Pounce, charge and slow

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

According to this FAQ, you can make your full-round attacks with Pounce even if Slowed.

But Slow says that slowed creatures can only take 1 move or standard action per round (nor both, nor may it take full-round actions) and are staggered. Excuse me if i'm wrong, but isn't Charge a Full-round action?

I'm missing something here? or this FAQ is outdated?

Change can be taken as a standard action, if you are limited to only one action per round.

Silver Crusade

Keep in mind that charges as a standard action can only allow your character to move up to his/her movement speed, instead of twice the movement speed.

I think that FAQ is one of the most illogical FAQs out there. But the rule is the rule, partial charge/pounce are legal.

Volkspanzer wrote:
Keep in mind that charges as a standard action can only allow your character to move up to his/her movement speed, instead of twice the movement speed.

And Slow puts you at half speed as well. So:

  • *Half* of one normal move is the limit
  • Only if *restricted* to the use of a standard action

    Agree with Nicos though

  • There is another problem with this FAQ. According to the description of charge action "nothing can hinder your movement" and slow halves your movement speed quite falling under "hindered movement" umbrella.

    Hmmm... Don't know about that one. By the same logic a character in medium or heavy armor would also be unable to charge.

    Hinder is terrain or something outside you, not your own movement abilities.

    Chess Pwn wrote:
    Hinder is terrain or something outside you, not your own movement abilities.

    I would hardly call slow your own movement ability.

    You could make the argument for Fly not being your own movement ability. Though in that case it specifically allows charge.

    Silver Crusade

    'Hindered movement' refers to difficult terrain.

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