crafting wonders items slotless conflict?

Rules Questions

Good day alL

im new to these forums and heck i dont use forums much at all, but this has been bugging me and i cant seems to find a clear yes or no also hope i have posted this in right place was sure if it would be advice or rules

basically currently wearing a beneficial Bandolier, and soon going to be able to craft wonderus items, but im not sure if i can craft a endless bandalor and for double the price make it slotless and wear both at same time and not have them conflict as one would be slot less ive searched around but im getting slightly conflicting views,

thank you for your time

Bandoliers are Belts

Just do a google search for Pathfinder Bandolier or search d20pfsrd for Bandolier and you'll find that they're codified as "Belts" even if you wear them around your chest, not your waste.

Bandolier, Beneficial wrote:

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot belt; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


This bandolier is made of finely tanned leather. It has slots for up to 200 rounds of ammunition. Pellets and black powder are kept in tiny individual pouches, and bullets in small loops. The bandolier alters itself as needed to accommodate both.

There are also places on the beneficial bandolier for a gunsmith’s kit and a powder horn. Regardless of what quantities of these items are placed within the beneficial bandolier, its weight does not change.

As a swift action, the wearer can command a single round of ammunition from the beneficial bandolier to teleport into a firearm of the appropriate type that he is wielding.


Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Cost 500 gp.

very true but the description i found for Bandolier says 2 can be worn of the normal variant ( see below) so i assume that while a belt i can wear 2 of them due to the nature of how there worn, or at least one normal one magical with out conflict , if i were to pay double in the construction of a endless one and make it slotless (if doable in pathfinder wich i think it is ) could i wear both endless and beneficial at same time


Price 5 sp; Weight —

This leather belt is worn over one shoulder and runs diagonally across the chest and back. It has small loops or pouches for holding eight objects the size of a flask or small dagger. You can use the "retrieve a stored item" action to take an item from a bandolier. You can wear up to two bandoliers at the same time (any more than this and they get in each other's way and restrict your movement).

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There are two ways to deal with limited slots.
1) CRB p553, Adding New Abilities allows you to combine items. The second item's price is multiplied by 1.5.

2) Pay double to make an item slotless.

However, Endless Bandolier (Chest) and Beneficial Bandolier (Belt) are different magic slots. There is not a conflict in this case.

Of course, the Beneficial Bandolier will conflict with a Belt of Incredible Dexterity and that is a bigger concern.

Just use the Adding New Abilities rule to add the Beneficial Bandolier to the Belt of Incredible Dexterity.

Note: You cannot use either the Adding New Abilities rule or the 2x price slotless rule if you are playing in PFS.

That'd be up to your DM.

RAW, it doesn't seem to work, since Beneficial Bandolier itself doesn't say that it's any different than a normal belt.

However, since mundane bandoliers allow you to wear 2 in the same Belt slot, and RAI it'd be fine.

Mind you, the "it doesn't work because it says so" is a very, very hard literal reading; you can probably assume that, because it's a bandolier even in its description, wearing 2 bandoliers is fine.

By RAW you can absolutely wear an Endless Bandolier and a Beneficial Bandolier. One is a chest slot while the other is a belt slot. There is no problem here except in the (bad) name of the Beneficial Bandolier.

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One goes across your waist, one goes across your chest, this is pretty common actually.

Most people think of double bandoliers as having the iconic crossed bandoliers on the chest, but instead it could be referring to one bandolier across the chest to hold up the belt bandolier and the pistol there in.

Gauss wrote:
By RAW you can absolutely wear an Endless Bandolier and a Beneficial Bandolier. One is a chest slot while the other is a belt slot. There is no problem here except in the (bad) name of the Beneficial Bandolier.

I meant more that you can't wear two of them using the same slot - like 2 Beneficial Bandoliers.

Not that you'd want to; just assuming that there were more Bandoliers than just Beneficial and Endless, and they all used Belt as their slot, RAW you wouldn't be able to wear them with the Beneficial unless they all said you could, like the mundane Bandolier itself says.

you can wear two. but it might be the GM will rule that only one belt can be active at a time. like the rings rule. you can have up to two rings actve. even 2 on one hand and non on the other. but the fact you can WEAR more then two rings doesn't let you USE more then two.

if i were the GM i might let you use two at once. one as a belt slot. one acros your shoulders instaed of a body slot (like instead of a magical vest or robe or something that take the body slot). notice that armor has it's own slot(armor slot) and can be used with a magical body slot item.

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