PFS feat for a support-ey level 5 oracle?


Scarab Sages

Okay, so, here's the deal. I haven't been playing PFS long, and I have two real PFS characters. A murder-death machine Samurai, (level 6), and "Thermin Oswin Grundersnutt." Grundersutt started off as kind of a joke character, a throwback to another character I had a while ago, and I never expected to have him live so long. But now he's level five and I have no idea what feat to get him. Keep in mind his character concept before just throwing out feats. Also, suggesting me to rebuild him or that I shouldn't have done X with him, well, that's not really helpful, now is it?

The thing is, I didn't really plan him out very specifically. I had a character concept and went with it, and I don't know where to go with him from here.

Character concept: Thermin is a gnomish LORE oracle of Nethys that is, quite possibly, the most boring gnome on Golarion. For most of his life, all he did all day was sit in his little house and research arcane theory. He'd occasionally 'be bothered' to assist adventurers in identifying magic items or be consulted for some sage-ish work, (he does have profession: sage) but mostly that was just so he could make money for food.

However, when he hit the age of 95, he started realizing that he was going through the bleaching (the youngest gnome to ever be recorded doing so) and so he decided to schlep on down and go to the local pathfinder lodge to sign up, in order to prevent him from going insane. He now (grudgingly) goes on missions, and does miscellaneous research work for the society, which he tolerates.

Grundersnutt: Level 5 Lawful Neutral Gnomish LORE Oracle of Nethys (Tongues curse)
Int:15 (level 4 level up +1)

languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Dwarven, Draconic, Thasalonian (from linguistics, this skill nets him the ability to break ciphers), Celestial (from curse), infernal (from curse)

Feats: Improved Initiative (level 1), Extra Revelation (level 3)
Traits: Excitable, Dangerously curious

Revelations: Sidestep Secret (1), Focused Trance (3), Brain Drain (feat)

Spells: 1) Cure light, Identify (Lore mystery), Liberating command, Protection from Evil, Bless, Comprehend Languages
2) Cure moderate wounds, Tongues(Lore mystery), Silence, Lesser Restoration

Grundersnutt has at least one rank in all knowledges (except nature, he doesn't care about the 'dirty outside stuff') a rank in appraise, and has max ranks in Diplomacy (he read 'how to win friends and influence people), knowledge arcana, knowledge religion, spellcraft, and Use magic Device.

HP:33, AC 20 (4 mithral chain shirt, 1 size, 4 charisma (Sidestep Secret), 1 buckler
Fort:+4, Ref+7 (Sidestep secret), Will +6 (Cloak of resistance +2)

Grand Lodge

Oracles tend not to be too feat intensive, and you already have some of the central revelations of the Lore mystery. Your strength (and size) indicate you're not going into melee, so the typical power attack is out.

You could go with Toughness for some extra survivability. Nimble Moves will allow you to 5-foot step in difficult terrain, which is very handy for a caster. Dodge will increase your AC by a little extra, etc.

Skill Focus: Knowledge and then Eldritch Heritage Arcane would let you pick up a familiar, which you can choose a composognathus and get yet another +4 to Initiative. It will also let you deliver touch spells, scout, etc.

Beyond that I can't really think of much. The Augment Summons chain of feats might work, but the prerequisite Spell Focus (Conjuration) is of limited use for an Oracle's spell list I think.

I'd think eldritch heritage (arcane) is right up this gnome's alley. I'd go skill focus: knowledge, arcana as the feat. Then you have a tiny little animal to run up and deliver your touch spells while the gnome stays in the back trying to stay away from the fighting.

Scarab Sages

Drogos wrote:
I'd think eldritch heritage (arcane) is right up this gnome's alley. I'd go skill focus: knowledge, arcana as the feat. Then you have a tiny little animal to run up and deliver your touch spells while the gnome stays in the back trying to stay away from the fighting.

The familiar ability says that the familiar needs to be touching me when I designate it to touch people, so I never really got the point of using it to deliver touch spells. I mean, if I could give my familiar to the fighter and then breath of life him should he go down, that'd be amazing, but it doesn't seem to work that way.

Dark Archive

Try Battlecry, give out saving throw rerolls.

You can write your own phrase for it too!

It's more an action economy cheat.


You move up, Cast BoL on familiar to deliver to downed fighter.

Familiar moves to fighter, delivers touch spell (should be free, but some GMs may run it as it's own standard action). Then familiar moves back to you.

Can be substituted for Bull's Strength, Cure Wounds, Protection from Evil, etc.

Other familiar benefits; aid another check with your skills, essentially skill focus for another one of your skills, role-playing aid. Of course, totally up to you, but in keeping with the description you provided that was the first thought I had.

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Dieben wrote:

Try Battlecry, give out saving throw rerolls.

You can write your own phrase for it too!

That is a ballin' feat, but he'd need to either drop 5 skill ranks into Perform, or wait until level 7 to meet the BAB requirement.

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Another option would be flag bearer for an always on group buff.

Scarab Sages

nicholas storm wrote:
Another option would be flag bearer for an always on group buff.

I thought about that. However, 1) Grundersnutt is a curmudgeonly old gnome who really isn't a flag-bearer type, and 2) Grundersnutt actually ends up using both hands a lot. Holding two wands (and alternating between them) holding a rod and casting a spell, grabbing stuff for the party to use.

As for battlecry, it says that PCs have to 'hear' you. Do they have to understand you? Remember, I only speak Celestial and Infernal in combat. Or can I just shout in a language the barbarian doesn't understand in order to make him better at fighting?

When in doubt, I usually recommend boosting saves.

Skill focus /knowledge(arcana) is remarkably in character, however.

tonyz wrote:

When in doubt, I usually recommend boosting saves.

Skill focus /knowledge(arcana) is remarkably in character, however.

Is "Divine Protection" not allowed in PFS?

or go a little angry-crazy and pick up those heritage chains.
Orc (str+8) and abyssal too (str+8) and become a bit more melee capable.

Ofcourse that would work better with mystery: fire and str/dex switching places.. but ohwell.

Grand Lodge

Arch_Bishop wrote:
tonyz wrote:

When in doubt, I usually recommend boosting saves.

Skill focus /knowledge(arcana) is remarkably in character, however.

Is "Divine Protection" not allowed in PFS?

Divine Protection is specifically banned in PFS.


Scarab Sages

Arch_Bishop wrote:
tonyz wrote:

When in doubt, I usually recommend boosting saves.

Skill focus /knowledge(arcana) is remarkably in character, however.

Is "Divine Protection" not allowed in PFS?

If divine protection was allowed in PFS the only question would be 'why haven't I gotten this before?"

Grand Lodge

VampByDay wrote:
Arch_Bishop wrote:
tonyz wrote:

When in doubt, I usually recommend boosting saves.

Skill focus /knowledge(arcana) is remarkably in character, however.

Is "Divine Protection" not allowed in PFS?
If divine protection was allowed in PFS the only question would be 'why haven't I gotten this before?"

Yeah, the feat basically outstrips three other feats easily, potentially six.

Scarab Sages

Okay, so I'm thinking:

Level 5: Skill focus: Knowledge-Arcana (for a total of +15 Knowledge Arcana at level 5, wooo!)

Level 7: Eldrich Heritage: Familiar

Level 9: Battle Cry (so long as I can Battlecry in one language and people who don't speak that language can still benefit.)

Options for familiars:

Raven or Parrot: While Appraise and Linguistics aren't exactly the BEST options for me, the ability for them to speak common would essentially circumvent my 'tounges' curse. The familiar can speak common, and can understand any language I speak (speak with master) which means it can translate for me in combat (probably not PERFECTLY, but it can do it well enough.)

Rhamphorhynchus: While the +2 to initiative isn't as tempting as the other +4 options, it has a 40 foot fly speed, letting it get everywhere. Plus it has a decent AC for its size if I send it into a dangerous area.

Toucan: Worse maneuverability than above, but still a 40 foot fly speed and the bonus to diplomacy is always nice.

Thrush is another choice for familiars that speak and fly, although your curmudgeonly Gnome may not care to gain any bonus to diplomacy.

familiars can't cast spells for you. You spend the standard action to cast and the familiar becomes your hand so to speak and delivers the spell. You could be more action economic with casting something designating your familiar as the toucher and having it hold the spell. uncomfortable yes, but if you're in a dungeon very reasonable. Another option would be to have imbue with spell ability and cast that on it. Take raven so that it can speak and therefore cast spells with verbal components.

Grand Lodge

If you are getting a familiar anyway, why not grab improved familiar and pick up a silvesheen agothian. You can do that at level 9 and supercharge healing with it via it's lay on hand.

Agothians have a lay on hands ability equal to a paladin of their HD, familiars treat your level as their HD (in this case, your level -2, due to the feat).

If you are dead set on a flying familiar, a homunculus (one that is improved to be able to speak and cast a few spells on it's own, alchemical handbook) can be great, especially as you will not always need to use your own spells.

Dark Archive

Even if they cannot understand you, battlecry should still work. If you fear table variation, then role play at the beginning of each scenario teaching the party the meanings of common phrases in Celestial and Infernal. View it as an opportunity for fun.

Scarab Sages

Dafydd wrote:

If you are getting a familiar anyway, why not grab improved familiar and pick up a silvesheen agothian. You can do that at level 9 and supercharge healing with it via it's lay on hand.

Agothians have a lay on hands ability equal to a paladin of their HD, familiars treat your level as their HD (in this case, your level -2, due to the feat).

If you are dead set on a flying familiar, a homunculus (one that is improved to be able to speak and cast a few spells on it's own, alchemical handbook) can be great, especially as you will not always need to use your own spells.

I dunno, three feats is a bit much for a familiar.

Plus, I mainly want my familiar to do things like deliver touch spells to my allies, like cure spells and breath of life.

There's the added part that outside of the specific creatures called out in the feat, I don't think you can get the Beastiary options without a boon (at least I know that's the case for a Faerie Dragon).

Grand Lodge

Ultimate magic added the agothian, however I am not sure about the modified homunculus. The generic homunculus is listed in the base list from CRB.

My thoughts were those options were able to deliver the touch spells as well as do other things, possibly conserving your spells.

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