Freehold DM |
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451. Thundercrows These otherwise mundane crows do not caw, but instead let out peals of distant thunder. They are despised by priests of weather gods strangely, as they are seen as something of false harbingers of rain that might be needed by the community. The fact that they are famously hydrophobic only adds to the disdain these faithful feel for them, and this disdain often spreads to the common folk in more remote and in water poor areas, attaching all manner of stigma to these animals, which are seen as pests. "Thundercrows' come callin'" is common slang for an uninvited guest in such lands, especially an ostentatious or loud one. City folk who loudly boast of the clear superiority of their hometowns are often called Thundercrows, as are common braggarts in the fashion that people in the North American southwest this world would call "all hat and no cowboy". Interestingly, adventurers use the term to refer to neophyte would-be heros, especially over-equipped ones with sunrods bulging out of their backpacks and an assortment of poles of varying lengths.
Ryze Kuja |
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452. Occirian Lettuce pronounced Ah - SEAR - ee - an
This dark leafy green is a well-known superfood that appears as a mixture of lettuce and broccolini; it has long stems and it appears as if someone smashed a broccolini stem into flat leaves. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, and folic acid, and has been known to aid gastronomical and digestive health as well as cleansing one's liver and kidneys. However, its taste has been described by both children and adults of nearly every race as "worse than hobgoblin piss", so the most common way to serve it is in meaty stews or thick-sauced pastas, or some prefer it to be pan-fried in lots of butter and garlic in order to mask the rancid taste as much as possible. The taste is so truly off-putting and unbearable that some mothers punish their disobedient children by forcing them to suck on raw, uncooked leaves of Occirian Lettuce for 60 seconds or so to teach them a lesson they won't forget.
453. Ruki Ruki Fruit
Ruki Ruki plants look like 6ft-9ft long rhubarb stalks but they produce fruits on the end of these robust stalks that are about the same shape and size of a large watermelon; unsurprisingly, the Ruki Ruki stalks are plenty strong enough to support the full weight of these rather heavy fruits. These stalks are so robust that they can be used as building material; due to their naturally concave shape, Ruki Ruki stalks are ideal for collecting and diverting rainwater and can be used as exterior walls, gutters, roofing, or even crude water collection systems as a series of troughs around a village. Ruki Ruki stalks will eventually biodegrade, so prior to being used as building material, they must be treated and sealed with pitch or sap to ensure longevity.
You know when Ruki Ruki Fruits are ripe because it has a dark-blue and dark-green dehiscent husk that opens at maturity, spilling its seeds on the ground below. Like pomegranites, Ruki Ruki fruits have sweet, juicy, edible seeds called arils, but these arils are incredibly sharp. While it is possible to eat these seeds, sometimes they can slash your gums or the roof of your mouth, or even your esophagus if not adequately chewed, so Ruki Ruki arils are typically compressed or smashed so that the juice can be strained and collected, then served as a beverage. In most cultures, Ruki Ruki juice is usually served during breakfast or fermented and served as a dessert wine; these fruits exclusively grow in jungles and rainforests and similar hot climes that experience heavy rainfall, and can weigh anywhere from 45 to 55 pounds when fully ripe.
454. Tagimitui Bats pronounced Tahg - ih - mih - too - ee
It is a good thing that these bats are only 7 to 8 lbs because they are incredibly perceptive hunters and might've taken over the whole planet long ago if they were any bigger. While these bats are technically both blind and deaf, Tagimitui have evolved the extraordinary ability of Synesthesia, which allows them to "feel" both light and sound through their skin, allowing them to omnidirectionally sense their environment and their prey via light waves and sound waves (Blindsight 60ft - light, Blindsense 120ft - sound).
Tagimitui are strictly crepuscular hunters and are dormant during the day and night time; the daytime is too bright while the nighttime is too dark, so during these times their synesthesia ability doesn't operate at peak performance, and in fact it is to their detriment because they can fly into things accidentally or completely whiff their prey, which are typically insects. Magically-minded individuals sometimes use these creatures as familiars (use Bat statistics, except Master gains +4 on Perception checks during crepuscular hours (or low light conditions), and a +2 on Perception checks during daytime or nighttime hours (or bright light or darkness).
Ryze Kuja |
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455. Box Crab
These creatures are not true crabs. In fact, they're more like large "shell-less" crayfish or prawns that have undergone the process of Carcinization, and have evolved to become "crab-like". Box Crabs specifically seek out shipwrecks and derelict wooden barrels and planks and then use seaweed or kelp to fasten it all together as a protective shell, like decorator crabs. Funnily, these creatures appear like a moving pile of jagged/broken lumber and barrels with two large claws sticking out, and while it might be easy to believe these to be some of the dumbest creatures alive, Great Thinkers and Researchers instead insist that the intelligence of Box Crabs is much higher than most in the animal kingdom, possibly even rivaling the intelligence of dolphins, and this is because they're using items found in nature as "tools". These "tools" that they're referencing aren't the wood planks and barrels per se, but rather it's the strands of kelp being used like rope to tie everything together.
Box Crabs will typically live in herds of 20 to 100 Box Crabs and are naturally quite social and amicable to other Box Crabs. Not only will they help other Box Crabs create their wooden shells and fastening kelp, but they're also cooperative hunters; most of what they eat are carcasses of dead animals that have reached the ocean floor, but they also hunt live creatures, and when they do, they swarm their prey, tear it apart, and then not fight with each other over the share of meat. They can reach up 5ft long and up to 90-100 lbs when fully grown. These creatures are bottom-feeders that usually reside within the mesopelagic and bathypelagic zones (200m-4000m below sea level) and also walk or move sideways, which is most likely why they were "misnamed" as crabs, and their name has never been officially corrected.
456. Sirensbloom
This semi-intelligent, carnivorous flower has the incredible ability to bloom 8 times per year, and each time it blooms it may change its appearance depending on what type of insect it's attempting to lure. While it is attempting to lure bees, it will give off strong scents of pollen and appear as coneflowers, goldenrods, daisies, sunflowers, etc., and while it is attempting to lure flies or other detritivorous insects, it may appear as any brightly colored flower that gives off an odor of rotting flesh. During mosquito season, Sirensbloom can even create massive amounts of carbon dioxide, diethyl ether, and odors that mimic animal perspiration, and its brightly colored flower will even vibrate, mimicking a heat signature that mosquitoes cannot ignore.
Either way, Sirensbloom lives up to its name because its lures are absolutely intoxicating to insects to the point of extreme and involuntary admiration, stimulating their visual, thermoreceptor, and olfactory senses to the point of taking obviously harmful or suicidal acts. At the height of its stem there is a cup filled with a pool of clear, waxy, mucus-like liquid that is extremely gooey and sticky, and its flower rests in this pool. Once the insect makes contact with the flower or this pool, they become stuck in the sticky liquid and the whirlpool-esque trap is sprung, and the insect is then sucked down into its hollow stem for digestion. Mere moments later, the waxy mucus in the cup is re-filled and ready for a new victim. Sirensbloom is so effective at killing insects that many orchard owners and gardeners plant them along side their crops as a natural form of insecticide.
Sirensbloom are usually only 3ft-4ft tall, but there have been rare times that Sirensbloom can become 10ft, 20ft, or even 30ft tall, depending on its food intake. Sirensbloom that reach heights above 10ft are almost only near swamps, bogs, or other areas with unusually high insect populations.
457. Dryad's Hair
Dryad's Hair appears like a group of hundreds of 3-6ft long wispy, hair-like strands of green and yellow foliage that floats through the air, usually in forests. No one is quite certain whether Dryad's Hair is an animal or a plant, because it behaves as both but at the same time it behaves as neither. It has no brain or nervous system, nor a reproductive system, nor does it die from old age, nor does it create its own food via photosynthesis. This strange entity is actually tropovorous-- meaning that it consumes atmospheric gasses such as nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. Since it has no reproductive system, there aren't any viable theories of where these things come from. Old wives tales from time immemorial say that these things are spawned into existence by the Dryads themselves and that they are an omen of a nearby forest dying or afflicted with blight, while some believe that these strange entities are the lost seeds of a Great Tree from a different dimension.
Ryze Kuja |
457: Giant Air fern spore?
I was thinking something kinda like this except floaty and mystic and mysterious.
Little Skylark |
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459. Magic mushrooms: The mushrooms have a distinctive conical to bell-shaped cap, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, with a small nipple-like protrusion on the top. They are yellow to brown, covered with radial grooves when moist. Their stipes tend to be slender and long, and the same color or slightly lighter than the cap. The spores are dark purplish-brown in mass, ellipsoid in shape. In the dark the caps of the mushroom give off a faint violet glow. All of the mushroom, but especially the spores light up heavily under Detect Magic.
These mushrooms use hardly any nutrients or moisture and can be found in a great variety of locations. Their main energy source is magic, they tend to grow where a lot of magic has been used, of a lot of magic items are stored. The mushrooms need very little energy to grow and can get old. While they are mostly harmless for the things they grow on wizards see them as a pest when they grow in libraries, as they are very hard to get rid off. However, having Magic mushrooms in your hair or beard is in some groups seen as a sign of greatness
The spores of Magic Mushrooms can be dormant for many decennia, when big magic is used nearby a sudden bloom of magic mushrooms can be seen.
The effects of eating a magic mushroom my vary, depending on the magic they use to grow, varying form regaining a cantrip to gaining the one time use of a spell or being heald of harmed.
Ryze Kuja |
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460. Gillymitten
Gillymitten is a type of weedgrass that is most commonly used by fishermen, and is easily identified by the puffed-up "hand-like" shape at the top of the seedhead that looks like a child's winter mitten. A fisherman need only collect a pinch of this grass, then roll it into a tightly-packed ball and place the hook inside, then cast their fishing line and wait. Once Gillymitten becomes thoroughly soaked in water, it puts off a stench that is desirable to freshwater fish such as salmon, perch, bass, and some species of sturgeon. To most humanoids, Gillymitten that has become wet has a similar smell as skunk cabbage, but freshwater fish notoriously find this odd stench appealing. Morning Dew usually doesn't get the Gillymitten soaked enough to cause it to produce its stench, so while Gillymitten isn't terribly hard to find, it cannot be tracked or found via scent just from Morning Dew; heavy rain will thoroughly soak it though, and the stench can be smelled for hundreds of feet away. The only downside to fishing with Gillymitten bait is that its stench is most ripe when it has been freshly pulled from the ground, so it must be harvested the morning of the fishing trip; the fisherman will usually wake up early, find several patches of Gillymitten, fill a jar or container full of this grass, and then go find a good fishing hole at a lake, river, or pond. Gillymitten's desirable stench will usually wane and become ineffective after 12 hours of being harvested, so any unused Gillymitten must be discarded.
This grass exclusively grows near rivers, and 16 ounces of this grass can be enough to supply a fisherman with 8 hours-worth of bait. Finding 16 ounces of Gillymitten takes roughly one hour to harvest, and is a DC:10 Survival check while within 1000 meters of a river; increase the Survival Check DC by 1 for every 100 meters beyond 1000 meters thereafter. For example, if you were 2500 meters from any river source, if you spend an hour searching this area for Gillymitten, the Survival Check to find 16 ounces of Gillymitten would be DC: 10 + 15 = 25 DC.
Using Gillymitten as bait provides a +3 circumstance bonus to any Survival checks made to catch freshwater fish.
461. Giant Jasper Fig Tree
The Giant Jasper Fig Tree can reach heights of 2000-3000ft high, and produces figs that are usually between 80 to 120 lbs. The exterior of these figs appear glossy like polished earthen minerals, such as jasper, granular quartz, or chalcedony, and are usually a mix of various reddish-brownish colors. These fruits are difficult to harvest because the fruits are so heavy and high up in the air, so depending on the season and the region, these fruits are usually one of the most expensive in the market pound for pound. The fruit is extremely juicy and sweet, and has a taste and texture similar to "fibrous honey" or "honey in fibrous form".
If the winds are agreeable, the sweet aroma of these figs can astonishingly be smelled up to mile away. Fruit farmers who have orchards of Giant Jasper Fig Trees are locked into a seemingly endless battle with ants and other insects that are drawn to sweet smells.
462. Crystal-bellied Wildcat
The Crystal-bellied Wildcat is one of the most agile and deceptive predators in the animal kingdom, and has an iconic hard crystalline underbelly that spans from its throat to its lower stomach muscles, and this naturally-occurring crystalline skin acts as a protective layer against prey that fights back or against any would-be predators. When cornered by predators, Crystal-bellied Wildcats will purposefully get on their backs and attempt to rake and bite their aggressor, while its hard crystal skin protects its vital organs. These nocturnal, psionically-adept cats can range from 3.5ft - 4.5ft long when fully grown, and usually weigh between 40-65 lbs, and typically hunt rabbits, rodents, fish, birds, ducks, lizards, and sometimes large insects. Crystal-bellied Wildcats are solitary hunters and are fiercely territorial, and will even attack larger predators or other Crystal-bellied Wildcats over hunting grounds. It is only during mating season that these cats seem welcoming to others of their species. While their crystal bellies can range from milky-white to mother-of-pearl color, the rest of their fur is usually a mix of charcoal, black, and various shades of grey.
Crystal-bellied Wildcats cloud the minds of their prey and predators by using their psionic power Distract, and then use their psionic power Burst to quickly pounce on their prey or to dart away from predators.
463. Hercules Badger
Sometimes known as "Dire Badgers", Hercules Badgers are ferocious apex predators that can range from 8 to 13 feet long, and from 500 to 700 lbs. While these Large-sized creatures are omnivorous and may eat berries, seeds, eggs, and insects, they notoriously prefer meat, and just about anything their size or smaller is on the menu. Due to their indiscriminate consideration of what they regard as a meal, it is possible that adventurers might find themselves pit face to face with these seemingly insatiable and fearless creatures. Hercules Badger don't care, Hercules Badger don't give a $%&!, it just takes what it wants
Hercules Badger CR 3
XP 800
N Large animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8DEFENSE
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, –1 size)
hp 26 (4d8+8)
Fort +6 (+10 vs. Poison), Ref +6, Will +2OFFENSE
Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +6 (2d6+6 plus trip)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.STATISTICS
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 20 (24 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus ( Perception, Stealth)
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +4, Climb +7, Swim +7
Hercules Badgers favor warm and hot climates, and typically favor plains, plateaus, forests, and savannas, and despite their massive size, these creatures are exceptional climbers and swimmers. They have short legs with powerful sharp claws, and they will typically dig burrows either in the ground or into the base of cliffs and hillsides for their homes. Hercules Badgers are almost always solitary hunters, but during mating season and during cub-rearing, they tend to hunt in pairs, and once the cubs are 3-4 months old, they hunt in packs. Unlike all other species of badgers, Hercules Badgers have heightened maternal and paternal instincts, and will remain with the cubs for roughly 6-7 months; once the cubs have reached 3-4 months, they can usually forage and fend for themselves, but the mother and father remain for an additional 2-3 months to ensure their survival and to continue to teach them how to hunt. Hercules Badgers have gestation periods of 49-63 days, typically breed once every 2 years, and can produce litters between 3 to 15 cubs.
464. Downfall of the Dead
This rare but humble rose has a deep-violet colored flower, green stem, and snow-colored thorns, and inexplicably grows only in graveyards, battlefields, or in areas that have experienced an otherwise exorbitant amount of decaying humanoid bodies. Some superstitious folk see this rose as an omen that the earth has seen too much bloodshed as of late, and inspires these people to advocate for peace; other superstitious people see this rose are reminded that death is inescapable, and are compelled to confess their sins and repent of their wicked ways. However, herbologists and alchemists find this rose as a flower with many uses, namely against the vile spawn that is undead.
Firstly, the stem can be boiled in water for an hour, imbuing up to 1 pint of water with positive energy, creating Holy Water as per a Bless Water spell. Secondly, if you take the petals of the rose and grind it into a paste with mortar and pestle, and then coat the eyeball of a recently vanquished undead creature, the eyeball will function as if under a Carrion Compass spell for 1 hour, allowing someone to find its most recent controller or the cause of the undead creature's undeath. And lastly, if you come across a dead body that you fear may be necromantically raised into undeath, one need only pierce the skin of the body with exactly 3 of the stem's snow-colored thorns near their heart, and for the next 24 hours, the corpse is infused with positive energy, and is treated as if under a Sanctify Corpse spell.
Ryze Kuja |
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465. Sentinel Squirrels
Often shortened to just "Sentinels", Sentinel Squirrels provide an extremely valuable service to all other animals in their ecosystem because they can cast Alarm as a supernatural ability, and this Alarm will mentally alert the Sentinel to the presence of a potential predator. Once a predator has been identified, the full population of Sentinels act as a network throughout that ecosystem, releasing specific chirps and calls when predator comes near and give "all clear" chirps and calls once the predator has left. A Sentinel can only place one Alarm at a time, and lasts 2 hours.
There are several species of Sentinels; some of these species are "ground squirrels" that create burrows like prairie dogs and chipmunks, while others are "tree squirrels", and even some species of "flying squirrels". Like other squirrels, Sentinels can be found on nearly every continent.
466. Fire-eyed Tapir
These jungle-dwelling, hog-like animals have jet-black hides and orange and red eyes that have no pupils or irises; in fact, the color in their eyes ominously swirls and smolders like an infernal blaze. Any creature meeting the gaze of a Fire-eyed Tapir gets an instant feeling of dread and panic, and must make a Will Save DC: 11 or become Frightened as per a Cause Fear spell This only affects creatures with 4 HD or less. Superstitious folk have often rumored these creatures to be the spawn of demons and devils due to their hellish appearance, but this positively preposterous nonsense.
Fire-eyed Tapirs are herbivorous and can reach up to 3 meters long and weigh between 400kg and 450kg when fully grown.
Ryze Kuja |
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467. King's Truffle
This rare and extremely expensive truffle was accidentally created by a gnome alchemist named Peridotti Hoockpitch only 8 years ago.
After receiving a cursed item as a gift from a foreign realm that placed the gnomish kingdom into turmoil for nearly a decade, Gnomish King Urritax Flickerhorne commissioned a number of his realm's alchemists with the task of creating an item that would grant him the ability to identify any cursed items, so that he could never be tricked into accepting a cursed item again. One of these alchemists, Peridotti Hoockpitch, set out to make a pair of goggles that would allow the King to see the aura of cursed items. However, as fate would have it, midway through her project, she was called to more pressing matters and went to take care of her ailing, terminally-ill father. Her father died some several months later and during the time she was away, another alchemist had successfully created a suitable item for King Urritax Flickerhorne. When Peridotti returned home, she found that her personal laboratory had been ransacked by thieves and the unfinished goggles that she had intended for the king had several beakers of only-the-gods-know-what spilled on it. During the months that she was away, the mess all over her desk began to fester and ferment; and what had begun as a simple mold had became a desk-sized fungi.
Peridotti was ostensibly in dismay over her ransacked laboratory but she had a hunch to remove the fungi from the goggles and desk safely, and transplant this strange onyx-black, dark-red, and emerald-green colored fungi into a large aquarium, and then turned it into a proper environment for fungal growth. She immediately noted that it responded well to a pH balance of 4.5 to 6.3 and being spritzed with vinegar and citrus juice mixtures, and craved damp conditions. Several weeks later, after her laboratory had been sufficiently restored, she noticed that the fungal growth had begun to sprout truffle-like structures, and she began to run experiments on them. She found that while this truffle does indeed provide accurate powers over ascertaining cursed items, it has other wildly-random qualities as well, which most likely came from the various beakers that had been spilled.
Consuming this truffle indeed provides its imbiber with the ability to accurately identify Cursed Items and discern the magical qualities of Cursed Items as if under Identify and Analyze Dweomer effects. While the imbiber gains the benefit of Identify and Analyze Dweomer, this effect affects cursed items only and nothing else from those spells.
The other random qualities that imbibers also benefit from were Discern Next of Kin, Detect Metal, Keen Senses, Monkey Fish, Delay Poison, and one's mind becomes honed as per a Clarity effect from Polypurpose Panacea. Ironically, these seemingly-random effects are excellent for kings and rulers; King's Truffles are also rich in important nutrients, such as phosphorous, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, amino acids, and antioxidants.
Today, Peridotti Hoockpitch is one of the richest gnomes in the world and sells these truffles for a... King's ransom. ho ho ho
Ryze Kuja |
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468. Ambassador's Mint
This peppermint plant produces mint with supernatural qualities that can be used to make candies and other products that freshen one's breath, and products made from Ambassador's Mint are most commonly used by ministers, mediators, representatives, foreign diplomats, merchants, and therapists. In addition to freshening one's breath, this mint has a strange sway over how people perceive whatever it is you're telling them, as though others are almost compelled to perceive your words in the most favorable way. Candies and products made with Ambassador's Mint provide their imbibers with a Honeyed Tongue effect for 10 minutes.
Freehold DM |
468. Ambassador's Mint
This peppermint plant produces mint with supernatural qualities that can be used to make candies and other products that freshen one's breath, and products made from Ambassador's Mint are most commonly used by ministers, mediators, representatives, foreign diplomats, merchants, and therapists. In addition to freshening one's breath, this mint has a strange sway over how people perceive whatever it is you're telling them, as though others are almost compelled to perceive your words in the most favorable way. Candies and products made with Ambassador's Mint provide their imbibers with a Honeyed Tongue effect for 10 minutes.
I like this one. But it seems too much like a potion. What's the down side?
Freehold DM |
451. Thundercrows These otherwise mundane crows do not caw, but instead let out peals of distant thunder. They are despised by priests of weather gods strangely, as they are seen as something of false harbingers of rain that might be needed by the community. The fact that they are famously hydrophobic only adds to the disdain these faithful feel for them, and this disdain often spreads to the common folk in more remote and in water poor areas, attaching all manner of stigma to these animals, which are seen as pests. "Thundercrows' come callin'" is common slang for an uninvited guest in such lands, especially an ostentatious or loud one. City folk who loudly boast of the clear superiority of their hometowns are often called Thundercrows, as are common braggarts in the fashion that people in the North American southwest this world would call "all hat and no cowboy". Interestingly, adventurers use the term to refer to neophyte would-be heros, especially over-equipped ones with sunrods bulging out of their backpacks and an assortment of poles of varying lengths. Finally, saying someone has "gone Thundercrow" is a truly left handed comment as this applies to people of all stripes who gave up their latest passion project, especially if they are one of said novice adventurers or a city guy trying to rough it in less cultured environs. In some areas, it is just short of calling soweone a coward, akin to saying discretion is the better part of valor.
Ryze Kuja |
Ryze Kuja wrote:I like this one. But it seems too much like a potion. What's the down side?468. Ambassador's Mint
This peppermint plant produces mint with supernatural qualities that can be used to make candies and other products that freshen one's breath, and products made from Ambassador's Mint are most commonly used by ministers, mediators, representatives, foreign diplomats, merchants, and therapists. In addition to freshening one's breath, this mint has a strange sway over how people perceive whatever it is you're telling them, as though others are almost compelled to perceive your words in the most favorable way. Candies and products made with Ambassador's Mint provide their imbibers with a Honeyed Tongue effect for 10 minutes.
I guess the only downside is that the spell Honeyed Tongue is 10min/level whereas this mint is just a flat 10 minutes. I suppose there's nothing stopping you from downing mint after mint for a continued effect, but now we're talking about a possible significant gold investment if you make this a habit, and that would be up to whatever price the GM decides these mints might be worth.
Freehold DM |
Freehold DM wrote:I guess the only downside is that the spell Honeyed Tongue is 10min/level whereas this mint is just a flat 10 minutes. I suppose there's nothing stopping you from downing mint after mint for a continued effect, but now we're talking about a possible significant gold investment if you make this a habit, and that would be up to whatever price the GM decides these mints might be worth.Ryze Kuja wrote:I like this one. But it seems too much like a potion. What's the down side?468. Ambassador's Mint
This peppermint plant produces mint with supernatural qualities that can be used to make candies and other products that freshen one's breath, and products made from Ambassador's Mint are most commonly used by ministers, mediators, representatives, foreign diplomats, merchants, and therapists. In addition to freshening one's breath, this mint has a strange sway over how people perceive whatever it is you're telling them, as though others are almost compelled to perceive your words in the most favorable way. Candies and products made with Ambassador's Mint provide their imbibers with a Honeyed Tongue effect for 10 minutes.
Maybe have it last for a single check?
Ryze Kuja |
Ryze Kuja wrote:Maybe have it last for a single check?Freehold DM wrote:I guess the only downside is that the spell Honeyed Tongue is 10min/level whereas this mint is just a flat 10 minutes. I suppose there's nothing stopping you from downing mint after mint for a continued effect, but now we're talking about a possible significant gold investment if you make this a habit, and that would be up to whatever price the GM decides these mints might be worth.Ryze Kuja wrote:I like this one. But it seems too much like a potion. What's the down side?468. Ambassador's Mint
This peppermint plant produces mint with supernatural qualities that can be used to make candies and other products that freshen one's breath, and products made from Ambassador's Mint are most commonly used by ministers, mediators, representatives, foreign diplomats, merchants, and therapists. In addition to freshening one's breath, this mint has a strange sway over how people perceive whatever it is you're telling them, as though others are almost compelled to perceive your words in the most favorable way. Candies and products made with Ambassador's Mint provide their imbibers with a Honeyed Tongue effect for 10 minutes.
Either that, or you could have it cost one charge's worth of a lvl2 wand.
A Wand for a level 2 Bard Spell would be 6,000gp, so one charge would be 120gp. Since one charge of the spell is 10min/level and minimum CL is 5, so 50 minute duration = 120gp, I'd price a single one of these mints as 1/5th of that because it's a flat 10 minutes, so 24gp. Now adjust the price up or down from there for "how rare is this mint for this marketplace" and "the effect from this mint can be active even in AMF's and similar effects", so I think maybe 30-50gp for "not abundant nor scarce in this market" would be fair?
It's entirely up to you.
Freehold DM |
Freehold DM wrote:Ryze Kuja wrote:Maybe have it last for a single check?Freehold DM wrote:I guess the only downside is that the spell Honeyed Tongue is 10min/level whereas this mint is just a flat 10 minutes. I suppose there's nothing stopping you from downing mint after mint for a continued effect, but now we're talking about a possible significant gold investment if you make this a habit, and that would be up to whatever price the GM decides these mints might be worth.Ryze Kuja wrote:I like this one. But it seems too much like a potion. What's the down side?468. Ambassador's Mint
This peppermint plant produces mint with supernatural qualities that can be used to make candies and other products that freshen one's breath, and products made from Ambassador's Mint are most commonly used by ministers, mediators, representatives, foreign diplomats, merchants, and therapists. In addition to freshening one's breath, this mint has a strange sway over how people perceive whatever it is you're telling them, as though others are almost compelled to perceive your words in the most favorable way. Candies and products made with Ambassador's Mint provide their imbibers with a Honeyed Tongue effect for 10 minutes.
Either that, or you could have it cost one charge's worth of a lvl2 wand.
A Wand for a level 2 Bard Spell would be 6,000gp, so one charge would be 120gp. Since one charge of the spell is 10min/level and minimum CL is 5, so 50 minute duration = 120gp, I'd price a single one of these mints as 1/5th of that because it's a flat 10 minutes, so 24gp. Now adjust the price up or down from there for "how rare is this mint for this marketplace" and "the effect from this mint can be active even in AMF's and similar effects", so I think maybe 30-50gp for "not abundant nor scarce in this market" would be fair?
It's entirely up to you.
I really like the idea of it being a bit addictive. Maybe it's something only used by novice ambassadors or in truly truly Dire negotiations, which would account for the price.
I like both. You are the author though, which would you prefer.
Ryze Kuja |
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I'd say both are good too. There's no reason why there couldn't be different mints that are 1 time use and other mints that last for a minute, or 10 minutes.
I think politicians would be aware of these mints, and it would almost be like a politically strategic move to plant these mints on a rival :)
"see! Look, he's using ambassador mints to sway us!"
crowd: *gasp*
Freehold DM |
I'd say both are good too. There's no reason why there couldn't be different mints that are 1 time use and other mints that last for a minute, or 10 minutes.
I think politicians would be aware of these mints, and it would almost be like a politically strategic move to plant these mints on a rival :)
"see! Look, he's using ambassador mints to sway us!"
crowd: *gasp*
I really really like that. With your permission, I'd like to write that in to your post.
Freehold DM |
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468. Ambassador Mints- This controvertial peppermint plant produces mint with supernatural qualities that can be used to make candies and other products that freshen one's breath, and products made from Ambassador's Mint are most commonly used by ministers, mediators, swinders, representatives, foreign diplomats, con artists, merchants, and therapists. In addition to freshening one's breath, this mint has a strange sway over how people perceive whatever it is you're telling them, as though others are almost compelled to perceive your words in the most favorable way. Candies and products made with Ambassador's Mint provide their imbibers with a Honeyed Tongue effect for anywhere from a single Diplomacy check to up to 10 minutes. They are prohibitively expensive for most, with a single mint being worth 25 gold before the invariably sizable markups that can double or even triple the cost. Despite the name, a diplomat being found with the mints on their person during negotiations is almost always thrown out of the meeting for fear of manipulating sensitive talks via magic, and so experienced ambassadors who are looking for an edge prefer to take them immediately before important meetings. As a counter, an ambassador's coteire often includes observant and fashionable "mint boys/girls" whose job it is to identify and intercept the negotiator during apertifs and engage them in empty pleasantries so that the effect is essentially wasted upon them, forcing the diplomat to use their own unmodified skills in the more serious discussions. It is also known for being mildly addictive, and the distinctive scent of a habitual user put all within olfactory range on their guard even before they open their mouths. In some lands this is taken to such an extreme in that soaps and cleaning agents are almost never made with mint, and folk gone courting view anyone who smells of mint- or in some cases, simply smells too good- as a lothario, and avoid them as a result. On the battlefield, Ambassador Mints are called a wide variety of nicknames such as Crowsmeal, Slaughter Salve and Humblemint, as it is taken by a commander immediately before negotiating a surrender. Poorer commanders will hoist a sizable dried sprig of it in a fashion akin to waving a white flag.
Freehold DM |
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Huh. This made me think a bit.
469. [Insert unsavory job here]'s Chew This incredibly hard to chew resin requires a fortitude save to use, but should one be able to do so, will eliminate the scent of one's sweat for an hour per dose. A failed fortitude save denotes a possibly chipped tooth or chewed tongue, and that dose cannot be used. It is nonetheless incredibly popular among all walks of life, especially if one is unable to get access to cleaning agents due to the trials and tribulations of that particular day, although some wealthier folks never admit to using it. It unfortunately does not cleanse one's breath, however.
Ryze Kuja |
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468. Ambassador Mints- This controvertial peppermint plant produces mint with supernatural qualities that can be used to make candies and other products that freshen one's breath, and products made from Ambassador's Mint are most commonly used by ministers, mediators, swinders, representatives, foreign diplomats, con artists, merchants, and therapists. In addition to freshening one's breath, this mint has a strange sway over how people perceive whatever it is you're telling them, as though others are almost compelled to perceive your words in the most favorable way. Candies and products made with Ambassador's Mint provide their imbibers with a Honeyed Tongue effect for anywhere from a single Diplomacy check to up to 10 minutes. They are prohibitively expensive for most, with a single mint being worth 25 gold before the invariably sizable markups that can double or even triple the cost. Despite the name, a diplomat being found with the mints on their person during negotiations is almost always thrown out of the meeting for fear of manipulating sensitive talks via magic, and so experienced ambassadors who are looking for an edge prefer to take them immediately before important meetings. As a counter, an ambassador's coteire often includes observant and fashionable "mint boys/girls" whose job it is to identify and intercept the negotiator during apertifs and engage them in empty pleasantries so that the effect is essentially wasted upon them, forcing the diplomat to use their own unmodified skills in the more serious discussions. It is also known for being mildly addictive, and the distinctive scent of a habitual user put all within olfactory range on their guard even before they open their mouths. In some lands this is taken to such an extreme in that soaps and cleaning agents are almost never made with mint, and folk gone courting view anyone who smells of mint- or in some cases, simply smells too good- as a lothario, and avoid them as a result. On the battlefield, Ambassador Mints are called a wide...
This is really well thought out ;) Very cool, I like it ;)
Ryze Kuja |
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470. Mockingberry Bush
This semi-intelligent, feisty fruit grows on brambling bushes and has the ability to produce intelligent speech as if under a constant Speak with Animals and Speak with Humanoids effect, but each individual berry always has a cantankerous personality like that of an old man trying to keep the neighborhood kids off his lawn. When someone gets too close to a Mockingberry Bush (roughly 15ft or less), the berries perceive them as a threat and animate themselves like an old timey boxer about to throw a punch (they can't actually punch or do anything, they just animate themselves feistily like "why I oughta!"), and attempt to shout, mock, and jeer at them until they leave, shouting insults like "Thou paunchy hasty-witted slug!", "Thou meddling guts-griping ruinous cur!", or "Thou art a yellow-bellied turd hammer!"
You can either make these insults up yourself, or use Shakespearean Insult Generator or Insult Generator, or a mix of both.
Mockingberries do not like it when people or animals refuse to leave their area, and especially detest being shouted at, mocked, or jeered back by someone they're trying to shoo away, so they will become increasingly animated and agitated the more and more that someone stands within 15ft and shouts insults back at them. They don't actually think or reason, so they cannot hold a conversation with someone other than to shout insults. Mockingberries die immediately after being picked or if they fall, and will stop yelling and insulting as soon as they are no longer attached to the fruit truss.
Mockingberries can be found in the wild yelling at local fauna that get too close, and the yelling is usually enough to frighten most animals away. Most animals don't consider these berries as a meal anyway, as they're incredibly difficult to digest and cause stomach aches and stomach cramping until excreted. Though, animals with multiple stomachs, such as ruminants like deer and cattle, can digest them easily enough. Mockingberries are also popular at parties, and are sometimes kept in gardens and orchards of people who enjoy a little insult comedy every once in a while.
Ryze Kuja |
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471. Planar Vicuna
Like their other llama and vicuna cousins, Planar Vicuna have one of the softest and finest fleeces in the known world, and its because they are subject to extreme weather changes while traveling inter-dimensionally. Due to traveling to the hostile plane of fire or the inhospitable plane of ice on a regular basis, the Planar Vicuna has evolved to produce extremely fine wool, allowing its fleece to have the extraordinary ability either retain or block heat, providing a crude from of body temperature regulation. Planar Vicuna wool is extremely expensive for a myriad of reasons; firstly, the animal is nearly impossible to capture or domesticate due to its ability to planar travel, and secondly, even if you can capture one, it is unnaturally skittish and fears humanoids/predators, so it is prone to sudden heart attacks while being shorn, and thirdly, their wool is finer than any other wool in the world and measures 8-10 micrometers in diameter, so it is incredibly luxurious and has a texture like satin or silk.
Planar Vicuna are slightly smaller than their cousins, and usually weigh between 100-1200lbs and are roughly 4ft to 5ft long. Jackets and other clothing created from their wool provide their wearer with an effect similar to an Endure Elements spell.
In folklore and stories, it is said that the Planar Vicuna was spawned into existence when a shapeshifting princess turned into this creature while attempting to evade capture from kidnappers, and she wasn't able to shapeshift back; some regions wholeheartedly believe this to be true, and have outlawed hunting or shearing these creatures. Depending on the region and dialect, Vicunas are sometimes pronounced in Common with an ñ, and spelled Vicuña.
Freehold DM |
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472. Crystalick- This magical candy is the bane of babysitters, older siblings, schoolmarms, and enemies of little stinkers everywhere. After eating a considerable amount of the incredibly sticky but only mildly sweet candy that is distilled from the natural crystal formations that grow in the areas where the barrier between the material plane and the ethereal one thins, one grows slightly translucent, not to the point of providing true invisibility or even the ability to vanish, but- so long as one stays completely still- a +4 bonus to Stealth checks for a minute. This candy is just expensive enough to be an occasional treat for all but the poorest of families, and is especially popular during harvest festivals, snowball fights, and other truly momentous, if childish, times where stealth is of the utmost importance. Unfortunately, it has diminishing returns with respect to one's size and weight- it no longer works on anyone who is considered an "adult" with respect to age category- but many future neer do wells often don't know this, and often attempt to commit their first big score and evade authorities by eating truly prodigious amounts of the stuff to offset how much they have grown, but this usually ends up with sorely diminished purses and a sorely distended belly. Some rogues slang refers to tenderfoot thieves as crystalicks (or just plain licks), especially if they are trying considered to be trying too hard in the fashion of the aforementioned thundercrows.
Freehold DM |
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473. Pixiepop- Another magical candy, this one is derived from berries that have been handled by Tiny fae but not picked or otherwise molested, making them incredibly rare considering the appetites of the wee folk. Eating a few of these makes one appear a size category younger for about a minute. Anyone considered a Youth with respect to age category gets fine, elfin features as if they were a pixie writ large, gaining a +2 to Charisma, all others look visibly younger, but gain no benefit beyond a temporary boost to ego as they do look younger, but the effect is limited to a single round. This makes them incredibly popular with children looking to get up to adorable mischief and wistfully unpopular with anyone older, although some wealthy folk who are well past their middle years have been known to take literal handfuls of this candy along with certain other supplements to increase their vitality during intimate moments. Calling an adult woman a "Pixiepop" is akin to describing her as a "cougar" if she is in her middle years, and "handsome" if she is anything older than that. Calling an adult man the same is a dread insult, as it implies he no longer has "it"(whatever "it" is).
Ryze Kuja |
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474. Ivory-eared Mastigodryas
Even though snakes don't actually have ears, the colossal-sized Ivory-eared Mastigodryas is named for its iconic ivory-white spots on the sides of its head where its ears ought to be. Often called "Jormungandrs" by laymen, Ivory-eared Mastigodryas are one of the few Dire Snakes in the world, and can reach lengths over 200ft long, and can weigh between 15 to 35 tons depending on how plenty its diet. These massive snakes are diurnal hunters that have an impressive olfactory sense and actively forage for their prey, which are typically other dire animals. Like other mastigodryas, these creatures are members of the "racer" family and the Ivory-eared Mastigodryas certainly lives up to this name "racer", because they can slither over 65 kilometers per hour when darting after their prey (360ft/round); they have a natural slithering gait around 30 kilometers per hour (180ft/round) when they're not actually chasing after a meal.
Ivory-eared Mastigodryas rarely pose a threat to humanoids unless that person happens to be a farmer with livestock that this snake might consider as a meal, then these snakes are an absolute nuisance. These snakes are nonvenomous and don't kill by constriction, rather, once these creatures have identified an animal as their quarry, they use their lightning fast speed to dart over and swallow their prey whole while they're still alive. While Ivory-eared Mastigodryas can be difficult to deal with, farmers have found that these creatures detest the smell of smoke, rotten eggs, cinnamon, cloves, onions, vinegar, garlic, and lime, as well as astringent or "chemical-y" smells like sulfur and ammonia, and that placing strong sources of these scents at the outskirts of their property usually keeps them away.
These snakes exclusively live in hot, arid, and desert climates, and some kingdoms have bred these colossal creatures in herpetariums, ophidiariums, and serpentariums for centuries for the many uses of their snake skin. Their skin can be used in making textiles, shoes, boots, hats, and other clothing, as well as in various medicines, tinctures, lotions, and topical salves that help with skin disorders such as sores, abscesses, boils, psoriasis, and scabies, as well as products that can help with epileptic seizures, eye infections, or high blood pressure, and even ointments that aid in wound healing.
Ivory-eared Mastigodryas were featured in Wild Megafauna Illustrated magazine vol. 14, and it was Great Thinker Aylsworth C. Hoagley, a professor of Paradoxical Geomancy and High-energy Summoning from the prestigious Tzaralynn's University of the Arcane Arts, who turned these creatures into a household name nearly overnight with the article he wrote. In this article, he was attempting to prove that using this creature's shed skin as a reagent during performing geoglyph-based magical spells and rituals produced better results than any other reagent, and he happened to note that the fat-to-muscle ratio of this creature was almost always less than 3% fat. This realization sparked hundreds of chefs around the world to buy Ivory-eared Mastigodryas meat and serve it in their taverns. The meat of an Ivory-eared Mastigodryas is quite game-y in the wild, but the meat from those born and raised in captivity is succulent, low in fat, and high in protein.
Prior to this article being written by Professor Hoagley, this meat was only enjoyed in kingdoms where these creatures were indigenous. Today, herpetariums, ophidiariums, and serpentariums in various arid and desert kingdoms make small fortunes from butchering these snakes and shipping the meat in iceboxes to taverns around the world, who then prepare and serve this meat as "Jormungandr Steaks" that are the size of your plate. These steaks are considered a delicacy in most kingdoms, especially if they're far from these snakes' habitats.
Freehold DM |
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452. Occirian Lettuce pronounced Ah - SEAR - ee - an
This dark leafy green is a well-known superfood that appears as a mixture of lettuce and broccolini; it has long stems and it appears as if someone smashed a broccolini stem into flat leaves. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, and folic acid, and has been known to aid gastronomical and digestive health as well as cleansing one's liver and kidneys. However, its taste has been described by both children and adults of nearly every race as "worse than hobgoblin piss", so the most common way to serve it is in meaty stews or thick-sauced pastas, or some prefer it to be pan-fried in lots of butter and garlic in order to mask the rancid taste as much as possible. The taste is so truly off-putting and unbearable that some mothers punish their disobedient children by forcing them to suck on raw, uncooked leaves of Occirian Lettuce for 60 seconds or so to teach them a lesson they won't forget.
This has been driving me NUTS.
475. Osirian Lettuce- In the world of Golarion, this unusual tumbleweed does indeed appear in Osirian arid areas, although it requires a fair amount of preparation. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned as it seems to attract all manner of dirt and grime in its travels, and it is notorious for taking on the flavor of whatever it is cooked with, requiring a fair amount of seasoning in order to make it palatable. However, the semi magical properities of this plant mean that it takes on flavors of what it is cooked with quite literally. Osiran Lettuce can taste like an entire meal provided it comes into contact with each part of it. As a result, Osirian Lettuce is quite popular with adventurers of all stripes as well as poorer folk- some "generous" nobles cook their more sumptuous meals with Osiran Lettuce that is then doled out as charity to the unfortunate. The only down side to Osiran Lettuce is that when it is cooked by itself, it tastes akin to boiled cabbage without salt- absolutely nothing. It also has only modest amounts of nutritional value, and some younger folk, when the just-past-waifish look is in fashion, will often gorge theselves on Osirian Lettuce, keeping them looking "athletic", although in truth they are only just past starvation and often quite anemic.
Ryze Kuja |
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476. Hexabruck
Great Thinkers and Researchers have debated ad nauseum as to whether the amphibious 6-legged Hexabruck is a member of the wild boar, elephant, or hippopotamus family, or possibly their own order or family altogether. It is quite obvious to point out that this creature's skeleton is exactly like the skeleton of a wild boar except with the major difference being that its pelvic/hip bone has four femurs sockets for their four hind legs, but honestly it's the webbed "totipalmate hooves" and the "velociraptor-esque scythe-like dew claw" that throws everything off because of how unique these creatures' hooves truly are. This hoof looks similar to the hoof of a wild boar except with webbing between each of the four parts of the hoof like a duck, and the inside 1/4th of this hoof is an elongated scythe-shaped dew claw that they use for stabbing and slashing aggressors. When not trying to stab an aggressor, this dew claw seamlessly tucks back into the hoof for walking, but while swimming or fighting, the hoof expands or "fans out".
So, no one is quite certain as to what order or family of the animal kingdom that Hexabruck come from. This strange creature seems to be a veritable hodgepodge of various evolutionary traits. The first humanoids called these creatures "Ursul Sâului", meaning "Sea Bear", but they were renamed as Hexabruck a few centuries ago.
Hexabruck are much smaller than hippos, and usually only weigh up to 3,000 - 3,500 lbs and grow up to 8-10ft long. Similar to elephants, they have prehensile snouts called a proboscis, which is a mobile, flexible, tubular organ derived from the tissues of the upper lip and nose that can be up to 3-4ft long (in addition being 8-10ft long from head to tail), and this proboscis can be used to grab and grapple prey and aggressors, or grab fruit, leaves, and other out-of-reach food. Like hippos, Hexabruck are amphibious mammals that have thick hides and thick layers of blubber and spend over 60% of their lives wading in shallow areas of seas, fjords, and ocean inlets; additionally, they prefer warm and hot climates and they're fiercely aggressive even amongst their own pods over territory and mates. Sometimes these creatures can even be found in brackish river deltas, estuaries, and swamps, although they exclusively stay out of purely fresh water bodies. However, unlike Hippos, they don't have a wide jaw bone that allows them to fight with their mouths, instead, Hexabruck rear back on their hind four legs and then fight with the dew claw on their front hooves.
In the event that territorial or mating disputes arise, these fights between Hexabruck almost always end in the death because this dew claw is long and sharp enough to perforate the throat, vital organs, and arteries. There are times where both of the creatures die even after the fight has ended simply from bleeding out or asphyxiating.
These creatures are omnivorous and prefer to be in water and can hold their breathe for over an hour. They primarily eat fish and any manner of aquatic animal they can catch, but if food sources become scarce in the sea, they are not averse to venturing on land to find leaves, grasses, foliage, fruits, vegetables, tree bark, and roots. They will even feast on land predators that they've successfully fought back against and killed. Hexabruck are rarely ever found solo and almost always are found in large pods of 50 to 500 Hexabruck.
Whenever humanoids have accidentally found themselves too close to these pods on land, it is well known that these creatures are aggressive and will charge, but fortunately they are positively perplexed and dumbfounded by "Y" shapes, so one must stand straight upwards and raise their arms in the shape of a "Y", then slowly and unaggressively back away. The Hexabruck will cease charging and become strangely mesmerized by this gesture long enough for you to retreat to a safe distance.
477. Dire Hexabruck
Dire Hexabruck are highly similar to Hexabruck but they can weigh between 80 and 100 tons and grow up to 45-60ft long and usually reside in the open oceans and large seas, rather than shallow inlets like their smaller Hexabruck cousins, and the scythe-like dew claw on their front hooves can grow to be around 5-8ft long. These gargantuan-sized creatures have massive lungs, and can remain underwater for over 48 hours at a time if they wish, though they typically stay on the surface and dive to find food as necessary, then promptly return to the surface. Even though these creatures are technically amphibious, Dire Hexabruck almost always stay out in the open ocean and very rarely venture close to land.
Dire Hexabruck are not considered apex predators because there are many colossal predators that hunt them, but these creatures are certainly one of the most dangerous in the animal kingdom because they are always found in large pods that provide safety in numbers; furthermore, they are omnivorous, rowdy, and aggressively territorial, and they consider just about anything and everything larger than a medium-sized creature as a meal. It is not uncommon for trade ships to take the long way around pods of Dire Hexabruck for fear of being confused as a meal or a predator.
478. Oval-cupped Magnetia
The stem and leaves of this strange flower are magnetically-opposed to the polarities of earth, which cause its oval-cupped leaves stand straight up in the air and capture rain water. Once this flower reaches maturity, which is usually once it reaches about 3-4ft tall, the magnetic force is strong enough to repel it away from the earth and uproot this plant from the ground, causing it to float or glide away from the earth. The magnetic effect produces a light glow with an almost ethereally pinkish and yellowish light that seemingly propels it upward. The flower only dies once the water from its oval-cupped leaves dries up; so, incredibly, these flowers can actually migrate for vast distances depending on the wind and how long its cups can hold water. Once the flower dies, it releases its seeds, which fall back to the earth.
Some kingdoms have talented botanists who have domesticated these flowers and keep them in greenhouses so that they cannot be magnetically repelled away and keep them watered while they are unrooted to prevent them from dying. Then they purposefully release large groups of them at funerals and during burial rites, similar to how other cultures release floating paper lanterns to signify the death of royalty and great members of society.
479. Venomous Palm Tree
The leaves of the Venomous Palm Tree are correctly advertised; these leaves have microscopic spikes that can cause serrations and imbed themselves in a creature's skin, and they're highly venomous. Even a slight touch of these leaves to a creature's skin can infect them (Contact/Injury, Fort DC: 13 negates, Onset: 1 minute, Frequency: 1/min for 6 mins, Primary Effect: 1d4 non-lethal damage, Secondary Effect: Paralyzed for 1d2 hours, Cure: 1 save). As the Venomous Palm Tree grows, it has leaf scars that also produce these microscopic spikes all along the trunk. Once the leaf scars fade, it forms a crownshaft, and frankly, the crownshaft and its coconuts are the only safe places to touch this tree.
Most other palm trees do not produce coconut fruits, but the Venomous Palm Tree does, and both the meat and the milk of these coconuts are poisonous to most creatures as well. (Ingested, Fort DC: 11 negates, Onset: 10 minutes, Frequency: 1/hour for 8 hours, Primary Effect: slight euphoria and uncontrollable laughter - as per a Hideous Laughter spell, Secondary Effect: Staggered, Cure: 2 consecutive saves). Some cultures purposefully harvest these coconuts and ferment them into a palm wine commonly known as "Coco Blanco". This fermentation process doesn't change the effects previously described (except add inebriation to the list of primary effects), but it does increase the Fort DC to 15.
Although Coco Blanco can be found in most taverns as a mid-to-top-shelf wine, it is common for victims of PTSD and other trauma to be prescribed Coco Blanco during their rehabilitation. Coco Blanco has also seen use during marriage counseling sessions.
480. Giant Silvermane Elk
This huge-sized, snow-white furred elk can grow up to 25 feet long and 15 feet tall at the shoulder and can weigh between 7 to 10 tons, and as the name suggests, it has a mane of silver-colored fur that is similar to that of a lion's mane. Giant Silvermane Elk exclusively live in subarctic, alpine, tundra, and polar climates, and astonishingly, while it is in snowy conditions, it benefits from a Pass without Trace effect and a Blur effect. These elk are primarily crepuscular grazers that subsist on grasses, sedges, forbs, tree leaves, bark, twigs, lichens, pine needles, and sometimes even eggs of geese, ducks, or various birds. Like other members of the deer family, a Giant Silvermane Elk sheds their antlers just after winter and grow them back in the summer.
Reksew_Trebla |
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481: Keaton Grass
Keaton Grass is a circle of tall bunched up grass, with a center piece of tall bunched up grass. If any of the bunches are cut, the remaining will start moving away quickly, before disappearing. With feats and abilities like Cleave, you can manage to cut all of them before they disappear, however, this only produces a few copper pieces.
There is a hidden secret to Keaton Grass. If you wear a mask based off of a Keaton, and manage to cut all the grass before it vanishes, a Keaton will appear.
Any hostility to the Keaton will cause it to simply disappear like the grass, but if you are friendly, the Keaton will play a game, asking you some trivia questions about the local area. Answer all of them correctly, and the Keaton will give you a large Ruby, worth 5000 gp.
Freehold DM |
473. Pixiepop- Another magical candy, this one is derived from berries that have been handled by Tiny fae but not picked or otherwise molested, making them incredibly rare considering the appetites of the wee folk. Eating a few of these makes one appear a size category younger for about a minute. Anyone considered a Youth with respect to age category gets fine, elfin features as if they were a pixie writ large, gaining a +2 to Charisma, all others look visibly younger, but gain no benefit beyond a temporary boost to ego as they do look younger, but the effect is limited to a single round. This makes them incredibly popular with children looking to get up to adorable mischief and wistfully unpopular with anyone older, although some wealthy folk who are well past their middle years have been known to take literal handfuls of this candy along with certain other supplements to increase their vitality during intimate moments. Calling an adult woman a "Pixiepop" is akin to describing her as a "cougar" if she is in her middle years, and "handsome" if she is anything older than that. Calling an adult man the same is a dread insult, as it implies he no longer has "it"(whatever "it" is).
Edit- It seems a part of this was edited out, anyone older than a Youth that takes pixiepop looks AN AGE CATEGORY YOUNGER for one round.
This entire candy revolves around character age category, not character size category.
Goth Guru |
481: Keaton Grass
Keaton Grass is a circle of tall bunched up grass, with a center piece of tall bunched up grass. If any of the bunches are cut, the remaining will start moving away quickly, before disappearing. With feats and abilities like Cleave, you can manage to cut all of them before they disappear, however, this only produces a few copper pieces.
There is a hidden secret to Keaton Grass. If you wear a mask based off of a Keaton, and manage to cut all the grass before it vanishes, a Keaton will appear.
Any hostility to the Keaton will cause it to simply disappear like the grass, but if you are friendly, the Keaton will play a game, asking you some trivia questions about the local area. Answer all of them correctly, and the Keaton will give you a large Ruby, worth 5000 gp.
Nice outdoor dungeon riddle room. What is a Keaton?
Reksew_Trebla |
Reksew_Trebla wrote:Nice outdoor dungeon riddle room. What is a Keaton?481: Keaton Grass
Keaton Grass is a circle of tall bunched up grass, with a center piece of tall bunched up grass. If any of the bunches are cut, the remaining will start moving away quickly, before disappearing. With feats and abilities like Cleave, you can manage to cut all of them before they disappear, however, this only produces a few copper pieces.
There is a hidden secret to Keaton Grass. If you wear a mask based off of a Keaton, and manage to cut all the grass before it vanishes, a Keaton will appear.
Any hostility to the Keaton will cause it to simply disappear like the grass, but if you are friendly, the Keaton will play a game, asking you some trivia questions about the local area. Answer all of them correctly, and the Keaton will give you a large Ruby, worth 5000 gp.
Oh, sorry. I based this off of Keatons from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, but forgot to give a description of them for those unfamiliar with them. Just click on the link, and it'll take you to their fandom page for the Zelda wiki.
Freehold DM |
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Got an idea. With your permission...
476. Hexabruck
Great Thinkers and Researchers have debated ad nauseum as to whether the amphibious 6-legged Hexabruck is a member of the wild boar, elephant, or hippopotamus family, or possibly their own order or family altogether. It is quite obvious to point out that this creature's skeleton is exactly like the skeleton of a wild boar except with the major difference being that its pelvic/hip bone has four femurs sockets for their four hind legs, but honestly it's the webbed "totipalmate hooves" and the "velociraptor-esque scythe-like dew claw" that throws everything off because of how unique these creatures' hooves truly are. This hoof looks similar to the hoof of a wild boar except with webbing between each of the four parts of the hoof like a duck, and the inside 1/4th of this hoof is an elongated scythe-shaped dew claw that they use for stabbing and slashing aggressors. When not trying to stab an aggressor, this dew claw seamlessly tucks back into the hoof for walking, but while swimming or fighting, the hoof expands or "fans out".
So, no one is quite certain as to what order or family of the animal kingdom that Hexabruck come from. This strange creature seems to be a veritable hodgepodge of various evolutionary traits. The first humanoids called these creatures "Ursul Sâului", meaning "Sea Bear", but they were renamed as Hexabruck a few centuries ago.
Hexabruck are much smaller than hippos, and usually only weigh up to 3,000 - 3,500 lbs and grow up to 8-10ft long. Similar to elephants, they have prehensile snouts called a proboscis, which is a mobile, flexible, tubular organ derived from the tissues of the upper lip and nose that can be up to 3-4ft long (in addition being 8-10ft long from head to tail), and this proboscis can be used to grab and grapple prey and aggressors, or grab fruit, leaves, and other out-of-reach food. Like hippos, Hexabruck are amphibious mammals that have thick hides and thick layers of blubber and spend over 60% of their lives wading in shallow...
While hexabruck have no problem fighting to defend themselves and few issues eating a predator that attempted to make a meal of them, they are not hearty eaters in this particular case, and are known for picking at their meals unless utterly famished, and will usually leave the body of the predator to scavengers. This has created a weird reputation for hexabruck as peaceful creatures, (although they are anything but), and in some lands, calling a strapping young man a hexabruck is the equivalent of what we would call a gentle giant. A few military units that speacialize in defensive operations take the hexabruck as a totem or mascot; in political parlance, a hexabruck is the equivalent of someone who is opposed to military adventurism or colonial policies, not quite what we would call a "dove", but close. On Golarion, Gorumites use the term as a left handed compliment, especially when referring to practicioners of Irorian disciplines, respecting their battle prowess even as they denounce their peaceful preferences.