Way of the Wicked recruitment


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Liberty's Edge

So any word on when the choice will be made? Just curious is all...

Also curious as to this. :)

Spooky's been missing for a couple of days now. His other campaign is waiting on him to post something as well.

Also, I posted on the run and only just now got a chance to look through the submissions. Just want to say wow, there are a lot of cool characters here. I'm particularly fond of Nemenia and Maena.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop out. Good luck, friends!

Paimon the Fool wrote:

Spooky's been missing for a couple of days now. His other campaign is waiting on him to post something as well.

Also, I posted on the run and only just now got a chance to look through the submissions. Just want to say wow, there are a lot of cool characters here. I'm particularly fond of Nemenia and Maena.

I tend to agree. There's a lot of fun characters involved in this. I personally find Wicked characters to be so much more fun than a party of the Good, so much more varied in motivation and background.

A little antsy about wherever Spooky went, whenever he gets back, it'd be great to know who was picked. Maybe all the good characters has him undecided.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He is "Spooky" and it is Halloween... should we really expect him to be here?

Totally! This is the perfect place to haunt!!!

Grand Lodge

So is this game dead?

I'd say more than likely. If this one is done, I feel for those who submitted to this one and not the other WotW campaign whose recruitment was going on simultaneously.

Well, I'm still around :) if the gm comes back from all his spookiness, I'm ready to roll ;)

Grand Lodge

I'm not quitting yet myself, but I would like to know if this is just a pause for an unexpected situation or a true ending?

Yeah, this kind of extended pause is always troubling. Then again, this time of year can get unexpectedly busy at times.

Well I'm always here if this sparks back to life. On that note, if anyone is willing to start their own WoW campaign I would be happy to stick a submission in it as well. Hope I'm not talking mutiny.

I've given a fair amount of thought to picking this group up if Spooky doesn't return. I'd like to give it a little more time, in case he does return. In a few more days, I'll open my own (much shortened) recruitment thread and we can go from there.

If it does come to that, then I'll be there! (I've been a little obsessed with getting into a WotW campaign lately).

Hopefully Spooky returns and this was just an unexpected hiccup, but I'll be around either way.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Same, this whole setup sounds so much fun, though maybe better run on a forum that doesn't have so many content restrictions to it.

I'll also throw my hat in on that, if it comes to it.

Same here.

It's never a good sign when the GM goes afk on his own recruitment thread :(.

I'd love to toss my helmet in the ring with your recruitment Angelica

Grand Lodge

Im in as well

Liberty's Edge

count me in too, please!

Alexandria Isley wrote:
It's never a good sign when the GM goes afk on his own recruitment thread :(.

Better now than a few days or weeks in... ....which is why I have so many orphaned characters.

(shrug) if it comes to that, might as well count me in too... I also hate orphaned characters.

Angelica Luris wrote:
I've given a fair amount of thought to picking this group up if Spooky doesn't return. I'd like to give it a little more time, in case he does return. In a few more days, I'll open my own (much shortened) recruitment thread and we can go from there.

Count me in as well. Though, that means you'll be in the same situation as Spooky in choosing between all the decent characters. Of course, I'm a newbie to the Paizo forums, I don't even have an avatar yet! So I may just be looked over...

I am in a WotW game. Still in book 1. Act 1. But id like to throw my application in with a completely different concept. :) if that is okay

If Spooky isn't back by Monday, I'll pick a group from the applicants here.

Seth86, if you'd like to submit something, feel free. If Spooky does come back, he probably won't accept it, but I'll take it under consideration.

I'd pick it up sooner, but I'd really like to be respectful of the original GM.

Awesome. Thanks. Will just post crunch for now

That is more than fair... would rather someone pick up the game if Spooky is permanent AFK than watch it go to ash, but I also agree that giving the original GM every chance to run it is both a classy move and the correct one. :)


Female kitsune rogue (kitsune trickster) 1
NE Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite -1 (1d4-1)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Realistic Likeness[ARG]
Traits fraud, trap finder
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +13, Diplomacy +11, Disable Device +6, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +4, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Aklo, Common, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Undercommon
SQ change shape, fast shifter, gregarious
Other Gear Nothing at the moment
Special Abilities
Change Shape (Su) Assume a single human form.
Fast Shifter (Su) Using your racial change shape ability is a move action instead of a standard action
Fraud +2 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class kill for you.
Gregarious (Ex) Successful Diplomacy check causes target to take a –2 penalty vs further CHA skills for 24 hr.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Realistic Likeness Change shape can mimic individuals you've met, gain a +10 bonus to Disguise to impersonate.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Trap Finder Use Disable Device to disarm magic traps, like a rogue.

This is Miko the Fraudster ;)

And if anyone is wondering, will be aiming for Master Spy PRC

Hehe... I'll put up a character for the heck of it. Mayba a diabolist-planned build.

Grand Lodge

Sounds very respectable. I thank you in advance for doing this if it comes down to it.

I'll still be using this character, but if you don't mind, I would like to change his fluff a good deal to give you more of a feel for him.


Still interested. Let's see if Spooky gets back - otherwise, it'd be a pleasure to resubmit Roet, making obviously whatever modifications the new GM requires.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Angelica! Appreciate you stepping in!!

I have several interesting concepts that will work well for this campaign. If still accepting, I will put in an application.

Sure. If you still want to submit, I'll be looking everything over on Monday.

Just popping in to restate my interest, since the GM seems to have changed.


Here is my submission for an Infernal-blooded Sorcerer. Character details can be found in the profile. Have a great weekend all!

Grand Lodge

Can't wait till tomorrow now, still interested with my fire shaman.

Note: Will create a profile if I get in

Yup, still interested. Good luck all!

So I originally made Mori for a custom skinwalker campaign that fell apart, but not that the ACG is actually out and I have more options for him, this seems like a good opportunity to update him. He's ambitious and lacks scruples. I'm just torn between Extortion and Sedition. What's in the profile now is still the old stuff, but if anyone happens to read through his old introduction, the personality of the character hasn't really changed. So, if you think it screams extortion over sedition (the idea being that he'd want more people to be as ambitious as he is in order to facilitate his crime empire) or vice versa, let me know.

Also still interested... luck all!

Very hyped to try this out.

Thanks Angelica, are you going to make a fresh recruitment page?

i still need to type up the background involving extortion, but it's late and i'm exhausted. i'll do it after work tomorrow if you haven't already closed registration by then.

Just reposting Gabriel with the Path of the Devil for Angelica to consider. As posted before was made in a WoTW game that died. Spooky ok'd it. So let me know if the path is ok, but I guess that only matters if I'm selected :) Crunch is in Alias.

Path of the Devil:

The Path of the Fallen
Asmodeus has a special path for those of Angelic blood that turn to him. These few formerly divine become known as the Fallen. Erinyes were the first of the Fallen.

The Believer: The Believer has heard the call of Asmodeus and has embraced his teachings.
Darkvision 30’, Can cast Darkness 3/day. Evil Aura you have an aura as a cleric of an Evil Deity would.

The Deformed: To receive the gifts of the Dark Prince one must also be punished.
Your fingers elongate and your teeth sharpen as your skin hardens. You gain two claw attacks and a bite. You gain +1 Natural Armor. People have a negative reaction to you. Unless disguised people start off as unfriendly toward you.

The Blessed: Your devotion and acts have gained favor of the Dark Price as you continue along the path.
Darkvision Increases to 60”, You Gain DR 5/Magic and receive a +4/+2 to two stats of choice. (these may not be selected again)

The Damned: You have given you Soul over to the Dark Prince. Every move you make is to earn favor, and gain power.
Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire. +4/+2 to two more ability scores.
Smite Good 1/day as a Anti Paladin equal to your HD

The Fallen: Great Reward comes to those that withstand the teachings and lessons of the Dark Prince.
You Gain the rest of the Half Fiend Template: Including, SR equal to CR+11, +4/+2 to final 2 stats, Black Feathery Wings that allow you to Fly at Double your Land Speed with Good Maneuverability. Immunity to Poison, Spell like abilities on chart.


Gabriel was born into a simple home in the heartland of Talingarde. His father a soldier and loyal follower of Saranrae. His mother was a hunter, and supplied the family with supplies from nature. Gabriel grew strong and started to help his mother from a early age. She taught him to hunt prey and to gather food and water from what was around them. She spoke nothing of church or religion. He was taught that daily from his father. He grew to know the sun god, and thanked her, but never gave full devotion as his father had.

The time had come. Gabriel had turned fourteen and was fit and strong enough to serve Talingarde. His father enlisted him. It was a proud moment for the man. Gabriel too was happy. He had not done much to make his father proud. He preferred to be off in the woods playing and learning more of nature instead of drilling with his sword. Two years passed. Gabriel had grown to ba a handsome young man. He proved to be quite strong as well now in his mature body. Though he had no idea what was to happen next.

The morning after his sixteenth birthday he awoke to a quite a surprise. As he put his feet from his bed to the floor a clack was heard instead of the normal thud. As he looked down he saw hooves were his feet were supposed to be. As his eyes came up his leg they two had changed. His legs now looked as if they were of a a goat. Even his skin changed it was now the color of a deep crimson, the color of blood. He did not scream. He was in too much shock. Surely this had to be a dream. He stood, and as he did debris fell from the ceiling. As he looked up more debris fell as his massive horns scratched and tore the thatch roof. Oh my god, what has happened to me. What? What am I? He slumped back down to the bed and wept for a moment not knowing what to do. He softly called for his mother after he gathered himself. She came to the door. Everything alright in there honey?. Gabriel paused a moment. Umm… I don’t know. I think I have a problem. Just listen to my voice mom, you know its me. Is dad here? Maybe you should come in. I don’t what to do. His mother opened the door and as her eyed fell to her son she let out a scream. MONSTER!!!, HELP A MOSTER HAS MY SON!!! Gabriel moved quickly and grabbed his mother. Mom, I don’t know what happened, but its me. I’m Gabriel. A few moments passed. She stared into his eyes and focused on his voice. Gabriel? Can this be? How did this happen? What happened? Oh know it can’t be. Gabriel looked to here inquisitively. What can’t it be? What do you know you’re not telling me? His mother replied. Well son, it seems you have the blood one put into my family’s line. My mother told be of such things when I was a girl. I think she mentioned that my father’s father had made a deal and bedded a devil. He had children with this devil and my father was one of them. I never thought it was true. I thought it was something she made up because he left us before I could remember him. Now given what we are looking at here, well I’m not so sure.

Honey, I’m home. Gabriel and his mother heard the door open and the voice of his father fill the house. Gabriel looked to his mother. What do we do about dad? His mother looked on, but quickly turned he attention to the door. Honey, where are you. You in there? A knock at Gabriel’s door. Honey? His mother paused. Yes dear. Come in, but please be calm. Be calm, what in the devil are you talking about woman? As the door opened his father’s eyes darted to the two sitting on the bed. What in Sarenraes name is going on here? A fiend? Unhand my wife devil. No honey it’s Gabriel, he awoke this way he needs are help. His father paused a moment. What do you mean that’s Gabriel. That is no son of mine. Now step away I will kill this thing. Gabriel’s father drew his blade, he stood staring down the beast that was his son. So devil, what have you done with my son. Tell me and your death will be quick. Instinctively Gabriel gave a small roar showing his toothy maw to the man. I am your son you fool. Dad it’s me. Please don’t do this. A look came over the mans face as if he thought for a moment what he hears was the truth. Even if this is so, you are my son no longer. My name is one of honor and no devil blood will taint it. Now die. The man charged at Gabriel with lethal intent. Gabriel was trained and reacted as such. He managed to deflect the blade using his horns, but not enough. The blow struck true enough, it buried deep into and punctured through Gabriel’s shoulder pinning him to the wall. Mother, help me. Please. He looked to his mother. You will do no such thing woman. Whatever was our son is no more. His mother looked on shocked. She fell to her knees tears streamed from her eyes. Witnessing all he knew turn upside down Gabriel had but one choice, to flee. As his father looked on to his mother still he swiped his head down and then up. His horns opened up a gash along his father’s chest. The man fell backwards in pain. Gabriel then pulled the blade from the wall and ran off into the woods.

Gabriel was fortunate. He had grown up in these woods and spent much of his time here. He had no trouble hiding and eluding any thay may have tried seeking him out. Time passed. Gabriel’s heart started to grow bitter. He had turned to a life of banditry. He would steal from those off to market to trade. He gathered most of what he needed and stole anything else. In this time he fostered his ability to hunt men. Since he was once one he knew them well and knew how the ones that didn’t like the woods acted in them. This made them easy prey for the boy. He soon met others like himself. Living on the run taking what they want or what they need. He was given another home. One made up of misfits and like minded people. Here he thrived. One day the leader was looking for the next big score. Well Gabriel wanted to impress and move up the ranks and he had a plan. His thought was to hit the garrison he was once station at. They had weapons and supplies. In fact his time as a soldier let him know the location of many such garrisons, and how they were manned. He expressed further that their needs as a group were small. They only needed enough armor and weapons for the men they had, but if they could trade with the tribes beyond the watch wall they could become rich. Possessed by greed the leader agreed and the men started hitting garrisons.

The plan was working. They had sacked three garrisons and had plenty of supplies, but both the greed and the want for more took a hold of Gabriel and the leader. It was at the next garrison they were surprised. It seemed news had circulated of their deeds. Her waiting for them was none other than Sir Balin Knight of Alerion. The knight had prepared and ambush and it was executed flawlessly. At the end of the scuffle most of the bandits were dead or ran off. Gabril laid bloody and beaten at Sir Balin’s feet. This devil must have been in charge. Hunt down the rest or what you can find. This one will be taken to Brandiscar to face his punishment. With this Gabriel was shackled and put onto a wagon. He now finds himself on his way to Brandiscar, the famed prison that none have ever escaped. He is to be drawn and quartered for High Treason.

Nah, I'm going to just close registration and give my selections here.

Gabriel, it looks fine.

damn. if i'd gotten off a little earlier.

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