50 Shades of Goblin: Goblin Variants

Homebrew and House Rules

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We all know of arctic goblins, furry yeti-like little monsters. We know of the cave-dwelling, big-eyed, spider-limbed little freaks, deep goblins. Heck, there are even over-sized goblins, that are...well, over-sized. See? Lots.

But goblins are as adaptable as they are fecund, and new subraces develop every year. Many of them die out quickly, but a few endure. Let's see if we can't list a few more.

1. Fluttergoblins: These delicate-looking goblins possess a pair of gossamer butterfly wings—wings one size too small for them. They gain a Fly speed of 10 feet (clumsy) and Hover as a bonus feat, but take a -2 penalty to Constitution. Fluttergoblins tend to be extremely fat, as using their wings seems to require much less energy for some reason.

Sea Goblins (CR 3): These goblins are not actually aquatic, but do possess swim speeds of 20 feet. Sea goblins have 2 humanoid hit dice and suffer a Wisdom penalty instead of a Charisma penalty. They also have the harpy's Captivating Song ability, with a few changes.

Captivating Song (Su) A sea goblin's song has the power to infect the minds of those that hear it, calling them to the harpy's side. When a sea goblin sings, all creatures aside from other harpies within a 100-foot spread must succeed on a Will saving throw or become captivated. A creature that successfully saves is not subject to the same goblin's's song for 24 hours. A victim under the effects of the captivating song moves toward the goblin using the most direct means available. If the path leads them into a dangerous area such as through fire or off a cliff, that creature receives a second saving throw to end the effect before moving into peril. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to defend themselves. A victim within 5 feet of the sea goblin simply stands and offers no resistance to the goblin's attacks. This effect continues for as long as the sea goblin sings and for 1 round thereafter. This is a sonic mind-affecting charm effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

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this could help spawn more ideas as well. also...MEGADOT!

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3. Spellsmell Goblins: These beak-nosed goblins are affected as if by a constant detect magic spell. This ability is lost if they ever lose their sense of smell. They love eating magic things, organic or no, and are constantly on the hunt for more. Sometimes hobgoblins like to tie spellsmell goblins to long sticks and wave them at piles of treasure, taking whatever the goblin snaps at for closer examination. Spellsmell goblins take a -2 penalty to Intelligence, lose the Skilled racial trait, and reduce their Darkvision to 15 feet.

4. Brighteyes: Another popular tool of the hobgoblins, these goblins' big golden eyes are constantly darting about, never ceasing to seek out new and exciting things. Hobgoblins like to put them on big stakes, stick them at camp entrances, and put huge bulb horns in their mouths to squeeze if they see danger (or a squirrel, the hobgoblins soon learn). Brighteyes gain a +4 bonus to Perception checks, and they are able to add their Dexterity bonus to Perception checks in place of their Wisdom bonus. However, they gain the light sensitivity racial trait, take a -4 penalty on all saves vs. sight-based effects, and can never choose to avert their eyes from creatures with gaze attacks like the medusa. If a brighteyes goblin is ever blinded (whether by a spell or by a blindfold), they must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. They do not gain the Skilled racial trait.

5. Bouncing Goblins: The bane of those flying creatures that thought they were safe, and also everything else, bouncing goblins bounce. Hobgoblins sometimes like to use bouncing goblins to bounce against other bouncing goblins so they all go away and there are no more bouncing goblins. Bouncing goblins gain a +2 bonus on all Acrobatics checks made to jump. In addition, the first 1d6 of falling damage a bouncing goblin takes is automatically negated, and the next 1d6 is converted to nonlethal damage. This does not take into account additional reductions. When a bouncing goblin falls, they must automatically make an Acrobatics check to make a jump—though they can choose the direction, and whether it's a long jump or a high jump. A bouncing goblin can count feet fallen as part of a running start. For every five feet a bouncing goblin falls, they gain a +16 bonus on the check. Falling damage does not interfere with this check. Even if the bouncing goblin is dead when he hits the ground, he still bounces where he wanted to bounce, which tends to make quite a mess. Bouncing goblins lose the Skilled racial trait and take a -2 penalty to Wisdom.

Due to their extreme love of breaking things—greater even than the innate goblin love of fire—bouncing goblins are hated by all sentient creatures. Except ogres. Ogres really like bouncing goblins, and like to keep them as pets. This arrangement generally lasts a day or so.

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6. Stinker Goblins: Some spend far too much of their time around goblin dogs. These goblins have an almost symbiotic relationship with the dogs and are definitely....marked...by it. Stinker goblins have the goblin dogs allergic reaction ability but do not gain a racial bonus to stealth, its hard to hide the smell. hobgoblins typically kill the buggers on sight, or rather smell, as they are otherwise too unpleasant to be around for non-goblins.

7. Molluscfriend Goblins: This elite race of goblin pirates has perfected the art of octopus training. Eventually, the idiots decided to try expanding the skillset. Molluscfriend goblins gain a +4 bonus on all Handle Animal or Wild Empathy checks for molluscs, and may always select the octopus, squid, sea cucumber (treated as giant slug), or jellyfish (which doesn't exist yet, but should) as a companion if they have levels in a class that imitates the druid's animal companion ability. They do not gain a bonus to Stealth.

8. Bluecollar Goblins: These goblins are found in enclaves outside of larger goblin dwellings or within the confines of hobgoblin settlements, who appreciate their industriousness and work ethic. Bluecollar goblins suffer no Strength penalty, have a +2 to Intelligence and +2 Constitution, and get +4 racial bonuses to Craft, Knowledge (construction) and Profession skills. These replace the racial bonuses to Ride and Stealth. They also speak Dwarven. They keep nice dwellings, and often fix up the run-down homes that they move into. Other goblins marvel at the indoor plumbing and properly-hung doors and cabinets.

The theme of Wayfinder #14 is "Monsters." Would you guys consider maybe submitting a goblin variants article for it?

Or KC, maybe something about pygmy otyugh variants? :)

9. Shameless plug for the HEMAGOBLIN! (OK, so its really a hobgoblin...)

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Phil Greeley/Rochandil Calenlad wrote:
8. Bluecollar Goblins: These goblins are found in enclaves outside of larger goblin dwellings or within the confines of hobgoblin settlements, who appreciate their industriousness and work ethic. Bluecollar goblins suffer no Strength penalty, have a +2 to Intelligence and +2 Constitution, and get +4 racial bonuses to Craft, Knowledge (construction) and Profession skills. These replace the racial bonuses to Ride and Stealth. They also speak Dwarven. They keep nice dwellings, and often fix up the run-down homes that they move into. Other goblins marvel at the indoor plumbing and properly-hung doors and cabinets.


Phil Greeley/Rochandil Calenlad wrote:
9. Shameless plug for the HEMAGOBLIN! (OK, so its really a hobgoblin...)

Believe it or not, that was the inspiration for this thread. :P

Ambrosia Slaad, I'm thinking about it. I'd probably have to make a new list, to avoid repeating stuff from this thread, but that could be fun.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Phil Greeley/Rochandil Calenlad wrote:
9. Shameless plug for the HEMAGOBLIN! (OK, so its really a hobgoblin...)
Believe it or not, that was the inspiration for this thread. :P

Cool beans! I wondered about that!

10. Goblin Dog Trainer: Doesn't exist.


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11. P.U. Stabby Toadhed, incensed confessional Things-Knowerz, here to tell all weak-minded pink-fleshies (scientological term for hugh-manz) about how your litocrazy weakens your minds's.

Weading makes yous' mind grow softy as yous flesh, becuz memory no longers has to work as hard. Wheez Goblins Intelligentzia know betters than to think writings steels soulz. But we knowz from our great leader Soccer-crates that writingz weakinz the mind.

Insteads of using righting, you should use pneumatics to remembers thingz. Explore your memory palace; it's a plush place to lives! Build meaningful a-goat-iations of things in yur hed. Because wes do it, we Goblins Intellegentrymenica have the best mammaries.

Despite our great wrinkle-brainzs, wez is also increiblydulously humble. Do knots believe whats yous hears about us being SNOBGOBLINS!

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Ironmuncher Goblins, the bane of all blacksmiths. Ironmuncher goblins gain a +4 to sunder attempts against metal based objects when made with bite attacks, and can ignore the first 5 points of hardness. This iron heavy diet gives them +2 constitution but -2 to dexterity from all that extra weight.

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Oh man, dot.

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13. True Snakehair Goblins: These goblins are born to other types of goblins, but "blessed" by Lamashtu, chosen to be the vassals of those medusas faithful to the Mother of All Monsters. They are generally driven out or killed by the other goblins once their true nature is revealed, as it's a highly enviable occupation. Unlike most goblins, snakehair goblins have lovely flowing green hair, as well as large serpentine eyes.
The snakehair goblins are skilled agents of the medusas, using their gnomelike looks to lure unwary travelers into the lairs of their beloved mistresses. Alone, a snakehair goblin is no particular threat, but once they find a medusa to serve, they become very dangerous indeed. Snakehair goblins are generally regarded as cleverer than their cousins, but this isn't fair—more accurate would be to say that they are more focused. They can still make the same idiotic blunders as other goblins if lacking a medusa's firm guidance.

Snakehair goblins gain a +2 bonus to Charisma and Dexterity, but a -2 penalty to Strength. They gain a +8 bonus on Disguise checks made to pretend to be gnomes, but lose the Skilled trait. Snakehair goblins also gain a +2 bonus on saves against poison, thanks to frequent "pranks" from their capricious mistresses.

14. False Snakehair Goblins: These goblins really, really wanted to be snakehair goblins. They weren't. Generally seen wearing plants on their heads to imitate snakehair goblins' long tresses, they are an extremely quiet lot. False snakehair goblins gain a +4 bonus to Constitution, but a -18 to Dexterity. They gain a +10 bonus to their CMD versus trip attempts. They gain Hardness 8.

The title to this thread and its similarity to a that of a popular erotic novel have seared my brain with the heat of a thousand suns. Mind bleach please!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Corvino wrote:
The title to this thread and its similarity to a that of a popular erotic novel have seared my brain with the heat of a thousand suns. Mind bleach please!

Then you probably REALLY don't want to hear about number

15. Eroti-goblins. A culture of goblins that focus their energy not on Thanatos, the death instinct, but Eros, the life instinct (trending more toward neutrality than evil). Instead of killing or maiming, they focus their chaotic energies on love-making and eroticism. Of course, this being goblins (they still have the Charisma penalty), it is awkward and bizarre by human standards. You can imagine the hours long quasi-tantric rituals the goblins might go through.

16. Grey Goblins (CR 3): There are only known to be fifty of these terrifying creatures in existence. Some claim they're the product of a union between bugbear and goblin; bugbears vehemently deny this. In fact, grey goblins tend to come into conflict with bugbears and similar creatures, viewing them as "poachers". Grey goblins possess silvery skin, unruly dark copper-colored hair, and intense, bright gray eyes that regard others shrewdly.
Grey goblins possess immunity to effects dependent on pain, such as spells with the (Pain) descriptor. They gain a +4 on saves against fear. Grey goblins have 4 humanoid hit dice (taking Agile Maneuvers and Weapon Finesse), and possess the following ability scores: 14 Strength, 18 Dexterity, 17 Constitution, 12 Intelligence, 15 Wisdom, 20 Charisma.
Grey goblins have charm person, whip of spiders, and vanish as at-will spell-like abilities, using their Charisma modifier to determine the save DCs. Unlike the normal charm person, this version of the spell is not limited by obviously harmful orders, only suicidal ones. Grey goblins gain a +8 bonus on opposed Charisma checks for this spell. Grey goblins cannot convert spider whips into spider swarms.
Grey goblins are always proficient with whips, scorpion whips, and bolas, and gain Improved Trip as a bonus feat. Any whip or scorpion whip they wield functions as if it were a +1 vicious weapon. Grey goblins always take half damage from this effect.

Dark Archive

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Oh hey, a new thread to inspire creativity! Woo!

17. Aquagoblins / Gillblins - standard goblins with the aquatic subtype, reduced land speed to 20 ft., added 40 ft. swim speed and a bite attack using their shark-like teeth (1d4 damage, crits on a 19-20). Fingers and toes are boneless and tentacular, separated by webs, which also manifest between arms and torso, and their legs.

18. Goblotaurs - combines features of a goblin and a minotaur, having hooved feet and furry bodies and the head of a bull, but the size of a goblin. Has a gore attack for 1d4 damage and powerful charge (x2 damage with gore on a charge). Racial attribute modifiers are +2 Dex and -2 Int (no Str or Cha penalty), and replaces the racial +4 bonus to Ride & Stealth with a +2 racial bonus to Perception, Stealth and Survival. Can use oversized (Medium) weapons without penalty, due to large build, preferring greataxes and longspears. Rarely found in Medium size, using Large weapons.

19. Gobblers - gobblers jaws can distend, and have a flexible bulging sac-like throat and stomach, affording them not only a bite attack out of proportion to their size (1d6), but also the grab and swallow whole property (only applying to size Tiny or smaller prey, 1d4 acid damage, AC 10, 1 hp), generally of no concern to adventurers who don't have familiars.

20. Bargobs - these goblins claim to be in some way related to or 'blessed' by the barghests spawned by their demi-deities. They have a bite attack (1d4 damage), supernaturally tough hides (DR / silver equal to HD, max 5), and some limited supernatural abilities, such as the ability to feather fall (self only) for a number of rounds equal to their HD, and the ability to dimensional step as a Conjuration Specialist Wizard of level equal to their HD (although they gain this capability at 1 HD, instead of 8th level).

21. Goblin Bears These goblins emulate bugbears, whom they idolize to the point of near worship, in all things. They possess no traits any different than any other goblin, despite these pretentions of 'scariness,' and bugbears kill them on sight, being offended by these tiny skulking poseurs.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

22. Sobgoblins are self-pitying goblins that have evolved defenses that tap into the goblin pathetic-cute vibe to defend themselves. Their pathetic cries for mercy are able to stop even unintelligent predators in their tracks. But if all else fails and there are enough of them, they can unleash a whine of death that acts as a wail of death .

23. Field goblins are less malicious but more parasitic than their goblin kin. They are Diminutive to Tiny sized (with the occasional Fine sized clan), having bred from generations of goblin runts who, unable to keep up with their larger, meaner kin, stooped to stealing and scavenging from the fringes of human civilization until they were small enough to sneak into the fields and homes and takes up residence much like rats.

A mundane scarecrow will keep field goblins at bay for 1d4 days while they figure out it's not alive. But after which time will they begin changing its clothes into various obscene, inappropriate, or even completely anachronistic costumes. (It is unknown where they get this clothing.)

Rather than the normal goblin affinity for goblin dogs and wolves (both often consider field goblins to be a delicacy), the field goblins have an affinity for crows and dire crows. Field goblins sometimes ride them and bombard particularly annoying humans with eggs, poopoo, stink bombs, or rotten food. That is, when the goblins can tame the crows. Like the canines, corvids also frequently consider field goblins delicacies.

24. Pseudogoblin - despite an uncanny resemblance to a halfling, this creature is in fact a true goblin.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

5. Bouncing Goblins: The bane of those flying creatures that thought they were safe, and also everything else, bouncing goblins bounce. Hobgoblins sometimes like to use bouncing goblins to bounce against other bouncing goblins so they all go away and there are no more bouncing goblins. Bouncing goblins gain a +2 bonus on all Acrobatics checks made to jump. In addition, the first 1d6 of falling damage a bouncing goblin takes is automatically negated, and the next 1d6 is converted to nonlethal damage. This does not take into account additional reductions. When a bouncing...

The most insane thing is that this actually exists already in the Monster Codex (as a feat). I didn't know that at the time. Apparently the idea of bouncey goblins is just a universal constant.

Keydan wrote:
24. Pseudogoblin - despite an uncanny resemblance to a halfling, this creature is in fact a true goblin.

Lord Of The Rings Online: Bugan

Dark Archive

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
The most insane thing is that this actually exists already in the Monster Codex (as a feat). I didn't know that at the time. Apparently the idea of bouncey goblins is just a universal constant.

Now we just need a variant that can eat a bunch of cabbage and inflate comically to float over an area, and then 'attack' by discharging the gas that's holding them aloft as a weak stinking cloud effect (just sickness, not nausea), at the risk of sending them careening around wildly and slamming into folk in the process. (Because of this tendency, they strap on spiked armor before going into fights, and ground bound goblins keep them from drifting off by holding ropes tied to them, pulling them along like swollen goblin balloons...)

Infernogoblin: Their fascination with fire often brings some tribes of goblins into coexistence with fire elementals. such tribes often have children that are marked by that fact. Infernogoblin sorcerers with the elemental(fire) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 4 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities but gain the weakness to cold monster ability. Whenever an infernogoblin gains a bonus feat via a class feature they may instead select the flameheart feat instead. This replaces skilled

Stomplins: These goblins have oversized feet almost as big as their heads, and they love to let everyone know. Stomplins do not gain the +4 Stealth bonus from being small, but gain a +4 bonus to CMD against bull rush and trips attempts. Additionally, they gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat but only with their feet rather than fists, dealing unarmed damage as a creature one size larger.

Shadow Lodge

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
3. Spellsmell Goblins: These beak-nosed goblins are affected as if by a constant detect magic spell. This ability is lost if they ever lose their sense of smell. They love eating magic things, organic or no, and are constantly on the hunt for more. Sometimes hobgoblins like to tie spellsmell goblins to long sticks and wave them at piles of treasure, taking whatever the goblin snaps at for closer examination. Spellsmell goblins take a -2 penalty to Intelligence, lose the Skilled racial trait, and reduce their Darkvision to 15 feet.

Spellsniffer. :)

Dark Archive

So if Infernogoblins are 25 and Stomplins are 26;

27. Trolblins These goblins resemble small trolls, and possess normal goblin traits, claws that do 1d3, a bite for 1d4, and fast healing 3.

28. Goblin Scalywag Related to both Goblin Snake and Goblin, these scaly goblins have +1 natural armor, and the bite attack, poison belch and snake empathy traits of goblin snakes. They have a knack for sorcery, and instead of the traditional goblin penalty to Charisma, they have a +2 racial bonus to Charisma.

Set wrote:

So if Infernogoblins are 25 and Stomplins are 26;

27. Trolblins These goblins resemble small trolls, and possess normal goblin traits, claws that do 1d3, a bite for 1d4, and fast healing 3.

Troblins? I have to deal with troblins everywhere!

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

From my own world...
29. Gloom Goblins

Gloom Goblins are touched by fae magic. The tend to live on the outskirts of settled area, their amusements are often more mental - preferring to confuse, trick and befuddle their targets as opposed to normal goblins desires to burn and deface. However Gloom Goblins are even more prone to making poor choices without considering the consequences of their actions.

Ability Score Modifiers (–2 Str, +4 Dex,-2 wis)

Gloom Magic: add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against any mind-affecting and darkness spells that they cast. Gloom Goblins with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—Haunted Fey Aspect, Prestidigitation, Unwitting Ally. The caster level for these effects is equal to the goblin's level; the DCs are Charisma-based.

Scavenging Sneak: Gloom Goblins gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise, Perception, and Stealth checks.

These replace the standard goblin ability score modifiers and the Sneaky Rider trait.

Dark Archive

the Lorax wrote:

From my own world...

29. Gloom Goblins
Gloom Goblins are touched by fae magic.

Ooh, I like these.

In a previous homebrew of mine, goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears were unseelie fey counterparts to gnomes, elves and a third extinct race (the bugbears totally annihilated their seelie counterparts).

So the idea of there being goblins with gnome-like fey connections is totally cool (although PF pretty used the wayang to create shadow plane 'anti-gnomes').


These big headed goblins have big fat black tongues and a literal hunger. They are constantly effect as tho under read magic, but in order to read any scroll or spellbooks they must lick the lettering. They can even read mundane writing in this manner if they can speak the language. Other goblins dont seem to mind the fact they can read like this and in fact this doesn't count as reading for the purposes of setting off runes activated upon reading (such as exploding runes). They can subsist solely upon magic writings with each level of spell counting as a meal. They are mostly kept around camp as they are cheap to feed, using up otherwise mostly useless scrolls from unlucky wizards, and occasionally useful. They gain a +4 to UMD to decipher magical text or to cast from a scroll. They may compare the ability score needed to cast the scroll to their Constitution instead of INT, WIS or CHA. A natural 1 on this roll leaves the goblin nauseated for an hour per level of spell they tried to cast.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Set wrote:
the Lorax wrote:

From my own world...

29. Gloom Goblins
Gloom Goblins are touched by fae magic.

Ooh, I like these.

Thanks, in my homebrew, I do try to keep the number of races, particularly the "civilized" races (if such can apply to goblins) down.

I could certainly see wayang as being similar - never had a player want to play one either a Waylang or a Goblin, so not much of an issue really - MUCH BIGGER fish to fry.

I even have used ...

31. Giant Goblins:
Giant Goblins
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution: giant goblins are fast and hearty.
Big: giant goblins are size medium
Darkvision: giant goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Domineering Sneak: giant goblins gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth and intimidate checks.

These are pretty much just Hobgoblins with the "Hob-" filed off.

But over the decades I've not always remembered to use "giant goblins" instead of hobgoblins...oh well.

32. Purplesksin Goblin

The skin of these goblins is of a deep shade of purple due to their diet primarily consisting of vegepygmies. Their ears are also unusually long and must be trimmed monthly to avoid other goblins walking and tripping over them.

Purpleskin goblins have a +4 bonus to hide in areas primarily consisting of purple hues. In addition, Purpleskin goblins are immune to the violet effect of a prismatic ray or prismatic wall .

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