help choosing a character class


So we are about to start a new campaign and I need suggestion for a friend of mine.

He likes to play melee characters and his last character was a pure fighter. However, we played up to 18th level and he king of got bored at the end of just doing damage...

In a previous game, before pathfinder, he played a crusader from the Book of 9 Swords...What he liked about this class was the combination of being a martial but having some abilities that he could use other than bashing

So, for this new game, I suggested him the barbarian or bloodrager....but not sure if he's gonna like the barbarian think....Paladin is definitively our of the question (he's good but would losse his paladinhood very shortly)...There will also probably be a ranger in the group.

So I was looking for other suggestions that would go in line with a melee class with some abilities or very limited spellcasting abilities. Any suggestions?

(other party members will be : magus, witch doctor, ranger and hunter. I do not seek to complement party, just avoid repetition)


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Have you looked at war priest?

Scarab Sages

Monk with Qingong and either Hungry Ghost or Kata Master archetypes. You have some very limited spells as SLAs, plenty of Ki to use them with with thanks to the ki recharge mechanics of Hungry Ghost/Kata Master. Pummeling Style is great for unarmed, letting you crit far more often than normal with an unarmed strike.

Liberty's Edge

Bloodrager seems workable. Alternately, if he's willing to do some casting (which seems to be the case) basically all of the 6-level casters can make rather potent melee characters if built properly.

What thematic elements does he seem interested in exploring? That'd make a single class recommendation much easier to make.

Path of War by Dreamscarred Press is basically Book of 9 Swords for Pathfinder. Very cool book and in my opinion quite well balanced.

The Quigong monk could be intersting...will ask him.

For all the 6-level casters, i'm afraid it would be too many spells to manage...he's a good player, but don't like all the management asosciaed with it.
he tried the magus for levels in a previous game, but didn' like the prepared spell aspect of I guess more of a spontaneous caster would be better...

So , I thought that warpries might have been intersting with the possibility of swift casting using fervor, but again, not sure that we would like to play/manage so many spells...althought not that many at the low levels, so maybe a good opportunity to learn....

Any caster class that replace spells with other features like the skirmisher ranger?? I'm looking at paizo only stuff....

I could suggest a synthesist summoner... But that would just be mean (and not to mention very unbalanced)... I guess though that if you were willing to use it, go for it.

On the other hand a brawler is pretty well rounded. It doesn't have pesky alignment issues that a paladin, monk, and barbarian have and it is very versatile when it comes to combat (a lot of free, short lived combat feats is always awesome in my book).

Scarab Sages

Cuttler wrote:

Any caster class that replace spells with other features like the skirmisher ranger?? I'm looking at paizo only stuff....

Well, there is a bloodrager archetype called the barbarian that replaces bloodline and spells with rage powers. It also gets a d12 instead of a d10 for hit points.

If he doesn't want spells, but wants to stay relevant at high levels, literally his only option is barbarian, since spell sunder lets them punch planes out of existence. Otherwise, he's out of luck. The game does not support mundane contributions past maybe the mid levels.

If he can wait until August, the Kineticist might work for him...

Stygian Slayer might also be an option to consider. Might be a bit too limited in terms of spell like abilities but if your player has the patience to play the character until level 7 he'll be given a bit more flexibility through the spell completion options and since it's all scrolls and wands he won't have to worry about preparing spells, he just has to manage his inventory to make sure he always has what he needs. Plus the skill options of a Slayer might make it a bit more exciting to play in comparison to a Fighter.

Scarab Sages

Inquisitor....all around great class

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cuttler wrote:
Any caster class that replace spells with other features like the skirmisher ranger?? I'm looking at paizo only stuff....

Both the Trapper Ranger and Warrior of the Holy Light Paladin archetypes replace the spells with something else. There are probably more that I haven't thought of.

My suggestion: Alchemist

Alchemists can become very powerful at melee combat, and you can make a bunch of useful extracts. Lots of the discoveries are very nice. Take Vivisectionist to give up bomb in exchange for sneak attack, and Beastmorph combines very well with that.

Other than that, I'd go with Bloodrager or Sacred Fist warpriest.

Ranger sounds like what your friend is looking for. Skirmisher is the other option for a spell-less Ranger but I'd suggest that you needn't trade away spellcasting as it is very limited for a Ranger so not too challenging to manage.

If he is willing to manage slightly more spells and abilities than the Ranger has, I recommend Inquisitor. Animal Companions are pretty straightforward too and add more options during play. Both Rangers and Inquisitors are able to get AC's if he'd like one but he can also opt not to have one if he prefers.

Grand Lodge

I'd recommend Synthesist Summoner (if you're worried about power, tell him he can't have physical stats below 10), Alchemist, Investigator or Inquisitor. Yes, they are all 6th level casters (of one form or another in the case of the Alchemist or Investigator), but they are also classes that are very good if you focus outside of their spells besides just a few stock self-buffs.

Most of the spells in pathfinder aren't worth the investment of slots of spells known or money to transcribe into spellbooks. You should easily be able to condense things down into a manageable list for him with 6th-level casters.

Grand Lodge

Sounds like Inquisitor and Hunter will be my top choices.

Both are spontaneous(divine) casters with a range of utility outside combat. For example, Stern Gaze off of Inquisitor "Now don't you lie to me -.- "

Animal companion to help him boost that attack power he will be missing from his days as a full fighter.

I'll also throw in my vote for Inquisitor. They are a fun class, and yes, the spontaneous casting makes spell management easier for players that don't want to be bothered with all the options of a prepared caster.

My inquisitor is played as a guy that's not righteous enough to be a paladin, so he serves Iomedae as an inquisitor. He's a sword-and-board inquisitor (probably the least effective build, but oh well).

Plus, they're the only class (I think, not sure of ACG classes) that has proficiency with the repeating crossbow, which is just a cool weapon, flavor wise.

I'd vote Swashbuckler. High damage output, but can also do cool things like Trip and Disarm.

Cuttler wrote:
Any caster class that replace spells with other features like the skirmisher ranger?? I'm looking at paizo only stuff....

Um... There is the investigator's sleuth archetype. It replaces all of its extracts and other alchemy related abilities with a luck mechanic. It's more of a precision/skill class than a martial though, so I don't know how much your player would like it.

Liberty's Edge

Arcanic Drake wrote:
Cuttler wrote:
Any caster class that replace spells with other features like the skirmisher ranger?? I'm looking at paizo only stuff....
Um... There is the investigator's sleuth archetype. It replaces all of its extracts and other alchemy related abilities with a luck mechanic. It's more of a precision/skill class than a martial though, so I don't know how much your player would like it.

It's also a terrible Archetype whose unique abilities verge on uselessness (especially as compared to 6 level casting). Even the Spiritualist Archetype is better, and it's still many miles worse than the base class.

lore warden
battle oracle
battle cleric

- just a short list, but all these provide a melee based character with some sort of unique mechanic. Is the player interested in trying something new? or does he just need a unique skill/ability to play with other than a sword and board?


multiclass along the way to add some uniqueness or different play options, you can afford it with a mostly fighter build.


magus, witch doctor, ranger and hunter. You got a bunch of glass cannons. a sword and board (tank) would probably be very appreciated by the rest of the party. Ultimately, have him play what interests him the most.

Sovereign Court

A Skirmisher (Ranger) gives up spells for some nifty Hunter's Tricks. I believe it is in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Grand Lodge

I recommend brawler

Thank you all for your suggestions...

Based on waht I know from my friend, i believe the best choices for him will probably be: Barbarian/bloodrager, skirmisher ranger, Brawler and inquisitor.

I didn't think of the brawler fisrt, but it might indded be interesting for him....although the inquisitor might be a good opportunity to learn spells and might be easier for him since it's a spontaneous caster!

thanks you all!

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