Break out of the normal


So I have a question for u all, im sure im not the only one who has had this problem. I seem to have gotten to far into playing front line fighters to where when i try to play something else. I dont play them to the best of their abilitys, i forget lots of there stuff, and basically become very useless in the party. Was wondering if u guys have any hints or ideas of how to break out of this routine?

Ask other people you play with for how they like to play and build their characters. Or ask here, of course.

If you have some spare time, just browse these boards. Your system mastery will increase more than you'd expect.

Write out a list of things you can do (in game) for yourself to reference so you don't forget during?

Claxon wrote:
Write out a list of things you can do (in game) for yourself to reference so you don't forget during?

This. Throw it on your character sheet or something. When you're not sure what to do, glance down at your list of options.

If you're playing a spellcaster I would recommend jotting down key elements of your favorite spells, such as range, save information, cast time, etc.

thanks guys for the advice, i will have to try writing down some of my ability's. Playing an inquisitor at the moment, so its not too much out of the norm.

Grand Lodge

I use a "combat card", which is a very brief summary of feats/abilities/tactics that my PC can/should use.

It's basically an index card, with minor notes, but quite useful.

If I forget how a feat/ability/tactic works, I can still reference the details on my sheet.

I play many different PCs, in different games, so this is quite a boon for me.

The combat card sounds like a good idea. I wonder if a "Combat Rolodex" might help. Now I'm also imagining something similar as a DM tool for tracking monsters and initiative.

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