Dragon Age: Inqusistion anyone else picking it up?

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Chubby1968 wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Hmmm... this is going to get old if it keeps crashing during cut scenes.
Try playing in Windowed Fullscreen. I haven't crashed since I changed to that.

Thanks it's worth a try.

Finished the game over the weekend. Liked it quite a bit, bugs aside. Will probably wait for another patch or two before making a second run-through.

I went ahead and bought the Legacy DLC for DA2 (since I had never played it) and played through that with my first Hawke and then started a new game.

DA:I is shining new light on things that come up in both Legacy and DA2, which is pretty nifty. I know the running thread isn't absolutely perfect from DA:O through DA:I, but it's obvious that they had an idea where they were going on some things from the beginning.

But, yeah, the final battle in Legacy was way, way tougher than the one in DA:I.

I'm still at just after the event in the imperial palace in orlais, and about 180 hours in the game.
Lvl 23 and 8/10 high dragons killed.....i think maybe i should quit this playthrought since the last boss is going to be one-shot killed i'm afraid.

Scarab Sages

cinematically, its more like 3-shot killed, but my level 25-8/10 had no issues. the boss fight is level scaled, so don't let that 18-20 recommended level fool you into thinking its a cakewalk encounter.

archmagi1 wrote:
cinematically, its more like 3-shot killed, but my level 25-8/10 had no issues. the boss fight is level scaled, so don't let that 18-20 recommended level fool you into thinking its a cakewalk encounter.

I hope it is not,i'm not worrying it to be too hard, but neither i want it to be boring or ridiculously short.

Sovereign Court

It was too easy by far. Although it was priceless telling Coripheus that I don't believe in gods. He lost his s**t immediately.

Finished the recruit the Mages quest and that was...disturbing.

Mucking around Storm Coast, found out that I could make a crest to meet the bandits but went 'Screw it, they killed my men.' and killed them all. :D

Lvl 23, 9/10 dragons dead..going for the final one tonight, after i finish the orlais winter palace drama.

Just finished it last night as a Human Mage. Miracle of miracles it never crashed on any of those long cut scenes.

Fade touched obsidian and Fade touched Silverite made the game way too easy on normal.

I'll be ramping up the difficulty and rolling with a Qunari Reaver on my next play through. Sadly the game had little to offer lore wise should you play as a Dwarf. But it is a great game!

Hama wrote:
Just finished the game. The end was a mite...anticlimactic? Didn't even spend my potions.

It really felt this way for me. Not just on a difficulty standard (though that too) but just... tiny talk, fight, cutscene, fight, cutscene. There was very little... I dunno... investment? It felt very "videogame last boss" and not very "Ultimate Ending of an Epic Story".

A shame really, the ending was one of few complaints for me.

Last Boss Stuff:
Although... having Cole hit Corypheus with the jar of bees and wasps in the middle of an angry rant... priceless.

I will be a god of the new world ord-


What the... OH GOD BEEEESSSS!!!

It does certainly have that 'just one more section' thing. I dropped into the Marsh where there were kidnapped soldiers for just a quick visit and was soon gathering ingredients, closing rifts, finding landmarks and basically went 'Well I might as well rescue the soldiers since I am right up close'. Right now Haven is getting invaded.

Patch day. I see nothing that addresses the crashing issues. Spoiler to avoid a wall of text

Dragon Age™: Inquisition 1.03


From a development standpoint, Patch 3 was a small, bug-fix only patch to address some high-frequency issues affecting the majority of our players.


Added key binding that allows players to walk.

Added mouse cursor scaling.

Fixed issue that could result in the mouse getting stuck in mouse-look mode when players alt-tabbed out of the game in full-screen mode.

Fixed display bars to correctly reflect items that alter maximum health.


Changed party banter system to be less random to prevent extra-long periods where no conversations would occur.

Fixed issue that could result in one of Dorian’s conversations not being available for some players.

Fixed issue that could result in a cutscene not firing for Dorian’s plot when players enter the Gull and Lantern.

Fixed issue that could result in Sera’s Verchiel plot being broken.

Fixed issue with the demon that could spawn during Solas’s personal quest.

Changed Tactical Camera so that it no longer re-centers when the player changes party members.

Fixed exploit that allowed for infinite influence.

Fixed issue that allowed players to exploit their gold value in single-player mode.

Fixed allied mage AI so they did not dispel targets that the player had frozen.

Fixed issue that caused the bar displaying armor rating to not update correctly for crafted gear.

Fixed issue that caused extra potions granted by items to be lost when players return to Skyhold.

Fixed issue that caused Mind Blast’s upgrade, Fortifying Blast, to not provide additional barrier.

Fixed issue that could result in the opt-in conversation UI continuing to be displayed if players opted out very quickly as the UI was starting to be displayed.

Fixed issue that could result in the world map being permanently displayed in the Storm Coast.

Fixed issue that could result in being unable to switch party members after looting.

Fixed issue that could result in party members not following orders to revive a party member in Tactical Camera mode.

Fixed issue that could result in people being unable to discover all the regions in the Exalted Plains.

Fixed issue that could cause dragons to become unresponsive.

Fixed issue that would cause dragons to freeze during their roar.

Fixed issue that could cause some conversations to be “hitchy.”

Fixed issue that could cause Varric’s legs to do odd things in some opt-in conversations.

Fixed Masterwork Prowler Armor so it no longer distorts on certain characters.

Fixed issue that could cause Harmon to disappear in certain circumstances.

Fixed a few non-herb crafting materials that were showing up in the Herbs section of the inventory. They are now correctly in the Other section.


Enabled push-to-talk functionality in the multiplayer end of match screen.

Enabled push-to-talk in the multiplayer armor upgrade menu.

Fixed issue where changing multiplayer match settings would take effect without confirming changes.

Fixed issue that could result in players entering multiplayer matches without any mapped abilities in certain circumstances.

Fixed case that could cause keys to not drop in multiplayer mode.

Fixed issue that would cause the potion mapped to the first slot to also be used when pushing the 9 key in multiplayer mode.

Fixed issue that would cause the camera to spin at the end of a multiplayer match and not display the end of match screen.

Fixed issue in multiplayer mode that would result in the healing portion of Rampage to stop working in certain circumstances.

Tuned Strength of Spirits to be more useful in multiplayer mode.

Tweaked the balance of the Demon Commander in multiplayer mode.

Fixed issue that could result in items not displaying their cards when chests are opened in multiplayer mode.

Fixed issue that could cause pots to respawn in certain circumstances in multiplayer mode.

I picked the game up and have put about 40 hours into it so far. After the stinkfest that was Dragon Age II, the disappointment with SW:TOR, and how the ending of Mass Effect ruined the whole series I was getting ready to write Bioware off. This game has went a good ways to redeeming themselves. If this would have been as bad as the previous Dragon Age game it might have been the last game of theirs I would have bought. Hopefully they have learned their lesson and are going back to making good games.

Killed my 10th dragon, lvl 24 now, finished the ball, just a whole bunch of NPC side quests and then i think its endgame mission for me

So here's my theory on the ending:

Major plot/ending spoilers:
We're told by Aballas that the elven empire was in decline before Tevinter and before the loss of the gods. (Tevinter pretty obviously rose to power by picking up the pieces of the fallen elven empire based on what we find out in the game.) It's possible the empire was in decline due to the machinations of their assorted "gods". Then someone murders the Dread Wolf's friend Mythal and pisses him off. He decides the gods are the problem, so he locks them all away somewhere in the Fade and then goes to sleep.

Centuries later he wakes up to find the elven empire completely destroyed and the Dalish running around with a distorted view of history. He decides that maybe the gods weren't the problem, or at the very least, he needs their aid to restore the elves. He's too weak to free the gods himself after his long sleep so he tries to trick Corypheus into doing it for him, but the Inquisitor interrupts and screws everything up.

Now Solas finds himself doing damage control and trying to prevent Corypheus from screwing things up even more and get his orb back. (Un)fortunately the Inquisitor destroys the Orb while taking down Corypheus, meaning Solas has lost his key to freeing the gods. So he goes to Flemeth and pulls Mythal's power from her, either to help him free the other gods, or to aid him in some other plan to restore the elves.

Muad'Dib wrote:

Patch day. I see nothing that addresses the crashing issues. Spoiler to avoid a wall of text

** spoiler omitted **...

The devs have said they're still working on the big fixes, but wanted to get the playability fixes they had made released.

Some people are having issues with shields they crafted prior to the patch having their armor values reduced to zero. There's also some conflicts with third-party mods and command line changes with the new patch.

Liberty's Edge

Got the game working...feels like an MMO without other players around...tons of empty fedex and kill x quests with little cinematic or characterization content. Dead tired of hunting down fade rifts, astrariums, landmarks, ingredients, shards, just friggin' number counters at the side of the screen ticking upwards and I don't learn anything new about my character or their companions, never get any cool cinematics. Another damn hiking simulator like Skyrim.

Sovereign Court

Yeah, they kinda tried to Mass Effect Dragon Age (can mass effect be used as a verb?) and kinda succeeded except I didn't really get invested in my Inquisitor's relationships.

Samy wrote:
Got the game working...feels like an MMO without other players around...tons of empty fedex and kill x quests with little cinematic or characterization content. Dead tired of hunting down fade rifts, astrariums, landmarks, ingredients, shards, just friggin' number counters at the side of the screen ticking upwards and I don't learn anything new about my character or their companions, never get any cool cinematics. Another damn hiking simulator like Skyrim.

Are you stuck in the Hinterlands? Sounds like you need to move on to the main quest -- in the War Room pick the areas that have fade rifts above them.

Liberty's Edge

Hell, Mass Effect is probably the most cinematic franchise Bioware has. I don't remember running around collecting endless numbers in it, I remember awesome companions and awesome cutscenes. Inquisition so far seems like the opposite of it. It somehow reminds me of Storm of Zehir, which was also my least favorite Neverwinter Nights expansion -- enable roaming a world map, bury cutscenes and companion interactions.

The Rot Grub wrote:
Are you stuck in the Hinterlands? Sounds like you need to move on to the main quest -- in the War Room pick the areas that have fade rifts above them.

I've gone to the Forbidden Oasis but it's just more of the same with different textures. I don't think I've found a single conversation in the entire Oasis so far -- just collect rifts, landmarks, shards, holy crap how can this be so boring. And if I don't do those, then I run into the "you don't have enough power to contact mages" wall.

All the collection/rift/whatever stuff is optional. I didn't mind doing it, but if it's not your thing, ignore any quests in your Journal that aren't listed under your Main or Companion quests unless you're hurting for power to unlock the next mission.

Samy wrote:
Got the game working...feels like an MMO without other players around...tons of empty fedex and kill x quests with little cinematic or characterization content. Dead tired of hunting down fade rifts, astrariums, landmarks, ingredients, shards, just friggin' number counters at the side of the screen ticking upwards and I don't learn anything new about my character or their companions, never get any cool cinematics. Another damn hiking simulator like Skyrim.

You should spend some time in Skyhold.

Don't burn yourself out on that stuff. I just ignore astraiums and shards and a bunch of Hinterlands stuff is going to be left undone. The rifts can be ignored unless you are hurting for power since nothing is going to explode if they are left alone.

Sovereign Court

Hey, astrariums are fun.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks guys, I appreciate the advice. I'll try to focus on main questing as much as possible and see if that improves the experience. It's difficult because I've grown up on RPGs where every quest "matters", and it's hard to get out of the mindset that if I skip some of this, my cinematic rewards down the line will suffer.

Scarab Sages

Only a few companion quests even matter for the post game cinematic, and none of the non-companion side-quests even reflect in the overall "rewards" as you put it down the line. Pretty much the Romance quests and Cassandra's questline are actually 'game changing' as far as the end of the game turns out, the other companion quests (beyond expanding their lore throughout the game) really only give a distinct conversation before the outro cinematic when everybody is in the throne room. Judgements and agents are really the only developmental quests outside of the main and companion quest lines.

I figure you'll still have to do some grindy quests to hit the wartables' recommended level for the boss fight at the end, but doing an 'everything, be level 25ish at the end' run isn't necessary at all.

Just did my first Inquisitor judgement. Goat attack!

Man Skyhold has lots of places to go after the refit.

MannyGoblin wrote:

Just did my first Inquisitor judgement. Goat attack!

Man Skyhold has lots of places to go after the refit.

That is one of the two best judgement scenes in the game, IMO.

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I was rather fond of the "Welcome to *my* party" line after Wicked Hearts.

what i want to know is why Solas disapproves of almost all my judgments..its annoying

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Lilith wrote:
I was rather fond of the "Welcome to *my* party" line after Wicked Hearts.

If that's referring to a judgement, I didn't have that option, as I had to resolve that mission violently. But the judgement scene I did get because of that was priceless (and my other favorite judgement scene.)

Black Dougal wrote:

what i want to know is why Solas disapproves of almost all my judgments..its annoying

Solas disapproves of anything that's not a question about the Fade. :P

Scarab Sages

He also approves of Magi-supremacy and Elven-supremacy.

He greatly disapproves when you nerve staple, I mean tranquil, the ass from the Recruit the Mages quest. I would assume he would also greatly disagree with the Tevinter guy who led Adamant's tranquility, but I declined to do that again.

Really need a storage box for stuff like crafting supplies. Basic equipment and stuff I want to hang on to for later(Found a sweet bow) is creeping up there.

I find that I outpace the gear I find fairly quickly. Probably because I am over leveling on side quests. I think if I just followed the main storyline the gear would have been more level appropriate.

I also held on to my materials and crafted my epic gear far too late in the game.

MannyGoblin wrote:
Really need a storage box for stuff like crafting supplies. Basic equipment and stuff I want to hang on to for later(Found a sweet bow) is creeping up there.

Depending on what you do, you can get a box, but you wouldn't want to store anything in it.

(Joking aside, the lack of a storage container of some kind is incredibly annoying. Especially when you find nice purple items that you're under-leveled for. Actual Crafting Materials, outside of a few random things needed for Requisitions that end up in your Valuables for some reason, don't count against your inventory, though.)

Sovereign Court

MannyGoblin wrote:
Really need a storage box for stuff like crafting supplies. Basic equipment and stuff I want to hang on to for later(Found a sweet bow) is creeping up there.

Crafting supplies do not take up inventory space.

Found the prison in Skyhold, amazing how much detail was put in.

I also hate the lack of some storage chest like in the previous games.
Even with the perks that enhance carrying capacity your inventory is too small.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know this may sound crazy, and believe me I felt it was weird too the first time I did this.

But just sell everything that you don't have equipped!

If it was good enough to use, you would have equipped it already.

I too am an RPG hoarder, just in case that particular weapon might become useful or important later.

HINT: It never will.

Just let it go. You don't need that old junk no more.

Wait, does that also sell your crafting stuff? Because I still need it for requsitions

Went to the Eupha de lion place that had the Red Lyrium sticking out all over the place(kidnapped villagers) and holy smokes are those templars OP. Killed in one blow.

MannyGoblin wrote:
Went to the Eupha de lion place that had the Red Lyrium sticking out all over the place(kidnapped villagers) and holy smokes are those templars OP. Killed in one blow.

Yes, that area up the hill was way too hard when I first visited it. I think it's meant to be revisited later.

I took on many of the challenges in the "sidequest" missions and areas, and I ended up having too easy of a time during the story missions.

After finishing the game, I'm now playing it a 2nd time on Hard difficulty. Hopefully that will scale up the challenge so that I don't level up too quickly relative to the monsters. Personally, I think Normal mode is for people who want to focus on the main quest; Hard mode is for completionists.

The emprise du lion ? That is a high tier zone and has level 20+ enemies.
Not sure if crafting stuff takes up inventory slots.

Sovereign Court

Crafting stuff does not take up inventory slots. You don't have to sell it. I have like 2000 iron.

I am rather OCD and like running around for lore quests and such

Liberty's Edge

Gave the game another try tonight, made it all the way to In Your Heart Shall Burn...screw this game, I'm done with it. Every moment I feel like I'm fighting the game instead of having fun. Cutscene stutters and heavy CPU use. Being underleveled because I don't want to run meaningless collect ten quests. Running into inventory wall repeatedly because long quests don't have sell merchants in them. Enemies take damage too slowly and even mooks take forever to kill. No regen and no healing and having to rely on whether the designers deign to put in a supply cache. Accidentally aggroing wildlife because of the terrible targeting system. I can't go five minutes without something annoying the crap out of me. If this game were a person I'd just want to punch them in the face.

I'll offer some suggestions for the Heartburn quest.

Barrier is a must for all mages. It gives you temp HP bar
Develop regen potions. Not quite healing potions but it can help
Bottle of Bees is a good lock down weapon

Avoid all horse improvement perks. Antivian clothing gives more inventory. Plus more potion bottles. Avoid getting the bonus herbs. The Arcane/Noble/Underworld perks give bonus xp.

Enemies don't respawn that quick if you stay inzone, so fast travel to Recliffe if in Hinterlands and dump your stuff and then fast-travel to your camps.

For the quest itself, when dealing with the catapults turn the wheel and then go kill the spawns, they won't keep coming until you go back to the wheel(Not sure if this applies to the final wave). When you get down to last bit, have them guard you via the command wheel(Unless they work better at drawing them off)

Worst comes to worst? Just turn down to casual.

Finished Finally..197 hours..that is exploring every region every side quest, ever NPC personal mission, did not get all the mosaics, only complted 1 of 5 sets, was missing 1-2 from the rest and was notg going to waste more time on them. only missed 1 of the bottles. Killed 11 dragons total. Lvl 24. Lvl 18 Perks.

Exhuasted but from an entertainment value perspective 60 bucks wenta long long way..

And without spoiling things, Bioware did a Marvel so sit through the 5 minute long credits for a final surprising cut scene.

I might just save the OCD run for hard difficulty

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Finished Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts and am very pleased to get the Formal Attire light armor. Very effective and snappy! So my inquisitor can look her best while cleaving through nasties.

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