The list has "Toymaker's Hammer" and "The Toymaker's Hammer"
is that a mistake or is that this year's Orc Torc?
There seem to be two "Grasping Shields," two "Guiding Stars," and two "Rings of the Champion" in the running this year. Can anyone confirm that?
Also, a "Rod of Imaging" and a "Rod of Imagining" both appear on the list. Can anyone confirm that one is not just a typo for the other?
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Eric Morton wrote: There seem to be two "Grasping Shields," two "Guiding Stars," and two "Rings of the Champion" in the running this year. Can anyone confirm that?
Also, a "Rod of Imaging" and a "Rod of Imagining" both appear on the list. Can anyone confirm that one is not just a typo for the other?
I'll confirm the first three, the last one I am unsure of for now.
I have seen 2 different Guiding Stars
As far as I can tell there is no rod of imaging.
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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
theheadkase wrote: As far as I can tell there is no rod of imaging. Just like there is no spoon...
I meant to say "Rod of Perfect Imaging" and "Rod of Perfect Imagining," by the way.
I removed "Rod of Perfect Imaging" because I think it was a typo. If someone does see it (as opposed to the "Rod of Perfect Imagining"), they can just add it to the list again.
Other possible duplicates on the list:
"Blood Letters Ring" and "The Blood Letters Ring"
"Staff of Cacophanous Earth" and "Staff of the Cacophonous Earth"
Staff of the Cacophonous Earth just came up in my voting pair, so that's definitely the correct version. Not sure though whether there's also one without the "the" in it, though I also would assume that's a duplicate.
Removed a few suspected duplicates:
Removed "Blood Letters Ring" (kept "The Blood Letters Ring").
Removed "Staff of the Cacophonous Earth" (kept "Staff of Cacophonous Earth").
Removed "Staff of the Imperials" (kept "Staff of Imperials").
Removed "The Toymaker's Hammer" (kept "Toymaker's Hammer").
Edit: I'm not 100% sure on that last one. If the item name does have a "the" in it, someone can add that back in.
If it wouldn't break the autosum, it could be beneficial to add a header row for a big red warning along the lines of "Please check for your item's name both with and without "The" included in it anywhere".
Possibly reduce the chance of this type of duplication from recurring.
Staff of the Cacophonous Earth definitely did have the "the" in it.
Added "the" to the "Staff of the Cacophonous Earth" item name.
Removed "Pacaroon's Pistol" (which seemed to be a typo duplicate of "Picaroon's Pistol").
"The Toymaker's Hammer" is definitely an item. I just had it show up.
Covent wrote: "The Toymaker's Hammer" is definitely an item. I just had it show up. Is that in addition to or in place of "Toymaker's Hammer"?
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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Marathon is getting close now, less than a 100 votes to go :)
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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
And I'm there - "Mr Triple Snickers Bar" is mine! :D
(Snickers used to be manly and ruggedly named as a "Marathon" bar before they globalized to the derisive laugh name it now has!)
Unique items seen 726
Approx unseen items - 70 to 80 or so.
Now that we have almost two weeks of voting complete, I am sure many of you have lists. I am more than willing to share my list with anybody that is interested and of course I ask anyone interested to share their's with me. If interested please PM me.
Last year this was a great exercise for me. It helped me to re-examine some items that I originally kept, some items I had dismissed and it let me know there were items out there that I hadn't seen yet, which helped me to continue the slog that voting sometimes becomes.
Eric Morton wrote: There seem to be two "Grasping Shields," two "Guiding Stars," and two "Rings of the Champion" in the running this year. Can anyone confirm that?
Also, a "Rod of Imaging" and a "Rod of Imagining" both appear on the list. Can anyone confirm that one is not just a typo for the other?
items/Ring of the Champion - 124 Words items/Ring of the Champion - 287 Words
items/Grasping Shield - 149 Words items/Grasping Shield - 218 Words
items/Guiding Star - 271 Words items/Guiding Star - 298 Words
I only see one Rod:
items/Rod of Perfect Imagining - 112 Words
James Risner wrote: Eric Morton wrote: There seem to be two "Grasping Shields," two "Guiding Stars," and two "Rings of the Champion" in the running this year. Can anyone confirm that?
Also, a "Rod of Imaging" and a "Rod of Imagining" both appear on the list. Can anyone confirm that one is not just a typo for the other?
items/Ring of the Champion - 124 Words items/Ring of the Champion - 287 Words
items/Grasping Shield - 149 Words items/Grasping Shield - 218 Words
items/Guiding Star - 271 Words items/Guiding Star - 298 Words
I only see one Rod:
items/Rod of Perfect Imagining - 112 Words I'm pretty sure there is both an Imagining and an Imaging Staff, two similar yet very different entries.
Andrew Black wrote: I'm pretty sure there is both an Imagining and an Imaging Staff, two similar yet very different entries. I can say authoritatively in 745 votes, I haven't seen either item:
snort round-1 # ls items/*magin*
items/Rod of Perfect Imagining - 112 Words
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All you Unix/Linux nerds...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Need to get a grep...
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The Kyoketsu Shoge item was in twice using two different names. I deleted the one using only a single name.
Right, it had a different name for itself in the first paragraph.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I located another "The" duplicate and deleted it.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Finally, the longest named item is definitely a ring, stated so in the title and description. Ignore the mistake in the requirements line. I just tried to edit that and for some reason couldn't.
Also, there is ring I suspect is a duplicate of the one right next to it but can't say for certain. If I see the item again, I'll be able to say.
I added an item that was not on the list and determined that are definitely two items that I haven't seen yet. One is most definitely the last chakram. >.<
I've removed "Blood Letters Ring" several times, since I've only ever seen "The Blood Letters Ring" (which is also on the list), but people keep adding "Blood Letters Ring" to the list again. I'm fairly sure it shouldn't be there.
Edit: Also, "Elemental Sword" and "The Elemental Sword" may be duplicates. I'm not sure.
I've only ever seen "The Elemental Sword".
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Eric Morton wrote: I've removed "Blood Letters Ring" several times, since I've only ever seen "The Blood Letters Ring" (which is also on the list), but people keep adding "Blood Letters Ring" to the list again. I'm fairly sure it shouldn't be there.
Edit: Also, "Elemental Sword" and "The Elemental Sword" may be duplicates. I'm not sure.
Yep, Elemental Sword was a duplicate. I removed Blood Letters Ring as that was duplicated. I added another item that wasn't on the list that I missed by not realizing that particular duplicate was there.
"season" is the possible duplicate that I'm keeping an eye out for at this time.
When the cull happens we should make another list?
Why not take all of the "the" entries and rename them to "[Item Name], The"?
It'll be easier to spot any new duplicates that way.
I have received a couple of people's lists and would lke to get a couple more. If you are interesting in exchanging lists please PM me.
Suggestion, now that the cull has happened: rather than having to make a second list (though I see the sheet has already been there), just highlight items with a different text field background color as they get seen post-cull?
dien wrote: Suggestion, now that the cull has happened: rather than having to make a second list (though I see the sheet has already been there), just highlight items with a different text field background color as they get seen post-cull? Or just have everyone delete the items they don't see!
Nah, looks like people solidly committing to remaking the list... :P
Yes. Look at the bottom of the sheet, there's another tab that links to the post-cull list.
Whoo! Made the cull! :D
EDIT: Okay, I moved a few things around, made a new statistics table, and started assigning categories to the post-cull items. Seems we've got some collaboration going, so it should all be good to go soon.
Interesting. So far -- and it's probably still early -- a higher percentage of rings have been culled.
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James Risner wrote: You can't upgrade named weapons lolwut?
I'm just curious.
Did everyone include the first two items in their que after the cull? Chances are those were left there in the same way last year's items showed up as the first vote this year.
I could be wrong, but it makes sense.
Jacob W. Michaels wrote: Interesting. So far -- and it's probably still early -- a higher percentage of rings have been culled. Agreed, most of the other categories seem to have moved only about 2% so far.
Curaigh wrote: I'm just curious.
Did everyone include the first two items in their que after the cull? Chances are those were left there in the same way last year's items showed up as the first vote this year.
I could be wrong, but it makes sense.
I did not, for that very reason (the countdown timer was less than 60 seconds, indicating it was an old pair).
Whew, saw mine on the list.
Well mine got cut:( How do you know these items got cut/culled?
Dragon78 wrote: Well mine got cut:( How do you know these items got cut/culled? I don't think anyone knows (other than Paizo people) what items have been culled, it's just a list of items that have been seen so far post-cull.
Can we tell if they did a 25% or a 50% cull yet? I haven't spotted a new item in a while which makes me think they culled at 50%.
JJ Jordan wrote: Can we tell if they did a 25% or a 50% cull yet? I haven't spotted a new item in a while which makes me think they culled at 50%. As of 11:00 AM Eastern, 348 of the 804 entries have been recorded post-cull.
That's about 43%
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
JJ Jordan wrote: Can we tell if they did a 25% or a 50% cull yet? I haven't spotted a new item in a while which makes me think they culled at 50%. If they use past criteria, they will have cut any items that failed to get at least 40% up-votes each time they were paired. So the exact percentage of items could vary from year to year.