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So some background on the current party, got a towersheild fighter, shadow dancer rogue, a halfling cavalier, and a after last session a dead witch. Lvl 3 and 3 of the 5 members have over 20 ac, kinda to be expected. So our witch died, their went our buffs and debuffs. I do not know what he is bringing back into the game. I play the cavalier and have almost died 3 times, 1 of which a timely 20 saved his life or he would have died. So i had it in my head i was making a new character, and im kinda sure its like this with lots of u. You are all prepared to make a new character, now i wanna make a new character. So i wanna bring in a sorcerer, a blasty battlefield control kinda sorcerer. I picked sorcerer, cuz we need a face for the group, and im against having to pick my spells for the day. So reading around on the forums today as to not have to write u all a novel. I now want a fire/illusionist sorcerer, gnome for the obvious plus of illusions and the pyro. Where do i start tho? Pretty sure Meta feats, for the blaster part, also feats like spell focus and spell penetration, spell specialization. Wen the illusionist part of the build comes in i really start to draw a blank. So any ideas how i can put 2 and 2 together and get something that works well together? 20 point build to the effect of something like
elemental or arcana bloodline
So I have a question for u all, im sure im not the only one who has had this problem. I seem to have gotten to far into playing front line fighters to where when i try to play something else. I dont play them to the best of their abilitys, i forget lots of there stuff, and basically become very useless in the party. Was wondering if u guys have any hints or ideas of how to break out of this routine? ![]()
So its still going to be a while before we actually start this adventure path, but my groups already making all there characters. Im really at a complete loss as to wat i want to play for this. I dont really know the full details on the others build but we got a 2handed paladin, an oracle, and i think the other guy is going to be an alcemist, mr. Hyde type. So what kind of classes have u guys found to be real interesting to play for this adventure path? ![]()
Thanks for your guy's input if i do use them, which is still up in the air as i haven't bought them yet, ill have ways to make it more fair and better. I do understand where lots of you guys are coming from on why you don't use them, but i still feel it adds more realism and spice to the game as long as its not just " oh you dropped your weapon over there". ![]()
So our normal GM's usually if you roll a 1 have you reroll and depending on how low it is come up with whatever happens. Its really all up to the GM, but im actually going to be running skull and shackles here soon and am thinking of using the critical hit and miss decks and want a more definite rule. I have never seen anything in any of the main books describing critical misses, so because i want to use the decks im thinking if they roll a 1 they reroll and if that roll wouldnt hit its a critical miss. I dont know if thats how its supposed to be or if misses are basically just up to the GM. How do you guys normally do them? ![]()
Ive just been kind of curious lately as to what do most of you use as ur characters when your playing. Do you use models pieces out of the bestiary boxes or just random stuff laying around your house. For the sessions i play in we use models but their always the same ones and was wondering what other people use and where are some good places to look for them. ![]()
so i have mostly built a invulnerable rager the stats nonraging are str 18 dex 16 con 15 int 9 wis 10 cha 8
What are your guys thoughts on this build, corrections questions just ask. ![]()
i kind of like the idea of a sneaky tank, it would definatly be interesting. A little bit more about the party, we have a half orc scarred witch dr, a half orc bard, and a dwarf grappler, my new character will be coming in at level 4. Blueluck i have read the AM SMASH guide but it didnt go over many different builds besides mounted and CaGM, and im not that big of a fan of loosing lots of my ac. blackbloodtroll i usually go for greataxes for flavor and on this one om thinking of eithor a greataxe or an earthbreaker. I am really going to look into this sneaky tank build though. ![]()
So in the Kingmaker campaign i am playing in my halforc inquisitor died. Now i am looking at building a hobgoblin barbarian to fill the roll as the party tank. I would like some help on how to go about building said character as i have never built a barbarian or really never even read into them much. ![]()
well this is certainly enlightening, well let me start My Gnome believes all goblins are evil and they need to die. Also there were many debates about why and why not to kill the babys at the table. I didnt start this to have this debate on why killing goblin babys is evil/sometimes be good.
So we are playing Rise of the RuneLords, we just started chapter 2. At the end of chapter one there was a few cages of goblin babys. I wanted to kill them all because well there goblins, im a neutral summoner. Our partys paladin on the other hand wanted to take them with us back to sandpoint, i didnt stop him just cuz well im not evil and he's a big help. Now that we are back in town he took them to the church and talked to them and now hes paying for a orphanage to get build mainly so the goblins can be raised. I have been constantly trying to kill the babys now that we are back in town, trying to reason with the priests, summoning goblin dogs to make it look like goblins, just sneaking in to kill them(my sneak sucks), ransoms, reasoning with the townsfolk. the last one it went both ways some people saw my reasoning and some saw the palidens reasons. Me their evil their gonna grow up and kill peoples dogs and horsed and townsfolk, the pali says if we raise them they will adopt the townsfolks lifestyle and be peacefull. So i would like your guys help on how would be a good way for me to kill the goblin babys without my gm saying im evil now and without having to fight the paliden one on one. ![]()
So im still pretty new to pathfinder only been playing for about 4 months. Ive come to this site a couple times to look for advice and different things. So one of our group isn't going to be able to make it to our one of the games in the next couple weeks, so our gm wants me to run a campaign i had brought up for that day. The campaign i had brought up to him is basically an arena based campaign. Here is the background for the pc's, they all wake up in a cage surrounded by many other cages with people in them. They have all been kidnapped by a race or group of outcasts something to that nature. than their kidnappers put them into the arena and make them fight animals, beasts, occasionally pc. I told them its open race, class, and alignment, also for them to just pick the armor and weapon/'s their going to use don't worry about money and not to make them masterworks/cold iron or plus because the weapons and armor will be provided to them. The thing though that i need help on is i need something else to this campaign i don't want it to be just fighting, but i don't know what else to add to this without making it ridiculous. Any advice, comments, suggestions, snide remarks would be greatly appreciated. |