Surviving the Final Fight

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I just want to be very clear about whether or not you can die after defeating a villain for good.

S&S Rulebook pg. 16 wrote:
If the Villain Has Nowhere to Escape to, You Win!

Is that immediate? Cornered villain, zap/stab/thud, game over right then and there? OR does the player who just beat the villain have to go through the rest of his turn, up to and including reseting his hand?

If it's an immediate win, then there's no problem with someone with, say, a 5-card hand and only 2 cards left in their deck going all out to defeat the villain. "What a heroic effort! Let's get you healed up and carry on to the next adventure!"

If they have to reset, then they would die after taking out the villain. Also heroic, but way less fun.

There was a FAQ issued about avoiding death via draining-the-Blessings-deck shenanigans, but it doesn't appear to apply to the defeating-the-villain, game-ending victory condition quoted above.

Clarification would be much appreciated! Please and thanks!

That is it. Once the villain is cornered, you win and do not continue with your turn. So you don't have to reset your hand. But remember the reason he has no where to escape is because his location closes when you defeat him. Which means you must apply the "when permanently closed" power on the location. And that may require you to draw a card.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
That is it. Once the villain is cornered, you win and do not continue with your turn. So you don't have to reset your hand. But remember the reason he has no where to escape is because his location closes when you defeat him. Which means you must apply the "when permanently closed" power on the location. And that may require you to draw a card.

So in nearly all cases you are good but at some locations you can die heroically!

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Which means you must apply the "when permanently closed" power on the location. And that may require you to draw a card.

Learn something new everyday...

Linked to this - in The Lady's favour, if you're forced to summon Kyan Kain, and HE then forces you to summon the Dominator, can you win the game by stashing a plunder from defeating the Dominator, and not bother with the combat check:

From the card "to win this scenario, the number of plunder cards must exceed the number of location"

Yeah. It wasn't common in RotR. I think there was maybe 1 location that had a when permanently closed effect that could kill you, though even on that I'm not 100% sure.

But it might be more common in S&S. In fact, I feel like I remember seeing one already. But again, I'm not 100% sure.

Basically, if any of them said to do something with your character deck (draw, bury, banish, etc) and there weren't enough cards to do it, the location closing can kill you.

And for official confirmation that you don't need continue the turn beyond the point where the villain can't escape, see this thread.

Thanks, Hawk!

jones314 wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
That is it. Once the villain is cornered, you win and do not continue with your turn. So you don't have to reset your hand. But remember the reason he has no where to escape is because his location closes when you defeat him. Which means you must apply the "when permanently closed" power on the location. And that may require you to draw a card.
So in nearly all cases you are good but at some locations you can die heroically!

Woah, I never considered this in my 30+ sessions of playing PACG. I always just let myself "win" as soon as I'd succeeded at the check(s) to defeat the villain and saw that all locations except the villain's current one were closed. I'm going to have to start doing this now.

Edge of Dreams wrote:
jones314 wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
That is it. Once the villain is cornered, you win and do not continue with your turn. So you don't have to reset your hand. But remember the reason he has no where to escape is because his location closes when you defeat him. Which means you must apply the "when permanently closed" power on the location. And that may require you to draw a card.
So in nearly all cases you are good but at some locations you can die heroically!
Woah, I never considered this in my 30+ sessions of playing PACG. I always just let myself "win" as soon as I'd succeeded at the check(s) to defeat the villain and saw that all locations except the villain's current one were closed. I'm going to have to start doing this now.

Same here, we have never played this way. Now I think that the odds of us actually missing anything game changing are remote but I guess we should start doing that?

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Closing the location after defeating the villain is especially important once you start deck 3 because closing involves banishing any remaining non-villain cards, and cards with certain traits get removed from the game when they are banished during play after you start deck 3. Cards banished during the final closing after defeating a cornered villain are no exception.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

But it might be more common in S&S. In fact, I feel like I remember seeing one already. But again, I'm not 100% sure.

Windward Isle says to draw a card when permanently closed. The Fringes of the Eye say to add d4 barriers and d4 blessings without looking at them and "encounter the top card." I'm guessing this means to mix them up before encountering the card. So you could heroically defeat the villain, win the game, and then have a Trapped Locker kill you!

There's actually a fair number of locations that can give you a nice little boost like the Lonely Island that gets you a random ally from the box. So people might have missed those too.

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