He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

But that is perhaps a little too much. Though I do like the Woodland Stride ability, the ability score boosts are far to much to consider for a PC.
From what I can see its CR is 2, but it possesses 3 Racial Hit Dice (d8 which is not bad) So it could not start before level 4 with class levels right?
I was considering doing a conversion of the Goliath from 3.5 but refluff and retool it. Change its mountain abilities for the woodland stride ability, and make it playable at level one. Reducing the Str boost from +12 to +4 should be something.
My game I would play this in is at level 5, so I could in theory place this race as it is but that +12 Str seems like it might be too much. I mean I know 3 RHD in exchange for the insane str boost is fair but well what do you all think?

Barathos |

"From what I can see its CR is 2, but it possesses 3 Racial Hit Dice (d8 which is not bad) So it could not start before level 4 with class levels right?"
No. Level Adjustment = CR. If you're in a level 5 party of standard races, you would be level 3.
Ask your GM. He is the final authority on whether this is OK.

Barathos |

The racial hitdice doesn't matter. It's the CR that matters. You gain hitdice from class levels on top of your racial hitdice.
So if you're a sasquatch 3rd level barbarian, you'd have 3d12 + 3d8 hd. A 5th level human barbarian would have about the same hp as you.
Also, if I was your GM, I wouldn't let you get "normal" point buy or rolling for stats. I would probably just let you use the basic array.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

Could you just play a Vanara? Then you'd have none of your questions above to worry about.
Sasquatch does not have a tail nor do they have a thin coat of fur. I mean look at where they lived.

Onyxlion |

Having 6 HD at level 5 seems odd to me. But doable.
And yeah I kinda agree with ya, because a +12 is insanely high on Str a +4 on both Dex and Con too. If I rolled or bought anything up to 14 on any of the physical stats would make me very powerful.
A 18 in Str would be a 30... at Start.
That's because it's not built as a PC race. If your DM is letting you go for it but the build probably won't last long. I still suggest my other post.

Onyxlion |

Onyxlion wrote:Could you just play a Vanara? Then you'd have none of your questions above to worry about.Sasquatch does not have a tail nor do they have a thin coat of fur. I mean look at where they lived.
Um whitecap trait, why do you guys make things so hard.

Rynjin |

Those stats are monster stats. A PC race version of the sasquatch would not have those stats, because those are stats after ability adjustments and such.
Given their stat array, their racial boost would probably be to Str/Con, and a penalty to Int.
Build a custom race for them, it shouldn't be too hard.
+2 Str/Con, -2 Int. Gains Woodland Stride and +2 Natural Armor as bonuses, Pungency as a downside. Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, and Scent.
Specialized ability scores (1 RP), +2 Natural Armor (4 RP), Darkvision (2 RP), Low-Light Vision (1 RP), Scent (4 RP). That stuff's easy. Come sout to a 12 RP, reasonable.
Woodland Stride and Pungency are hard to quantify. I'd tack Woodland Stride at 4 RP and Pungency at -1 RP, for a total of 15 RP, or thereabouts.
Maybe slightly more buff than the average race, but reasonable.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

Those stats are monster stats. A PC race version of the sasquatch would not have those stats, because those are stats after ability adjustments and such.
Given their stat array, their racial boost would probably be to Str/Con, and a penalty to Int.
Build a custom race for them, it shouldn't be too hard.
+2 Str/Con, -2 Int. Gains Woodland Stride and +2 Natural Armor as bonuses, Pungency as a downside. Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, and Scent.
Specialized ability scores (1 RP), +2 Natural Armor (4 RP), Darkvision (2 RP), Low-Light Vision (1 RP), Scent (4 RP). That stuff's easy. Come sout to a 12 RP, reasonable.
Woodland Stride and Pungency are hard to quantify. I'd tack Woodland Stride at 4 RP and Pungency at -1 RP, for a total of 15 RP, or thereabouts.
Maybe slightly more buff than the average race, but reasonable.
That is a very well rounded race build, I may use it as a base for the character with a little alteration.
I will point out even monsters must follow the ability adjustment progression of PCs so there is likely only a +1 adjustment from the 3 RHD and it has no gear save for the club and rock as weapons. So those are its base stats, given that it is a 8 foot tall giant ape most of its state as reasonable, the Str is just jacked really high, but compared to humans thats actually reasonable. A RL Chimp is dozens of times stronger then your average human. Even the strongest human on earth RL is far weaker then the average chimp or gorilla.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Little Red Goblin Games has a Sasquatch race available for free on this site.

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Why would you be bitter about Chewbacca?
Also a Bandolier of Quarrels I am not familiar with it
1. Probably because Chewbacca has been killed off in the lore. Although I think i was a very appropriate death.
2. Presumably to complete the wookie bowcaster look. But if you ever bent over, you'd stab yourself multiple times!

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You shouldn't look at monster's statistics for your own PC, instead, like Rynjin suggested, create personal race to balance it out. Monsters often have different attributes then PCs.
That on side, I can't understand why would you wish to play this monster. I don't mean to imply anything negative, but trying to play rare monster race which is shy of the community itself is quite hard for both GM and your party. Most likely, your party members might have 0 reason to tag you along with them, and commoners likewise might have 0 reasons not to shot you down immediately. Sure, some might be understanding, but overall, you are gonna have hard time in socialization unless it's monster populated city. In any case, again, I don't mean to be negative, but I would ask your GM in what kind of setting you are playing first.
Hope it helps,

Westphalian_Musketeer |

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named wrote:Um whitecap trait, why do you guys make things so hard.Onyxlion wrote:Could you just play a Vanara? Then you'd have none of your questions above to worry about.Sasquatch does not have a tail nor do they have a thin coat of fur. I mean look at where they lived.
"Because reading is hard!" to quote one guy that I eventually had to remove from the group.

The Genie |

Personally i would make it a monstrous humanoid (3 rp) and advanced ability scores with the +2 all to physical and +4 to wis but a -2cha. Add slow as a weakness and according to some myths light sensitivity as an additional weakness.
Fits the myths a bit better.
Edit: i would likely also add the 4 rp for a +2str to make a total of +4 str and wis;+2dex and con so wise and strong.

The Laughing Man |

Considering the fluff is that they are a race that has a high sense of honor, are very polite when interacting with new people and so forth. They look like they are dangerous but are clearly intelligent and seemingly have a strong culture and not aggressive unless attacked.
And who would not want to roll with one of them? They look scary as all get out, very strong and durable and can dish out some serious hurt. On top of being a very honorable race who is not likely gonna stab you in the back or eat you I can see it very easily.
Now if you were asking about in town, yeah you would have to keep him on a tight leash so people didn't freak to much and have your Party face paired with him at all times.