
Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

I was wondering if corpse-camping is going to be a problem once husk-looting goes in. Will the person who was killed have some sort of very temporary "Invulnerability buff" directly after looting his corpes maybe? So that he can have a chance to get back some stuff and then run for it?

I have always wondered how feasable it is in a PvP game to have to run back to your corpse to see if there is anything left on it. Returning to the scene of the crime never felt more stupid then in this scenario.

Now I can see how a group or duo may want to run back and contest their corpse, if the killers/looters are still around: this could even be fun for some. Not so much for the lone guy, unless he is a also a fighter.

I think lots of stuff will be left on corpses all the time, because of the hurdle that Encumbrance throws up for looters, so I think that mechanic works fine. But what is to prevent a killer(after he loaded up on the loot himself) from repeatedly killing the guy after he looted his corpse? For instance to bide time untill his buddy shows up who can take the rest? Or kill again after the harvester clicked on his corpse again, so that more gets destroyed? Or just for fun?

Let us for a moment not depend on common sense(you got your kill and loot, now walk away), and just focus on the reality of a guy who has his Prey coming back to him, every time, to present himself for another kill.

For myself I have already decided that I will never go back to the corpse of any of my harvesters(who will have zero combatskill), I'll just announce that there is a "fat corpse with coal in SW quadrant" in Hex-chat, so at least it can become some sort of prize for whoever wants to fight over it. ;) Which isn't so bad when it comes to player-created content, I guess.

Goblin Squad Member

If you get killed assume there is nothing left in your corpse. Chalk up the loss as being part of doing business and move on.

If you return to the location where you were just killed, and get killed again... You asked for it.

Having an invulnerability window for when you return to your corpse, defeats the purpose of loot dropping. It also takes away from the opportunity for others to "just happen by" and scavenge from the unattended corpse.

Imagine the battlefield, swarming with scavengers, stealing the shoes off of the fallen.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

If you get killed assume there is nothing left in your corpse. Chalk up the loss as being part of doing business and move on.

If you return to the location where you were just killed, and get killed again... You asked for it.

Having an invulnerability window for when you return to your corpse, defeats the purpose of loot dropping. It also takes away from the opportunity for others to "just happen by" and scavenge from the unattended corpse.

Imagine the battlefield, swarming with scavengers, stealing the shoes off of the fallen.

I agree with you on all your points. Had not even thought about such an invulnerability window being rather cheesy on a battlefield, so that was a bad idea.

I do like the idea off having a chance to happen upon a corpse with some goodies, though it could be a trap off course. :) It is the sort of thing that creates freeform gameplay, and has that nice "get lucky" feel to it that every game should have in some way.

I for one, when I am alone, will never return to my corpse.

Goblin Squad Member

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"Up, son of Peleus, most daunting of men. Save the body of Patroclus, they are fighting over it beside the ships. Men are dying while your Greeks try to protect his corpse, and the Trojans attack, longing to drag him off to windy Troy. Glorious Hector is their leader, who sets his heart on slicing his head from the tender neck, and fixing it on a stake above the wall."

My understanding of how corpse looting works is it acts like a harvest node, each looting takes time and you only get one item, so that buys you some time, and if you go bug them, they'll either be looting and defenseless or fighting and not looting. The one who died can take all in what seemed to be described as an instantaneous action, so they just have to be able to run in and run out. That could be difficult, but all you'll lose for trying is durability, because all your other stuff will be on the husk anyway. So if someone killed me and wanted to harvest everything off my corpse, I'd make them earn it. But I also like your idea.

Goblin Squad Member

As one of my ideas with Schedim is being a scavenger, corpse looting/camping/blackmail/selling protection/whatever is dear to me. I count on being carrying around the criminal flag a lot after big battles due to husk poaching.

This is of course off the record, Schedim is ther to sell arrows and cheap potions...

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Had confirmation that the husk loot time will be 30 minutes per item.
So if you have a lot of different items it will be a while before a single person can loot everything.
This is assuming the timer is linked to one person and not just the husk.

Goblin Squad Member

Quijenoth wrote:

Had confirmation that the husk loot time will be 30 minutes per item.

So if you have a lot of different items it will be a while before a single person can loot everything.
This is assuming the timer is linked to one person and not just the husk.

Perhaps you meant 30 seconds per item. That should also be modified by skills that would reduce the time as well.

Goblin Squad Member

Eh .. Now I think you got something backwards, the husk will exist for 30 min, looting time will be conciderable less.

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Husk node? Why, no... I didn't see a husk node around here. Me? Oh... Just got here. Passing through, really. Oh, will you look at the time. Gotta run.

I suspect the only husk node of mine I'll recover will be from PvE deaths. Doesn't mean I won't go back to the scene of the PvP loss...but, in that case, I won't be after my gear.

CEO, Goblinworks

When you die, you keep your equipped gear - your weapons and armor(*).

So if you were in a fight with someone and you die, assuming you were damaging them before you died, if you return to the scene of the fight you'll be at max health and they may be badly hurt. You'll still be wearing what you were wearing when you died so if you were inflicting pain on your opponent you'll be positioned to continue that fight and potentially win.

(*) Minus anything that hits 0 durability.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:

When you die, you keep your equipped gear - your weapons and armor(*).

So if you were in a fight with someone and you die, assuming you were damaging them before you died, if you return to the scene of the fight you'll be at max health and they may be badly hurt. You'll still be wearing what you were wearing when you died so if you were inflicting pain on your opponent you'll be positioned to continue that fight and potentially win.

(*) Minus anything that hits 0 durability.

This assumes that during the trip from the respawn, the winner of the fight does not have the Recovery Skill, Healer or other means of healing.

Your advise also seems to be based on an idea that the initial fight was close well.

Players are welcome to take your advice, I just don;t think in most instances it is particularly good advice.

Goblin Squad Member

I think it very much depends on the tactical situation, like Bluddwolf suggests.

If it's a 1:1 fight and your character died, there's a good chance it's going to happen again unless something quirked and you know exactly how to avoid it next time.

otoh... it's a grouping game. You might ask yourself (and your buddies) if you can change the odds. You might even be able to head back and harass (in the tactical sense of the word) whoever killed you so they can't loot your corpse before your friends arrive.

Goblin Squad Member

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I do have a couple of odd questions about husks.

When you log out, your avatar stays logged in for a bit before disappearing.

If someone knows you are about to log out (like when you say goodnight to folks at the bank and someone overhears), and kills your avatar after you have "quit", does the husk disappear at the same time and re-appear when you log back in? Does it stay around for the full 30 minutes, even if you are not logged in?

CEO, Goblinworks

Good question.

CEO, Goblinworks


The Husk will remain in game for 30 minutes regardless of the status of the account.

A pin showing the Husk will appear on the minimap for all players like a resource node. It will not appear when it is out of scope for the minimap (which is different than how it works for the character that left the husk, where the pin appears even out of scope).

Goblin Squad Member

Have you guys fixed the bug where your own icon disappears off the map, making it difficult to even identify where you respawned?

CEO, Goblinworks

Maybe. There are fixes in EE2 that address some of the underlying causes of that bug but I am not sure if that specific bug has been closed and marked as fixed.

Goblin Squad Member

What form with the husks take in-game? If multiple characters die on top of the same spot will it prevent accessing certain husks because of overlap?

Goblin Squad Member

I envision it as the cocoon thing from Species that Natasha Henstridge crawled out of...

CEO, Goblinworks

It's a backpack. I can't honestly say we tested the effects of stacking them. (We may have - I just can't say because I don't know).

Goblin Squad Member

What, no sprawling corpses everywhere? Everquest had the the curled-up corpses, DAoC had tombstones, surely PFO can think of something more grizzly then a backpack? :)

Though I guess it takes off the focus of being victimized as a person/avater and rather focusses on the "this is a game about resources, take the loss or go get them back". Still, I dunno, a battlefield full of Backpacks just doesn't say Epic to me.

Thanks for the clarification about the pins, Ryan, I was wondering about that.

Goblin Squad Member

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Well, since we are transported to and physically restored at the nearest shrine, maybe it's correct that we wouldn't leave behind some grisly husk. Perhaps our gear could be left in a puddle of ectoplasm or a pile of Desna glitter.

Goblin Squad Member

I prefer the marker for a corpse (I refrain from using husk, it's not corn) to be a dismembered body on the ground or a head on the end of a stick (spears are expensive).

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah, I can not get used to the word husk either. Is this Tabletop-speak?
I find it more appalling then corpse, it gives me vibes of Zombies and the Bodysnatchers.

Goblin Squad Member

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Husk does not mean corn. Husk means the dry outer casing that is left behind after the important stuff is gone.

I'm not sure Husk would mean the same thing to a bandit as to others, but the term is not a bad one.

Goblin Squad Member

Oh, it covers the meaning pretty wel. It's just so cold and almost alien. Indeed like the thrown-off skin of a spider or snake. At least a corpse can still be warm!

The head on a stick, though somewhat gruesome, would look cool for a battlefield. But I think it does not mesh well with the Lore-excuse that is given to resurrection in PFO.

Paizo Employee CEO

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Ryan Dancey wrote:
It's a backpack. I can't honestly say we tested the effects of stacking them. (We may have - I just can't say because I don't know).

Actually, it is a backpack that has this cool ghostly image hovering over it. I actually really like it!


Goblinworks Executive Founder

The husk is what is left of the corpse after the death has been removed from it.

CEO, Goblinworks

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I wanted something other than a corpse. Not only do I think that having dead bodies lying around is pretty gross, but there are some cultural sensitivities I want to respect about touching the dead. "Husks" aren't corpses.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
I wanted something other than a corpse. Not only do I think that having dead bodies lying around is pretty gross, but there are some cultural sensitivities I want to respect about touching the dead. "Husks" aren't corpses.

But they're not really dead, they are pixels. They were actually never alive to begin with, they were pixels.

Maybe we can have happy, playful kittens?

Grand Lodge

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Do you leave behind all your head skin cells, dirt, dust, and blood on yourself and equipment when you "die" and are raised? Is it like a bath, or do I come out smelling like a baby?

Bag of Smelly Stuff indeed!

Goblin Squad Member

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Just because something is happening in a video game doesn't mean you aren't viewing through your regular, real life cultural lens.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
I wanted something other than a corpse. Not only do I think that having dead bodies lying around is pretty gross, but there are some cultural sensitivities I want to respect about touching the dead. "Husks" aren't corpses.

Mmm. This picture is from a Raid wipe in Everquest, but I realize that PFO will have more realistic graphics, then this colorful mess. I hope the ghost is looking gritty and in style with the setting; PFO isn't exactly a kiddy Fantasy game, and the River Kingdoms is a serious place. One look at the expressions of our Avatars faces makes that clear.

Not sure which cultures would take offense, Asian maybe? Possible, I do not remember a lot of corpses lying around in Asian games.

I did like the Tombstones from DAoC a lot: Not that offensive, yet still ominous and fitting for the setting

Anyway, curious as to what the ghost looks like. I hope nothing like Casper!

CEO, Goblinworks

It is not a ghost. Its a particle effect somewhat like but not confusingly similar to an essence node.

Goblin Squad Member

So a more ethereal approach. Probably fits the Pharasma Lore better then bodyparts lying around. Yes, I can live with that. :)

Goblin Squad Member

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Kadere wrote:
Just because something is happening in a video game doesn't mean you aren't viewing through your regular, real life cultural lens.

And if there were corpses, there would inevitably someone who decides to to be as offensive as possible. If people can do something in an MMO, if only in chat, someone will.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
Quijenoth wrote:

Had confirmation that the husk loot time will be 30 minutes per item.

So if you have a lot of different items it will be a while before a single person can loot everything.
This is assuming the timer is linked to one person and not just the husk.
Perhaps you meant 30 seconds per item. That should also be modified by skills that would reduce the time as well.

Nope, I asked Ryan in Help chat "How long before you can loot another item off a husk."

his reply was "30 minutes."

Ryan Dancey wrote:


The Husk will remain in game for 30 minutes regardless of the status of the account.

I can only assume he misread my question when I asked, thus the confusion was created.

CEO, Goblinworks

You can loot one item with each interaction cycle, which takes just a few seconds but isn't instantaneous. If the husk is your character's you can loot everything in one interaction.

The husk remains in game for 30 minutes.

Goblin Squad Member

Working well so far. I like the look of it too.

Goblin Squad Member

I would love to see a battlefield littered with mutilated corpses! Could we also get clouds of flies hovering around the bloated corpses while crows peck out the eyes of the fallen?

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Teabagging a backpack will be dissatisfying to exactly the people that Ryan and Lisa can live without.

I say: well done.

Goblin Squad Member

Midnight of Golgotha wrote:

Teabagging a backpack will be dissatisfying to exactly the people that Ryan and Lisa can live without.

I say: well done.

Considering there are no animated emotes, you can't teabag the backpack either. But, eventually if they do put in the emotes, tea bagging the backpack will take on the same meaning.

Goblin Squad Member

They'll look pretty dumb doing it, though. Not that it didn't look dumb to start with...

Its almost like the character in the tv series " Forever " when he gets killed, his entire body disappears leaving nothing behind. I find that odd though, when he resurrects, its typically nude in the nearest river, and the show has shown his clothes AREN'T left behind, odd dynamic, guess his clothes go where lost socks do?

Goblin Squad Member

Well there goes my dream of being a cannibal...


Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Hawkshield wrote:
Its almost like the character in the tv series " Forever " when he gets killed, his entire body disappears leaving nothing behind. I find that odd though, when he resurrects, its typically nude in the nearest river, and the show has shown his clothes AREN'T left behind, odd dynamic, guess his clothes go where lost socks do?

Missing left socks go into a black hole. Captain Hoek and Cadet Stimpson found them!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I was in fight when the server logged off, what will my character and/or my husk will be ?

In any case you should warn that the server goes down some minutes before it does !

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Normally happens during the week. But it seems they need someone giving the warning manual.

I hope the best for your husk. Time likely passes on - for example for crafting. Never occured to me but dying just before the servershutdown might be a bad idea.

Goblin Squad Member

Server downtime is the same time every day (shown in the patcher). I have missed it myself a few times but I'm learning... =P

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