readings, I tend to pronounce it like a foreigner.

As for the classes of both characters, I've had in mind from the start that they'd be fluid and evolving for story reasons. I know some folks feel it should be the other way around, but I've always believed that the game mechanics are a device for simulating a character. You might not always get an exact fit, but with some house rules you can fudge it.

That said, the mystery of Varian's arcane background is a focal point of the next novel. Big answers are coming, and perhaps a few new mysteries added.

I might have more to say about it in a post on my blog in a few months, but I love the idea that there are different versions of the boys in various game groups. For instance, I've seen a gay Varian whose father is still alive in a play-by-post games, and readers sometimes mention that their GM has introduced one or both of the characters into their campaign, and they all sound cool in different ways.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Nargemn wrote:
In addition to the fact he's not too shabby with a rapier, so he might even have a fighter level.

I agree that as of the end of Kings of Chaos Varian is looking a lot like an arcanist (in Queen of Thorns he was more like a Magus.)

But no matter how many lessons he got from Blackjack or in the fencing club at Lepistat, I don't think he's ever had fighter levels. In Hell's Pawns and Prince of Wolves, his sword proficiency comes from his Aristocrat levels.

Dark Archive Contributor

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Ross Byers wrote:
Nargemn wrote:
In addition to the fact he's not too shabby with a rapier, so he might even have a fighter level.

I agree that as of the end of Kings of Chaos Varian is looking a lot like an arcanist (in Queen of Thorns he was more like a Magus.)

But no matter how many lessons he got from Blackjack or in the fencing club at Lepistat, I don't think he's ever had fighter levels. In Hell's Pawns and Prince of Wolves, his sword proficiency comes from his Aristocrat levels.

Ross, you know you could probably stroll over to Sutter's office and get an advanced peek, right?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Dave Gross wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Nargemn wrote:
In addition to the fact he's not too shabby with a rapier, so he might even have a fighter level.

I agree that as of the end of Kings of Chaos Varian is looking a lot like an arcanist (in Queen of Thorns he was more like a Magus.)

But no matter how many lessons he got from Blackjack or in the fencing club at Lepistat, I don't think he's ever had fighter levels. In Hell's Pawns and Prince of Wolves, his sword proficiency comes from his Aristocrat levels.

Ross, you know you could probably stroll over to Sutter's office and get an advanced peek, right?

I haven't been able to do that for awhile now. But hey, Sutter, you know where to find me, yeah?

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dave Gross wrote:
Ross, you know you could probably stroll over to Sutter's office and get an advanced peek, right?

That's quite a stroll, Dave!

Dark Archive Contributor

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Mark Moreland wrote:
Dave Gross wrote:
Ross, you know you could probably stroll over to Sutter's office and get an advanced peek, right?
That's quite a stroll, Dave!

I need a score card these days. I don't know who's on first.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Dave Gross wrote:
Nargemn wrote:

Sort of an unrelated question, but how do you pronounce 'Jeggare'? In my head I always have it as Jegg-air, but I could see it as Jegg-ah-ray.

And I absolutely adore all of the fiction involving the Count and Radovan. I know you've had discussions with fans before concerning classes for your characters and to throw a little of my own input, especially with the advanced classes out, I feel as though (with his recent revelation) Varian could perhaps be an Arcanist, while Radovan would be a Slayer with a level or two of monk (or brawler!).

Anyway, thank you for writing this great fiction and I really look forward to more of your work!

When James Sutter asked me this question a few years back, I said the answer depends on whether you're an upper-class Chelaxian (zhe-GAHR), a lower-class Chelaxian (zhe-GAHR-eh), or a foreigner (jeg-AIR).

At readings, I tend to pronounce it like a foreigner.

As for the classes of both characters, I've had in mind from the start that they'd be fluid and evolving for story reasons. I know some folks feel it should be the other way around, but I've always believed that the game mechanics are a device for simulating a character. You might not always get an exact fit, but with some house rules you can fudge it.

That said, the mystery of Varian's arcane background is a focal point of the next novel. Big answers are coming, and perhaps a few new mysteries added.

I might have more to say about it in a post on my blog in a few months, but I love the idea that there are different versions of the boys in various game groups. For instance, I've seen a gay Varian whose father is still alive in a play-by-post games, and readers sometimes mention that their GM has introduced one or both of the characters into their campaign, and they all sound cool in different ways.

And here I thought that the class issue was revealed in Inner Sea Magic and Inner Sea Combat.

Now I have to go practice my title pronunciation.

I am really excited and looking forward to reading the next iteration. This may even be worse than drugs, the "high" doesn't last very long (I tend to ignore whatever I should be doing and blow through the books as fast as possible) and the "crash" afterward hits harder (and the wait between books is taxing).

Thank you for sharing your stories!


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As for the classes of both characters, I've had in mind from the start that they'd be fluid and evolving for story reasons. I know some folks feel it should be the other way around, but I've always believed that the game mechanics are a device for simulating a character. You might not always get an exact fit, but with some house rules you can fudge

I have heard many of our group rules can at need be a framework to work within rather than written is stone

Another is "The rule of cool" (normally used in NON COMBAT situations) meaning if it sounds good and enhances the game go for it!

I have to also say that I find all the pathfinder author very responsible to answer player questions and you are top of the league in this in my opinion - keep up the good work!

Silver Crusade

i always meant to ask you

Do the cats and "she who must be obeyed " ( your sainted wife) allow you to actually PLAY Pathfinder ? Vbg

Dark Archive Contributor

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My wife and I used to have friends over two or three Saturdays a month, but two of the (ir)regulars have acquired significant others, and my wife's been super busy with extra work, so scheduling has been a challenge.

I still try to meet with the Saturday gang now and then (we're about a third of the way into Dragon's Demand), but I'm thinking of starting a new, weekly group. It's time to put those Rise of the Runelords miniatures to good use.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
Dave Gross wrote:
Ross, you know you could probably stroll over to Sutter's office and get an advanced peek, right?
That's quite a stroll, Dave!

It takes a brave man to disturb Chairman Sutter.

England Prevails!

Dark Archive

Dave Gross wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

James Sutter wrote:

"You've really done your homework!

Dave's new novel will indeed come out in June, but it comes with some SUPER EXCITING news that we're not ready to talk about yet, hence the lack of an official announcement yet. I hope to be able to reveal all in the next month or two. In the meantime, please stay tuned! :)"

This is great, i will buy it no matter what it is (minimates or Pathfinder Battles is my guess) as gift for my 40th birthday to myself. ;-)

By the way, Marco, thanks for those nice reviews of the first three books. They made my day when they popped up.

You´re welcome.

I just rated the 4th book after i saw that the 5th book "Lord of Runes" is listed to appear on amazon on the day of my 40th birthday - thank you for your present. ;-)

From the text i assume that VR are getting their hands on the 3rd and only missing part of "The Gluttonous Tome" the phylactery of Runelord ZUTHA!

Also it seems that the price for the novels has gone up from $9.99 to $14.99. I don´t mind about that and hope you get more money for it.
I would even buy a hardcover about Varian and Radovan or some merchandise. ;-)

I had once stated Radovan as a knife fight rogue 6/cad 2. Though with the Slayer out now it would change some.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

What's the consensus now on the COunt's levels? Sage sorcerer in retraining, eldritch knight and a swashbuckler or fighter level or two?

He's a minimum of 11th level if he's got a fighter level, as he threw a Cone of Cold out, which he'd need to be a 10th level sorcerer to do, and that means 12th level if he's got an Eldritch Knight level.

None of which are out of place given the level of foes he's been going up against.


Liberty's Edge

I suspect that there may be some tie-in between the next Varian & Radovan novel, and the release of Hell's Rebels.

There was a tie-in between King of Chaos and Wrath of the Righteous. (Tiny spoiler: a bit more than just "same general area of the world.")

When it comes to "politics in Cheliax", though, Varian is your man.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Varian has been away from his Egorian estate since 4710. It's time for him to come home. And maybe for Radovan to get a leather jacket that lasts more than a book.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Aelryinth wrote:

What's the consensus now on the COunt's levels? Sage sorcerer in retraining, eldritch knight and a swashbuckler or fighter level or two?

He's a minimum of 11th level if he's got a fighter level, as he threw a Cone of Cold out, which he'd need to be a 10th level sorcerer to do, and that means 12th level if he's got an Eldritch Knight level.

None of which are out of place given the level of foes he's been going up against.


By my reckoning:

Hell's Pawns Aristocrat X (Possibily Investigator)
Prince of Wolves Aristocrat 2, Evoker 5
Master of Devils Aristocrat 2, Evoker 5+, Monk 1, Eldritch Knight X
Queen of Thorns Magus 13
Kings of Chaos Aristocrat 2, Arcanist 11



... wait.

Ross Byers wrote:

Hell's Pawns Aristocrat X (Possibily Investigator)

Prince of Wolves Aristocrat 2, Evoker 5
Master of Devils Aristocrat 2, Evoker 5+, Monk 1, Eldritch Knight X
Queen of Thorns Magus 13
Kings of Chaos Aristocrat 2, Arcanist 11

Hold on.

Ross Byers wrote:
Hell's Pawns Aristocrat X (Possibily Investigator)

Wait, wait.

Ross Byers wrote:
Hell's Pawns




Ross Byers wrote:
Hell's Pawns Rebels

Dang it, Paizo.



... shut up and take my money.

EDIT: for effect

Did I hear someone say new Radovan and the Count novel?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Tacticslion wrote:



... wait.

Ross Byers wrote:

Hell's Pawns Aristocrat X (Possibily Investigator)

Prince of Wolves Aristocrat 2, Evoker 5
Master of Devils Aristocrat 2, Evoker 5+, Monk 1, Eldritch Knight X
Queen of Thorns Magus 13
Kings of Chaos Aristocrat 2, Arcanist 11

Hold on.

Ross Byers wrote:
Hell's Pawns Aristocrat X (Possibily Investigator)

Wait, wait.

Ross Byers wrote:
Hell's Pawns




Ross Byers wrote:
Hell's Pawns Rebels

Dang it, Paizo.



... shut up and take my money.

EDIT: for effect

I was simply referring to the Council of Thieves Pathfinder's Journal, which introduced Varian and Radovan. Calm down.

I'm aware. I've read it. Doesn't matter. :)

Dark Archive

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Orthos wrote:
Did I hear someone say new Radovan and the Count novel? d_bxgy_b_img_y

Lord of Runes

The aristocratic Pathfinder Varian Jeggare and his hellspawn bodyguard Radovan (Pathfinder's answer to Sherlock Holmes and Watson) return for their fifth standalone novel. When Varian is bequeathed a dangerous magical book by an old colleague, he and Radovan are pulled into a mystery that will set them on the path of a powerful necromancer seeking to become the new avatar of an ancient and sinister demigod--one of the legendary Runelords. But in saving the world, will Varian and Radovan lose their souls?

Based upon the world featured in the award wining Pathfinder Role-playing Game.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Did I hear someone say new Radovan and the Count novel?

Staff: make my url LIIIIIINNNNNNK~!

Lord of Runes

The aristocratic Pathfinder Varian Jeggare and his hellspawn bodyguard Radovan (Pathfinder's answer to Sherlock Holmes and Watson) return for their fifth standalone novel. When Varian is bequeathed a dangerous magical book by an old colleague, he and Radovan are pulled into a mystery that will set them on the path of a powerful necromancer seeking to become the new avatar of an ancient and sinister demigod--one of the legendary Runelords. But in saving the world, will Varian and Radovan lose their souls?

Based upon the world featured in the award wining Pathfinder Role-playing Game.


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Preorder made =D

I just want to see Radovan busting out with some Quivering Palm attacks on people outside of Tian Xia.

Was it ever addressed, other than fluid class levels for story purposes, why they don't really retain their monk training after leaving? I mean Quivering Palm is Monk 15, but that never gets addressed when people go to stating Radovan?

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