Nickolas Floyd RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid |

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

I entered the first three years, made the top 16 in the first, zilch for year 2, and was selected as an Alternate for the third year but didn't get called up to the big leagues.
The past four years I have wanted to, and even had some rough drafts done, but always decided not to submit. I went to seminary and moved from KY to NE in that time. Even though I didn't enter I still followed and voted and kept up on things.
This year real life has settled down enough that I can actual submit again. Looking forward to this new incarnation of RPGSS!
Good Luck all, especially you Nick...this has to be your year.

michael patrick RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka michaeljpatrick |

I have been in the contest every year. The first year I misunderstood the concept. The second I went overboard with a thing that was way too powerful. The third I entered the same thing but renamed and rewritten. Then I spent a couple years getting close but not quite there. Made the top 32 last year.
Then I had an amazing idea for a monster to be in round two.
Right before the deadline I realized that I had subconsciously lifted it from a video game and went back to the drawing board and turned in the lackluster creature that some of you may recall.
Ironically someone else entered a monster similar to my original and I think made it at least to the top sixteen.
So this year....this year I am hoping to pull it all off. Maybe.

Nickolas Floyd RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid |

Wesley Lee RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam |

I have submitted something every time as well. Made it into the top 32 once, never to make it again.
It was fun jumping for joy back in 2009.
Maybe this year I will make it one more time!
Almost missed this year... have a lot going on and just happened across a facebook post reminding to post your item before the deadline. So I quickly threw something together and submitted.
Something in is better than nothing in.

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

I can name one other besides myself, but I will let him do it.
Yes 8th time entering :)
I am curios what you OctoCrafters have submitted over the years.
I am not sure I can even name all of mine right now... Let's see I started out with a magical anvil, then I made a bag of leaves, then a book, then some vambraces, falconry gloves, cloak, veil....
OK not really, but i can still recite the RPGSS's items in order. That's got to count for something right? :)

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ahhh I got you beat Nickolas... 8 years (and counting) and not even a Top tag!
Yay! I'm THAT good! :P
Bit of a fan-boy for the first few years, so didn't keep those (thank god >.<) until I submitted...
Wait for it...
Neil especially loved the alliteration of...
Proliferating Pocket Purse!
Ta-da! - See, that's why I am kind of bad names.
It's also the year I sent SKR home with a headache - you think feedback is brutal? Try seeing that as feedback - I'm still smarting BUT it kicked me into serious mode.
In fact all my entries have been put up for public review except for the first 2 years.
Thinking back, there was the plot device part of a butler, that once complete proved to be an assassin out for the king. But he was oh so polite while dropping the party in the do do.
More recently, I had a ranger only item that had eyes with creatures in them as pupils allowing you to swap favored enemies around.
Last year was a wispy cloak of thunderstorms, a mantle that turned the wearer into a rolling ball of death and destruction.
I'll dig out my archive later and see what other goodies I submitted that I can find :)
And this year, the 1st time in 8 years, I didn't use the whole dang word count. I got in, said what needed saying and got out :)
There you go Curaigh, I owned up :D

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I can't be the only one who has entered this contest all eight years and has still not disqualified themselves with a high finish or writing credits.
Or am I?
This might make me very sad indeed.
You very definitely are not. I am in the same boat, though hopefully I'll be ineligible next year.

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I've watched you all work so hard the last 8 years and grow as designers. Every year you get better, you take the criticism and try to apply it. Not every great game designer can win RPGSS, even great designers say that they couldn't win it if they had to, so don't be discouraged.
Keep working and try to find a 3pp to work with, you can get into freelance writing from here without winning the big prize. Very few people ever get rich designing games, you have to be in it for the love of the game, which I believe all of you have.
Good luck my RPGSS friends, I'll be rooting for you this year, again!

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

And this year, the 1st time in 8 years, I didn't use the whole dang word count. I got in, said what needed saying and got out :)There you go Curaigh, I owned up :D
I haven't said anything about your word-count in a long time, AA. I haven't had too! :)
I think it is a testament to the learning process we have endured. As is Phloid, OgeXam and FaxCelestis becoming Nickolas Floyd, Wesley Lee and James Raine. May that next testament be yours this year.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Anthony Adam wrote:
And this year, the 1st time in 8 years, I didn't use the whole dang word count. I got in, said what needed saying and got out :)There you go Curaigh, I owned up :D
I haven't said anything about your word-count in a long time, AA. I haven't had too! :)
I think it is a testament to the learning process we have endured. As is Phloid, OgeXam and FaxCelestis becoming Nickolas Floyd, Wesley Lee and James Raine. May that next testament be yours this year.
He he, if I make Top 32, once I come round from the dead faint, I will be looking for you and other freelance forgers - it will be fun locking horns in competition together here ;)

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Anthony Adam wrote:
And this year, the 1st time in 8 years, I didn't use the whole dang word count. I got in, said what needed saying and got out :)There you go Curaigh, I owned up :D
I haven't said anything about your word-count in a long time, AA. I haven't had too! :)
I think it is a testament to the learning process we have endured. As is Phloid, OgeXam and FaxCelestis becoming Nickolas Floyd, Wesley Lee and James Raine. May that next testament be yours this year.
funnily enough, I think I might be more recognizable as Fax Celestis than James Raine these days.

Cheapy Marathon Voter Season 6 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I think if you've been submitting items to something like RPG SS for over 3 years, and not to third party companies, you really need to consider doing so.
RPG SS is fairly passive. It's once a year, there are hundreds of entrants, and you sit there hoping you get the golden ticket. And if you submitted for that many years, it's obvious you'd like to be noticed at some level. Maybe not at a module writer level. But at some level.
So don't let fate dictate that. Take it into your own hands. Send e-mails out to third party companies asking if they have any work. Send them some of your homebrew things to show them your skills. Have any posts in the homebrew forums? Great, send them the links. Figure out which 3pps work in the area you think you're skilled at.
You good at player options? Talk to Rogue Genius.
You good at GM aides? Talk to Raging Swan Press.
Archetypes for classes? Abandoned Arts.
Etc, etc.
Take a look at Mark Seifter. He submitted 4 times, and never got into the top 32. He then contacted Jon Brazer Entertainment, and got some editing work from them, and later on some work for a new race. Then he got some work with Rite Publishing. Then he was hired by Paizo, and is now judging this shindig.
RPG SS is, at some level, a lottery. You're all vying for one spot out of 32. The contest keeps on getting more and more popular, and the number of tickets hasn't increased.
Don't let this be your one way to be seen.
Make yourself known.

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Matt Banach RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Ezekiel Shanoax, the Stormchild |

I can't be the only one who has entered this contest all eight years and has still not disqualified themselves with a high finish or writing credits.
Or am I?
I'm up to 7 years with no DQ, though I may have erroneously missed a season somewhere in there. While I've had some great 3PP softcover/PDF credits during that time (can't say enough good things about Rite Publishing!), my RPGSS contributions have never been so good/lucky as that magical first year in 2009 - Master's Perfect Golden Bell made it into UE along with a bunch of other RPGSS treasures from those first few years.
While I don't think one can get DQ'd for hardcover fiction, I'm unsure about something that comes out mid-contest, but if that turns out to be the case (not that I'm asking for it), as they say in The Wire: "Sound like one of them good problems."
RPGSS 2009 gave me a massive jump start, and I shall always be grateful. This contest, and the community it fosters, is just the best.

R D Ramsey Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Clouds Without Water |

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I've been following the contest every year but have skipped submitting a couple of the years. Actually I wasn't going to enter this year either but the first round twist was very tempting. Too tempting.
So despite my best intentions I'm making another run at it. With any luck I'll become ineligible and remove any future temptation.

Chris Shaeffer RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Hodge Podge |

Kalervo Oikarinen RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8 |

Luthia Dedicated Voter Season 8 |

Well, let's see, first time must have been 2009 or 2010, about. Since I've submitted or followed more or less silently every year. Missed at least two, because of the time of the year happening to fall right on top of exam season. This year will be the last time it gets to do that one. So, nope, no 8 times, but what, 4 or or so times submitted. I think it's 4 including this. Could be 5. This year, it can be my procrastination from my thesis. I kind of almost don't want to make top 32 this year, simply because it will be far too interesting to split time between RPGSS and well a thesis. Well, at least the measly 300 words or so, will feel like nothing next to the looming 80+ pages. I hate how the idea I got was too good to not at least try.
It is, I just want to say, impressive to see all the eight timers still around. Go get yourselves disqualified by getting far too close to winning, or winning. Best of luck.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

michael patrick wrote:I have been in the contest every year.Yay! I think Michael and I should get a special title. How about "RPGSS Diehard" or "RPGSS Perpetual Hopeful?" Have any ideas? Maybe we have to go a whole decade first?
There has got to be a few more of us out there, right?
Waves hand!
Eight time entrant right here!

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Eric Morton RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo |
Well, I'm not quite an eight-timer, but I have entered Superstar every year since I discovered it in 2009. That makes this my seventh consecutive year as a Superstar contestant. This will also be my seventh consecutive year as proprietor of the Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall.
Despite having done this six times before, I experienced something entirely new this year. Normally, I come up with several possible items and agonize over which one to submit. This year, I came up with exactly one item. No matter how much brainstorming I did, nothing could compete with that first idea that popped into my head, so I submitted it and didn't look back. That marks the first time in seven years I haven't second-guessed myself.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Some of us are already on that path, Cheapy. Just take a look at my profile page. I just think being RPG Superstar would be a great feather in my cap on top of a couple of years of 3PP writing.
Me too -
I have sent out a host of samples to 3pp with covering letters.
I submit regularly to Wayfinder.
I have taken SKR's on line games design course - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
I now run my own games design blog site, growing steadily in popularity according to the visit stats.
And I have recently taken on my first formal piece of paid work - only a small piece but it is a start.
And I have credits, and samples on my profile page for any 3PP browsing who happens to come across my stuff and wants to know more.
This year so far is proving to be a fine year for my efforts to crack the door open and get my toes behind it :)
Christmas Wave to SKR - I saw you lurking and favoriting :P

Kalervo Oikarinen RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8 |

Despite having done this six times before, I experienced something entirely new this year. Normally, I come up with several possible items and agonize over which one to submit. This year, I came up with exactly one item. No matter how much brainstorming I did, nothing could compete with that first idea that popped into my head, so I submitted it and didn't look back. That marks the first time in seven years I haven't second-guessed myself.
I've always had that with the first round, some idea just sticks and I go with that. Last year I had two ideas in the monster round and took too much time developing both and deciding between them when I could have been focusing on one. Though this year the schedule is so tight that there's no time for such indecision. :)

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I've submitted every year. Never got the call to the next round, but I am not disheartened. I wanted to start freelancing this past year, but there's been a lot of unfortunate things that have happened in my family that caused me to lose motivation. I needed a lot of time to get into healthy place mentally.
As the year comes to a close though, and the possibility of that golden ticket rises, and the release of Grande Temple of Jing next year approaches, I'm feeling a bit more like more older more prolific self.
I've submitted my item, but no matter what happens in RPG Superstar, next year people will be able to buy an RPG product written by John "Dudemeister" Karatovic. I have the manuscript sitting on my computer waiting for a final polish.
This is my promise.

Nickolas Floyd RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid |

Eighth Timers (if I'm not mistaken):
Nick Floyd (me)
michael patrick
Wesley Lee
Anthony Adam
James Raine
Maurice de Mare
David Posener
Glad to know we are not alone.
And there are a few 7th timers who missed one season and a few who have been paying attention since the beginning but have not submitted every year. And there is something to be said for those who have been enthusiastically entering since they discovered the contest, even if they missed the first couple years. These are all diehards!
Any more out there?

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

I experienced something entirely new this year. Normally, I come up with several possible items and agonize over which one to submit. This year, I came up with exactly one item. No matter how much brainstorming I did, nothing could compete with that first idea that popped into my head, so I submitted it and didn't look back. That marks the first time in seven years I haven't second-guessed myself.
Same thing happened to me. I decided late Sunday night I was indeed going to enter. I had a few quick brainstorming ideas but fast fell on the One idea I was going to use. Spent from 4pm to 3am Monday working and reworking. Slept on it, made a few tweaks, had my inner circle look over one last time, and submitted Tuesday afternoon.
Hoping to hang out with you in the Guild Hall this year!

frank gori RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral |

I've submitted every year. Never got the call to the next round, but I am not disheartened. I wanted to start freelancing this past year, but there's been a lot of unfortunate things that have happened in my family that caused me to lose motivation. I needed a lot of time to get into healthy place mentally.
As the year comes to a close though, and the possibility of that golden ticket rises, and the release of Grande Temple of Jing next year approaches, I'm feeling a bit more like more older more prolific self.
I've submitted my item, but no matter what happens in RPG Superstar, next year people will be able to buy an RPG product written by John "Dudemeister" Karatovic. I have the manuscript sitting on my computer waiting for a final polish.
This is my promise.
John, as you know Flying Pincushion Games will always have a seat for you at the table.