What to do when you can't sneak attack?


So what does a rogue do when they can't sneak attack due to oozes or other creature types that can't be sneak attacked? What wands and magic items to use? What options to make yourself useful?

Run away and make stealth checks.

You charge your enemies and power attack with your greatclub. (You did remember to be a skulking slayer/scout, right?)

Throw a tanglefoot bag. Use a wand of Ill Omen. Drop a trail of [Ooze edible substance] that leads to a deep well.

Whatever you do, don't fight fair. Expect table variance. You're a rogue, you signed up for this.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

If it's immune to Sneak Attack, see if you can further the mission in other ways.

Are there environmental factors you can utilize? Can you grab the maguffin while everyone is distracted by combat?

If not, reroll.

Are party members attacking it in melee? Aid Another.

Handy haversack full of alchemical items.

Liberty's Edge

Suck it up and attack anyway. Inspire your allies with you gallantry.

Whine and complain, but be glad that it was far more common in 3.5

With a high enough UMD skill, anything is possible.

Scarab Sages

Keep power attacking from a flank with my menacing Greatsword?

Can I suggest playing a slayer so that you are actually good at combat even when sneak attack isn't valid?

Otherwise...keep flanking and attacking. You can still deal damage....just not very much. Depending on your exact build you may not have many options. Especially if you specialized into a TWF sneak attacking feinting build. If that's your build you've hyper specialized, and when the enemy is immune to sneak attack...well there just is not much to do.

Liberty's Edge

Well, I'd hit it anyway with my 1d8+9 damage katana.

Regret your decision to play a Rogue when there are so many better versions of the rogue available now (including, but not limited to, several Bard archetypes, Investigators, Slayers, and Vivisectionists).

There's a talent out there that lets you throw bombs like an alchemist. I suggest taking it if you didn't dump intelligence.

Otherwise grab a few wands/scrolls of Heroism and the like and buff the party members that can actually do damage.

And for f**** sake don't attack the ooze in a way that will cause it to split.

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Starting up a quick game of Six Degrees of Bash the Rogue seems to be a common response. Perhaps followed by finding the nearest dead horse and thwacking it over and over with your trusty sap.


Charge; the scout archetype is (for a rogue) so good, I can never play one without it again.

Scarab Sages

Throw a bomb.

Look for traps;)

You suck it up and fight on. You knew in the beginning you'd have to deal with this when you signed up for rogue.

Completely useless character action:

Ren whips his claws through the air, making sounds like a sword fighting scene from a kung-fu movie. Shink.. wizzz, He moves around to flank the ooze and with his keen eyes spots a darker region of the blob. That must be important. He plundges a paw in and tears a chunk out, throwing a gob over his shoulder. The ooze seems unaffected.

I hate when people think Rogues are only viable with Snk Atk. I assume you have a high dex, so ranged weapons are always an option, and if you have a high Int as well, you can take Bombs as a Rogue talent that do the same dmg as your Snk Attk.

Also, with a high dex you can take WF:dagger or shortsword, then take Slashing Grace Feat and get dex-to-dmg with that weapon.

My rogue has a 10 Str and still is dope in melee.

Shadow Lodge

What to do when you can't sneak attack?


Scarab Sages

LazGrizzle wrote:

Also, with a high dex you can take WF:dagger or shortsword, then take Slashing Grace Feat and get dex-to-dmg with that weapon.

You cannot take slashing grace with a dagger or shortsword. Slashing grace requires a one handed weapon, and dagger & shortsword are light weapons.

ahhh snizzap. Longsword it is I guess. Or you could go WF:Rapier and Fencing Grace.

Regardless, there is definitely many options to keep a Rogue viable. Style Feats (Snake Style + High Sense Motive = almost untouchable), magic items, ranged attacks, bombs, A correctly-crunched-"blank"-Grace feat, thrown weapons, etc.

Shadow Lodge

Total Defense + 3 Ranks in Acrobatics = +6 Dodge bonus to AC = AC tanking the enemy

Mattastrophic wrote:

Starting up a quick game of Six Degrees of Bash the Rogue seems to be a common response. Perhaps followed by finding the nearest dead horse and thwacking it over and over with your trusty sap.


A Rogue would still miss the horse.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

When I'm playing a rogue I invest in UMD and always carry a mix of wands and scrolls. I'm also the character that buys tons of random stuff (including alchemical items) that I stow in either a handy haversack or bag of holding or portable hole. I usually have all 3.

A rogue without a dozen sneaky often forgotten about items and tricks isn't trying hard enough.

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