Wizard Reincarnated as Gnoll


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My wizard was killed the other night, in a vain attempt to save the rest of the party. I was playing a very craft-heavy th level human thassilonian transmutation specialist, dedicated to Shelyn. I had even taken the 'Merchant Family' trait.

The party had my character reincarnated, and BOOM! Gnoll.

My initial plan is just to groll with it, and try to explain to the family and temple that I'm the same guy.

However, if I sever my family and religious connections I will likely retrain. I've seriously considered taking a level of ranger, then progressing into Eldritch Knight.

If you had a wizard poof into a Gnoll, what would you do?

Current stats (post reincarnation, no re-training)

STR: 13
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Int: 21
Wis: 7
Cha: 10

- Transmuter of Korada
- Merchant Family
- Inner Beauty
- Clever Wordplay (UMD)

Extra Traits
Skill Focus (Spellcraft)-Focused Study Human
Craft Wondrous Item
Craft Magic Tattoo
Craft Magic Arms & Armor

Get some flea and tick shampoo and immediately start looking for a scroll of polymorph any object.

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Geez there are so many ways to keep this secret, so many items, so many spells. Some with duration limits like spells.

Heck if you made or acquired an item that enhanced disguise and put skill points in that you could do it as well (Eventually. One level of skill points dumped into it would be a good start).

If you are a wizard, face it, this isn't the oddest thing that could happen to you. Unless your family is just really against gnolls for some reason, I don't know why they would totally shun you (even if they did want to keep it on the downlow).

I like your idea about taking a ranger level and going eldritch knight. An ingame event happens, and changes the direction you are taking your character. Seems like a cool thing to me. Personally I wouldn't retrain, I'd just let things flow organically from then on.

And there are a number of ways you can fix this. One is that if and when you get to 15th level you can Polymorph Any Object yourself into... whatever really. If it is ever dispelled you just do it again.

If you are evil you can find a way to use Magic Jar to get yourself a new body. You might have to *cough take care of a loose end, but it is doable.

Yeah, I'd be working on finding a way to return to my original form. Alternatively, if you can sufficiently disguise yourself some people may never know you've changed.

Maybe you can research a spell that will allow you to look exactly like your old self and only your old self, that would last hours per caster level. This should be discussed with your GM. Personally I don't think a person would want to abandon their old identity just because their body has changed. If your character generally liked his life he should be trying to regain/maintain it.

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TBH keep gnolling with it and you'll get the hang of your new character (heh).

Seriously though, family is always family, no matter how you appear. If they cannot accept you, make them.

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I suppose your family would have some difficulty with this transformation, but I don't particularly see the merchant aspect of it causing an issue. If you end up in the environs of Katapesh it could even be quite a boon.

I also don't see any religious conflict. Shelyn is all about what is inside that matters, and your insides haven't changed.

So basically, I don't see what the problem is. If this was my character, I'd celebrate an awesome free bump to STR and CON and go about my business.

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I would celebrate, because the first thing I ask every GM i play under is, "Will gnolls be allowed?"

1) You're a 7th+ level transmuter. Presumably your family knows this. You can transform yourself into a fart. Or a platypus covered in spider legs. You can animate your armpit hair to do chores for you. showing up at family gatherings as a humanoid hyena-monster is frankly one of the LEAST unusual things they could expect from you.

2) Your church probably wouldn't care - in fact very likely there are some helpful people there would would just love to give you grooming advice, designer collars, and know just the fragrance to overcome that... very interesting musk. It's not as if suddenly having a muzzle makes you a worshiper of Lamashtu (though it helps, if you want to convert)

3) Stat-wise, you're set for a wizard and... not much else. Witch, maybe. You'd come out a pretty mediocre ranger, especially given you're dropping the potential to be a furry master of the universe, to being a dog-man who lives in the woods and sings about wearing tights. of course if you want to get in touch with your gnollish side, swapping over to witch might not be a terrible idea. You can even keep your animate armpit hair, with the right hex.

Craft yourself a hat of disguise or add the properties of one to your head item and all is good.

"The shell of flesh doesn't matter, the true self is in the mind. This is what I am now, and this is how I shall be.

Because that's just how I gnoll."

Benjamin Milarch wrote:
If you had a wizard poof into a Gnoll, what would you do?

I actually have had a wizard poof into a gnoll for the exact same reasons.

Treat this as a role-playing opportunity rather than a penalty. Stick with it for a level or two for some potentially memorable and unique role-playing experiences to come. It makes for an interesting story-line if you step back and view it from the outside.

Thanks for all the great advice everyone. Presumably that's why this forum exists, right?

I really like the "context" of being a transmuter that was reincarnated as something else.

@ Dave Justus - Great points on Shelyn. I took that inner beauty trait with exactly your point in mind.

@ Scootalol - Great point on the impact of transformations, and the likelihood my family is familiar with my changes.

On the re-train / PrC: My intent was to possibly dip a level of Ranger to go into EK, but point taken - While I did just boost strength and con, my stats aren't really optimal for any Gish work.

We're playing RotRL, and my character concept was as a curator and dealer of fine art, starting a trade outpost. I suppose being a Gnoll only makes my appeal more 'exotic' for artists and the pursuers of the fine arts.

The biggest downside: I'll need to re-style my smocks and mock turtlenecks...

Scarab Sages

Don't go Eldritch Knight. You'll regret it with those stats. I will say, however, that with a Constitution score that high, if you have a familiar with decent stats (or decide to pick up Improved Familiar), the extra BAB from Eldritch Knight mean that your familiar might actually make a decent combatant. Think about it:

Beast Form, Enlarge Person, Monstrous Physique, et al, all on a tiny companion that gets boosted up to a strength score greater than yours when it polymorphs. :P Then you can just sit back and stick to whatever wizardy things you like to do. Plus, your companion will have decent HP thanks to your 16 Con.

Davor, good call. I've got a Greensting Scorpion valet familiar, but I'm contemplating Improved Familiar for my 7th level feat (should be next session).

Also, based on our previous discussions, I'm strongly considering starting an art gallery named the "Klassy Gnoll". I should take leadership and hire at least 2 gunslingers.

Any other great ideas for a Gnoll-owned art gallery, studio, or temple of Shelyn? None of us is as clever as all of us!

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