Rogue Company (now removed) Breaks NAP far from Home.

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Goblin Squad Member

A rogue Freevale company (now removed) has Broken the NAP
Trying to claim all Terra Firma's Central Towers.
on the West side of the map.

Terra Firma's North West Tower

Terra Firma's North Tower

Terra Firma's North East Tower

Terra Firma's South East Tower

Edit updated

Goblin Squad Member

Freevale is not a member of the Xeilias Empire. Are you trying to imply something?

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Freevale is not Empire of Xelias.

Freevale is part of the Nation of Kapalthas, which is in the North Coalition with Empire of Xelias.

Not sure if Freevale signed the NAP anyway. Good for them if that's the case.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, Gpunk did say he was going traveling. :p

Freevale isn't XE though, they are in the two party Nation of Kathalphas.

You're just getting easily confused since both the Nation and Empire form up the Northern Coalition.

Goblin Squad Member

Well well well. Under my understanding, that certainly meets the burden of proof. As a consequence, Freevale's own protection is now void. Can someone confirm that is the case? Cheatle?

Goblin Squad Member

Has Terra Firma's membership been active and have they made an attempt to retake their alpha-six holdings?

Goblin Squad Member

Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:

Freevale is not Empire of Xelias.

Freevale is part of the Nation of Kapalthas, which is in the North Coalition with Empire of Xelias.

Fixed that error

Goblin Squad Member

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Gpunk did sign the NAP, although from what I heard that happened, it sounds like it is 1 random person taking the towers.

Goblin Squad Member

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Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:
Not sure if Freevale signed the NAP anyway. Good for them if that's the case.

Afaik the NAP applies to everyone until they break it - so I guess this may well be a delberate opt-out.

Goblin Squad Member

it was two folks claiming them, which is the size of their company.

Goblin Squad Member

As long as Freevale doesn't defend those towers its no big deal. That was built into the NAP to prevent people from joining rivals and taking core 6 towers to mess with them.

Goblin Squad Member

Here is the Treaty/NAP

It hasn't even been a week since the WoT started so, from the NAP:

"The Tower NAP is a Non-Aggression Pact strictly limited to protecting the 6 Towers immediately surrounding a Protected Settlement. Signatories agree not to contest a Protected Settlement’s attempts to control any of its adjacent Towers. Signatories also agree not to attempt to capture any of the Towers adjacent to a Protected Settlement for the first week of the War of Towers.

Any Tower which is not adjacent to a Settlement is not protected by this NAP. Any Tower adjacent to an Inactive Settlement is not protected by this NAP after the first week of the War of Towers."

Goblin Squad Member

I have previously spoken to new companies joining. If they have violated the Tower NAP they will be removed from the settlement.

Goblin Squad Member

Fair enough, Gpunk.

I wonder if we could get GW to make said towers free again.

On the 21st of this Month, at 1 PM, any inactive towers should be free to take.

Goblin Squad Member

Seems like the matter will be handled, then. The ejection of the company from Freevale would satisfy me personally, at least. (I can't speak for Sunholm as a whole at this juncture).

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
Has Terra Firma's membership been active and have they made an attempt to retake their alpha-six holdings?

Doesn't matter. They are protected for one week regardless of efforts.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Bluddwolf wrote:
Has Terra Firma's membership been active and have they made an attempt to retake their alpha-six holdings?

Doesn't matter. They are protected for one week regardless of efforts.

I had a similar issue with Blackthorn's Band, although they are unaffiliated, and so the recapture was easy.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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An error by a couple of players is understandable.

Ejecting the company from FreeVale, disbanding it, and reforming the members under a new company (which could then join Freevale) seems to me to be a fairly easy course of action that would sastify me as sufficient to demonstrate that the offense was accidental and promptly remedied.

Goblin Squad Member

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I am not fond of Freevale for my own reasons but they are Chaotic. Expecting any Chaotic group to hold to a contract is almost as silly as a server wide NAP.

Goblin Squad Member

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I expect any settlement that agrees to something to abide by it. And, based on Gpunk's response, they are. This could just as easily have happened to any settlement, honestly. Rogue players abound.

Goblin Squad Member

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Kadere wrote:
Rogue players abound.

That's true. There are plenty that don't read the forums or even know about the various Alliances and NAP's anyway.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Azure_Zero - thanks for bringing this up

GPunk - thanks for your quick answer

It seems to me it gets handled.

Goblin Squad Member

Misfits and Mystics Merc Co. has been removed from Freevale. 2 person company added yesterday. Freevale's expectations that both The WoT NAP and The NC NAP be adhered to is in the settlement recruitment posts.

My apologies to Terra Firma. Freevale is an open invite settlement. We do accept all kinds of Chaos, Good and Evil. We just don't accept Chaotic Stupid. I will make Gpunk available (barring RL hangup) to defend the surrounding hex while Terra Firma reclaims it at their earliest convenience.

Goblin Squad Member

Thod wrote:

Azure_Zero - thanks for bringing this up

GPunk - thanks for your quick answer

It seems to me it gets handled.

I just became Talonguard head About Tuesday,

And was informed by Kabal about the NAP yesterday night after finding some Terra Firma towers Capped by them

So I'm rushing to learn what agreements are already in place along with other things.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm sure we can also gather one or two from Ozem's if Terra Firma wants a hand

CEO, Goblinworks

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Oh, we're not going to touch this with an 11' pole. :) You damn dirty apes. :)

No inquiry emails returned and the TF contact website is down, we'll see if the towers get reclaimed...

Goblin Squad Member

Hobson Fiffledown wrote:
No inquiry emails returned and the TF contact website is down, we'll see if the towers get reclaimed...

Yeah, I did not notice almost any activity there even in Alpha.

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Hey! I'm a halfling, not an ape. And I am NOT dir.....*sniff sniff*. Wait? What's that smell? Oh my goodness, that's me. I'm so sorry. They haven't turned the water on here in TF yet, no showers.

Goblin Squad Member

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I've changed the thread title to match the updated state of the rogue company
So your settlement does not get as bad a rep.

Goblin Squad Member

Appreciated, no stress though. I believe in the agreements we signed on behalf of Freevale. Companies and Free Agents wanting to settle in Freevale must respect both NAPs we have signed.

Goblin Squad Member

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I didn't want to damage the rep of a settlement that had nothing to do with the rogue's actions.

I'm going to be learning a lot about being a settlement head from everyone as I just became Talonguard head Tuesday,
so I have much to learn and prefer not to burn bridges with those I could learn from.

And the rogue was also a spawn camper as well.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Oh, we're not going to touch this with an 11' pole. :) You damn dirty apes. :)

Working better than intended?

CEO, Goblinworks

I believe I have "2 weeks" in the pool for how long the NAP lasts. :)

The real question is Ryan, how are you guys defining the end of the NAP?

Goblin Squad Member

I think you might be surprised, given how swiftly and effectively this matter was settled.

What is the longest bet in the pool, for curiosity?

Goblin Squad Member

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Ryan Dancey wrote:
I believe I have "2 weeks" in the pool for how long the NAP lasts. :)

I think you might be surprised Ryan. The Nap only protects the 6 most immediate towers surrounding the PC settlements. That leaves plenty of towers up for grabs.

The purpose behind the NAP is so that these player settlements can have a minimum footing, post cataclysm, and that is believed to be good for all.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm sure it will go up in a great big ball of fire once the actual date for WoT to end nears. Other than that the only way I see it getting broken is if somebody seriously offends a a major Alliance.

The people that will be grabbing at core towers will be 'independent' companies looking to stir things up.

Goblin Squad Member

Or unaffiliated people who are bored. I heard someone (won't say who) say they might take some towers just to see if they can get a kill order on them, because being hunted might be fun.

I'm waiting to see when some organized independent company tries to grab a few towers and then sell their allegiance (along with their towers) to the highest bidder.

Goblin Squad Member

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Oi Goblin-boss! Me could maybe arraynj fer sumthin ta happin at a spesific convenyunt time if dat wood help you win a pool. Us split it, ogay?

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Ryan Dancey wrote:
I believe I have "2 weeks" in the pool for how long the NAP lasts. :)

You mean, before the first breach, or before it no longer makes sense to discuss it as a thing, or before there is a disagreement that forks it according to affiliation?

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Capitalocracy wrote:

Or unaffiliated people who are bored. I heard someone (won't say who) say they might take some towers just to see if they can get a kill order on them, because being hunted might be fun.

I'm waiting to see when some organized independent company tries to grab a few towers and then sell their allegiance (along with their towers) to the highest bidder.

Neither of those would even remotely be a breach, unless one of the settlements that explicitly signed on accepted a company that had control of one of the protected towers.

Goblin Squad Member

DeciusBrutus wrote:
Ryan Dancey wrote:
I believe I have "2 weeks" in the pool for how long the NAP lasts. :)
You mean, before the first breach, or before it no longer makes sense to discuss it as a thing, or before there is a disagreement that forks it according to affiliation?

Same here, I'm wondering what definition they put as the End of the NAP agreement.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
I believe I have "2 weeks" in the pool for how long the NAP lasts. :)

You have a very high opinion of us sir. Being LE, I can't break it, but it doesn't mean I can't hope some one else does!

Goblin Squad Member

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Gpunk wrote:
We do accept all kinds of Chaos, Good and Evil. We just don't accept Chaotic Stupid.

There will be a lot of players of the Chaotic Stupid, as well as Lawful Unbearably Pretentious before all is said and done.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

My biggest fear always has been that I would invite a chaotic stupid one who 'sees and empty tower' and assumes he is doing me a favour taking it.

And being one big company - apart of the Haggarssons - I wouldn't even be able to figure out easily who the culprit was.

So GPunk really did rise a lot in my respect how swiftly and well he handled it.

Goblin Squad Member

So. After all of this, Twilight Brigade of Talonguard caps the South West Tower of Terra Firma. Given that there has been no official activity out of Terra Firma, how have they received the ok to do so?

I had thought Talonguard recovered TF towers (which were taken by an un affiliated company) as per NAPpy people's suggestion. I'm not Involved in any of that though.

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