Cald Heurad |

Guardheim, set firmly in the Forest between Stoneroot Glade, Ozem's Vigil, and Rathglen, is an excellent place to make your home. Good access to a variety of terrains and resources, including starmetal, gives us a desirable location for your crafting needs. Our close and cooperative relationship with our Northern neighbors, Alderwag, as well as excellent support from Stoneroot Glade and Ozem's Vigil, helps us maintain some of the finest crafting facilities and training available in the North. Our convenient closeness to Rathglen and Marchmont and the availability of training all roles within 3 hexes makes us an excellent destination for your new character.

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Company Tre of Stoneroot has graduated all members from Rathglen to Guardheim.
All Tier 1 refining and crafting is now available upon request. A wide variety of finished goods will appear in the auction house by month's end.
Does this mean that the towers by Rathglen are in control of Guardheim now? If so, that is awesome news indeed! :D

Cald Heurad |

Takasi wrote:Does this mean that the towers by Rathglen are in control of Guardheim now? If so, that is awesome news indeed! :DCompany Tre of Stoneroot has graduated all members from Rathglen to Guardheim.
All Tier 1 refining and crafting is now available upon request. A wide variety of finished goods will appear in the auction house by month's end.
An excellent notion, Sir! We are also accepting members to InGuard, or affiliated companies that wish to work beside us.

Cald Heurad |

Just noting, for those that are interested. A couple of companies with names that look like they are meant to be connected to Alderwag have been taking the towers that Guardheim is currently occupying on Alderwag's behalf. I have been unable to communicate with them. Because they do not appear to be affiliated with any settlement, they are simply turning the towers into 24 hr PvP zones, and so we are taking them back when we notice. If we hear anything from Alderwag about these folks, we are happy to let them take the towers. If they are trying to join Guardheim and hold the towers themselves while being part of the settlement, they should contact me about being brought in, or at least apply to the settlement.
I have no desire to do anything that is against the good of either settlement.

Cald Heurad |

And I now see that "The gauntlet" is a founding company for Alderwag, and includes Shaibes. We will make no further effort to take any towers held by that company.
I presume Alderwag has decided to enter the game. I hope they will consider working with Guardheim, but whether that happens or not, I wish you all good luck.

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If you're referring to The Gauntlet and the Alderwag Harvest Association, both are "official" in the sense that Alderwag recognizes them and both companies include players who were part of Alderwag's founding group, but "unofficial" in the sense that for some reason neither company displays as being affiliated with Alderwag. Some technical error, as far as I understand it.
Alderwag's Head of Settlement (Luther Phoebus) is addressing the issue with GW. I'll supply more info as I hear about it.

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And I now see that "The gauntlet" is a founding company for Alderwag, and includes Shaibes. We will make no further effort to take any towers held by that company.
I presume Alderwag has decided to enter the game. I hope they will consider working with Guardheim, but whether that happens or not, I wish you all good luck.
Our posts crossed in the aether. Retaking our core ring is not an act of ill-will towards Guardheim, but rather an announcement that Alderwag does actually exist, and is not an abandoned settlement. Alderwag is eager to work closely with Guardheim (as it is with all our neighbors). Adjacent crafting settlements is admittedly an odd situation, but maybe in that oddness there are unique and profitable opportunities, too.

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Well then, two new folks for me to visit on my trips to the north it seems! I am always glad to see more settlements becoming active, and look forward to whatever beneficial trade and friendly relations we might establish. If there is anything in particular the Keepers of the Circle might do to assist in your process of setting things up, do please let me know.
Squaring the Circle,
Erian El'ranelen
Guardian of Gold

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Earlier today Talonguard was taking one of Terra Firma's Towers and was assaulted. Tavernhold came to assist their Talonguard allies and fend off the attackers so that the Tower could be capped. Cald later showed up as a third party and was largely ignored except when he made attacks on us. Assaulters were spared further deaths when the Tower was capped and they moved onto other nearby Towers that Talonguard had no interest in.
Being in such close proximity I was informed that it is in Talonguard's interest to hold 3 of Terra Firma's Towers until Terra Firma becomes a presence in-game.
Tavernhold will seek to aid in the defense of any Tower held by Talonguard or Stoneroot Glade if they are able as well as defend and retake any under their own name. We do not have any desire to form any kind of offensive against Guardheim.

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I will note, that Talonguard was not taking one of Terra Firma's towers, since they had none. Talonguard was taking one of Ozem's Vigil's towers, which we had captured Wednesday after the assorted core sixes were no longer protected.
And to impart further accuracy, both teams, including the attackers taking the tower from Ozem's were spared further deaths because the defenders ran out of armour and weapons, having rushed to defend the tower from assorted adventures with a difficult supply line to overcome when the attackers already had over 80% of their seige accomplished. Were there a method of knowing as soon as holdings are under seize, the night would have been different.
That said, Ambassador Bringslite had a good conversation with Alkaid, and we hope there will be fewer, still friendly, incidents between us in the future.

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It was all in good fun. I'm glad to hear that Bringslite and Alkaid talked.
My reference to Terra Firma's Towers was their core six, not their ownership of them but that wasn't clear. It's natural that Talonguard would go after some of those since they are neighbors of the inactive settlement. There wasn't a conflict until the characters attempting to take the tower were assualted by another party. Being an acceptable target for all settlements involved we opted to jump in and help our overwhelmed ally finish claiming it. One of the assaulters repeatedly rushed back in until it seems their armor was destroyed so I hope they were having fun. Seeing Cald doing laps around the Tower was amusing too. We didn't really go after the dwarf since he was adding points for an entirely different Company and it was rather meaningless that far along.
Once that Tower was finally taken we started heading off north as originally planned before the attack happened. As we were passing through some of the other core six we noticed they had been taken by Ozems but now were being captured by the same assaulters that had tried to stop Talonguard. We thought about trouncing them as well but decided not to since Talonguard wasn't being involved. Just as we were leaving the area Bringslite came into view. When that happened we were ready to do an about face and help him get his Towers back if he needed it but found out he was letting them be taken for Guardheim. Once we found out about that we left, not our problem.
My post was really to say that if Stoneroot Glade or Talonguard becomes involved in a combat situation, that Tavernhold might appear to help. Or we might just kick back and watch the fight with a few good drinks on hand. It's really a toss up.
On another note, it's good to see Guardheim up and moving. :)

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Greetings from Brighthaven!
I believe I talked and greeted you gentlemen before on your own website. Glad you are active and playing the game, and Takasi has joined you (he is a solid guy). If you ever want to discuss anything, talk about trading, or game mechanics, just message me here on the forums or contact us through our mumble.
Port: 64738
Everbloom Alliance Council Member
The Empyrean Order Military Leader

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@ Ravenlute
It was a strange situation indeed!
Two of InVigil's members did indeed fight until thier last weapons broke. They are pretty damn good too, according to thier "Social" catagory achievements. :)
The fault is mine that anything happened at all. Should have reached out to Azure earlier instead of assuming (wednesday morning) that since Talonguard only held one tower there, that-that was the extent of their interest in them.
Once Alkaid and I had a talk, we figured out a solution. He seems like a solid, good guy. Very reasonable in a situation that could have all gone terribly wrong.
He will be a very effective leader for Talonguard.

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To clarify, Takasi is still a member of Stoneroot who is crafting and supporting the startup economy at Guardheim. We are trying to support as many neighbours we can in their endeavours. While most of our crafters are based out of Talonguard, we have a few who work from Guardheim, Takasi being one. We negotiated a trade agreement with Alderwag prior to EE and it was a favoured site for one of our crafters during Alpha, and may be again if they become active.
Personally (not necessarily the official opinion of Stoneroot Glade) I see an interesting opportunity for the development of a trade corridor across the North - Talonguard-Guardheim-Callambea-?and further?

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It was all in good fun. I'm glad to hear that Bringslite and Alkaid talked.
My reference to Terra Firma's Towers was their core six, not their ownership of them but that wasn't clear. It's natural that Talonguard would go after some of those since they are neighbors of the inactive settlement. There wasn't a conflict until the characters attempting to take the tower were assualted by another party. Being an acceptable target for all settlements involved we opted to jump in and help our overwhelmed ally finish claiming it.
I wonder if anyone from Tavernhold considered that by helping their ally Talonguard take a tower from their ally Ozem's Vigil, they technically violated the Free Highlander's agreement they are part of, which precludes action against another Highlander that has already taken a tower?

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Ravenlute wrote:I wonder if anyone from Tavernhold considered that by helping their ally Talonguard take a tower from their ally Ozem's Vigil, they technically violated the Free Highlander's agreement they are part of, which precludes action against another Highlander that has already taken a tower?It was all in good fun. I'm glad to hear that Bringslite and Alkaid talked.
My reference to Terra Firma's Towers was their core six, not their ownership of them but that wasn't clear. It's natural that Talonguard would go after some of those since they are neighbors of the inactive settlement. There wasn't a conflict until the characters attempting to take the tower were assualted by another party. Being an acceptable target for all settlements involved we opted to jump in and help our overwhelmed ally finish claiming it.
It is my understanding that the Highlander agreement has been dissolved as many within the agreement found the general NAP to be sufficient.
As for the taking of the other towers, Talonguard is well within their rights to secure whatever towers they want to increase their holdings and their settlement.
Tavernhold assisting them is their choice. If members of Ozem's Vigil has a problem with that, that is their problem.
In my opinion we should evaluate all settlements in the area, as a few are focused on crafting. Callambea and Alderwag included.
Seeing all of these settlements grow is in everyone's best interest at the moment. In the coming months this situation might become a little more tricky to navigate, but hopefully we can come to a relatively peaceful solution instead of some all out war filled with bluster posts in the forums. I'm not saying that this is what is happening right now, just addressing an issue that might rise in the future.
Border/Skirmish conflicts I expect to happen even among relatively peaceful neighbors.
For myself I have no ill-will for Talonguard or Tavernhold for what they did and understand why they did it.

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We have discussed dissolving the pertinent portion of the Free Highlanders, and groups were to take that back to their members. No decision was enacted as the talks were quite informal.
I indicated no intention to make an issue of it, it simply struck me as funny that Tavernhold apparently didn't realize that by defending one ally they were attacking another. As mentioned previously, Bringslite and Alkaid talked, and I don't think there is any enmity between the two groups. Purely amusement.

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Ravenlute wrote:I wonder if anyone from Tavernhold considered that by helping their ally Talonguard take a tower from their ally Ozem's Vigil, they technically violated the Free Highlander's agreement they are part of, which precludes action against another Highlander that has already taken a tower?It was all in good fun. I'm glad to hear that Bringslite and Alkaid talked.
My reference to Terra Firma's Towers was their core six, not their ownership of them but that wasn't clear. It's natural that Talonguard would go after some of those since they are neighbors of the inactive settlement. There wasn't a conflict until the characters attempting to take the tower were assualted by another party. Being an acceptable target for all settlements involved we opted to jump in and help our overwhelmed ally finish claiming it.
That would be an interesting tangle except that at our last Highland Fair we all basically agreed to let the original dinosaur Free Highlander Tower agreement go to it's final rest.
There is the new World Wide Core 6 NAP. That is sufficient and allows for a bit of fun. :)

Cald Heurad |

Kabal and Ozem's Vigil have been good friends to Guardheim, Ozem's to the extent of taking towers for us that they suggested we take from them at first opportunity when they realized Alderwag would be needing theirs. I had a very refreshing little war with a member of Talonguard, but when reinforcements came, discretion quickly overcame my valor. When Ozem's went so far as to run several hexes to my assistance, I did what I could, but faced an impossible task after my allies lost their armor. (It was also no small benefit to Talonguard that one or two of the Ozem's members didn't know who I was by name, so we managed to kill each other a couple of times.)
Bringslite very kindly negotiated a deal with a member of Talonguard that may see us both able to grow for now. I came away with nothing but respect for all of the people involved, and look forward to further action, both against, and beside, others in the Highlands.

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... one or two of the Ozem's members didn't know who I was by name, so we managed to kill each other a couple of times.
I have a feeling there will be lots of oldtimer stories along these lines. One of our new members had me nearly dead as I was joining them to help capture a Tower; fortunately, he was in TeamSpeak with us and my frantic "Rook! Stop! That's me!" got through pretty quickly :)

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There were apparently some miscommunications on our end regarding Guardheim.
The person who is the leader of the Guild that won this Settlement in the Land Rush has not been in contact with us and we were asked to assign someone else to lead the Settlement in that person's absence.
Our policy is not to do this. We respect the right of the people who won the Settlements in the Land Rush to decide when they're ready to start playing the game. Right now only 4-5 of them have been essentially running silent, out of 33 Settlements, so there's plenty of options for players to connect with in-game.
Until we decide that it is necessary for the health of the game to recycle unused Settlements and run a promotion to assign new leaders, we are not reassigning Settlements unless the people who control them ask us to do so.
So we have deactivated the Guardheim Settlement in the database, and Inguard is no longer the leading Company for that Settlement.
I want to stress that this was an internal communication and policy decision by Goblinworks, and that no one did anything wrong in this matter. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me directly at ryan@goblinworks.com and I'll be happy to answer your questions.

Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. |

Cald Heurad wrote:... one or two of the Ozem's members didn't know who I was by name, so we managed to kill each other a couple of times.I have a feeling there will be lots of oldtimer stories along these lines. One of our new members had me nearly dead as I was joining them to help capture a Tower; fortunately, he was in TeamSpeak with us and my frantic "Rook! Stop! That's me!" got through pretty quickly :)
I hope you praised him for his instincts though? :D

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Are facility ratings tied to Towers yet?
Stoneroot should have a higher rating than Guardheim at this point but that does not appear to be the case. What is the calculation method, is it working and if not when will it?
As far as I know, the facility ratings aren't displaying correctly yet.
To reality check the difference between the two settlements, try using the same character to start identical crafting jobs in both settlements. The time to complete the project will be faster in the settlement with the higher rating.

Cald Heurad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I didn't have high hopes when I first requested the chance to accept company members for Guardheim, though I enjoyed having a company and interacting with the surrounding groups. There are two clear sayings that cover it all. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and Easy come, easy go. I hope I added a little color to the north, even if it was only a pale puce. If there's any inconvenience, it's the time I put into a write-up of the settlement's first, and for now, only, week.

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I am not clear; is Guardheim now an inactive PC settlement with no towers and training equal to NPC settlements?
If yes,
Is Alderwag (the other Free Highlander crafting settlement)active, with towers and improved crafting times?
If no,
Is anyone in contact with Guardheim leadership?
Thanks for clarifying.